Reviews for Life after love
ILOVEYOUCLACE chapter 24 . 7/26/2015
OMG You HAVE to continue this story and update!
Night Fury15 chapter 24 . 12/16/2013
I had just began reading this and I have to say that I really enjoy it. However, I noticed that it has been about 7 years since you updated and I really want to read more. So please, please, please, please, please, please, PLEEEEEEEEEEEASE update. I really want to read more. It is the perfect fanfic about Pocahontas and John. Once again, PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE UPDATE I. I would really appreciate it.
pociandsmithever chapter 24 . 8/16/2010
oh i love it please update
TeamBonnieBennett chapter 24 . 4/6/2010
Love it... that was very cute... LOVE IT
penName111 chapter 24 . 5/10/2008
I do hope you keep going it is a wonderful story
spotzy chapter 24 . 3/16/2008
please update real soon, this is a great story and i would love to know what happens in the end!
liana chapter 24 . 2/29/2008
you write brilliant stories and this is one of the best so please finish it.
samantha chapter 24 . 11/4/2006
i really like this story. i see you haven't updated in like... a year lol. you should try to update cause i like this story...alot. hehe
ProfileStatus-DEACTIVATED chapter 24 . 5/24/2006
Are you going to update any time soon?
Vocade chapter 24 . 3/16/2006
Hello there! Quite a nice story of you! Continue that way, it's interesting what would the ending be. Where do you take Indian names?

I'm new here despite I've been reading fanfics for about 4 years, and finally I've made up my mind to write a fanfiction book (smth sounds like Pocahontas 3).I've surfed the Net a lot and I now how many people of all ages are very disappointed with Pocahontas 2 the journey to a new world. To my mind, if Disney for once had cared about the true story of Poca, they would have made an appropriate first movie. As Disney "has chosen another path", so what was the reason to make an awful sequel?Just to establish a tradition of bad sequel-making (cause it's not the first time they do so, to my mind only Lion King 2 is wonderful, and Aladdin 2, maybe). Animation's began to develop into pure business, that's sad...

You and lots of other wonderful authors here have wide experience, so I'd like (if you don't mind)) to exchange e-mails with you on the topic. As soon as I finish first chapters i'll send them to you for RR. I'd be honored by your review (besides, English is far away from my native tongue, and i've got noone to help me). Best wishes of inspiration and good mood to you!
TangledDisneyForever chapter 24 . 11/16/2005
Wow,what a great story I hope you contune John Smith and Pocahontas get married later in the story?I hope so they make a great couple.
Wh1tn3y chapter 24 . 4/16/2005
Oeehh can't wait to see what happens, update soon ! And Thomas and Nakoma would definitely be a very cute couple...D Yeah I love them, plus the story !
babyb26 chapter 24 . 3/30/2005
I hope John saves her from Mojag. Cliffhangers and drama, what a good mix.
Kioa chapter 24 . 3/29/2005
KYAH! What the hell is gonna happen damnit? Mojag, you evil slime! I love how this chapter is, and whoot. Poca gettin' a bit excited, ne ne? Can we see some sex scenes coming up, oh you darilng Tessa-chan! *snickers* Anyway, KUTGW I can't wait to see what'll happen next 'cause I forget! AHAHAHAHA!
HC247 chapter 24 . 3/28/2005
hey! after 3 long hours on english class torture, i am finally done with my paper!, great chapter! what's mojag(did i spell his mname right?) up to? Hopefully someone can save her in time,looking forward to more...update soon!
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