Reviews for RoboMunk: Hero of Steel
AmbitiousAlvin chapter 5 . 7/8
Oooh! Suspenseful!

Yes! Malone finally remembers something! It’s not much, but Bronson has her partner back.

I liked the part where his voice kept switching between robotic and normal.
AmbitiousAlvin chapter 4 . 7/6
Bronson to the rescue! Also, Simonize doing more sketchy stuff.

Can’t wait for chapter 5!
AmbitiousAlvin chapter 3 . 7/3
Oh no! Poor Malone. Simonize is such a jerk. Looking forward to when Malone regains his memories and goes off on Simonize for doing that to him.

I mean, making him part robot is bad enough. Erasing his memory is just downright cold.

Super loved this part! Very well described. Writing a robot is hard work and you aced it!
AmbitiousAlvin chapter 2 . 7/3
Awesome! Jeanette’s appeared!
(She’s my favorite character as well.)

This is really getting good. Loved the cliffhanger. I’m on the edge of my seat!
Chipmunkedgirl chapter 1 . 6/30
I really like it so far. The set up was very interesting and the dialogue flowed smoothly. I could really picture Alvin/Malone and Britt/Bronson interacting.

Looking forward to the part where Malone becomes Robomunk. Are you going to dive deeply into how he feels being part robot and part chipmunk?
AmbitiousAlvin chapter 1 . 7/1
Hi, I know I posted already as Chipmunkedgirl, but that was a guest review and I know those aren’t often replied to.

I really love your story! It’s fantastic! The character interactions are on point! I love the inclusion of Miss. Miller and later Jeanette (I am super excited for Jeanette’s part!)

Robomunk is a cool episode to rewrite because it had a lot of good potential and yet sort of fell flat in places. I’m sure your story will be way better than the TV show’s.

Are you going to dive into Alvin/Malone’s thoughts as Robomunk? As he tries to adapt to his new half-robot self and half-robotic brain. I always imagined him struggling in the episode to break through the programmed persona Simonize designed.