"What house do you think we'll be put in?" Hermione asked, already deciding to be with Harry no matter what.

They were waiting for the train to depart, while a few late comers boarded.

"The Sorting Hat takes our choices into consideration. We should go to Ravenclaw. I've read a book on the dorms in Hogwarts, and it says that everyone has their own dorms in Ravenclaw. Not to mention it's the house of intelligence.

Right when he finished his sentence, the door to the carriage opened abruptly. A mop of red hair looks in.

"Have you seen Harry Potter?" Ron Weasley asked.

It took all of Harry's experience in Occlumency to keep his anger and disgust in check.

Hermione looked at Harry, as he replied, "No we haven't." Hermione looked puzzled.

"Well he's my best mate, so you'd better not try anything." With that Ron left. He was told to look for a thin, short kid with glasses and his scar being covered. What he saw was a tall, well fit kid without glasses with his hair cut short without a visible scar.

"Why would he say that?" Hermione queried. She had an inclination but she wanted Harry to confirm it.

"Because it is clear to me that he just wants to be friends, because of the fame and wealth I possess. I refuse to associate with anyone like that, unless it's necessary."

Right as the train began to depart, the door was abruptly opened by three witches. One was a pretty blonde with blue eyes, which currently held anger in them, while the other two, who were obviously twins, had caramel skin, with black hair and hazel eyes. One of the twins was crying while the other was trying to calm her down.

"May we join you?" The blonde asked as politely as she could, but irritation still tinged the corners.

"Sure." "Of course!" Harry and Hermione answered simultaneously.

Once all three settled in, the blonde introduced herself and her companions.

"I'm Daphne Greengrass, these ladies beside me are Padma and Parvati Patil." Both gave a small wave.

"My name is Harry Potter, and the lovely lady sitting beside me is Hermione Granger." Hermione waved back, with a bit of a blush on her face. She's slowly getting used to public flirting.

"H-h-harry P-potter?!" The twins exclaimed, while Daphne took the time to really look at him.

When she first saw him, she knew immediately that he was either a pureblood or a half-blood by his posture and the expensive clothing he was wearing. She wouldn't have guessed he was Harry Potter from how he looked in the Daily Prophet a year ago. From the pictures taken using his memories he sent them, he was short, and malnourished with glasses and messy hair. The boy in front of her was tall for his age, he had the quiff hairstyle (David Beckham's gorgeous hair), and he didn't wear glasses. She also took note on how his clothing didn't hide his muscles, and how, without his glasses, his green eyes were truly mesmerizing. She needed to get herself under control, because she was staring too long.

"Where did you go? After the multiple articles regarding your... past, you disappeared." Daphne asked.

"Well, as I'm sure you've noticed, I wasn't healthy in the slightest, and it was only thanks to my magic that I was even alive. My rescuer was a Potter house elf who has spent almost all of his magic just to locate me. Apparently someone put a block on my magic, so he couldn't properly bond his magic to mine. By time he found me he had to act quick send me to Potter Manor, then release all the blocks on my magic. Unfortunately, he used up all of his own magic to unblock mine, so he perished before he could bond to me, but he did make it possible for all of the other Potter house elves to bond to my magic. When they turned into High Elves, they were able to teach me proper etiquette, and heal me completely. I think High Elves are able to use magic more efficiently than wizards and witches in my opinion. They trained me in both basic spells, and combat spells. It was the portraits of my parents that told me how to extract memories and put them in a file to send them to the right places." That was the story that Harry came up with should he be asked what happened to him. He also told his High Elves this story so that should they be asked, they have an answer.

"That's amazing, Harry! I'm sorry your savior died in the process though." Parvati said.

Harry shrugged. "Thanks for your condolences. I've already had ample time to mourn, so I've moved on. Now, I'll apologize for dampening the mood ahead of time so I can ask what happened to make you so upset Miss Patil."

"We were sitting in another cabin with Daphne, when a pompous and arrogant looking boy walked in with his two बेवकूफ, sorry, I meant idiots, and made his opinion very vocally known about how disappointing it is that Hogwarts is letting not one, but two "inferior, and ugly wogs" enter the school where only pure-bloods should be allowed. That we're not even good enough to be concubines. Before Parvati could punch him in his stupid face, Daphne grabbed both of our arms, and led us to a cabin as far away as possible. That's how we came here." Padma answered solemnly while her sister gave her another hug, and Daphne looked angry again.

Immediately, Harry got to his knee in front of the twins. He grabbed both of their hands, and kept alternating between them to look into their eyes.

"Girls, no, ladies, you both are beautiful. It's as if Lakshmi herself blessed you both with your honey skin color, hazel eyes, and smooth black hair braided to perfection. I refuse to see you cry over what that foolish boy said. Now when you leave this train tonight, I want you to continue life knowing that you are beautiful. Not because 'Harry Potter said so', but because you know and understand it to be a fact." He gave both the back of their palms a kiss, while still alternating eye contact with the both of them.

Never before had Padma nor Parvati had someone compliment them so sincerely. They both knew he meant every word he said, because the honesty in his beautiful eyes is staggering.

Daphne meanwhile is feeling a bit jealous that the Patils are getting this kind of attention, but she's also happy to see a glimpse of what kind of person Harry Potter is.

Hermione knew she had a large crush on Harry, and she was pretty sure he knew of her crush. So she was confused on why she didn't feel any jealousy to what's happening across from her. 'Why does it feel right, like it's supposed to continue like this?'

By now Harry had shifted his attention to Daphne. Held her hand and looked directly into her eyes.

"And you miss Greengrass. It is thanks to your control that the situation wasn't escalated to something worse. You, with your blonde hair blessed by the sun, and blue eyes that have oceans flowing through them, and your natural rose beige skin. Beauty that rivals a sea nymph." He once again followed through with a kiss on the hand while maintaining eye contact.

It could be said that Daphne Greengrass is a pureblood etiquette prodigy, keeping a stoic face, and a calm, cool demeanor. It took Harry a minute to crash through all that training and make Daphne blush fiercely and have her feel her heart pound through her entire body. 'W-what is this?!' Daphne thought frantically as she watched Harry turn around.

"I haven't forgotten about you miss Granger. Your porcelain skin, your wavy brown hair and matching brown eyes, eyes brimming with intelligence that make even scholars envy you. A painting like the Mona Lisa. A mystery that no one is worthy enough to decipher." Another kiss on the hand, and he got up and took his seat beside her. "Now that I've successfully lightened the mood, why don't we discuss what house we would most likely end up in?"

They spent most of the train ride having a delightful conversation and getting to know one another even more.

All of that levity came crashing down when the door was abruptly opened.

"Is it true?" Malfoy asked, looking directly at Harry. "They're saying all down the train that Harry Potter's in this compartment. So it's you, is it?"

"Really?" asked Harry. "How would they know that? And why do you assume it's me?" He was looking at the other boys. Both of them were thickset and looked extremely mean, though dense. Standing either side of the pale boy they looked like bodyguards.

"Oh, this is Crabbe and this is Goyle," said the pale boy carelessly, ignoring Harry's question but noticing where he was looking. "And my name's Malfoy, Draco Malfoy."

Parvati practically snarled at him, while Daphne glared hatefully. Malfoy, seeming to just now notice the others in the compartment, looked at them distastefully, and when he got to Hermione, the distaste turned to full blown disgust.

"You'll soon find out some wizarding families are much better than others, Potter. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort, like these foreigners and the mudblood. I can help you there." He held out his hand to shake Harry's, but Harry didn't take it.

"Mister Malfoy, Heir of the Noble House of Malfoy," Harry said firmly. "I'm sure your parents have provided you with a modicum of education into the proper formalities of greeting; especially, someone who heads an Ancient and Noble House."

Malfoy stared back with a look of shock on his face. He slowly lowered his hand to his side.

"You do not get to call me by my surname, only," continued Harry. "You are only allowed to address me as Lord Potter. Unless I invite you to address me otherwise, that is how you will both speak to me, and refer to me."

Draco Malfoy didn't go red, but a pink tinge appeared in his pale cheeks.

Harry continued. "Now, you have insulted people who are clearly friends of mine, and, you have opened the door without first knocking and asking for an audience. I suggest you consider your actions before acting upon them, in future."

Harry kept on, "If you wish to enter, you are barred from doing so due to your insults, and we do not have sufficient room for yourself and your companions, Messers Crabbe and Goyle."

Daphne and the Patil twins were amazed at how Harry held himself. They've received the training to perform such etiquette, but what Harry is showing is something they've only seen their respective parents capable of doing. He's using etiquette to berate someone.

Hermione was feeling particularly smug. Her Lord is now defending their new friends.

"U-u-um...no, Lord Potter," replied Draco quietly, and apparently a little ashamed. "I... merely wished to introduce myself and my... friends."

"Then, I thank you for doing so, Mr. Malfoy," said Harry.

"Th-thank you, Lord Potter," said Draco. "I will... take my leave." He quietly shut the door and left.

Outside the carriage, Draco was feeling very embarrassed.

'I will not be made a fool of! Once I get to Hogwarts, my Uncle Sev can protect me. Father will make sure of it.'

The rest of the train ride wasn't as excitable, but the group enjoyed themselves nonetheless.


"Fifteen minutes to Hogsmeade station. Fifteen minutes to Hogsmeade station," sounded through the compartments.

"We should get our robes on," Hermione suggested, stating the obvious. All four girls turned their heads towards Harry. He chuckled as he rose. "Yes, yes. I'll be right outside."


'Finally, he should be entering Hogwarts now. I will have my weapon for the greater good.' Dumbledore thought to himself as he waited in the Great Hall for the first years.


Harry was flanked by Hermione, Daphne, Padma, and Parvati as the group of first years was led up the stairs by a very stout, tall, and hairy man.

'Hello again, Hogwarts.'

A stern looking witch came out of a small porter's door situated in the giant doors of the castle; stopping in front of Hagrid and the group of children.

"Welcome to Hogwarts, I am Professor McGonagall. Now, in a few moments you will pass through these doors and join your classmates. But before you take your seats, you must be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Now while you're here your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you points. Any rule breaking and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup." Professor McGonagall explained seriously. "Come along. The Sorting Ceremony will begin momentarily."

They entered the Great Hall and walked up the isle between the two center tables.

Professor McGonagall pointed to the area that was in front of a frumpy looking hat which rested on a stool.

"You will wait here please. When I call your name, you will come up and the hat will announce where you will be sorted." McGonagall directed.

"Hannah Abbott!"

Harry stared at Dumbledore, trying to hold in his laughter. 'Look at you now, you pitiful, old, manipulative, fool. Just a Headmaster of a school that's not even top 20 in the ICW educational ranking.'

After watching his friends being sorted, Hermione to Ravenclaw, Daphne to Slytherin, Padma to Ravenclaw and Parvati to Gryffindor, Harry finally heard his name announced.

"Harry Potter!"

Cue the whispers. Harry ignored them and walked with all the elegance of a pureblood Lord.

McGonagall placed the hat on his head and Harry felt a slight probe on his shields.

'Welcome back, Headmaster. Or is it Lord Slytherin now?' The hat asked.

'Hello again, friend. For now, it's just Harry, that is, until I reveal my lordship. Now, I know that I really belong in Slytherin, but I'd like to give Ravenclaw a go this time around.'

'Of course, Harry. Wouldn't want to separate you from your love.'


The loud applause from Ravenclaw surprised Harry a bit, but he kept a stoic mask. The other houses were stunned.

He took a seat between Padma and Hermione, holding Hermione's hand underneath.

"I have a few start-of-term notices I wish to announce. The first years please note that the Dark Forest is strictly forbidden to all students. Also, our caretaker, Mr. Filch, has asked me to remind you that the third floor corridor on the right hand side is out of bounds to all who do not wish to die a most painful death. Now, before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you."

And with that, he spread his hands, and the tables filled with food. Enough food, that the tables creaked under the weight.

"Why would he say that about the third floor? Doesn't he know a castle filled with children will naturally want to see what's hidden there? And the random words he said. Has he gone senile?" Hermione whispered to Harry, who just shook his head in amusement.

He spent that evening talking with Padma and Hermione, while also answering some of the impersonal questions that are being asked of him.

When the Ravenclaw prefect led the first years to the common rooms, he gave them a short tour and a run down of things they should know while attending the school.

Harry ignored it in favor of trying to reconnect himself to Hogwarts' wards. He needed to purge the school of it's dark items so the children won't be tainted by it. He also needed to talk with the Basilisk in the chamber.

'I should get all of this done now. But... what to do with Voldemort... I could easily kill him now, and no one would be the wiser. No. I should continue to wait to Fourth year for my name to come out the Goblet, and let the Dork Lard revive himself. Then I'll challenge him publicly and beat him then. I'll gain even more public support, so when I clean the government, it'll be met with little opposition.'

When they finally made it to the Ravenclaw tower. The prefect was asked a riddle, and when he answered correctly, the door opened to show the Ravenclaw common room.

The prefect directed them to which side they were to be sleeping in, then let them be.

Hermione felt particularly bold that night and gave Harry a kiss on the cheek before running to her dorm. Padma just gave him a hug, then followed Hermione.

Chuckling to himself, he made his way to his own dorm, and got ready for bed.


'I don't understand!' Dumbledore was still awake pacing his office, while the staff and children were already in bed.

When he saw Harry after his name was called, he knew immediately that his new plans were already being derailed. What he saw was a confident and fit young man unaffected by the attention he was receiving. He saw a stride that would fit any adult pureblood wizard.

He needed to sit down, drink a Calming Draught, and think things through.

Clearly someone saved Harry. He's just a child, so there's no way he could do all of that himself. He didn't even know magic existed at the time. Who could of done so? The Longbottoms were still in a coma, and Sirius is still in Azkaban so neither of them could've helped. Maybe a Potter Elf? No, of course not. He blocked a majority of Harry's magic just so they wouldn't be able to find him. But wait, what if their magic became more sensitive when they turned back into High Elves?

That... isn't impossible.

That must've been what happened. That's the only plausible reason.

Thanks to a blasted elf, years of planning destroyed. Now he has to think of even newer plans, since his new plans were ruined. First he needed to ascertain his personality.


Daphne woke up thinking about the previous day.

She made four new friends, and one of them was Harry Potter!

Before coming to Hogwarts, she made a plan to make powerful allies to help her ambitions and be politically powerful. She loved politics, like almost all Slytherins.

When she read Harry's story, she thought she could become his 'friend' and use his political power, since House Potter is one of the most powerful houses. She thought she could have an abused Harry in her back pocket to use whenever.

But she surprised herself to actually find a genuine friendship with him. He spoke eloquently, and he knew proper etiquette and when to use it. Clearly he wasn't ignorant to wizarding politics, since he explained the basics to Hermione, and that just attracted her even more. That was another surprise. Her growing infatuation with him.

It started when he stared into her eyes and gave her what he felt was an honest description of her. It was enough to make her knickers distinctly uncomfortable.

She knew what that feeling meant. Her mother gave her 'the talk' the night she received her Hogwarts letter.


"Have a seat, dearest. We need to talk about your body, and what to expect." Lucile Greengrass spoke in a serious tone that told Daphne that this was going to be an important conversation.

"Now, I know this will be an embarrassing talk for you to hear, but it needs to be heard. You are growing up, and your body and magic is changing. The reason why Witches and Wizards make betrothal contracts so early is because our bodies mature earlier. Due to our magic constantly flowing through us, our bodies are always healthy, even though most don't care about maintaining a nice figure and eat whatever they want. We of the magical world go through puberty years earlier than those of the mundane world." She took a breathe before continuing.

She then started to explain horniness. What it meant, what it usually feels like, how it ruins underwear, and so on.

As Lucile went on about the different ways to have sex, and the different reasons, as well as oral, and anal, she did notice Daphne's face become a bright red, but she also saw Daphne paying close attention.

She knew her daughter was just like her, and would be going through puberty as soon as she arrived at Hogwarts. Her husband was a Hufflepuff, while she was a Slytherin and they met in the group about to be sorted.

They were dating by the end of the first year. Lightly petting each other while kissing in the middle of second year, and having sex the beginning of third. Thankfully Madame Pomfrey always had potions that prevented pregnancy stocked to the brim.

She felt it prudent to warn her daughter about what to expect just like her mother did.

"Do you have any questions for me?" She asked after giving her detail upon detail about sex.

"No. Thank you for telling me all of this so I wouldn't be caught unaware."

"Of course, dearest. Now get some rest. We go school shopping in the morning."

Flashback end

While it was embarrassing to hear, she was grateful her mother had the forethought to warn her about what she was going to feel.

Unfortunately, while she knew what to expect, she wasn't prepared to actually feel it.

Thankfully Harry and the other girls were so easy to talk to, so opening up just a bit wouldn't be too much of an issue.

Now she needed to get up and meet up with her best friend, Tracy Davis. Yesterday, she gave her space so she can spend time with her betrothed, Blaise Zabini. Now she can sit and tell her all about her new friends.


The five friends were able to get into a comfortable routine after a couple of weeks.

They took turns sitting at each other's tables, talking to each other and others on the tables.

Harry never really talked to Lavender Brown in the past. Nor did he talk to Blaise, Tracy, and Daphne. It was nice and refreshing to truly make new friends. Especially his god brother, Neville.

It always bothered him that Neville never even got his own wand. His self confidence deteriorated even more due to this, so Harry decided to help him with that during the summer.

Some of the other Gryffindors and Slytherins didn't appreciate the fact that people from other houses sat at their table, but they were easily taken care of.

For the Gryffindors, all it took was Fred and George relentlessly pranking them to make them stop messing with the Heir of the Marauders. For the Slytherins, one glance at Harry's Lordship ring was enough to make them back off, but he knew that they would try something soon.

The teachers liked the fact that students were sitting outside their designated house. Unity between Houses can properly be established now thanks to Harry and his gaggle of gals.

One teacher didn't like it though. Severus Snape despised everything to do with Harry Potter, just because of who his father was. Snape and James were unknowingly rivals. They fought each other for the love of one Lily Potter, even though they weren't aware of that fact. Snape eventually started to befriend the pureblood supremacists in his house, further straining his friendship with Lily, a muggleborn witch. Then, during their fifth year after a particularly embarrassing prank from James, due to his very upset state, Snape lashed out at Lily and called her a 'mudblood', even after she berated James for his actions. She refused to forgive him after that.

All of his hatred for James overshadowed his love for Lily whenever he saw Harry. It didn't matter that he doesn't look that much like his father, as long as he's a Potter, he's an arrogant brat. He proved it in his first potions class.


Professor Snape entered the class from the hallway at exactly 9:00 am, the time the class started. He strode down the length of the room from the door, mounted his dais next to his lectern.

"There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exactly understand art that is potion making. However, for those select few who possess the predisposition, I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can show you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death. Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to not pay attention."

Looking over at Harry, he said, "Ah, Mister Potter, our newest celebrity. Tell me, Mister Potter, what would I get if I added root of Asphodel to an infusion of Wormwood?"

Harry replied, "The Draught of Living Death, a powerful sleeping potion."

Frowning, the Professor asked, "Where would you look if you wanted to find a bezoar?"

"In the stomach of a goat; or probably in your potions store. It's a fast and effective way of curing most poisons."

The frown became a glare. "What is the difference between Monkshood and Wolfsbane?"

"They're from the same plant, aconite, and are often considered the same thing. However, they're not. Monkshood refers to the flower of the plant; which looks like a purple monk's hood, hence the name. However, wolfsbane refers to the roots of the plant. While the roots of the plant are not poisonous, the greenery and flower most definitely are. And, that's important to know because the root is the main ingredient in Damocles's Wolfsbane Potion, for which he earned the Order of Merlin about 15 years ago."

He could see the Professor was furious, but had stopped asking questions. Harry asked back, "So, tell me, Professor, since I've just answered questions relating to Third, Fifth and Seventh Year studies, have you just given me an oral examination for my OWLs?"

"20 points from Ravenclaw for your cheek, Potter. Instructions are on the board. Get started."

As Snape walked around the classroom, he sneered whenever he saw Harry and Padma's cauldron, because their potion is coming along perfectly.

He tried to vanish the potion twice. Both spells not nearing the cauldron. He even attempted to knock it over with a discreet flick of the wand.

When they were finished, he gave them a barely passing grade. Harry looked at him, and thanked him.

Snape took that opportunity to look into Harry's mind, only to find himself locked there. He then heard a voice say, "Should you attempt to legitimize the Lord of the Ancient and Noble House Potter again, you will suffer severe consequences. You have been warned." Then he was shoved out, causing him to stumble onto the floor.

In anger he dismissed the class and stalked out.

Flashback end

Snape could admit that Harry had stronger mental defenses than he thought, so he needed to bide his time, and catch him slipping, or he could go after one of his friends.

Whichever works.

While Snape stewed in his anger, Harry ate and conversed calmly with his friends. He could sense multiple people staring at him, but the emotions he sensed from the head table was what he focused on.

Snape's anger he could feel even without his power, but the frustration he felt from Dumbledore was hilarious. He remembered his 'first' encounter with the old tosser.


Professor Flitwick had walked into the common room after the first breakfast of the new school year. He found who he was looking for almost immediately.

"Mr. Potter. If you would follow me please, the Headmaster wishes to speak with you."

Harry, Hermione, and Padma looked up at the same time in surprise. "Whatever for, Professor?"

"I am not sure, but let's go find out, shall we?"

The two left the common room making small talk until they made it to their destination.

Before he could utter the password to the gorgoyle, Harry spoke. "May I ask you to come in with me?"

"I don't mind, but may I ask why you want me to join in this meeting?" Flitwick asked.

"I'm sure you've read in the Daily Prophet of my past and how Dumbledore is involved, correct?" At Flitwick's serious nod he continued. "Then you must understand my reluctance in being in a room alone with him with no backup."

"I see Mr. Potter. In that case, I will join you. A student's safety is a professor's number one concern after all. Acid pops."

As soon as Flitwick said the password, the gargoyle stepped aside, and the pair walked up the spiral staircase.

Entering the office, Harry found Dumbledore sitting seemingly serene, with Snape standing behind him.

"Thank you, Filius. You may leave now." Dumbledore began.

"Apologies, Albus. Young Harry here asked me to stay here." Flitwick replied.

"There's no need for that. I merely would like to ask a few questions."

"Be that as it may, the safety of our students is our number one concern, and Harry felt he'd be safer with my presence."

"I assure you, Harry, you are more than safe in my presence." Dumbledore tried reasoning.

"The mental probe you are currently sending my way says differently." Harry stated blandly.

"WHAT?!" Flitwick roared.

"Filius, I merely-"

"No! There is no justification for you to enter this minor's mind! Have you been doing this to all of the students?!"

"It's all for the Greater Good, I assure you."

"I will make sure the board hears about this! Let's see what they make of your Greater Good. Come along, Mr. Potter. We're leaving. I see now why you asked me to come with you."

Getting up, Harry happily followed Flitwick out the office.

Flashback end


The entire day, all the other students and teachers noticed Harry was a bit off. He wasn't really paying attention in classes, and he always seemed to stare off into space. This surprised everyone due to the fact that he constantly had an upbeat personality, and was always attentive in classes.

When asked what the issue was, he simply asked a question.

"What happened on this night over a decade ago?"

Almost everyone answered He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named was vanquished. When they said that, Harry just sadly shook his head and walked away.

His friends understood what was going on with him, so they all skipped the feast that night and ate food that the house elves brought them in the library. Madam Pince, the librarian, understood what he was going through, so she made an exception for that night only.

While they ate and chatted there, they missed all the chaos of the troll entering the castle.

This was all a part of Harry's plan. He didn't want any of his friends to be in harms way, so he channeled the bad feelings of his parents dying that night. Even though he's made peace with their deaths centuries ago, it still hurt a bit.

The group was found later by the Headmaster and Professors McGonagall, Snape, and Flitwick, along with Madam Pomfrey.

"Are you all alright?" Madam Pomfrey asked when they came to their table.

"Yes, why?" Padma queried.

"There was a troll loose in the castle, and everyone was told to return to their common rooms. Why haven't any of you done so?" McGonagall asked.

"We didn't know about the troll, we here since before the feast supporting Harry in this sad night." Daphne answered.

"Whatever do you mean, Miss Greengrass? Tonight is the anniversary of the night our hero vanquished Voldemort. What could he possibly be sad about?" Snape asked snidely.

"How about the fact that my parents were murdered that night?" Harry asked icily. The coldness of his tone shocking the room, because no one has ever heard him speak like that.

"I-I apologize, my boy. I didn't realize how insensitive we've all been acting." Apologized Dumbledore, using his patented grandfather tone.

"I am not your boy, so please do not refer to me as such. I remember exactly who sent me to be tortured by my relatives, and who stood by while he did so." Giving both McGonagall and Dumbledore pointedly before he got up. "Now this has been a rather trying day, so I'm going to bed early. Goodnight Professors." And with that, he and his friends left.


After a good night hug for each Daphne and Parvati, the trio made it back to there common room.

"And where have you been, Potter?" Roger Davies asked loudly, getting the attention of everyone in the room.

"The library, Davies. Why do you care?"

"Because I don't think you were at the library."

"Oh?" Harry asked curiously. "And where do you think I was?"

"In the dungeons, letting a troll in." Davies accused.

"Are you daft?"

"No. You've been acting weird all day. Distracted, and snippy. And on the most celebrated night of the year, you and your friends skip the festivities. Why is that? It's because you were letting the troll in!" Davies exclaimed.

"No Davies, I was in the library, with my true friends, as they helped me get pass this sad night." Harry calmly retorted.

"What could you possibly be sad about? This night is a celebration of a Dark Lord being defeated, by you nonetheless! Are sad that he was killed? Do you agree with his ideals?!" Davies accused.

"No, you fucking git. I'm upset because this is the night my parents were fucking MURDERED!" Harry yelled. The entire common room stared wide eyed at Harry's outburst. Even Davies was left slack jawed.

"Everyone seems to forget that one fact. That was the night my parents were taken from me. And do you know what's worse? I have an eidetic memory, meaning I remember every detail of that night. I remember my father telling my mother to run. I remember my mother's panic. I remember looking at the face of my parents' murderer. I remember my mother pleading with him to not kill me." He took a breathe. "And remember looking into my mother's eyes and watching the life slowly drain out of them. Then I remember a flash of green coming towards me. I don't know what inspired this "confrontation" of yours, but I don't want any part of it."

Without even looking back, he walked away, practically carrying both sobbing forms of Hermione and Padma towards their dorms as they fiercely clung onto him.

The speech he gave should answer everyone's questions regarding why he didn't attend the feast, and why he was acting off the whole day. It's better to stop rumors about him agreeing with Voldemort before they even start.


Dumbledore was once again pacing in his office. It was the end of the school year, and the students were on there way home.

Harry ignored all of the clues Dumbledore left for him to follow, and he was forced to personally stop Quirrell/Voldemort from taking the stone. How is he supposed to test him, when he doesn't even show up?

Not only that, but trying to have young Ronald be his friend is proving fruitless.

He needed to once again rethink his plans towards the boy. Hopefully having him stay with the Weasleys would start to sway him towards his control.


As Harry sat down in the train cart with his friends, he thought back to the year and the downside to telling everyone about the fact he remembered that night. Everyone but his friend group walked on eggshells around him as if he would start crying at anytime.

But that was a relatively small price to pay to have a stress free year at Hogwarts.

"So any summer plans, Harry?" Parvati asked.

"Well, I have to spend at least a week speaking to allies to House Potter. After that, I'll be spending time with the Grangers in another country. Maybe Mexico?" Noticing the slight jealousy in the eyes of three of the four ladies present, he added, "Of course, your families are welcome to join also."

That effectively raised their spirits as they had an animated discussion regarding where they should go.

When the train stopped, all the ladies, sans Hermione, walked quickly to bring their parents to Harry to properly plan in the summer.

As Harry and Hermione walked and talked in a sedate pace, a group of redheads blocked his path.

Standing in his way was the Weasley family minus Arthur, Charley, and Bill. Hermione kept walking to find her parents while Harry lagged behind.

"Alright Harry?" Fred spoke

"How you doing?" George added

"Pretty good." Harry shrugged. "What about you two?"

"We're doing fine" George replied

"Oh, have you met out sister yet?" Fred nudged Ginny forward.

"Don't push me." Ginny said to the twins before turning to Harry with a healthy blush on her face. "Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Ginny."

"Ginny? Nice name."

"Thank you" Ginny smiled.

"Hello dear." Mrs Weasley walked up to Harry. "I'm Molly Weasley."

"Hello." Harry responded "May I help you with something?"

"Yes, Dumbledore has asked me to make sure you are properly welcomed to the Magical World. You can come to our house during the summer, it's called the burrow dear, I'm sure you'd like it." Molly had been told by Dumbledore to invite Harry and learn as much about him as possible, and Molly wasn't one to question Albus Dumbledore.

"No." Harry refused. "I appreciate the offer, but I don't want to go to your house"

"Why not?" Molly asked, slightly affronted.

"You're a stranger." Harry answered.

"Don't you talk to me like that!" Mrs Weasley turned red.

"Like what? You are a stranger. I just met you." Harry pointed out. "I'm not about to come over to your house just because you ask me to."

"Now, listen here, I am a mother of seven and…"

"I'm a boy." Harry interrupted. "Your turn." Ginny and the twins had to hide their giggles behind their hands. "Ah, you took too long for your turn, so we'll have to play another time, but I am not coming to your house. I don't know you and now I don't like you."

"I will not have such attitude!" Mrs Weasley roared.

"Then don't, nobody is telling you to keep it." Harry responded. "And please stop yelling, my ears are delicate. Now if you don't mind, I'll be off and if you do, then oh well."

Harry walked past Mrs Weasley and got a few steps before a hand grabbed him by the shoulder and spun him around.

"Listen here!" Mrs Weasley growled "You will not talk to me like that young man! You will follow me through that barrier and you will show respect to your elders! That includes me!"

"Well, you do fit into the old category" Harry pushed her hand off of his shoulder. "I will advise you not to touch me again."

"You can't tell me what to do!"

"You're right, I can't but the Aurors can. If you touch me again then I will lodge a complaint with the DMLE." Mrs Weasley stepped back in shock.

"Y-you wouldn't" She turned even more red, her face clashed against her own hair.

"Let's talk about what you've done so far." Harry said. "You're trying to force me to come with you, I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure that's kidnapping. Let's see, you're shouting at me, that may or may not file under harassment. I'm not sure about that but I am sure that you're causing a public disturbance, you've also touched me without permission and I'm feeling very threatened by your presence. Again, I'm no law expert, I'd have to ask my lawyer but I'm pretty sure that you don't want that. Let's also add on to fact you've done all of this to a Lord of multiple houses."

Ron was going to start yelling as well, until he heard the last part. Even with his minuscule brain, he knew not to mess with Lord business.

Molly paled an unhealthy amount and bowed her head while Harry just turned around and kept walking.

-Next Day-

It was midday at the Pottery, and the Elves were still worshiping Harry for his actions in freeing them. Currently, Harry was in a meeting room with the Ladies and Lords of Houses that are allied to House Potter.

"Thank you for meeting with me on such short notice. Allow me to get right to business. I would like to renew the alliance of House Potter with all of the houses present. Before we formally begin though, we have one more Lord who should be arriving shortly."

Just then, the floo flared and a handsome man walked in with all the poise and swagger befitting his title of Lord.

"Ah, here he is. Welcome back, Lord Black." Harry said using his occlumency to stop the broad grin he wanted to show. Now was not the time.

"Thank you, Lord Potter for the invitation." Sirius was also using his occlumency for the same reason. He took a seat by the head of the table.

Those among the invited were so shocked at seeing the infamous Sirius Black that it didn't occur to them to draw their wands. It was a good thing that they didn't, because it would be a monumental insult to House Potter if one of their guest was attacked by others.

The gathered houses are Longbottom, Corner, Abbot, Greengrass, Bell, and Bones. The Bones matriarch being the only one not surprised by Sirius' entrance.

"Now I'm sure that most of you are no doubt curious as well as concerned by Lord Black's presence here, but I assure you that everything is alright, for you see, Lord Black is in fact innocent."

"What do you mean, Lord Potter?" Lord Aldrich Corner asked.

"To clarify, I mean that Sirius Black was wrongly convicted of a crime. Actually convicted is the wrong word to use, because Lord Black never even received a trial."

Shock reigned in the room.

"You mean to say that Lord Black spent a decade in Azkaban without receiving a trial at all? Even all the death eaters received trials!" Lord Elias Greengrass exclaimed.

"Yes, my sentiments exactly. If Lord Black had received a trial, he would've been proven innocent, especially after the fact that he is my sworn Godfather would've been brought to light."

Everyone present relaxed completely after hearing that. For someone to swear to be another's Godparent, then magic itself would prevent said person doing anything that would harm their Godchild, including telling a Dark Lord where they were located.

"Everything became official this morning. Thanks to the help of Lady Bones, Sirius is now a free man. Now, I believe it's time to officially start this meeting." This time, Harry let out a smile.

Once the meeting was over, the lords made their way out, but Harry held Augusta back.

"House Potter currently is not happy with House Longbottom's Regent at the moment. It's nigh time Neville was allowed his own wand," he said. "His father's wand is not suited to him and makes him struggle to achieve any basic wand-based magic. One of the first things Mister Ollivander said to me was, 'The wand chooses the wizard'. His father's wand did not choose him as it is not suitable for him. Therefore, he struggles."

Both angry at being spoken to that way by whom she considered only a boy, and embarrassed she'd completely forgotten the rule surrounding wand compatibility, the elder witch huffed and refused to reply. Instead, she looked away.

"Regent Longbottom," Harry firmly said to the side of the woman's face. "I would be doing a grave injustice to my peer if I did not speak on this. Frank's wand needs to be placed in a position of honour on the mantelpiece in Longbottom Hall, or somewhere similar. That is the way you honour Frank's unwilling sacrifice. Neville needs his own wand. Not to be constantly compared to his father. How will Frank and Alice react when they wake and find that their only child had been browbeaten nearly the entirety of his short life."

With a tear rolling down her face, she finally spoke up. "They would be apoplectic. I'll take Neville to Ollivander's immediately."


"Harry, this is amazing!" Hermione exclaimed in excitement.

They were located at a private beach in a hidden island off the coast of Mexico. He'd managed to convince the Patils and the Greengrass' so accompany him and the Grangers.

The beach home was massive, and easily able to keep everyone comfortable. Dan was showing Sirius, Arjun Patil and Elias Greengrass how muggles grill, while Emma was showing Aditi Patil and Lucile the muggle game of volleyball.

While Harry's lady friends have only been alive about eleven years, their bodies are closer to those of fifteen. Their chest and hips already showing development.

Harry just stood at the edge of the Gulf of Mexico. Drowning all the noise out as he closed his eyes and breathed in the salt water, calming his nerves. The Native Americans taught him both, how to change into different animals, and how to gain energy from nature. As he was doing this, he felt a beach ball hit him on his chest.

"Sorry, Harry!" He heard Astoria call out. He opened his eyes and saw all his friends playing in the gulf. He shrugged and waded further into the water, as he made a silent vow to have more days like this.


As Harry sat in a seat in the Hogwarts Express, with Hermione cuddled into Harry's side and Padma takes the other, he thought about what this year was supposed to bring.

He lived a very long life, so he has to think hard about the details of his early life.

'Hm. Let's see. This would be the year with the Basilisk. And this would be the year where I first met a horcrux. Shite! I've still yet to unbind Hogwarts. I need to do that tonight. She's more than likely very upset with me. Once I do that, I'll have her bring me the diadem and the diary. After those two, all I have to do is kill Nagini and then Babymort himself.'

With his game plan set, Harry relaxed more into the cuddles, and allowed rhythmic sounds of the train tracks lull him to sleep.