Date: 13-06-03 15.40.12

From: Jack O'Neill [email protected]

Subject: How's it going?

To: Samantha Carter [email protected]

Tsk! It is now nearly 14.00 and I am yet to receive your list. What happened to you getting things done on time?

How's Daniel? Bruised I hope...

I'm feeling a little bored (my house is completely stocked up with food so I haven't got anything to do and there is nothing on T.V) Usually at this time I'd be checking up on you :D or we'd be looking at those lovely trees by now.

If you get chance, come online... I don't care what Daniel says, come online. I'll stay on while I watch TV so I'll catch you eventually!



Chat Log Date: 13-06-03 16.21.19

Simpson's Marathon!: [email protected]

Time wasting: [email protected]

Time wasting: Hello

Simpson's Marathon!: Hey T! Long time no see

Time wasting: Indeed

Simpson's Marathon!: What are you doing?

Time wasting: Writing to you

Simpson's Marathon!: writing?

Time wasting: Yes

Simpson's Marathon!: Oh! Never mind, I get ya

Time wasting: I have heard you will be returning tomorrow

Simpson's Marathon!: Yes that's correct

Time wasting: I have also heard you are bored

Simpson's Marathon!: Did Sam get her email?

Time wasting: Not that I am aware

Simpson's Marathon!: Oh.... So where are you?

Time wasting: I am in Dr. Jackson's office

Simpson's Marathon!: Oh right, why?

Time wasting: Because he is looking for me

Simpson's Marathon!: Oh?

Time wasting: I wish to avoid him

Simpson's Marathon!: T, I wouldn't think the best place for you to hide from Daniel is his office!

Time wasting: If you were searching for me would you check in your office?

Simpson's Marathon!: No.... But I will now.

Time wasting: Then it is good I do not hide from you often

Simpson's Marathon!: You hide?

Time wasting: When necessary.

Simpson's Marathon!: lol, ok.

Time wasting: I am going now O'Neill

Simpson's Marathon!: ok, good luck with the hiding T

Time wasting Thank you.

Simpson's Marathon!: Bye

Time wasting: Good Bye


Chat Log Date: 13-06-03 17.50.43

Können Sie dies lesen?: [email protected]

Simpson's Marathon!: [email protected]

Können Sie dies lesen?: Jack?

Simpson's Marathon!: Daniel?

Können Sie dies lesen?: Yes?

Simpson's Marathon!: I could just go for one of them right now.

Können Sie dies lesen?: Err... what?

Simpson's Marathon!: A Jack Daniel

Können Sie dies lesen?: Oh haha

Simpson's Marathon!: Come on Daniel liven up a bit.

Können Sie dies lesen?: Sorry I'm very tired

Simpson's Marathon!: Shouldn't you get some rest then? I want you 100% for tomorrow

Können Sie dies lesen?: Why? we will only be on Base.

Simpson's Marathon!: Yes but I still don't want a moody Daniel

Können Sie dies lesen?: Fine, I have to finish some work but I'll get an early night.

Simpson's Marathon!: Good, make sure you do

Können Sie dies lesen?: Bye

Simpson's Marathon!: Wait? Why are you going?

Können Sie dies lesen?: I have work to do

Simpson's Marathon!: Then why did you come online?

Können Sie dies lesen?: I was checking to see if I had any mail

Simpson's Marathon!: ok, I'll let you go.

Können Sie dies lesen?: Oh, thank you so much.

Simpson's Marathon!: Daniel?

Können Sie dies lesen?: Yes?

Simpson's Marathon!: PLEASE! get some sleep, I feel great sympathy for those in close contact with you

Können Sie dies lesen?: Bye Jack

Simpson's Marathon!: Bye!


Chat Log Date: 13-06-03 17.11.32

Shoot the Archaeologist: [email protected]

Simpson's Marathon!: [email protected]

Shoot the Archaeologist: Sir?

Simpson's Marathon!: Hey!

Shoot the Archaeologist: Hi, I've just been looking at your email.

Simpson's Marathon!: Oh really? have anything for me?

Shoot the Archaeologist: I have been very busy

Simpson's Marathon!: Tsk

Shoot the Archaeologist: You never said there was a time limit

Simpson's Marathon!: Damn! you're right

Shoot the Archaeologist: :P

Simpson's Marathon!: How about you come up with some now?

Shoot the Archaeologist: Now?

Simpson's Marathon!: Yes, now.

Shoot the Archaeologist: Um I don't know

Simpson's Marathon!: It's not that hard, 10 things you like about the base?

Shoot the Archaeologist: I still can't see why you would want to know that.

Simpson's Marathon!: You're avoiding now.

Shoot the Archaeologist: If it's so easy you go first!

Simpson's Marathon!: Ok Hmmmn....

Shoot the Archaeologist: I'm waiting...

Simpson's Marathon!: Oi!... 1. My office

Shoot the Archaeologist: lol ok, can my number one be my lab?

Simpson's Marathon!: If you like... 2. the cake!

Shoot the Archaeologist: :D 2. the Jell-O!

Simpson's Marathon!: Hey, stop copying!

Shoot the Archaeologist: I'm not, Jell-O is completely different from cake.

Simpson's Marathon!: Hmmmn 3. the chairs!

Shoot the Archaeologist: Why?

Simpson's Marathon!: They spin!

Shoot the Archaeologist: Ok.

Simpson's Marathon!: Ah I knew you wouldn't be able to think of one from that!

Shoot the Archaeologist: No I can't. How about the people?

Simpson's Marathon!: That's not really about the base.

Shoot the Archaeologist: They're in it

Simpson's Marathon!: Ok fine. 4. The walls are that lovely green colour

Shoot the Archaeologist: lol, 4. My laptop

Simpson's Marathon!: You're pushing your luck now.

Shoot the Archaeologist: :D

Simpson's Marathon!: 5. The doohickys in your lab

Shoot the Archaeologist: Oh! 5. The Doohickys in my lab!

Simpson's Marathon!: :/ stop it!

Shoot the Archaeologist: Stop what?

Simpson's Marathon!: You know perfectly well what it is you should be stopping.

Shoot the Archaeologist: lol... 6?

Simpson's Marathon!: erm 6. Daniels office - Daniel is usually located there

Shoot the Archaeologist: ;) 6. Daniel

Simpson's Marathon!: Hey! You can't do that, besides you already chose the people.

Shoot the Archaeologist: Well, I meant the people in general are nice. This is Daniel specifically.

Simpson's Marathon!: You're trending a very fine line Major

Shoot the Archaeologist: :) 7?

Simpson's Marathon!: 7. It's underground so none of those pesky windows

Shoot the Archaeologist: lol!

:Simpson's Marathon!: :D 7?

Shoot the Archaeologist: Err... well I had Daniel, Can I pick you?

Simpson's Marathon!: ;) I'll let you have that one.

Shoot the Archaeologist: I thought you would... 8?

Simpson's Marathon!: erm... It's easy to lose people in.

Shoot the Archaeologist: :) can I have that one too?

Simpson's Marathon!: ... Do you lose people in it often?

Shoot the Archaeologist: Constantly

Simpson's Marathon!: lol, I'll let you have it then.

Shoot the Archaeologist: 9?

Simpson's Marathon!: Err, this is getting hard now

Shoot the Archaeologist: You wanted to do it.

Simpson's Marathon!: Yes, so let's carry on.

Shoot the Archaeologist: Go on then, 9?

Simpson's Marathon!: :D You!

Shoot the Archaeologist: Hey!

Simpson's Marathon!: What? if you can have Daniel, and me I can pick you!

Shoot the Archaeologist: :/ fine

Simpson's Marathon!: Haha I love being right!

Shoot the Archaeologist: Well it doesn't happen very often

Simpson's Marathon!: Because I'm such a lovely person I'll let that one slide.

Shoot the Archaeologist: Lovely...

Simpson's Marathon!: :D! Your turn

Shoot the Archaeologist: Err... I don't know

Simpson's Marathon!: Come on Carter it's not that hard

Shoot the Archaeologist: it's not hard now it's my turn!

Simpson's Marathon!: Exactly! 9?

Shoot the Archaeologist: The big round thing we shouldn't really mention on this.

Simpson's Marathon!: Hahahaha! I'll let you keep that one!

Shoot the Archaeologist: :P 10?

Simpson's Marathon!: Last one! The paperwork!

Shoot the Archaeologist: No! You hate that!

Simpson's Marathon!: :D True, The elevators

Shoot the Archaeologist: No! They scare you!

Simpson's Marathon!: They do not!

Shoot the Archaeologist: Yes they do.

Simpson's Marathon!: They don't. Irritate me - yes, Scare me - no

Shoot the Archaeologist: How can you love them when they irritate you?

Simpson's Marathon!: What about Daniel?

Shoot the Archaeologist: Damn!

Simpson's Marathon!: *Dancing* I'm right, Again!

Shoot the Archaeologist: :/

Simpson's Marathon!: Your turn!

Shoot the Archaeologist: 10... The infirmary

Simpson's Marathon!: You can't love the infirmary!

Shoot the Archaeologist: Janet likes me...

Simpson's Marathon!: Hmmmn

Shoot the Archaeologist: ;) I get a pat on the head and candy

Simpson's Marathon!: :P and I get the needles, It's not fair!

Shoot the Archaeologist: Janet said you deserve it for being a pain in the ass

Simpson's Marathon!: Thanks Carter!

Shoot the Archaeologist: I'm only repeating what she told me.

Simpson's Marathon!: Right, so you don't believe it?

Shoot the Archaeologist: Err.... Janet is a very convincing woman

Simpson's Marathon!: Alright, I'll let you off.

Shoot the Archaeologist: You seem to be doing that a lot

Simpson's Marathon!: That's because I'm such a nice guy

Shoot the Archaeologist: Oh I know

Simpson's Marathon!: :P So what's with your name?

Shoot the Archaeologist: What's wrong with Sam?

Simpson's Marathon!: (A lot of things) You know what I mean

Shoot the Archaeologist: :P Shoot the archaeologist?

Simpson's Marathon!: Yes

Shoot the Archaeologist: Daniel is being a pain

Simpson's Marathon!: I told him to get some sleep

Shoot the Archaeologist: Good, hope he does, He has been in a mood all day.

Simpson's Marathon!: I feel sorry for you.

Shoot the Archaeologist: :)

Simpson's Marathon!: Where are you?

Shoot the Archaeologist: At home

Simpson's Marathon!: Really?

Shoot the Archaeologist: Yes. I thought I'd go home early and relax

Simpson's Marathon!: No work left to do?

Shoot the Archaeologist: lol, no

Simpson's Marathon!: So what are you doing besides talking to me?

Shoot the Archaeologist: Nothing, just watching a bit of TV. I don't get to watch it much.

Simpson's Marathon!: What are you watching?

Shoot the Archaeologist: Why?

Simpson's Marathon!: Not sure....

Shoot the Archaeologist: lol, Just a science programme on a discovery channel

Simpson's Marathon!: Science break-through weekend?

Shoot the Archaeologist: Wow good guess

Simpson's Marathon!: :D that's what I'm watching now

Shoot the Archaeologist: You're watching it?

Simpson's Marathon!: It's better than commercials

Shoot the Archaeologist: True, So what are you watching

Simpson's Marathon!: A show called 'Big Bass'

Shoot the Archaeologist: lol, fishing program?

Simpson's Marathon!: :P Yes

Shoot the Archaeologist: Sounds interesting

Simpson's Marathon!: Oh it is.

Shoot the Archaeologist: lol

Simpson's Marathon!: I'm not paying much attention to it though, I'm to busy talking to you

Shoot the Archaeologist: :) I'm flattered

Simpson's Marathon!: :)

Shoot the Archaeologist: I'm quite tired *yawn*

Simpson's Marathon!: Yeah me too, Make sure you get an early night.

Shoot the Archaeologist: Would now be too early?

Simpson's Marathon!: lol - yes

Shoot the Archaeologist: :) ok

Simpson's Marathon!: You eaten yet?

Shoot the Archaeologist: I picked up a something on the way home.

Simpson's Marathon!: Oh right, no home cooking then?

Shoot the Archaeologist: Not unless I want to be ill tomorrow

Simpson's Marathon!: :D never mind then

Shoot the Archaeologist: Has your show started yet?

Simpson's Marathon!: Yes, some one is measuring a fish.

Shoot the Archaeologist: ...ok

Simpson's Marathon!: :P Big fish!

Shoot the Archaeologist: Oh right.

Simpson's Marathon!: Ever wonder if aliens go fishing?

Shoot the Archaeologist: Where did that come from?

Simpson's Marathon!: There is a small man fishing, he looks very... alien-esc

Shoot the Archaeologist: lol

Simpson's Marathon!: I'm serious!

Shoot the Archaeologist: I believe you.

Simpson's Marathon!: :D

Shoot the Archaeologist: I think I may go to bed.

Simpson's Marathon!: It's not even 17.30!

Shoot the Archaeologist: I know, I'm tired!

Simpson's Marathon!: Ok, I'll see you tomorrow, have a nice sleep.

Shoot the Archaeologist: Thank you, you too.

Simpson's Marathon!: Bye!

Shoot the Archaeologist: Bye and goodnight.

Simpson's Marathon!: :)



Date: 13-06-03 22.34.22

From: Jack O'Neill [email protected]

Subject: Night!

To: Daniel Jackson [email protected]

Hey Daniel,

Thought I'd give you a quick email before I go to bed. I hope you took my advice and are asleep now. I will give you no sympathy tomorrow if you are tired and cranky!

See you tomorrow,



Date: 13-06-03 22.35.32

From: Jack O'Neill [email protected]

Subject: Night!

To: T Murry [email protected]

Hey T,

Will see you tomorrow, Hope the Hiding went well ;)



Date: 13-06-03 22.37.32

From: Jack O'Neill [email protected]

Subject: Night!

To: Samantha Carter [email protected]

Hey Carter,

I'm going to sleep now so I will see you tomorrow,

Hope you have a goodnight's sleep.


P.S Don't let the bed bug's bite!


Notes: There may or may not be a sequel, Like with the Bed Ridden series it all depends on whether or not you readers think it should be continued. :)

Feedback is to writer as Dog is to man.

Also for Jamei "Ja. Ich spreche ein kleines Deutsch."

lol and they say I don't care :P
