Summary: Nine or so mini love stories taking place in the HP world around Christmas time of Harry's sixth year.

A/N: Did anyone see that movie, Love, Actually? Well, the other night, while I was drifting off to sleep, I got inspired to do a Harry Potter version of it. I don't know if anyone's done this before, but I haven't seen it. So, yeah, I hope I'm not stealing anyone's fic.

For everyone who hasn't seen the movie, the theme's basically about how, despite all the bad things that are going on in the world, it is quite easy to see that LOVE is, ACTUALLY, all around us!

I know, it sounds so corny, but I thought that it would be appropriate in the current climate of the HP world (Voldie's back, war upon them, etc). So yeah, this fic will mostly focus on several mini love stories (I'm thinking nine, like the movie) and very little on the actual war.

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and all related characters belong to J. K. Rowling. Love Actually is written by Richard Curtis (thanks Tiffiany-45!).



I've never considered myself an optimist before. I mean, how could I be? How could anyone be? Dark times are obviously upon us. Lord Voldemort is definitely back and it is only a matter of time before deaths start appearing. Still, no matter how much the present situation may potentially depress me, it needn't be so.

You see, if you were to stumble upon the 'Room of Requirement' at a time when you felt down about all the conflicts in the world, you would find certain things – certain 'relics', if you will – which, I guarantee, would restore your fate in humanity. Now these would not be substantial things (an old diary, a couple of photographs, several holiday correspondents, a number of letters – all of which belonging to current/previous Hogwarts' inhabitants), but they are testaments to the fact that, even in these troubled times, LOVE is ACTUALLY all around us!

A/N: Hey, since there are going to be lots of love stories in this fic, I want to know what pairings you all like. I've got one definitely in mind (it's the GOOD SHIP R/H, people, cause it's my number one pairing), but I'm open to suggestions. Just tell me what you like, ok? Unfortunately, I have to ask that you not nominate any slash or student/teacher or necrophilia pairings, just cause I can't do those. Sorry.