Well here it is! The last chapter! Sequel coming soon!

Chapter 5:

As Malone woke up, the first thing he wondered was how long had he been out. He remembered being put into Simonize's car. Then he seemed to vaguely recall being called RoboMunk and being presented to a crowd of his fellow officers like he was Simonize's new invention. He had thought it was a dream until he saw the heads-up display scrolling the words 'powered on' and 'fully charged'. He sat up and looked himself over. Everything was metal and whatever material that was used for their armor in small sections between the armor instead of his normal chipmunk body. He caught a glimpse of the reflection of his face in his arm and saw that the lower half of his face looked normal. That was of little comfort to him at the moment.

"Oh, good. You're on again." Simonize said. He stepped over to unhook Malone from a monitor.

As soon as Simonize finished, Malone grabbed him by his jacket.

"Why did you do this to me?!" Malone yelled, his voice switched between his normal tone and the robotic one with each word.

"I needed something to replace the SI-90." Simonize replied. "Besides, you should be grateful. You'd be dead right now if I hadn't done this."

"Grateful?!" Malone tightened his grip, his voice sounding slightly robotic.

"Sorry to barge in, I got tired of waiting." Bronson said as she walked in the door. "How's-" She froze, eyes wide open.

"You think I should be grateful that I'm a metal freak?" Malone made a fist with his free hand. Bronson darted over. "Malone-"

"You stay out of this, Bronson." Malone snapped, his voice reverting to its normal tone. Finally, he remembered her name though he couldn't stop to reflect on that right now.

Bronson was clearly thrilled he remembered her, but didn't let it stop her from trying to talk him down. "Look. I'd love to beat the living daylights out of him myself." She glared at Simonize.

"But you can't do that. They'll shut you down for good." She continued.

Malone eased his grip, but still held onto Simonize. He didn't care if they did shut him off. At the moment, it seemed like it would be worth it just to see justice served. Especially since he assumed Simonize wouldn't face any legal consequences. Malone reasoned this would be the better option and drew his fist back.

"Malone." Bronson said. "The SI-90's still on the loose. We can't stop it without you. Let him go."

That got Malone's attention. He couldn't let that machine destroy the town and harm the few innocent citizens in town.

"I'll deal with you later." He unclenched his fist and let Simonize go.

Simonize stepped back, out of Malone's reach, and fixed his jacket.

Malone got off the table. "Let's go… uhm." Malone couldn't remember her first name, he just remembered he'd call her by it to irritate her just for the fun of it. Now it was gonna drive him crazy until he figured it out.

Bronson sighed. "Violet." She reluctantly answered.

"Right. Let's go." He said.

"Wait." Bronson said. She turned to Simonize.

"You got another laser cannon around?" She asked.

"Under the desk." He said, pointing to his new metal and glass computer desk. Malone goes over, picks the cannon up, and heads for the door with Bronson following close behind.

Malone and Bronson had been driving around the city for an hour and still saw no sign of the stolen SI-90.

"It's good to have you back, Malone." Bronson said. She took a deep breath. "I- I'm really sorry it had to be like this." "It's not your fault." Malone replied. "I don't think anybody would've thought Simonize was that much of a dirtbag."

Bronson nodded.

"How much do you remember now?" She asked.

"Very little. I remember bits and pieces of what happened on the day the SI-90 malfunctioned up til now and our names. That's it." Malone answered.

"I'm sorry." She said.

Static came over the radio.

"Someone must've found the SI-90." Malone said.

"Yeah. Monaghan." Bronson stopped the car. Monaghan's car was parked five feet away, she was crouched behind the open car door. The SI-90 blasted the windshield of the car out with a powerful blast. The impact shook the car.

Bronson and Malone got out. Malone grabbed the laser cannon out of the floorboard.

"Looking for me?" He called out to the SI-90.

It turned to face him, preparing to fire again.

Malone fired the cannon at the SI-90 three times: one shot into each cannon, the third right in the center of its screen.

The SI-90 exploded; the windows of a nearby building and Monaghan's car shattered from the effects of the blast. Monaghan scrambled to her feet and ran over to them, meeting Bronson in front of the car.

"I saw Pinkie's car maybe ten minutes ago. He went that way." Monaghan pointed to Felicity Boulevard.

"He's on his way to the docks."

"Monaghan. Have somebody haul that thing off and guard it until they get here." Malone said as he walked around them.

"Malone?!" Monaghan stared at him, her jaw hung open for a second.

"It's a long story." Bronson watched Malone climb into the driver seat. She gritted her teeth.

"See you at the station." She said as she went around to the passenger side.

"Ten to one Pinkie's already in his yacht and on his way to his private island." She muttered.

"Maybe not." Malone turned the car wildly down a side street; the right side tires came off the ground.

Bronson's face slammed into the door panel as he made the turn. She glared at him and seethed.

Five minutes later, They pull up just as Pinkie climbed out of his car. Malone and Bronson leap out of their cruiser, phasers drawn.

"Mr. Pinkie, you're under arrest." Malone shouted.

Pinkie sighs. "You win, RoboMunk." Pinkie said.

Malone put his phaser back into his leg and walked toward Pinkie.

Bronson stuck her phaser in her holster and unhooked her handcuffs.

Not an hour after they had booked Pinkie, he was out of jail.

Bronson and Malone found this out when they were walking back to the lab and passed Pinkie and his lawyer in the hall. Pinkie grinned like the Cheshire cat at them. Bronson clenched her fists and turned around.

"How does he do it?" She asked.

"Don't worry. We'll get him next time, Violet." He reassured her.

"Don't call me Violet." She said.