(Full Summary: Katsuki stood there frozen in shock, unable to process what he had just heard. His jaw was slack open and his hands began to shake, "What the fuck..." he said was an even voice that began to shake at the end.

The rest of his evening was spent on the couch in an unresponsive state, as he wasn't sure of how to react to the news, much less how big of a role he must have played in it. No, those thoughts would arise tomorrow. As well as for weeks after that. But not the day after tomorrow, as he would come to terms with it by then.)

Katsuki was many things: brash, loud, and angry. However, regretful was not one of them… or so he had thought.

He sat in class listening to the dumbass teacher drone on about something he already knew. His elbow was propped up on the desk, his head in his hand, his body angled sideways in his seat. Katsuki stole a glance back towards Deku, who seemed just as tired and pathetic as always. His attention shifted back to the teacher as he assigned them homework. Once the bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, Deku ran out of the room as fast as he possibly could. Just like always.

Katsuki contemplated his options and decided he wouldn't go after the shitty nerd today. He took his time walking home, those two extras following him as though they could become more awesome just by basking in his presence. Katsuki scoffed and stormed away faster.

"Hey, man! Wait up!" the finger-fuck ordered.

"Yeah, Katsuki! Why don't you come to the arcade with us today! We might pick up some of those desperate chicks!" the second extra demanded.

Katsuki stopped and whipped around to face them, "Hell no! I'm busy, you extras, stop following me!"

They both raised their hands in surrender, "Okay, man! Jeez…"

The peeved blonde stormed off towards his house once more, this time without being followed. Once he made it home, he slammed the door open and closed, and stomped up to his room. On his way up the stairs, his mother came out of her room and yelled, "WHAT DID WE SAY ABOUT SLAMMING DOORS, KATSUKI?!"

"FUCK OFF, HAG!" he screamed back, unwilling to put up with her shit at that moment, and proceeded to slam the door to his room shut, just to spite her. Katsuki set down his backpack and practically flung himself over his desk chair and sighed. After a stretch, he set his homework on his desk and got to work. An hour passed before he rose from his chair and retreated to the downstairs living room.

"HAG! WHAT'S FOR DINNER?" he yelled, but there was no reply. He shot up from the couch, concerned and confused. He (speed)walked into the kitchen and saw his mother sitting on the floor—as though she had slid down numbly—holding her phone to her ear. Her expression was one of pitiful horror, as her eyes met his own.

She sucked in a shuddering breath, "He's dead, Katsuki."

"Who?" he questioned, panic bubbling up his chest faster than he could push it down. Did she mean the old man? Who else would warrant this reaction?

"I-it's Izu-kun, he commit-ited s-suicide and w-was fou-found—" the old hag broke down into sobs, echoing the sobs coming from the phone.

Katsuki stood there frozen in shock, unable to process what he had just heard. His jaw was slack open and his hands began to shake, "What the fuck…" he said with an even voice that began to shake at the end.

The rest of his evening was spent on the couch in an unresponsive state, as he wasn't sure of how to react to the news, much less how big of a role he must have played in it. No, those thoughts would arise tomorrow. As well as for weeks after that. But not the day after tomorrow, as he would come to terms with it by then.

Katsuki woke up three minutes before his alarm, as usual. He didn't know how to feel about the prior day's events. It was a normal day, so what could have possibly driven Deku to kill himself? He stayed there, contemplating everything and nothing at the same time, for what felt like hours.

The blonde forced himself to get out of bed once his alarm actually went off and numbly worked his way through his morning routine. When he finally looked at his phone, he stood there in shock for several. The date was yesterday?

Nobody he knew would be so cruel—scratch that—nobody who had access to his phone overnight would be so cruel so it couldn't be a prank. He didn't know what the hell he was supposed to make of this. If it was some elaborate joke, he'd pretend nothing was strange, he'd wait for the pin to drop and then go off on their asses. If it was something else…


He hoped it wasn't.

Bakugou went through his day differently than yesterday. Just because he was playing the long game to get his revenge, doesn't mean he was willing to accept the monotony of repeating a day. He ended up leaving later than the day before and saw Deku on his way to school. For once, the explosive blonde refrained from, well, exploding the quirkless teen—the events of not-yesterday fresh in his mind.

The boring day continued, Deku was unusually absent mentally. If Bakugou hadn't had that… that dream last night, he wouldn't have noticed anything different. But there was no muttering, no hero notebooks, no light in his eyes: they were dull and tired. At lunch, Deku wasn't in the cafeteria (though that was normal, he ate outside), but when class began again, his desk was empty. Bakugou was immediately on edge, but the teacher ignored it so he brushed it off and tried to tune the lameass teacher out.

He didn't see the damned nerd for the rest of the day, and he was having a hard time stifling nervous ticks and fidgets.

If this was him worrying about nothing, that damned nerd would pay. And if it was because of the people pranking him, he'd kick their asses to hell!

It turned out it wasn't for nothing. Bakugou had once again slammed the front door open and closed, expecting an obnoxious reprimand from the old hag.

Instead all he got was a pitiful, "K-katsuki!" from his mother who was sitting on the couch. The news was reporting a familiar teenager found run over by a car half a city away.

That's absurd! It takes all afternoon to walk…



But he hadn't seen Deku since before lunch, had he?

Bakugou yelled in frustration and sank to his knees. The old hag scrambled over to hug him, and they stayed there until his father came home. His mind was crumbling under the pressure of.. of whatever the hell this was.

What kind of shitty, clusterfuck of a nightmare was this?