
I don't own Pocahontas or anyone that has to do with it!!

This goes for all chapters of the story. So, if you'd like to make sure I don't own it, just look at chapter 1!!

A/N Ideas? Thawts? Email me at: [email protected] Also: R/R and please tell me if I should continue with the story. Thanks!!!

Chapter 1

"Pocahontas, come and help me please!" Nakoma's voice rang out as she struggled with the heavy basket of corn. Sighing, Pocahontas stood and walked over to her friend, "here, I'll take it for you." It has been two weeks since John Smith's departure for England and Nakoma, Powhatan, and just about anyone in the village were beside themselves, trying to cheer Pocahontas but it was no use. They all knew that a part of her had gone to London with him, no matter how much she insisted she was happy with the decition she had made. ****** Pocahontas sat on a tree stump near Grandmother Willow's tree, deep in thawt. "Pocahontas?" A soft voice made her jump from her trance, "Thomas, wingapo," she said as she stood and extended her hand. "Wingapo, may I sit with you?" "Yes, of course," she replied sitting down cross legged on the ground infront of him. Thomas sighed and sat on the stump, trying not to glance over to where he had killed Cokoum just weeks earlyer. "How are you?" He inquired instead, focussing his eyes on the woman infront of him, "I'm fine Thomas..." "You're lying," he said abruptly, cutting her off. "What?" She said, standing to her feet, "I'm not lying Thomas!" Her voice rose, like a child confessing to a petty crime, "don't presume to tell me how I feel you don't know me!" Thomas sat stund, though he knew the truth he could see it. "You're lying," he repeated softly. "You're a fool," she retorted and turned away from him, "you all are, tell that to whomever sent you!" She screamed and disapared into the forest.