We're in this Together

Disclaimer: I don't own LoK, but I do own Kalika and a few other characters that might show up. That's it.

"Let go of me!"

The halls echoed with sounds of a woman's scream. The sounds of protest and fear, panic and angst. Every once in a while, the sounds of prisoners screaming were also filled in the air. However, they were silenced after the sound of red hot metal through decaying flesh. Two prison guards... one woman. They gripped her arms tightly as she struggled desperately, trying to free herself. The guards pulled her down a long eerie hallway, ignoring her screams and tightening their grips on her aching biceps.

The woman was small, possibly around the age of 16 or 17. Bruises and cuts trailed up her arms and legs, and a large, bleeding scar was marked across her back. Her arms were muscular, as well as her legs, but to an attractive glance... once she wasn't wounded, that is. Long, dark brown hair fell to the small of her back, stained with blood with the stench of sweat, as the still liquidfied fluids trailed into her dark eyes. Her chestnut colored skin was peeling away, some areas even revealing the bones. Slowly, her strength began to fade away... it was hard to believe that she had actually survived the encounters...

The prison guards moved up to a large, steel door, kept cealed by a small lever. The one of her left pulled the lever down, allowing the door to rise upward. Just as the steel door slide into the ceiling, both guards tossed the wounded woman into the cell roughly. Her body hit the ground with such force she was almost certain that the ground had rose up to meet her. The guards ignored her yelp of pain and pulled the lever up, just as she sat up, resting on her knees. Tears streamed down her bloodstained face as she looked over her shoulder, balling a trembling hand into a fist.

"What do you want from me!?" she screamed hysterically as the tears poured down her face. "Please, somebody tell me!! What did I do that was so wrong!?"

She rose her hands to her face, sobbing uncontrolably as she leaned against the wall. Tears fell faster.... she couldn't believe what they had tried to do to her. Her blood from her trembling lips trailed from their wounds and slits, coating her chin with a blanket of crimson. Her fingers trembled and shook... she could still feel the burning of the needle against her lips... why would they try to do such a thing? They managed to sew her mouth shut, but then they tried to sew her eyes....

She remembered kicking one of the guards in the chest before the needle could reach her eyelids. She rolled off the operation table, then sprinted for her life, stumbling onto the ground, at times crawling away, until she came to a tray of their devices. Small razors and knifes were there... she had to cut her mouth open, slicing through the burning stitching, then pulling them out from her flesh as the wounds began to bleed and trail over her flesh. But they were faster.... and stronger.... and with a powerful swipe from the blade of their scythe, she was struck down, wounded, bleeding, and defeated. And now she found herself here, in a stone cell inside the very underworld itself.

But why? Why am I here...?

"E-Excuse me..."

The girl jumped. She had no idea that she wasn't alone in her cell. She looked over her shoulder and gasped, crawling into a cornor. The creature before her was also a prisoner, such as herself, yet he was unlike the others. He wasn't human: his flesh was tinted a shade of light gray, similar to that of aging ashes. However, his body was in poor condition, old and brittle... but what shocked her the most was his eyes. They were a grayish green color, and full of such sorry and torment, as if the world itself had pulled him into it's core and forced him to carry all the burdens caused by humans and vampires alike. He donned a bluish-gray robe. His voice though was gentle, yet sorrowful.

"I.... I'm sorry, I didn't mean any harm..." he stammered, then stepped forward, placing a hand on her shaking shoulder.

"P-Please... don't hurt me.... please..." she pleaded. She felt his hand slip onto her face, forcing her to look at him.

"It's alright... it's alright... what's your name?" he asked. She bit a bleeding lip as she shivered in fear.

"K-K-Kalika..." she stammered.

"Kalika... how old are you, my dear?" he questioned. She closed her eyes.

"Sixteen... in a few weeks..." she stammered, then reopened her eyes. The demon had a face of pure shock...

"You're just a child... what are you doing here?" he questioned. The girl lowered her head...

"I don't know.... I don't know why I'm here..."