The Transformers
Episode 105: Prime's Redemption
The next day, once school was out, Daniel took his hover board and decided to visit Tara's house. Maybe he could make her see that the Autobots weren't mankind's enemies. He came to the address that he found in her file and landed. He left his hover board in a grass clearing by the driveway and walked toward the house. He rang the doorbell and waited. A gray-haired man, about as tall as Spike, answered the door. He asked in a half-gruff voice, "What can I do for you, young man?"
"Um, hi," said Daniel nervously. "You must be Harry James. Is Tara home?"
"Fraid not," answered Harry. "She's up in the mountains. She usually goes up there when she wants to be alone."
Daniel looked towards the mountains a short distance away before turning back to Tara's grandfather. "A girl could get hurt mountain-climbing all by herself."
The old man chuckled. "That's what I tell her all the time. But, you see, she got her daddy's stubbornness. When she says she's gonna do something, she's gonna do it."
Daniel nodded. "You don't mind if I go up there and talk to her, do you?"
"Suit yourself," answered Harry. "I don't mind, but she might. Now you be careful. She gets real feisty."
"So I've noticed." Daniel turned to leave then looked over his shoulder, not stopping. "It was nice talking to you, Mr. James."
"Anytime, kid. Anytime."
Tara was carefully stepping down the mountain, ready to go home. As she picked up her bike helmet, she heard a voice ask, "Where'd a Southern gal like you learn to climb mountains?"
Tara quickly turned and saw Daniel sitting on a rock nearby. She frowned and said, "You. Listen, boy, just because I talk slow doesn't mean I'm stupid."
Daniel chuckled to himself and said, "I've been waiting for you for almost an hour."
Tara responded, "Then you shouldn't have come." She then got on her motorcycle and tried to start it up, but to no avail. "What the?"
"Looking for this?" asked Daniel, holding a sparkplug. "Can't go home without it."
Tara looked at Daniel in shock. "How did you know to do that?"
"My dad and grandfather were mechanics. You don't grow up around them without learning something."
Tara took off her helmet and sighed. "Alright, what do you want?"
"I want to know why you hate Optimus Prime so much."
Suddenly infuriated, Tara grabbed Daniel by the shirt and pulled him close to her. "DON'T YOU EVER SAY THAT MURDERER'S NAME IN FRONT OF ME! IS THAT CLEAR?"
"Okay! Okay!" said Daniel frantically. Tara kept her grip on him as she glared at him with an ice-cold stare. When she finally let him go, Daniel asked, "Now, would you please answer my question?"
"He killed my parents. He refused to save them. Is that good enough for you?"
"No, it's not," answered Daniel bravely. "I want you to tell me the whole story in your own words."
"Fine," said Tara angrily. She turned away from him and began. "My parents and I were working the fields of our farm. When all of a sudden, these giant insect-shaped monsters started eating our crops. Shortly after that, . . . the murderer and some of his cronies showed up and started fighting the bugs. We ran inside, trying to stay out of the crossfire. Next thing we know, our house is burning. One of the so-called 'heroes' runs in and picks me up. He then reaches for my parents but then the ceiling collapses, crushing my parents. As the flames rose up, he put his hand in front of his face, as if he could actually feel the heat. He takes me outside, and the fire truck robot puts out the flames. I then started pounding on the murderer's leg, letting him know how much I hate him."
When she was done, Tara turned back to Daniel. "There. Satisfied?"
"Not entirely," answered Daniel. "What do you mean by . . . ?"
Daniel never got to finish his question. Both teenagers heard a monstrous squawk. They looked up and saw Laserbeak flying towards them. He swooped down, picked up both of them, and flew away.
Back at Autobot City, Optimus Prime was talking to a couple of Autobots when Blurr approached. "Pardonme,excuseme,comingthrough! ImportantmessageforPrime! Urgent! MessagefromMegatron! Requesttospeaktoyoualone."
As the Autobot leader went to answer the call, Motormouth asked Spike. "What do you suppose Megatron's up to?"
"I'm not sure," admitted Spike. "But whatever it is, it can't be good."
Optimus entered his quarters and accessed the terminal. As Megatron's image appeared on the screen, Prime asked, "What do you want, Megatron?"
"That all depends on what you decide to do, Prime," answered the Decepticon leader. The monitor's picture then changed to a view of Daniel and Tara bound together with Energon chains. The were on top of a tall, rocky pillar in the desert. "As you can see, we have your friend Spike's boy. But do you recognize the girl? You should. After all, she is the one who accuses you of murder." Megatron laughed as Prime's shoulders slumped. When his laughter died down, Megatron continued. "Directly underneath them is a bomb. You have one Earth hour to make your choice: You can either surrender Autobot City to me and leave the Earth, or you can attempt a foolish rescue. Should you choose the rescue, you will be pitted against three of my finest warriors along the way. And if I know you as well as I should, I am sending you the coordinates. But heed this, Optimus Prime: If any of your Autobot friends interfere, the two fleshlings will not live to see another day. See you soon, Prime." Megatron laughed again as the transmission terminated.
Prime grunted in frustration and slammed his right fist on the panel beside the keyboard. He then hit a button and said, "Autobots, assemble in the meeting room immediately."
Once Optimus had filled everyone in on the situation, Spike said, "You can't fail, Optimus. Megatron's got my boy, not to mention Tara."
"I know, Spike," said Prime. "And if anything were to happen to them, I would never forgive myself."
"Remember, Megatron is using your emotions against you," said Carly. "I know you still blame yourself for what happened to Tara's parents, but believe me, it wasn't your fault."
"I know that," said Optimus. "But Tara doesn't. But you're right, I can't worry about that now. I have to do this." As he transformed to semi-truck mode, he said, "Wish me luck." He then rolled out without another word.
The two captured teenagers were sitting on the pillar, trying to find a way to get free, without much success. They were sweating profusely. Tara said, "Oh, boy, not only is the sun killing us, but we've also got a bomb to worry about."
"Guess our only hope is if Op . . . one of the Autobots saves us," said Daniel. "If Prime is the one to do it, I sure hope his emotions don't get in the way."
"Emotions?" asked Tara skeptically. "They're robots! They can't have emotions!"
"You don't know the Autobots!" Daniel retorted. "I have literally grown up around them all my life! They not only have emotions, they can also think and feel."
"You speak of them as if they're people."
"That's because in many ways, they are!" Daniel then said, "That's your problem Tara: your stubbornness. Your unwillingness to get the facts before you make a judgement. Tara, the Autobots and Decepticons aren't simply programmed to be good and evil. In more ways than one, they're good and evil because they choose to be. In more ways than one, they are just as human as we are. I know this. You don't." Tara was clearly speechless.
Optimus was driving through the desert when he saw a jet fly overhead. Optimus transformed to robot mode and held his gun at the ready. The jet transformed and landed, revealing himself to be Terradive. "Terradive's been looking forward to this. Terradive destroy Optimus Prime!" Terradive then yelled and charged. He punched Optimus clear in the jaw, knocking him down, and causing him to drop his rifle.
Prime sat up and rubbed his jaw. "Ow. You're not big on brains, but you're stronger than any Seeker I've ever fought."
"TERRADIVE NO NEED BRAINS! NEED ONLY MUSCLE!" Terradive then leapt into the air. The Autobot leader quickly leapt to his feet and hit Terradive with a hard uppercut just as he was nearing the ground. Terradive then sat up and fired his weapon. Prime was barely able to roll onto the ground, out of harm's way. He then got to one knee, grabbing his gun as he did so. He then fired, pumping three rounds into Terradive's chest and knocking him down. But the Decepticon jet wasn't through yet. He transformed to jet mode and took off, firing away. Optimus transformed to his vehicle mode and swerved, dodging the shots. He then opened up the back of his trailer and Roller, the scout car, rolled to the doorway. Roller fired his weapons, shooting Terradive out of the sky. Once Terradive crashed, Optimus transformed back to robot mode and went to check on him. He was down. Seriously wounded, but alive. Optimus nodded in satisfaction before transforming and moving on.
Prime had been rolling along for less than ten minutes when he saw Sixshot, in rocket car mode, rolling towards him. Optimus was suddenly under fire, but being in his vehicle form minimized the damage. However, he knew he couldn't just take it. He fought back with the weapons installed in his vehicular form. As they continued charging each other and firing, Sixshot said, "I've been waiting a long time for this, Prime!" Neither Transformer held back. Finally, they crashed, rolling over onto their sides. While Optimus transformed to robot mode and tried to sit up, Sixshot transformed to winged wolf mode and pounced on him. The Autobot leader tried to fight back but it was no use.
Holding the wolf's paws, Optimus knew he had to get free. He said, "I think it's time you saw the light," as he fired his eyebeams, finally knocking the six-changer off.
Sixshot transformed to gun mode and fired, saying, "I would never switch sides!" Optimus was able to dodge the shot and fired his rifle, causing Sixshot to transform to tank mode. He fired on Prime, but Prime leapt into the air and produced his energy axe. As he landed, he cut off the barrels of the tanks weapons. Then, using his tremendous strength, Optimus managed to pick Sixshot up and throw him at least fifteen yards away. Once he landed, Sixshot transformed to jet mode and took off. With his primary weapons disabled, Sixshot launched two missles. Optimus countered by firing his weapon and destroying them both. His trailer then appeared from subspace in battle-station mode. It fired, sending the jet hurtling down.
As he fell, Sixshot transformed to robot mode and landed on his feet. He then said, "Fine, I'll just crush you with my bare hands!"
As Sixshot charged him, Prime mumbled, "Where have I heard that before." He then fired his rifle, pumping round after round into the deadly six-changer. Finally, he fell. Optimus shook his head as he looked at the fallen Decepticon. "Sorry, Sixshot. I don't have time to tussle." As he transformed back to semi-truck mode and rolled off, he thought to himself, 'I sure hope my damages aren't too much for my automatic repair systems. I've still got one Decepticon to stop before I can hope to rescue Daniel and Tara.'
Ratbat had recorded both ordeals. From their new moon base, Megatron, Soundwave and a few gathered others were watching on the monitor. Cyclonus said, "He's already beaten two of our finest, sir. What now?"
"We wait, Cyclonus," said Megatron. "Prime's biggest challenge is up ahead." He smiled cruelly as he added, "And I do mean 'big.' However, in case Optimus does somehow survive his next challenge, I shall be heading to Earth to finish him off personally." He then exited the moon base, and took off for Earth.
As he was rolling along, Optimus could see the pillar where Daniel and Tara were being held in the distance. From the pillar, the two teens could see him approaching. Tara said, "There he is. Looks like we're gonna be saved."
"Somehow," said Daniel, "I don't think it's going to be that easy." Daniel was proven right as six robots walked out from some rock faces behind the pillar. They had been crouched down there, out of sight the whole time. "Oh no," said Daniel. "The Constructicons! I didn't even see them!"
"Looks like your so-called 'friend' is outnumbered," said Tara, with a hint of nervousness.
"You have no idea," said Daniel. Somehow, he just knew what was coming next.
As Optimus approached, he saw the Constructicons step out of their hiding places. He immediately stopped and transformed. "So, Megatron broke his word," said Prime with a sense of dread. The truth was, he knew quite well that wasn't the case.
"Ha!" said Scrapper. "Noble Megatron never breaks his word! Constructicons transform! Phase one!" Once the six Constucticons transformed to their vehicle modes, Scrapper commanded, "Transform! Phase two!" With that, they merged into a giant warrior.
The two teenagers saw this. Tara's jaw dropped as she watched. "Oh my gosh. What is that thing?"
"Devastator," said Daniel grimly.
"How's Optimus supposed to stop that?" asked Tara, using Prime's name for the first time. But Daniel was so worried about the slaughter he feared was coming that he didn't notice.
Instead, he simply said, "I don't know."
Devastator laughed and said, "You were saying, Optimus?" He then picked up his leg and tried to stomp the Autobot leader into the ground. However, Prime was able to leap out of the way. He fired his rifle, even though he knew it was no good. The shot simply hit Devastator, doing no damage. He laughed again and said, "Nothing defeats Devastator! Not even the great Optimus Prime!"
Devastator fired his gun, but Optimus transformed, minus his trailer and rolled between his legs. For all he was worth, he was simply no match for Devastator. He sped as fast as he could toward the pillar. He had an idea.
Seeing Prime and Devastator heading towards them, Tara asked, "What's he doing?"
Daniel was about to say he didn't know, when it occurred to him. "The bomb!" Optimus transformed to robot mode. He and the two teens were now face-to-face. With under two minutes left on the countdown timer, Prime grabbed the bomb with his left hand and the teens with his right hand. As he set Daniel and Tara on the ground, he absorbed the Energon, freeing them. However, Devastator was inching ever closer.
"Run!" ordered Prime as he put the bomb into the barrel of his gun. Daniel and Tara ran behind the farthest rock face from the pillar.
Devastator picked Optimus up and held him up so that they were face-to-face. Devastator laughed and said, "Farewell, Optimus." He was about to fire his eyebeams when Optimus fired the bomb into Devastator's face. The explosion caused Devastator to scream as he was split into the six Constructicons that composed him. Daniel shielded Tara with his body. But the rock face they were hiding behind started to crumble, burying them both. The Constructicons and Optimus Prime all fell to the ground, heavily damaged by the explosion.
Once the explosion died down, Tara managed to get out from under Daniel and the rocks. She looked at the carnage all around, including the fallen Constructicons and Optimus Prime. She realized that the one whom she had accused of murdering her parents had risked his very existence to save her and Daniel. "Daniel!" she realized as she looked at the unconscious boy. She checked for a pulse and was relieved when she found one. Then she saw a shadow on the ground. She looked up and noticed that a figure was descending. She looked around, looking for anything to use. It was then that she eyed Optimus' fallen rifle.
Once the dust settled, Optimus' optics powered up. However, the sight before him was a dreadful one: It was Megatron, an evil smile on his face and his fusion cannon pointed at him, ready to finish him off. "I must congratulate you, Optimus. You're still the same Autobot I knew: noble, compassionate, always willing to sacrifice yourself for what you believe to be the 'greater good.' That was your downfall once before, so it shall be again. It's over, Prime."
Megatron was ready to fire when a voice yelled, "Hey, tin-man!" He turned and saw Tara holding the barrel and trigger of his mortal enemy's weapon. "Think it over!" She then fired, damaging his right arm and knocking off his fusion cannon. As Megatron cried out in pain, Tara fired again, landing two straight rounds into his chest and knocking him down.
Prime slowly got up and walked over to Tara, picking up his rifle. He saw Daniel on the ground and said, "Daniel! Is he . . .?"
"He's fine," reassured Tara. "He's just unconscious."
Optimus nodded as Tara went to pick him up. He then walked to Megatron, who had managed to get to his knees, clutching his damaged arm. Prime then hit him in the head with the butt of his rifle, knocking him out. "Another time, Megatron." Optimus then attempted to transform. Because of his damages, it took some effort, but he was able to do it. He opened the back of his trailer and said, "Get in. We need to get Daniel some medical attention." Tara nodded as she balanced Daniel on her shoulder. Once they were inside, Tara laid Daniel down and sat next to him. The trailer closed automatically and Optimus rode away.
That evening, Optimus, Daniel, and Tara were at Tara's house. Daniel's head was bandaged, but otherwise, he looked unhurt. Tara asked, "How're you feeling?"
"I'm gonna feel some painful bruises in the morning, but I'll be fine. Also, Mom and Dad are gonna take me to get check-ups for the next few days, just in case."
Tara nodded. She then turned to Optimus Prime. She said, "Prime, I'm sorry for accusing you of killing my parents. Like my grandpa says, I'm as stubborn as my dad. Next time, I'll try to keep an open mind before I pass judgement."
Prime nodded and said, "Apology accepted. And to tell you the truth, I feel a lot better about it now. I feel as if, as you humans say, a weight's been lifted off my shoulders."
Tara smiled and said, "Glad to hear it."
Daniel then scratched the back of his head and asked nervously, "Uh, Tara . . . do you think, um. . . maybe this weekend, we could . . . um, go . . . climbing together? That is, uh, . . . if you want to?"
The Southern girl was surprised that he asked. She looked to Harry, who had been sitting on the front porch rocking chair drinking beer and listening to the conversation. He nodded. She smiled and turned back to Daniel. "Sure. That'd be great."
Daniel smiled, held her hand and said, "Thanks." Tara blushed at this. Optimus chuckled to himself as he transformed. This reminded him a lot of when Spike and Carly had first met. As Daniel walked toward the open cab, he kept looking at Tara and holding her hand. He held on until the distance between them forced them to let go. Daniel got in, belted up, and just stared out at the road as Optimus rode back towards Autobot City. Tara just watched and waved until they were out of sight.
The End