Reviews for Love, Actually
Quirky Del chapter 4 . 7/1/2007
You know I remember reading this ages ago and I loved it then and I still adore it now! I've been so in love with the idea of Remus and Tonks since Order of the Phoenix. I think you've done a perfectly splendid job with them here! : )


Quirky Del chapter 2 . 7/1/2007
I really like this idea so far! And you've got Ron down pat here, lovely job!


ilovekyosohma chapter 6 . 6/14/2007
Charlie and Penelope are Jamie and Aurelia, jumping into the lake after the pages of his book. it'd be hard to miss such an obvious thing. oh, i did notice Luna humming that song, but i decided to not review and say so. i just thought i'd mention that i noticed. i LOVE Love Actually. hope you have another chapter-eventually...
ilovekyosohma chapter 4 . 6/14/2007
charlie is 23-ish in Harry's sixth year, and the Love Actually reference in this chapter is the mention of chocolate biscuits as opposed to regular ones, which is what Natalie says to David. ha! am i right? i'm right, aren't i? hehehe.
12222222334 chapter 5 . 5/18/2006
Come on!

When are you gonna update!

I wanna read the rest!

12222222334 chapter 6 . 4/14/2006

I really like this fanfiction- (Mainly cause I LOVE that movie Love, Actually) I got the quote from the movie- the one aboutthe eels! (I laughed out loud in that part of the movie) Would I be crazy to suggest that the relationship between charlie and penelope is that of colin firth and his non-english speaking complanion? AND would I be INSANE to think that the Lily/James relationship is going the same way as Keria Kinightly and her husband? (In that her husbands best mate is in love with her? James/Lily/Sirius?) I dunno- it was just a inkling I got! I could be wrong!

Well I liked it anyway! Do keep up the good work old boy!

~Searching for my Soul~

PS- Now I too am residant of Australia but- being an English native (When I was 3- but oh well!) - I will tell you that I think your talk is done very well indeed!
cassandrcarol chapter 6 . 1/29/2006
did you know that al rickman is in 'love actually' too? well i for one like the misletoe hanging everywhere lol. please post soon!
Redhead chapter 6 . 12/25/2005
Your story is so good

Please update!

I love all the ships you have in the story

Please update!

This is like the perfect shipping story

Please update!

Oh and one other ship that I love is Dobby/Winky

Please update

I've told all my friends about this story

And if I hadn't said this already Pretty Pretty Pretty please update
esther chapter 6 . 11/2/2005
i soo totally love this story! i love the movie too but this story is so enjoyable. Can't wait for ron and 'mione to finally step (un)willingly under the enchanted 'snogging leaves', hehe...; for tonks and remus' relationship to develop further; for ginny and harry to finally get together! i especially love the connection that u made btw gin and lily, i think it's creative. I don't really know about charlie's and penelope's characters but he hasn't known bout her past relationship with percy, has he? lily/james is my favourite couple from HP ( i know they're dead, but still...) anyway, i think u portray they brilliantly though i don't see why sirius wouldn't talk to lily. I mean the theory that he may be jealous of her closeness with james is possible but i just can't see it in sirius to act that way... I can't wait for ur next update. U will update, won't u? Cheers!
iluvjamesie chapter 6 . 8/31/2005
omg it's absolutely great up till now, i'm hooked! Update soon, and maybe check out my R/Hr fics?
Queen of Duct Tape chapter 6 . 6/16/2005
I've never seen Love, Actually (my father would probably kill me for checking out something that sounds like a chick flick), but I think this fic is hilarious! I'd never heard the Lily/Ginny hair connection before, but it does make quite a bit of sense..
x-moon-beam-x chapter 6 . 5/14/2005
This is so good! I love the film 'Love Actually' I couldn't help smiling with the bit about Charlie and Penelope, because I love Colin Firth and I love the bit in the film when they fall in the lake and they're saying the same sort of things without realising it.

I'm rambling a bit now, so I'm going to stop.

Please update soon!

Erin x
WiDz chapter 6 . 5/14/2005
update soon!
Blurry Dreams chapter 6 . 5/5/2005
Gah. I SO want to see the movie RIGHT now. And I SO want you to update. This is LOVELY and ADORABLE. Love all the pairings... :D
Authera Authoress chapter 1 . 3/21/2005
Holy Moley! Did you notice in the Love Actually movie that the married couple Harry and Karen(played by Alan Rickman and Emma Thompson) were the same actors who played as Snape and Trelawney in the HP series?
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