Caribbean Crusades

Chapter 1


Reposting again, because the story got deleted, because someone reported it to, saying that I'd copied it off someone. I was so bloody mad, because IS MY OWN WORK and I worked hard on it. And I tell you that if I ever find out who did that, I'm hiring a hit man… I wasn't going to post it again, but I decided that those who did read it and enjoyed it deserved to read the ending.

Just to let you guys know, I'm reposting all these first chapters, adding in bits and pieces, and rewriting some of Sam's lines and things because I've had comments that Sam talks too modern for her time. If you've already read these chapters, I suggest that you read them again, because quite a lot of things will be changed.

Hi peoples…I have decided to jump on the bandwagon and write a POTC story. I don't really know what to say about the story, except to READ IT. Heh heh. I hope you have as much fun reading it as I did writing it.

One more thing…ORLANDO BLOOM IS IN MY COUNTRY AT THE MOMENT!!! He's here for the LOTR premiere in Wellington. (I'm from New Zealand if you haven't guessed yet). Yes, I'm the crazy Orlando fan who writes stories mainly about Jack Sparrow…

I'm gonna stop blabbing now and you can read the story.


"Will!" I yelled as I opened the door to the blacksmiths, where I knew he'd be. He hardly ever leaves the damn place.

I spotted him over by the fire, heating something in the hot coals.

"Will, it's time for my lesson!" I yelled. I was always excited when it came to sword fighting. My parents forbade it, but I still have been learning off Will for the past 3 years. He even made me my own sword, which I keep at the blacksmiths, so my parents don't find it.

I hate all that girly stuff that they make me do. Honestly, what use do I have with dresses and decorum and formal dinners? I would rather spend my time on the beach, better still, at sea. I've always been fascinated by the sea and…don't tell my parents…pirates. I get so annoyed with them, because I am 21 now, and I should be able to do what I want.

"Just let me finish what I'm doing, Sam." Will said, "I'll be ready in a second."

I took the time to wander around the workshop. Brown was sleeping, as usual. I swear, he must come to work just to get drunk and sleep. Goodness knows what his wife thinks of it, if she knows. I looked around at Will's swords. They were all perfectly balanced and exquisitely made.

I fetched my sword off the hook on the wall and unsheathed it. Will had recently sharpened it, and it was ready to use.

I pulled it back in an attacking stance.

"En guarde!" I said to my imaginary opponent. I thrust the sword forward and practised parrying and defensive blows.

I didn't realise that Will was watching me until I stopped to catch my breath.

"Your footwork's improved, but you need to shorten your swing. Wide swings and showy moves take up too much time and effort."

I nodded and performed the exercise again, as Will had instructed as he watched carefully.

"Very good." He said, picking up his sword. "Now, how about a little one-on-one?"

We fought until we could fight no more.

"You've definitely improved" Will said.

"Thanks" I said. I looked out the window and I saw the sun setting over the water. "I must be getting home now. Bye, Will!"

I ran home, cutting through yards on the way, until I reached our big whitewashed house. My father is involved in politics and we're one of the richest families in Port Royale.

I opened the front door quietly and slipped inside, tip-toeing towards the stairs.

"Hold it there, Samantha." My mother's stern voice said.

I cringed and froze just as she said.

"Don't be silly. Honestly, I should think that you were still a child the way you behave sometimes, Samantha. Turn around and look at me."

I did as she said.

"Where have you been?"


"Why are you so grubby?"

I looked myself over in mock surprise.

"I am?"

My mother sighed, probably sick of my antics.

"Go upstairs and bathe, and change out of those ridiculous clothes."

I stomped up the stairs, wishing that I were somewhere else…anywhere but here.

In the bathroom, the bath was already filled with hot water, so I stripped off and started washing myself.

Marianna, our maid, brought in a clean change of clothes for me halfway through my bath. Ugh, must have been my mother's choice. It was a pink dress. Honestly, you'd think she would've gotten a clue years ago. I'm not six!

"Your mother said that you have to dress up nicely today because you will be having guests for dinner." Marianna explained.

I grimaced. "If I have to. But do you think you could find a better dress for me…preferably something not pink."

Marianna smiled. She knew how much I hated dressing up. She went out and fetched me a plainer dress in a dark blue colour. Much better.

I dressed and let Marianna pin my hair up elegantly before making my way back downstairs.

Mother looked me over and smiled. "There, now you look like a lady."

I slouched down on the chair. "Lady…idiot…same thing." I muttered under my breath. Fortunately mother didn't hear.

The doorbell rang and the butler headed for the door.

"Stand up, Samantha." Mother said under her breath. "Shoulders back, backside in, stomach in, head erect." She chanted, the same as so many times before.

The butler led our company into the lounge. It was one of my father's politician friends, James Kingley, accompanied by his wife and son, Henry. My parents had been dropping hints over the past few months that I should perhaps consider marriage to a fine young man. They'd been dropping Henry's name into conversation a lot, so I assumed that this dinner was not just planned for a friendly get-together. I could tell that this was going to be a very long night.

As I predicted, the night was very boring and passed very slowly. I was under constant scrutiny by both my parents and Henry's parents. Probably seeing if I'd make a good wife for their precious son. To tell you the truth, I think Henry is the most boring person I know. I've known him for most of my life, and he never does much more than eat and sleep.

I was very grateful by the time the company left and I could get out of this wretched dress and into something more comfortable. My legs were covered in red marks where I'd pinched myself continuously in an effort to avoid falling asleep in my dinner. Grateful that the evening had ended, I went to bed and dreamed of a life more exciting.

The next day, I made my way down the docks, which was my favourite place in the whole of Port Royale. I loved to sit on the bridge and watch the boats come in. It was pretty quiet today though, most likely cause it was Norrington's ceremony. Commodore Norrington, he was to be. Ugh, as if he isn't already up himself as it is. I was supposed to go to the ceremony, but managed to convince my parents that it would still be the same, whether I was there or not. Begrudgingly, they granted me permission to spend the day down by the docks. So, here I am, back in my favourite clothes, barefoot, sitting in my favourite spot on the side of the bridge, swinging my feet about in the air. This was my favourite place to go and I couldn't tell you of anything else that made me feel more free.

I watched the children fishing off the edge of the dock. I loved watching them fish, they'd get so excited when they caught something. It brought back memories of my own childhood, I used to fish with my friends everyday. We'd since grown out of that, and moved on to more important things. I missed it though.

My attention, however, was taken off the children fishing when I saw the strangest sight I'd seen in a long time. A strange-looking man riding into the dock, standing on the mast of his boat. Now that wouldn't be so strange if his boat hadn't been sinking at the same time. He got to the dock just in time and he calmly stepped off and sauntered up the dock, where he was stopped by the harbormaster.

I was fascinated by this man. I swiveled around and jumped off the ledge, back onto the bridge and picked up my boots, deciding that I was going to find out who he was.

I ran barefoot down to the harbormaster when the man had gone. "Who was that?" I asked.


I rolled my eyes. Who else? "The funny-looking guy with the dark hair. That's his boat." I said, pointing at the mast sticking out of the water.

"Oh." The harbormaster said. "He didn't give his name."

Hmmm, that makes things even more interesting. "Thank you." I said, and I ran off up the beach where Mr Nobody went.

I spied him watching the two idiots guarding the restricted dock from behind a tree. Murtogg and Mullroy. They always make me laugh.

I walked up to him quietly and stood beside him, waiting for him to notice me. It's a little thing I like doing. It's fun shocking people.

"Whatcha lookin' at?" I asked.

I was disappointed. He didn't even jump. He just turned around and grinned at me.

"Well, hello, luv." He greeted. "And who might you be?"

"Samantha. But please call me Sam. Pleased to meet you." I said, holding out my hand for him to shake, but instead he picked it up and kissed it.

"So gentlemanly of you. Now I believe you owe me your name."

He took off his hat and held it to his chest as he did a fancy bow. "The name's Jack. Captain Jack Sparrow."

"Captain Jack Sparrow? The Captain Jack Sparrow."

"In the flesh, luv."

"You'd better watch your back. Damn Norrington's got this thing against pirates, and he's going to be extra stuck-up and on the prowl now that he's been promoted to Commodore."

"Thanks for the warnin', luv. Now if you'll excuse me." He swayed off down the dock and I could see him mocking the two idiots down there. Heh heh, they deserve it.

Jack sneaked on the boat after he got the two arguing between themselves, and was standing at the wheel, pretending to steer the thing.

The two bozos finally figured out that he'd tricked them, and they rushed onto the boat to confront him. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but I could see Jack waving his hands around a lot. All the stories I'd heard about him made him seem like this brilliant, deadly pirate, but here, in the flesh, as he'd so elegantly put it, he seemed like a total goofball.

Something caught my eye and I noticed someone falling from the battlements into the water. Wondering who it was, I ran up to the nearby dock, where I saw Jack execute a perfect dive into the water from the ship and rescue the governor's daughter, Elizabeth.

He swam over to the ladder and Murtogg helped pull her onto the dock. We all crowded around her.

"Not breathing!" Murtogg panicked.

Not fussed, Jack pulled out his knife and cut the strings to Elizabeth's tight corset, causing her to cough up water and gasp in air.

I stood by feeling rather helpless. I had no idea what to do.

"Never would have thought of that," Mullroy said.

"Clearly you've never been to Singapore." Jack said. Then he spotted a medallion on a chain around Elizabeth's neck. He picked it up and looked at it, eyes wide. "Where did you get that?"

Elizabeth didn't get a chance to answer, because a sword suddenly appeared dangerously close to Jack's neck.

"On your feet." Norrington's stern voice commanded.

Jack rose to his feet and Governor Swann helped Elizabeth up and wrapped her in a blanket. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine." Elizabeth answered.

Swann looked over at Murtogg, who had ended up holding Elizabeth's ruined corset. Murtogg discretely pointed at Jack. "Shoot him."

"Father! Commodore, do you really intend to kill my rescuer?" Elizabeth protested.

"I believe thanks are in order." Norrington said, holding out his hand for Jack to shake. Jack hesitantly shook Norrington's hand. Norrington gripped Jack's hand and pulled up his shirtsleeve, revealing a P for Pirate. Jack cringed. "Had a brush with the East India Trading company, did we, pirate?"

"Hang him." Swann commanded.

"Keep your guns on him, men. Gillette, fetch some irons." Norrington pulled up Jack's sleeve more, revealing a tattoo of a sparrow in flight. "Well, well… Jack Sparrow, isn't it?"

"Captain Jack Sparrow, if you please, sir." Jack corrected.

"Well, I don't see your ship…Captain" Norrington mocked.

"I'm in the market, as it were." Jack replied, unfazed by Norrington.

"He said he'd come to commandeer one" Murtogg piped up.

"Told ya he was telling the truth. These are his, sir." Mullroy said, handing Norrington Jack's effects.

Norrington picked up Jack's pistol and inspected it. Jack looked worried at this, and looked like he might snatch it away from Norrington.

"No additional shots nor powder. A compass that doesn't point north." He unsheathed the sword. "And I half expected it to be made of wood. You are, without doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of."

"But you have heard of me." Jack said, grinning.

"Commodore, I really must protest." Elizabeth said. "Pirate or not this man saved my life."

"One good deed is not enough to redeem a man of a lifetime of wickedness." Norrington said.

I knew he'd be acting all high-and-mighty now that he got promoted. Bloody Norrington.

"Though it seems enough to condemn him." Jack retorted.

"Indeed." Norrington said.

Gillette moved away from Jack a bit, who took the opportunity to throw his chains around Elizabeth's neck. "Finally." He said.

"Don't shoot!" Governor Swann panicked.

"I knew you'd warm up to me. Commodore Norrington, my effects, please, and my hat." Norrington hesitated. "Commodore!" Jack prompted. Norrington passed Jack's effects to Elizabeth. "Elizabeth. It is Elizabeth isn't it?"

"It's Miss Swann." Elizabeth replied, annoyed.

"Miss Swann, if you'd be so kind. Come, come, dear, we don't have all day. Now if you'd be very kind. Easy on the goods, darling." Jack said, grinning at the Commodore, knowing that he was helpless.

"You're despicable."

"Sticks and stones, luv. I saved your life, you saved mine, we're square. Gentlemen, m'lady, you will always remember this as the day that you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow!"

Jack grabbed hold of a piece of rope, which swung him high up into the air. Seeing as I'd been standing here for about 5 minutes doing nothing, I decided to help him, and do what I've always wanted to do, all in one go. Push Norrington in the water. I turned around and gave him a good push and he fell off the dock and splashed into the water. He came up again, spluttering, frowning at me. I shrugged and smiled sweetly. His men were divided, they didn't know whether to help him back onto the dock, keep shooting at Jack or apprehend me.

Deciding that this might be a good time for my own exit, I ran off after Jack.

I caught up with him as he was running across the bridge. Even as he ran, he looked funny, with arms outstretched in front of him.

"Jack!" I called, catching up with him. "Follow me!" I grabbed his sleeve and pulled him down an alleyway, leading him through a maze of streets to the back door of the blacksmiths.


Well…I hope you liked that. Review it if you want. I'm just going to say now that I don't care about reviews, I'm gonna post no matter what cause I've already finished the story. Although, in saying that, reviews are always appreciated… =)

Last note: it may start out slow, but it definitely gets better as it goes along.

~Rhi =)