Okay, this isn't my best works but its theme is interesting. This is related over a dream I had a while back. Yes, I know my dreams are freaky but this one I liked so I changed it into a fic. It gets better later on because the first few chapters are resting heavily on the dream. I hope you enjoy it.

Disclaimer: I don't own digimon. If I did we would be having a Season 5.

Chapter 1

"Hey Kari! Wait up!" Kari turned around and waited for Yolei to catch up with her. "Are you going to the meeting?" she asked Kari.

"Yeah, and I think Mimi is coming too!" Kari said.

Yolei looked surprised, "She's coming all the way from America?"

Kari nodded.

"Wow!" she exclaimed.

"Everyone's heading toward the park. Are you coming?" Kari asked.

"Of course I am!" replied Yolei.

Kari laughed, "Well, come on then!"


They entered a little grove in the park that they were using as a meeting place. Cody, Joe, Sora, Matt, Ken, and Mimi were already there.

Mimi jumped up as soon as she saw them. "Kari, Yolei, you made it!" she yelled hugging both of them.

"Where's Tai?" Kari asked struggling out of Mimi's tight embrace.

"He said he forgot something and went back to your apartment," Matt answered, "He should be back soon."

The grove started to fill up with digidestined. Everyone was there. Well, almost everyone.

"Tai should have been back by now," Kari said peering anxiously into the surrounding trees.

"I past by your apartment, Kari, but I didn't see anyone there," Izzy remarked.

Kari started to get worried. "Maybe we should go look for him."

"He probably just wandered off the path or something," Yolei said.

"I agree with Kari," Matt said.

Sora looked up, "Your right, it's not like Tai to take this long."

"I volunteer we go searching for Tai!" exclaimed Davis.

"I second that!" Mimi said raising her hand.

Matt looked at everyone's faces and nodded. "Okay, we'll go look for Tai."

Izzy said, "We should go in groups and a person should stay here in case Tai comes back. Now, Sora and Mimi can go together, I'll go with Joe, Kari with Yolei, TK with Cody, and Ken with Davis. Matt, I want you to stay here. Okay? Okay! Now let's go find Tai!"


Meanwhile, Tai had not even gotten farther then half way on his way to his apartment complex. It so happened he heard a faint cry of help and went to investigate. He walked toward the noise when it stopped.

"Hello?" he called uncertainly. All of a sudden, a net enveloped him. A spooky laugh filled the air. Owikawa appeared right next to Tai.

"Why hello, Taichi isn't it?" he said in a taunting voice. He motioned to someone over his shoulder. "Arukenimon, Mummymon, take our first catch away to our little prison. Oh, and don't forget to relieve him of his digivice."



"Tai!" All the digidestined were out looking for Tai, except Matt. Matt was sitting in the center of the grove, waiting. "Why do I have to stay here with nothing to do?" he asked the empty space around him, "Why me?"

He heard a noise behind him. "Tai? Is that you?" He got up and started walking toward the noise. Mummymon appeared in the gloom. "What the . . ." Matt gasped.

Mummymon grinned evilly. "Snake Bendings" he roared.

"What's going on here?" Matt demanded struggling to get free of the bonds that pinned his arms to his sides, "Let go of me you coward!"

"You'll find out soon enough!" Mummymon chuckled checking the tightness of the binds.

A thought suddenly crossed Matt's mind. "Where's Tai?" he asked slowly.

Mummymon chuckled again, "He's where you'll be going and all the rest of your puny friends."

"Oh crap!" Matt moaned.


Tai woke up in darkness. He was lying on a filthy floor. The place was filled with a musty odor which smelled of wet straw and sweat.

Sitting up, he heard someone talking. He looked around and saw a heavy wooden door with a grating about the same distance from the ground as he was tall. He walked over to the door and looked though the grating. Owikawa was standing there talking to an angel type digimon.

"Now Lucemon," Owikawa was speaking, "I can get the digidestined here, but how am I to get to these others you were telling me about."

"I told you, I can produce a portal for you to go though," Lucemon replied.

"Well, why do we have to capture these Tamers? They didn't pose any threats to you or me."

"They will if we don't take them down first!" Lucemon snapped angrily.

"Well, how do . . ." Owikawa began.

"Quiet!" Lucemon hissed, "Someone's coming."

Mummymon came in carrying Matt. "Where do I put this one, sirs?"

"Over there, in that one," Owikawa motioned to the cell Tai was in.

Tai back away from the door, but not fast enough. It opened and Matt came hurtling in landing on top of Tai. Tai groaned, and then gently pushed Matt off of him.

"Tai, are you okay?"

"Yeah," he grunted, "They caught you too? Dang it!"

"Yeah," Matt said, "They're after the others as well. Who's that angel digimon out there?" Matt stopped as he noticed something wet on the side of Tai's face. "Tai! You're bleeding!" he said trying to get a better look of it in the darkness.

Tai wiped the blood away. "I'm fine. It's nothing serious." When Matt looked at him disbelievingly he went on, "I think the angel's name is Lucemon and he's against us, for some odd reason. He said something about Tamers and the digidestined here and some other digidestined that are causing problems for him. I wonder what he was talking about."

"I have a feeling we'll find out even if we don't want to," Matt replied with a forlorn gaze.


Please review. I don't care if they're flames or not. Next chapter is written already. I'm just waiting to see how you like it.