Author's Note: Here's an idea that came to me when I saw how Racer X never revealed himself to his whole family and left his mask near Speed in "The Trick Race". Although Speed had a pretty clear idea that Racer X was Rex, I thought that it might be interesting to have Rex return to the Racers, especially since Mom kind of suspects who Racer X really is at the end of episode 4. I figured that when Speed and Trixie got married, Speed would want his big brother a part of the festivities and have everything converge with a race and some nefarious activity. As a departure from my usual MO I am posting this a chapter at a time because it looks like it will be a fairly long story, with a lot of flashbacks to Speed and Rex growing up so I will try to be timely with my updates. Once again I don not own Speed Racer or its characters, Speed Racer Enterprises and DIC do.


Anatomy of Racer X


The cars roared around the track, entering into the final 25 laps before the checkered flag for the Pops Motors 400 race, last race of the Formula 1 season. As usual, the rest of the field was separated by the two cars that last season had taken the circuit by storm, the Shooting Star, driven by the infamous Racer X and the Mach 5, driven by the defending Formula 1 champion, Speed Racer. The two low slung, sleekly aerodynamic machines were engaged in a battle for the lead, leaving the rest of the field behind by almost three seconds as the laps whizzed by. The crowd was on their feet, both cheering and booing at the same time at what the Formula 1 fan base considered an ultimate battle of good and evil. For since his return to racing after a one-year hiatus, Racer X had returned with his reputation as being on of the most aggressive drivers on the circuit remaining unchanged. His racing style was still both despised and revered as he competed against the crowd's favorite, and especially the female contingency would boo heartily when he would be in a race against Speed, the Formula 1 heartthrob.

The two racers, however, had the highest regard for each other, as friends and brothers. For the crowd did not know that Racer X was in fact the long lost oldest son of Pops Racer, Rex. Rex had left the family after a crash at a race caused the huge quarrel with his father that impelled him to leave his home. Speed was the tender age of eleven when his brother departed and he had idolized him, following in his footsteps to become the top professional racer in the world. Whether by accident or by design, Speed and Racer X always seemed to be together, competing in the same races or fighting the same foes and this race was no exception, with the two Racer progeny vying for the lead.


In the Mach 5, Speed grinned in spite of himself. He loved racing against the best of the best and had missed Racer X's imposing presence in the races last season. They both raced with the unleashed abandon of men who were totally enamored of their chosen vocation with the joy of racing in their blood.

The two autos were heading into turn two and screaming down the backstretch, neck and neck. The Shooting Star was coming up on the left quarter panel of the Mach 5 to make a run when all of a sudden the car got loose, the rear end writhing a bit, causing the Shooting Star to lose the momentum of the run as both cars entered turn three. The Mach 5 then got into the corner for turn four, pulling ahead for the homestretch and the checkered flag.


In the Go Team pit pandemonium reigned as Pops Racer, Spritle Racer, Sparky Sabu, and of course Speed's girlfriend Trixie Shimura all cheered ecstatically as they sprinted over to the winner's circle to await the arrival of their conquering hero. The rest of the crew were close behind, high-fiving each other as they watched Speed do his doughnuts on the infield grass to the delight of the wildly cheering crowd.

Racer X pulled into his pit and smiled as he said, "Once again, you've given me a race for my money, Speed. Well done, little brother." He climbed out of the car as his crew gathered around him to offer their congratulations but his attention was on his sibling as Speed made his way to the winner's circle.

Back at the winner's circle, the IRC officials, the Go Team crew and the media were waiting for the Mach 5 to pull up. The sleek white machine finally came into view with delirious fans running along side of it as the car drew to a stop.

Speed killed the motor, then doffed his helmet and gloves as he hoisted himself up and over the side. As he planted his feet, he reached his hand and patted his breast pocket to reassure himself of something then satisfied, smiled brightly and waved to the crowd while flashbulbs popped around him like firecrackers. Reporters shoved microphones in the young racer's face while hitting him with a barrage of questions. Speed seemed preoccupied as he scanned the crowd, ignoring the members of the press.

"Congratulations Speed, on another win. With this race being the last race of the season, are you satisfied and do you feel that you're ready to repeat your performance next season?" the local television news reporter asked.

"Uh, thanks. Yeah, yeah, I think we're all set. Would you all excuse me, please?" Speed said absently as he continued to skim through the crowd anxiously and pushed away. His eyes then lit up like twin sapphires in the sun as he spotted the party he was searching for. He waded through the sea of humanity that had converged on him until he came to the petite chestnut haired girl in the Go Team tank top and coral capri slacks. The reporters all nodded knowingly as the victorious young racer enfolded his girlfriend in an energetic embrace.

One of the female reporters simpered into her mike, "And what would a Speed Racer victory be without the customary hug from his spotter and longtime girlfriend, Trixie Shimura? But what have we here?" She and the other reporters watched as still holding Trixie's hand, Speed got down on his knees before her. They quickly made their way to where the young couple was and stuck their microphones close to catch the words spoken

Speed looked up into the perplexed green gaze of his beloved as he reached into his breast pocket and proffered a perfectly flawless diamond ring, set in a delicate circlet of 14-carat gold. His eyes glowing with all the love in his heart he spoke.

"Trixie. Baby, I want you to know something. From the day I first laid eyes on you, I knew you were the girl I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. You are the most amazing thing in my life, I love you and I want you to be mine always. Will you marry me?"

"Oh. Speed." Trixie's eyes grew large as saucers and as if on cue, the crowd hushed, as suddenly the two were center stage. "Oh Speed!" she repeated as she breathed in a hushed sense of awe, too moved to speak as she stared transfixed at the ring in her hand.

"Well, that's two 'oh Speeds' but how about an 'oh yes?" he said hopefully his eyes sparkling like a placid lake. The reporters and the crowd also waited as if time itself became suspended.

Trixie's eyes filled with tears as she said softly, "Oh, yes, Speed, I will marry you."

At her words, Speed leapt up to his feet in pure joy and crushed Trixie to him, cradling her head against his shoulder. She sobbed and clung to him, overwhelmed as she clutched the ring in her hand. The crowd whooped and cheered the young couple as the lady reporter cooed, "And there are hearts breaking all around the world today as the most eligible of bachelors in the racing world is officially off the market. Yes, folks, Speed Racer is to wed his girlfriend and spotter Trixie Shimura and you saw it here!"

Speed pulled away and took the ring and Trixie's left hand. He then slipped the ring on her finger and cupped her lovely face in his hands as he brought her lips to his in a lingering kiss, much to the enjoyment of the crowd who applauded loudly with frequent wolf whistles. Flash bulbs from the media horde glittered like fireflies all around the couple.

Their tender moment was interrupted by a quiet "Ahem" as the official for IRC came to them. "Congratulations and I'm sorry to interrupt but I do have a trophy to present to the winner so if you could follow me?" He then headed to the podium as Speed and Trixie followed for the trophy presentation.

From his vantagepoint in his pit, Racer X watched as his younger brother proposed to his girl and smiled broadly, pleased. Trixie was everything he could ever want in a sister-in-law and he was glad that his brother was finally making his commitment to Trixie a permanent one. He grinned while the spectators that lingered after the race roared their approval as Speed kissed Trixie then went to the podium to collect his prize.

Pops Racer watched as his middle son received yet another trophy for the showcase in the study. At the age of 21, so far Speed was excelling his expectations as a racer and his son. He reflected on the changes in his life over the past three years as the company he began on a wing and a prayer was now one of the premier manufacturers of top performance engines and cars on the circuit. He marveled as how his son Speed's success as a racer had in fact opened the door for his company to gain widespread exposure and the reputation it currently held. It also was financially swimming in black ink, showing a sizable profit for the second consecutive quarter. He smiled as he recalled the many lean times that first year when they wondered if they could even raise enough money to enter races let alone pay for a full crew, both salaries and lodging for the season. And there was the situation with Rex's rancorous departure that had him forbidding Speed to race, fearful of losing another son. But as Speed began winning races and assisted Inspector Detector with various cases which earned him several monetary rewards, Pops became convinced that Speed was naturally gifted in racing and had a courage and fortitude that enabled Pops Motors to have the reputation as a fine family outfit. And now at the age of 11, his youngest son, Spritle, was showing the indomitable Racer talent as he competed in local and regional go-cart races when he wasn't assisting his older brother's crew. And when he wasn't racing Speed assisted Spritle in his competitions. With all the trials and tribulations within his family, Pops was thankful that his sons were exceptionally close to each other in spite of the expanse of years between them. He and his wife, Anyi, known as Mom to everyone were truly blessed with only one thing missing . . . .Rex.

Pops sighed heavily as he again mentally chastised himself for driving his oldest son away. Rex had been his pride and joy, the first bouncing baby boy that he and his wife brought home. Rex had looked up to him from the time he could walk, following him into his workshop and staring transfixed at whatever project Pops was working on. As he got older, Rex showed an affinity for mechanics and technological aptitude, sometimes making suggestions for the motors Pops built that often made them even better. He also showed an inherent talent for racing as Pops entered him in go-cart races. Rex and his cousin Hank had entered into competition with each other as friendly adversaries, coming in first and second in every race they ran. But they both remained close friends even after Speed was born and later when the inky haired toddler with the huge blue eyes would follow the two older boys everywhere. Then as both Rex and Hank grew into adolescence they became stock racers, while Pops and his brother Henry teamed up to build the very first predecessor to the Mach 5, the Mach 1. Then came the fateful race at the Sunny Downs track and Rex's crash.

Pops continued his musings as his heart rejoiced in what had transpired prior to Speed accepting his trophy. He too had borne witness to Speed proposing to Trixie and it made him beam to know that his middle son would be marrying an exemplary young woman such as the late Mike Shimura's daughter. He and his wife were thrilled as they watched Speed kneel before the speechless girl and pledge his love, Mom wiping the tears of joy from her eyes as she heard Trixie's answer. She had been a part of their family for the past three years, providing support to Speed in every race, whether it was in her helicopter, or by his side as his navigator. It was no secret that she was head over heels in love with their son. And Speed absolutely adored Trixie, and with the exception of an occasional wandering eye, was totally devoted to her. As a matter of fact, when Speed would dig his heels in about something, showing the indomitable Racer stubbornness it was Trixie who would be able to reach him, point out if he was wrong, and make him change his mind. Nobody else, not even Pops could accomplish that with his middle son when he didn't want to be moved, only Trixie. Always close, it was only natural that now that they were of age, they would finally get married.

Racer X continued his perusal of his brother's victory celebration as his wrist communicator beeped for his attention. He brought his wrist to his mouth to answer tersely, "Agent 9 here."

"Agent 9, it is imperative that I speak with you. Be in my office within the hour. Over and out."

With a sigh Racer X leapt over the side and into the cockpit of the Shooting Star. He fired up the engine and took off in a cloud of dust just as a group of reporters strode up to interview him. They watched the enigmatic racer take off. One reporter shook his head pityingly.

"Well, so much for sportsmanship," he muttered and his colleagues nodded in agreement.

Later that evening, Trixie was at the Racers for a combination celebration dinner for Speed's win at the race and his and Trixie's engagement. The entire family was in a state of euphoria over the day's exciting events but Trixie was still in a state of disbelief, periodically staring at the beautiful gem on her left hand sparkling like a tiny rainbow when the light from the Japanese lanterns surrounding them hit it. She and Speed were sitting together on the swing in the yard as he watched her with an affectionate twinkle in his cobalt eyes. He leaned over and whispered teasingly.

"Yes, it really happened. Believe me, baby, it's no dream."

Trixie was shaken from her reverie. "I know but I'm totally blown away. I just can't believe it, Speed. We're actually going to be married," she said in a dreamy voice.

Speed grinned and pulled her in the circle of his arm. "Yeah, that we are. And I can't wait till you're Mrs. Speed Racer." He kissed her and he squeezed her to him just as Pops came onto the patio.

"Am I interrupting anything?"

Speed sighed theatrically and grunted as Trixie elbowed him in the ribs. "Of course not, Pops. What's up?"

Pops pulled a lawn chair over to face the young couple "First, I want to say that I couldn't be happier for the two of you. Mom and I are thrilled. Next, I want to know if you've discussed a date yet."

"Gee, Pops we just got engaged today. We haven't even begun discussing a date yet," Speed protested. "Why the rush?"

Pops sighed, "I didn't think I had to remind you that the racing season starts again in two months in Mont Royale for the Grand Prix. I was wondering how you intend to fit planning a wedding into your racing agenda."

Speed looked at his father in amazement but Trixie answered calmly, "Pops, we'll plan the wedding around the races. We know the season will be here again soon and we'll both be working to prepare for the season."

Speed nodded and he added, "Relax, Pops, we're both are fully aware that the races come first but we don't plan on a long engagement anyway, do we, baby?" He glanced at Trixie inquiringly.

Trixie shook her head. "I'm very sure about us so I have no such compulsion to drag things out. But," she added pointedly, "I don't want a quickie wedding thrown together without any planning."

"I agree totally." Mom Racer's soft yet firm voice joined the discussion. She came up and placed a hand on her husband's shoulder. "Since you have no family, Trixie, I'd love to help you plan the wedding."

Trixie smiled gratefully at her future mother-in-law "I'd be honored, Mom Racer."

Pops grunted and insisted, "That's all well and good but we still need to settle on a date."

Speed sighed, "Okay, Pops, okay. We'll discuss it and decide in the next few days and then tell you. Deal?" He turned to Trixie. "Is that okay with you, Trix?"

She nodded, "Fine with me. The sooner we decide the date, the sooner we can start planning.

A few hours later it was nearly midnight and Speed and Trixie were on the way to her cottage at the airfield in the Mach 5. They were still busy talking about various wedding details when they pulled up the driveway to her home. Speed killed the engine and lights as he reached to caress his fiancée's face lovingly.

"I hope you're not ticked at me or Pops for pushing for a wedding date, sweetheart. He has a point about having the date set before the racing season starts."

Trixie took his hand in both of hers. "No, I'm not. I want to get a date set as soon as possible."

"So, do you have any preference? It'll be June in two months and the first race's gonna be in Mont Royale—the Grand Prix."

"Mont Royale—isn't that the European commonwealth that has the beautiful beaches—the place where all the jet-setters go?"

"Yeah, so?" Speed replied. "What's your point?"

Trixie had a dreamily thoughtful look on her face. "Wouldn't that be a marvy place to have our wedding?"

Speed sat back and mulled over what she suggested. To have their wedding coincide with the Grand Prix? He had not thought about the idea as a choice but the more he thought about it, the better the notion sounded. Neither had a lot of immediate family and they could fly their friends out who weren't connected with Formula 1. Most of the other racers and crews could be invited since they were all his friends, racing made for a tight-knit group with little time for lasting outside relationships. Then he would take her on a honeymoon after the season ended. He grinned as he came to his decision.

Trixie waved a hand before Speed's eyes. "Yoo hoo, earth to Speed! Were you listening to me?"

Speed turned to her. "Huh? Oh yeah, I'm sorry, baby, I was just thinking that your idea to have our wedding the weekend of the Grand Prix would be groovy. And I know Pops would dig it in a big way. Sure, let's do it!"

Trixie gave a squeal of delight as she hugged him tight. "Oh, Speed do you mean it? You really wouldn't mind?"

"Sweetheart, I don't care where I marry you, just as long as it happens," Speed replied gently as he reached for her chin to draw her lips to his for a sweet kiss. She responded with a soft moan as she placed her hands on his shoulders and up and around his neck and pulled him closer.

They drew apart and Speed asked huskily, "How about we go inside and get really comfortable?"

Trixie shook her head slowly. "It's really late, Speed and we both have to get up early."

"If I stayed till the morning, we could wake each other up in time." He nuzzled her ear, sending a delicious thrill through her but she stood firm.

"Speed, we've talked about this and we both agreed not to do That till our wedding night," Trixie reminded him. That was sleeping together. When they had been going out for about a year, both had made a mutual agreement not to get physically intimate until they married.

Speed sighed heavily. "I know but we are getting married. It's not like a one-night stand with us, Trix." He reached for her again but she opened the car door, exited the vehicle, headed over and climbed her stoop.

Speed hoisted himself up and vaulted over the driver's side. He hurried up the stairs to her and grasped her arm to stop her from entering her house. "Okay, okay, you win! It was just an idea, for Pete's sake, don't flip out."

Trixie had her head down avoiding his sapphire orbs. "I'm not flipping out." She turned and studied him askance. "How would you know about one-night stands? Have you had many?" she asked coolly.

Speed groaned inwardly. "I've been with some girls. I've never kept that a secret from you, you know that," he admitted.

"But have you been with them in that way?" Trixie demanded.

"Trixie," Speed began, taking her by the elbows so he could look right in her face. "I told you that I've been with other girls meaning I did some things with them that are…intimate. But I'm telling you truthfully, baby, that I haven't gone all the way with any of 'em."

Trixie looked into his eyes and inquired doubtfully. "Really?"

Speed solemnly held up three fingers on his right hand. "Scout's honor. I swear that you'll be the only woman I'll ever be with and the only woman I'll ever want to be with." He lowered his hand and took hold of her chin to raise her face to his face. "You're gonna be my wife, Trix and I have no intention of ever straying from you," he said earnestly.

Trixie felt herself drawn into the cobalt depths of his eyes and saw the guilelessness of his words reflected within. It was true, when they had begun to get serious about each other he had told her of his many liaisons with the opposite sex but he also made sure she knew that there was nothing in the past that she should be threatened or worried about. And in spite of being a single, attractive, much sought after, and greatly publicized racer the fact that he never slept around made him quite rare and extraordinary. She was filled with a sense of peace as she nodded slowly. "I believe you, Speed."

Speed smiled showing his even white teeth as he slid his hands up her arms and cradled her face to bring her lips to his. His mouth gently teased hers open to receive him and she did, molding her body against his, making his body white-hot with waves of passion coursing through him. He became oblivious to everything but Trixie, drinking in her sweetness and losing himself in the velvety softness of her slender form, drowning his senses. Her soft floral perfume teased his nostrils, surrounding them like an invisible field of flowers.

They continued their embrace for some time and then reluctantly drew apart. Speed took a deep breath to try to cool the burning in his body and he said hoarsely, "I'd better split or all our good intentions will fly right out the window as I carry you into your bedroom and make love to you all night. So good night, baby, sweet dreams."

Trixie wasn't unaffected herself and she nodded dazedly, "Uh-huh. 'Night Speed."

Speed hurried down the stairs and leapt into the cockpit of the Mach 5. He fired up the engine and then waved at Trixie while he backed down the driveway and headed off into the night.

Several miles out of town, the split-level, modern estate of Racer X stood on a bluff in the wilderness. It was here the Formula 1 man of mystery dwelled, when he was not racing or serving as an operative in the covert operations of the International Police Force or IPF. The sleek shadow of the Shooting Star, Racer X's signature racecar crept up to the carport and the door slid up to admit the vehicle then after it entered, silently slid shut.

Racer X sighed wearily, as one that carried the weight of the world on his shoulders. The meeting with the chief had briefed him on a new assignment, to coincide with the Mont Royale Grand Prix. He was informed of a plot to assassinate the president of the wealthy commonwealth and was ordered to stay close to the president as he would be heavily involved with the race, His Excellency being a huge racing fan. Racer X was playing the conversation over in his head.

"Agent 9, I'm glad to see you. How was the race?"

"I came in second. Speed beat me again, but I don't mind. Racing with him's a lot of fun."

The bureau chief studied him with his hands clasped and his fingers steepled. "Your brother's a very gifted racer. I would say it's in the blood, wouldn't you?"

Racer X smiled with brotherly pride. "He's a true Racer."

The chief, an austere man with salt and pepper hair, piercing gray eyes, and a commanding presence nodded and then got down to business. "I want to brief you on your next mission. Our intelligence sources inform us that HISS is making plans to assassinate the president of Mont Royale but that it's all part of a bigger picture."

"And that is?"

The chief leaned on his desk and replied, "We have suspicions that HISS is behind the disappearance of the Rubicon I diamond that was stolen this week from the European Jewel Depository."

Racer X nodded, "I heard. The gem's disappeared and Interpol's having a hell of a time trying to find it. The theft is being reported by the media as a perfect crime with little or no clues and no suspects."

The chief nodded in agreement. "True, but our intelligence sources have reason to believe that the gem will turn up during the inaugural of the re-election of the Mont Royale president. Because of the neutrality of the commonwealth, they believe that when the gem turns up, it'll be there. Plus the close proximity to Sylvania and its port on the Mediterranean make it the logical choice to get it off the continent. Do you have plans of running in that race?"

Racer X gestured in the affirmative. "Yes, it's the kickoff to the season. His Excellency is a big racing fan and has petitioned the IRC to have the season opening race in Mont Royale as part of his inaugural celebration."

"Then I can count on you to intercept the jewel before HISS tries to smuggle it out?" the chief inquired with piercing eyes.

Racer X nodded, "You can." He got up and left.

Shaking himself from his reverie, Racer X climbed from the cockpit of the Shooting Star and headed into the house. His valet and crew chief Joseph Grimes greeted him.

" I was wondering when you'd get back. I have a plate of food waiting for you in the dining room. So what did the chief have to say?" Joseph inquired as he assisted his employer with his racing gear. Racer X hadn't even time to change out of his gear when he was summoned to the IPF office.

"He wants us to intercept the smuggle of the Rubicon I during the Grand Prix. He said his sources think that the jewel will be smuggled then," Racer X replied dourly.

But that's in two months! And there's no real clues or suspects since it's been lifted. Interpol's really been baffled."

"Yeah well, if HISS is behind it and the chief's pretty damned sure they are, they'll probably be laying low till they're ready to move it so's things can die down," Racer X remarked as he removed his mask, uncovering a handsome but rugged countenance framed by mahogany hair. His midnight blue eyes stared out contemplatively as he pondered and sifted through the information he had just absorbed.

Joseph broke the silence. "Congratulations on your finish but your brother barely beat you again. That kid's amazing."

Rex Racer smiled, "That he is. But Speedy's no kid though anymore, he's a man. And he's gonna be a husband soon and maybe even a father."

Joseph nodded, "Yeah I saw him pop the question. With national TV coverage yet, he sure doesn't do things quietly."

Rex threw his head back and laughed. "Yeah, that's my baby brother. The two men headed into the dining room.