She sat there on the side of the road, her little boy safely tucked in her arms now fast asleep. She didn't know what to do or think, she simply sat there with tears running down her face, holding onto the child in her arms.

"Miss, are you okay?" a man asked as he crouched down in front of her.

He had bright blue eyes, the most amazing eyes she had ever seen. His hair was grey, along with his beard. He had a dimple in his chin, a little bit like the boy in her arms.

"Miss?" he asked again.

She blinked her eyes a few times and came out of her daze.

"Sorry, um, what did you say?" she asked.

"I asked if you were okay?" he said again.

She nodded her head, tightening her arms around the small boy.

"My name is Gil Grissom, most people call me Grissom. I'm a CSI for the Las Vegas crime lab" he told her.

"May I ask you a few questions about what happened?" he asked her.

She nodded her head again.

"Thank you, now first question is can you tell me your name?"

"It's um, Sara. Sara Sidle" she told him.

"Thank you Sara" he said with a slight smile.

"And who is the little boy in your arms?"

"Lucas" she told him while smiling at the little boy in her arms.

"Is Lucas your son?"

"Yeah" she whispered.

"I see, how old is he?" Grissom asked her while smiling at the little boy who was still asleep in her arms.

"He's 2, nearly 3. Um, his birthday's in 2 months" she told him as she moved some of the boys hair out of his face.

"I see, well he's a very sweet looking little boy" Grissom smiled.

"Thank you" she whispered back.

"Okay, now I have a few questions about what happened tonight" he went on to say.

"Can you tell me what happened from the moment you entered the store?" he asked her.

"We um, we went to get some ice cream and popcorn and some other treats to have. We were going to have a movie night to celebrate, Lucas had slept in his own bed all night last night and I thought it would be a nice treat. You know have a Disney / Pixar movie night and eat a lot of junk food. It's fun you know" she giggled.

"I've never been lucky enough to have a night like that" he smiled at her.

"They're the best kind of nights, Lucas loves them" she smiled back at him.

"Well anyway, we went to the store and were picking out the different ice creams we wanted what we heard someone scream. It sounded like a girl, I grabbed Lucas and found a hiding spot. I didn't know what was going on but I knew I had to keep him safe. He's my life, I only have him and I don't know what I'd do if I lost him" she sighed.

"It's okay" Grissom said reaching out a hand to hers and squeezing it.

"Thanks" she smiled.

"So what happened after you's hid?"

"I told Lucas to be really quiet, that we were playing a game. He was so good, never said a word. I couldn't hear what was being said but I heard a gun go off. It scared me, I just wanted to get Lucas out of there but I couldn't move. It felt like we were there for hours, I was so happy when Lucas eventually fell asleep." she sighed.

"But then one of the men found us and told me to follow him or he'd shoot Lu (Lucas's nickname). I was so scared and didn't know what to do, so I did want he told me to do. There was a few people sitting there in front of the checkouts. God knows how Lu managed to sleep with those men shouting."

"It seems he has a mother who makes him feel very safe" Grissom told her.

Sara smiled, the two of them still sat holding hands. Lucas began to stir.

"Mama?" he yawned.

"I'm here baby, you okay?" she asked as the little boy rubbed his eyes.

"Me hungry" he told her.

"We'll get something to eat very soon, I promise. I just need to finish speaking to this nice man, okay?"

Lucas looked at the man in front them and smiled "That's the man who looked after me mama, when I came out the store".

Sara looked shocked at first then smiled.

"He wouldn't tell me his name before" Grissom told her.

Sara nodded her head then rearranged Lucas so he was sitting comfortably on her knee, this making her let go of Grissom's hand.

"Would you be able to finish telling me what happened?" Grissom asked her politely.

"Yeah, sorry" she giggled.

Sara took a deep breath and told the rest of her story.

"You guys them showed up, I could see and gear sirens. This made the man get angrier, he grabbed the woman in the business suit and threatened to shoot her. I just wanted to get Lucas out of there so I begged them to just let him leave. That's when one of them hit me and I got this" she pointed to the cut on her forehead.

"Did you get checked out?" he asked worried.

"Yeah, I'm fine, honestly" she smiled.

Grissom's hand traced the cut, it gave Sara chills.

"So, um, anyway. After a while we were all sitting and Lucas woke up, the men were talking to each other. I couldn't hear what they were saying. Lucas told me he needed them toilet, I got their attention and again I begged them to let him go out the store. One of them eventually said they'd let him go. I told Leo to go with the man and that I loved him, that I would see him soon. Anyway, after a while it was eventually all over and the police came in and got them. Then I came out and got checked out and was handed Lucas from some man named Nick. I got told not to leave cause you's would want to question me and now here we are" she told him.

"Thank you, now are you sure you're both okay?" Grissom asked her.

"Yeah, we're all good. Thank you for looking after him, I appreciate it."

"It's no problem, he's a great kid" Grissom told her.

"Mr Grissom" Lucas began to say.

"Yes Mr Lucas" Grissom said smiling at the little boy.

Lucas didn't say anything. instead he launched himself at the man and hugged him. The little boy's chubby arms wrapped around the mans neck. Grissom wrapped his own arms around the little boy and smiled.

"Thank you for saving my mummy" the little boy said.

"You are very welcome Lucas, I'm just glad you are both okay" Grissom told the boy.

"Mama, can we get food and go watch Nemo?" the little boy asked Sara.

He was still in Grissom's arms, not wanting to let the man he'd not long met, go.

"Of course we can baby, although I think we'll need to go find a different store" she laughed,

"Can Mr Grissom come with us?" Leo asked.

Both Sara and Grissom stood in shook, not knowing what to say.

"Well?" Leo asked again.

"Um, sorry baby but Mr Grissom's working and we can't bother him any longer" Sara said standing up and taking her son from Grissom.

Grissom stood up with them.

"What about another day then?" Leo begged.

"Um, I" Sara didn't know what to say.

Grissom smiled, he looked at the woman before him. He had never seen eyes like hers, deep pools of chocolate that he could get lost in for days. And her smile made his heart skip a beat, the small gap in the middle he loved. She was, to him, a very beautiful woman. One of the most, if not the most beautiful women he'd ever laid eyes on.

"Lucas, what if I gave your mum my number and maybe one day when you's are both free I could take you for ice cream?" Grissom said.

Sara and Grissom's eyes met, her's full of shock, his full of happiness.

"Yeah! And then to the park?" Lucas asked.

"If it's okay with your mummy then I'd love to take you both for ice cream and to the park" Grissom told the little boy.

"Can we mummy? Please" he begged his mother.

"Well, what do you think, you know?" Grissom asked with a nervous smile on his face.

"I um, I suppose so, only if you want to" she stuttered.

"I wouldn't ask if I didn't want to" he smiled.

"Okay then" Sara smiled back.

Leo who was now standing in between the pair was doing his happy dance knowing he was going to get to see this man he really liked again. The two adults watched the little boy and laughed.

"Do you's need a lift? You can't take your car right now cause it's part of the scene still but I could take you's to the store quickly and then home if you's wanted?" Grissom said.

"Um, are you sure? I mean we can get a cab, it's no problem" Sara told him.

"I insist, I'll just go tell someone that I'll be back in an hour, okay?" Grissom smiled.

"Okay, thank you" Sara smiled back at him.

Grissom quickly walked over to Jim Brass to tell him he would be back in an hour before heading back towards Sara and Lucas. He then guided the pair towards his car.

"I don't have a children's seat I'm afraid so you might want to sit in the back with him" he suggested.

"Thanks" she smiled as she placed Lucas in the car and got in beside him.

Grissom closed her door then headed to the drivers side, getting in and heading for the closes store. They arrived there in less than 5 minutes, Grissom rushed to help the mother and son out of the car.

"Oh, thanks" Sara said blushing as Grissom opened her door and helped her out.

"It's no problem" he smiled at her.

Lucas moved over to the edge of the seat and made a move to jump out of the car, Grissom caught him just in time.

"Careful there Lucas" Grissom laughed.

Instead of placing him on the ground or passing him to his mother, Grissom kept him held in his arms. He then locked the car, grabbed Sara's hand and headed into the store with them. Sara smiled, she had never met a man like Grissom. She had met him an hour ago and he already made her feel things she had never felt before, Grissom felt the same.

"So, what kind of treats would you like to get then Mr Lucas?" Grissom asked the little boy.

"CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM!" the little boy shouted, making the two adults laugh.

"Very well, any other requests?" he asked the boy.


"Sure thing, may some sweeties as well?" Grissom suggested.

"YEAH!" the young boy agreed, clapping his hands in excitement.

"And anything for you Sara?" he asked.

Sara shook her head and smiled at him "I'm fine with whatever Lucas wants".

"If you say so dear" he smiled at her.

Sara blushed hearing him call her 'dear', the three of them continued to go round the store, picking up what they needed before heading to the checkout. The cashier told them their total, Sara went to pay for their items when Grissom stopped her.

"I'll pay, I insist" Grissom told her.

"Oh, you really don't have to. Honestly" Sara told him.

"I want to" he said while paying for their items.

Sara grabbed the bag of shopping and the three left the store and got back into the car.

"Thank you for that, you really didn't have to do that" Sara told him once they were all settled in the car.

"I wanted to, now what's your address?" he asked starting the car.

Sara told him her address, he then headed there with a smile on his face. When they arrived Grissom once again help the two out of the car. He grabbed Lucas once more while Sara grabbed the shopping. Entering the house Sara went straight to the kitchen to put the ice cream in the freezer while Grissom was shown to the living room by Lucas.

"Will you stay and watch movies with us?" Lucas asked the man again.

"I'm sorry Lucas but I really need to get back to work" Grissom told the boy sadly.

"Will you come back after?" he asked.

"I um, I" Grissom was unsure of what to say to the boy.

He had only just met the mother and son duo, but he felt something with them that he had never felt before. He wanted nothing more than to spend time with them and he had no idea why. He wished he could tell this little boy who begged him to stay and watch movies with them that he could stay and do that, but he couldn't he had to go back to work.

Just then Sara walked into the room, she had heard Grissom struggling as to what to tell the little boy.

"Lucas baby, Mr Grissom has to go back to work just now. Why don't you go get changed into your pyjama's and then you can pick out the first movie. We can even watch it in Mummy's bed with Bruno" Sara told her son, taking him from Grissom.

"Okay" Lucas said slightly disappointed.

"Go get changed, your pyjama's are on your bed. They're your favourite ones" she told him as she set him on the floor.

"Okay" he huffed.

Lucas moved closer to Grissom before leaving the room, he then wrapped his chubby toddler arms around the mans legs, trying his best to hug him.

"Bye Mr Grissom, thank you for helping my mummy and me and for buying me lots of treats. You're the best" Lucas sweetly told him.

Grissom bent down in front of the boy and brought him into a proper hug.

"You are very welcome Lucas. Make sure you share your treats with your mummy though" Grissom smiled.

"I will! Will you come back?" Lucas ask as he pulled back from the hug and looked the man in the eyes.

Looking into the little boys dark chocolate eyes, he knew right then he had fallen for the mother and son duo. Sara was about to answer Lucas when Grissom beat her to it.

"I promised I would take you's for ice cream didn't I. I'm off for a few days starting tomorrow so as long as it's okay with your mummy, maybe I could take you's both out tomorrow?" he told the boy.

"Can we mummy! PLEASE!" Lucas turned to him mother all excited.

Sara didn't know what to say at first, she was in shock.

"Sara? You okay?" Grissom asked.

"Um, yeah! Great" she blushed.

"Good, so what do you think? Would it be okay for me to take you both out for ice cream tomorrow?"

Sara smiled as she saw Lucas use his puppy eyes, Grissom had the sweetest grin on his face. She knew her answer right then.

"We'd love to" she smiled.

Grissom smiled wider "Great, um would I be able to get your number so I can phone later and arrange when and where to meet?"

"Yeah, of course. I'll just go write it down for you. Lucas, say bye and go get changed baby" Sara said going to the kitchen to get a pen and paper.

"Bye Mr Grissom, see you tomorrow" Lucas said hugging the man again before running off to go change.

"See you later Lucas" Grissom shouted after the boy, laughing at his excitement.

Sara entered the room again with her number on a piece of paper.

"Here you go" she smiled, handing it to him.

"Thank you, I'll message you once I've finished work" Grissom smiled, accepting the piece of paper.



The two stood across from each other, both with smiled on their faces. Neither wanted to move or knew what to say.

"Mummy, I need help" Lucas shouted from his room.

"I'll be there in a minute baby" Sara shouted back to her son.

"I should get going" Grissom sighed.

"Yeah, thank you again for everything" Sara smiled.

"You're so welcome, I'll see you tomorrow" Grissom said as he leaned in to kiss her cheek.

Sara blushed "I'll see you then".

"I'll let myself out while you go help Lucas" he told her as he left and made his way back to work.

Sara stood in the middle of the room smiling to herself.


"Coming!" she shouted heading to her sons room.

"What do you need help with baby?" Sara asked as she entered her sons bedroom.

She saw Lucas with his pyjama top stuck on his head, she laughed to herself and went to help him.

"That better?" she asked.

Lucas nodded his head and smiled "Thanks mama"

"No problem baby, now let me go lockup and get changed. You pick the movie and I'll bring up the treats" she told him, kissing his forehead.

"Okay mama" he said excitedly.

Lucas ran over to his collection of DVD's while Sara locked up the house, grabbed them their treats from the kitchen before changing into her pyjamas. Her and Lucas both had matching pyjamas she had got custom made for them for when they had their movie nights. They were red bottoms, the tops were long sleeved with Micky Mouse and Minnie Mouse on them. It also had the Disney quote on it which said 'The most important thing is family'.

"Lucas baby, have you picked a movie?" she called to him from her bedroom.

"I don't know which one to choose mama" he called to her as he brought through a few options.

"Well, how about we watch as many as we can until you fall asleep and maybe another in the morning?" she suggested.

"Yeah!" Lucas agreed.

"Okay, now which one first?" she asked her son, bending down to his level.

"Ummm, can we watch Nemo?"

"Of course baby" you go get in mummy's bed and I'll start the movie.

Lucas climbed into her bed while she sorted the movie out, she then settled into her bed beside her little boy as it began. Bruno joined them, lying down at the end of the bed. The pair watch the film as they ate their treats, cuddled into each other. They laughed and cried at the movie, Sara kissing her little boy when the father and son were reunited.

"I love you so much Lucas" she told him.

"I love you too mama. You won't ever leave me, will you mama?" he asked looking at his mothers face.

"Never baby, without you I'd be lost. You are the best thing to have ever happened to me and I love you to the moon. When I look at you my beautiful boy, I am home" she told him with tears in her eyes.

"Mama, you sound like Dory" he giggled.

"So I do baby" she laughed back.

"Love you mama" he said snuggling into his mothers arms.

"Love you too baby" she said tightening her arms around him.

They watched Monsters Inc then Up after Finding Nemo had finished before then pair eventually fell asleep.

Grissom returned to work, he couldn't keep the smile off of his face. Thinking about the mother and son duo he had met only hours ago, he couldn't wait to get off shift and spend some time with them.

"What's with your face" Catherine, one of his closest friends and work colleagues asked.

"Truth?" he asked her.

"And nothing but the truth" she warned him.

"I think I'm in love with a little boy and his mother" he smiled.

"The ones from the store" she asked as the pair worked through the evidence in the lab.

"Yeah" he blushed.

"Good for you Gil, so are you going to do anything about it?" she questioned him.

"I've got her number and I'm taking them for ice cream" he told her.

"Gil Grissom, never did I think I'd see the day. You are going on a date with a mother and son" she joked.

"I know, I know, but Cath there's something about them. I know it's love, I just hope I don't screw it up" he sighed.

"You won't Gil, you can do this."

She then checked her watch "Listen, why don't you go home. The case is a slam dunk, they're already caught. The boys and me can handle it from here, you go get some sleep and then message that girl. Just make sure you tell me all the details" she warned him.

"Thank you Cath, I will" he said as he took off his gloves.

"Wait, before you go, are you going to tell me this mother and son's names?" she questioned him.

"Sara and Lucas" he smiled before leaving, shouting his goodbye's to her.

Grissom made his way home a slept until 9 in the morning, not needing much sleep. He woke with a smile on his face, he decided to get ready for the day ahead. He showered, trimmed his beard and changed into some blue jeans with a white polo shirt. He then went to the kitchen and made himself an omelette, by the time he had finished eating it was near 10. He thought that Sara and Lucas would be up by now, he decided to head over to their house instead of phoning as a surprise to them.

On the way over he grabbed some flowers for Sara and a Stitch teddy for Lucas, he thought the boy would appreciate this. He then headed to their house, the nerves began to settle in as well as his excitement to see the mother son duo again.

He walked to their door after exiting his car, carrying their gifts in his hands. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door, waiting patiently for someone to answer.

Sara and Lucas had woken up around 10, later than usual. Since it was a Saturday morning the pair made their way downstairs to make pancakes, they did this every Saturday. Bruno followed them and was fed and watered before being let out in the back garden.

Sara played Lucas's favourite Disney playlist and the two began singing and dancing along to the songs as they made their pancakes from scratch.

The pair were covered in pancake mix, laughing at how messy each other were. Sara then heard the knock at the door, she picked Lucas up off the counter and the pair headed to see who was at the door.

She opened it to see Grissom standing there with a nervous smile on his face and gifts in his hands.

"Grissom, hi. We, um, we weren't expecting you just now" Sara laughed nervously.

"I can see that" he laughed seeing the mess of the two.

"Come in" she told him, moving so he could enter the house.

"Hi Mr Grissom!" Lucas shouted, making the two adults smile.

"Hi Lucas, you know you don't have to call me Mr Grissom" he told the child.

"What can I call you then"

"You can call me Grissom or Gil or anything you can think of" he told the boy.

"Can I call you GG?" he asked.

"Of course you can" Grissom smiled.

"We're making pancakes, would you like some?" Sara asked as she headed back into the kitchen with Lucas, Grissom following behind them.

"I've already ate, but maybe I could try one" he smiled.

"Great" Sara smiled.

"Take a seat, hope you don't mind the music. We also have his Disney playlist on on a Saturday morning, it's tradition."

"I don't mind it at all" he smiled.

Sara placed Lucas on the counter next to Grissom as she went to flip then pancakes, Lucas then noticed the gifts in Grissom's hands.

"Who are they for?" Lucas asked.

"Oh, they're for you and your mother" Grissom smiled.

He passed the Stitch teddy to the little boy before walking over to Sara and handing her the flowers.

"Wow, you didn't need to do that. Thank you" Sara blushed.

"You're welcome" Grissom smiled, the pair looked at each other for a moment before Lucas broke their gaze.

"Wow, mama look what GG got me"

"I can see baby, what do you say?"

"Thank you, it's the best teddy ever!" the boy shouted.

"Well I'm glad you like it" Grissom smiled at the boy.

"That was really sweet of you, we both have a thing for Disney" Sara told him while blushing.

"It was my pleasure"

Grissom then made his way back over to the boy, the pair waited patiently on Sara finishing their pancakes.

"Okay boys, they're ready" Sara said placing the stack of pancakes in the middle of the island.

Sara placed a bowl of fruit and some chocolate and maple syrups of the island as well. She then sat next to Lucas and the 3 of them began to tuck into their food, the Disney music still on in the background.

"That was amazing! Best pancakes I've ever had" Grissom said as he finished eating.

Sara smiled and thanked him.

"I helped too" Lucas told him.

"You did!"

Lucas nodded his head and smiled.

"Wow, that must have been why they were so good"

Sara smiled at the interaction between the pair, it was only then she had realised how messy her son and her actually were.

"Okay, Lucas, I think we should go get changed and cleaned up. We are covered in pancake mix and you've got chocolate all over your face" she laughed.

"Saving it for later mama" the little boy joked.

Sara and Grissom both laughed at the boys response.

"Well Mr messy, we need to get cleaned up" she laughed picking the boy up.

"I hope you don't mind, you can make yourself at home" Sara told Grissom.

"I don't mind" Grissom smiled at her.

"We won't be too long, I'll clean up once we're changed" Sara smiled as she left the kitchen with Lucas.

Sara bathed Lucas, she then got him to brush his teeth and dried him. She then told him to go get dressed while she showered, she had already laid out his clothes for the day. He wore a pair of blue denim shorts with his favourite Stitch t-shirt. Sara was busy in the shower when Lucas struggled with the buttons on his shorts.

He ran back down the stairs to find Grissom who was busy making himself feel useful by cleaning up the kitchen.

"GG, will you help me please" Lucas asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"Sure thing Buddy, what's wrong" Grissom asked as he put down the dishes and knelt down to the boys level.

"Can you do my button" Lucas said while holding his trousers up.

"Of course I can" Grissom smiled as he helped the little boy.

"Thank you" Lucas said hugging the man.

"You're very welcome, now let me just finish these dishes and then we can do something till you mummy's ready" Grissom said getting up to finished the last few dishes.

"Yay, will you watch a movie with me?"

"Of course, why don't you go pick one out and I'll hopefully be finished by the time you come back" Grissom suggested.

"Okay" Lucas said as he ran off to get a DVD.

Lucas ran back into the room a few minutes later with his 'Lilo and Stitch' movie, Grissom had just finished cleaning the kitchen.

"Can we watch this one, teddy Stitch can watch it with us too" Lucas said excitedly.

"Sure thing Buddy, now let me see if I can work your TV" Grissom laughed, picking the boy up and heading into the living room.

Grissom quickly sorted the movie out and the two of them sat on the couch with teddy Stitch and began to watch the movie. Lucas was sat on Grissom's lap, cuddled into him. Grissom smiled and wrapped his arms around the little boy, he couldn't believe how perfect this felt.

Meanwhile Sara had finished her shower and was busy drying her hair and putting on a little bit of makeup. She then got dressed into a pair of light wash, distressed, skinny blue denim jeans and a baby pink, off the shoulder, wrap jumper. She then straightened her hair quickly before adding a silver chain she had gotten from her grandmother before she had passed away, it had a pink butterfly on it.

Once ready she went to Lucas's room to check on his, seeing he wasn't there she went in search of him. She found him and Grissom engrossed in their movie, she smiled to herself seeing the pair. She left them to go let Bruno back inside before walking over to the two on the sofa.

"So there you are my little Bug" Sara said, giving the boys a fright.

"Mama, come watch Stitch with us" Lucas said, signalling Sara to sit next to them.

Sara done as requested by her son, sitting next to the pair but leaving a gap between her and Grissom.

"You didn't have to watch this with him you know or clean up my kitchen" she whispered to him.

"I didn't mind and I can't say no to him" Grissom whispered back to her, turning to face her.

Sara smiled at him, Grissom smiled back.

"You know I know nothing about you but your name and your job but for some strange reason I trust you. I never trust anyone, especially with Lucas" she told him quietly so she didn't interrupt her sons movie.

"I only know your name and that you have a son and a dog, I think we're even in that area" he joked, earning a giggle from Sara.

"But I'm glad you trust me. I'd love to know more about you both, if that's okay?" he asked.

"I'd like that, I'd love to know more about you too"

"Would you like to to go to the park after this with Lucas, we can take Bruno too" Grissom suggested, Lucas had told him all about Bruno while he set the movie up.

"I'd like that, and I know Lucas will too" Sara smiled.

"Great, then I can take you's for that ice cream I promised"

Sara giggled, "Maybe you could stay for dinner if you're not busy later".

"It's a date" Grissom winked.

When the movie was over Sara told Lucas to go get his shoes so they could go to the park, the little boy ran off quickly, excited for the day ahead. Sara got up to turn the TV off when she noticed Grissom looking at her.

"What?" she asked.

"Nothing, I just thought you looked really beautiful" he told her blushing.

"Thank you" Sara giggled. "You look pretty handsome yourself" she winked at him.

Before he could thank her, Lucas ran into the room with his little white converse trainers. He ran over to Grissom to ask him for help, Grissom tied the little boys shoes while Sara went to grab her matching trainers. She then grabbed Bruno and his lead along with a bag for Lucas as well as her own.

"Ready?" Grissom asked as she entered the room again.

"Yeah, let's go" Sara smiled.

The three of them along with Bruno left the house, Grissom helping Sara with all the bags she had. They decided to take Sara's car since it already had Lucas's seat in it, it had been dropped off when the she had woken up by an officer, they then headed off to the mother and son's local park.

When they arrived Grissom helped Lucas out the car while Sara got Bruno and their bags. Grissom helped her with the bags, they then all walked over to a nice spot in the park. Lucas played catch with Bruno, the two adults keeping a close eye on the boy while they sat on a blanket on the grass.

"So, Mr Grissom, you going to tell me about yourself?" Sara asked, smiling at him.

"What would you like to know Miss Sidle?" he flirted back.

"Anything, everything" she giggled.

"Well, I'm a 37 year old, workaholic who has no social life. My birthday is on August 17th. My mother and father are Betty and James Grissom, they both live in Vegas. I'm a CSI for Vegas's crime lab and I'm the supervisor for grave yard shift. I'm one of the top 10 entomologist in the world and I love butterflies. I love to cook and I can make a good homemade macaroni. I love baseball, used to play back in high school. And last night I met a very beautiful woman with the sweetest little boy" Grissom told her with the biggest grin on his face.

Sara blushed at the last part of of his speech and smiled back at him.

"Do you always take home women and their children from a crime scene?" she asked.

"First time for everything" he said winking.

Sara giggled "Guess I should feel lucky then".

"I'm the lucky one" Grissom told her.

Lucas ran over to them to ask for a drink, he then went back to play with Bruno after Sara gave him some water.

"So, can you tell me about you and Lucas since I've told you about myself?" Grissom asked Sara.

"Well, I'm a 23 year old single mum to a 2, nearly 3 year old. My birthday is September 16th and Lucas's birthday is November 21st. We only have each other, my parents got in a car crash just after I had Lucas" she said with a sigh.

"I'm sorry to hear that" Grissom said taking her hand in his.

Sara smiled at him "I'm just glad I had Lucas back then. Anyway, my parents left me in a very fortunate position and left everything to me. They were very well off, my father was a great business man, and because of them I have been lucky enough not to have to work since having Lucas. I get to spend all my time with him" Sara smiled and looked at her son.

"We are both obsessed with Disney, hence all the Disney things in our house" she laughed.

"We have Bruno our boxer dog who my dad got for my 18th birthday. We love to eat pancakes and ice cream, we watch movies all the time and sing and dance in the kitchen to Disney songs. He's my best friend and I love him to pieces, he's my life" Sara told him with a big grin on her face.

"Oh, and last night we met a very kind and handsome man who helped us after a scary incident" she teased.

Grissom gave her his biggest grin "Well, I'm very glad I could be of help".

The two stared into each others eyes, huge grins on both their faces. They held hands, they felt like there was no one else around, that was until Lucas can running over to them.

The little boy ran over, jumping onto Grissom, knocking the man onto his back.


"Lucas! Omg! I'm so sorry Griss" Sara said in shock at what her son had just done.

"I just playing mama, I wanted to be a scar monster like Sully" Lucas explained while moving off Grissom, tears in his eyes.

"Hey, don't worry about it little man. I know you were just having fun" Grissom says, seeing the boys tears.

"I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to shout at you, but you have to be careful" Sara told her son, grabbing him into a hug.

"Sorry mama" the boy told him mother, cuddling back into her.

"It's okay baby" she kissed the top of his head.

"What do you two say we go get some ice cream now?" Grissom suggested.

"YEAH!" Lucas shouted as he moved from his mothers arms to Grissoms.

Lucas hugged Grissom, his chubby little arms were wrapped around the mans neck. Grissom smiled and hugged the little boy back.

Sara smiled at the two, she couldn't believe how well her son had taken to Grissom and how well this man who they had only just met was taking to them both.

"Let's help mummy tidy up then we can walk down to the ice cream shop" Grissom told the boy who nodded in agreement.

They 3 of them packed everything away, putting what they didn't need back in the car and putting Bruno on his lead. They then headed off to the ice cream shop, Sara holding Bruno's lead, Lucas grabbing Grissom's hand and Grissom grabbing Sara's. Sara smiled at him and the scene before her.

When they got to the shop Sara waited outside with Bruno while the boy got some ice cream.

Grissom lifted Lucas up to let him see the different ice cream flavours Buddy" he asked the boy.

"Can I have bubblegum?" he asked.

"Of course you can, shall we get mummy chocolate?"

"Yeah, mummy loves chocolate ice cream"

"Perfect and I'll have mint choc chip"

They ordered their 3 cones and paid for them. Grissom placed Lucas back on the ground and passed him his cone, while Grissom held his and Sara's. They then made their way out of the shop.

"Your son is absolutely gorgeous" a woman said to Grissom as he reached the door.

Grissom smiled at the woman "Thank you"

They then left and walked over to where Sara was standing.

"Mama, we got you chocolate ice cream" Lucas said running over to her.

"You did" Sara smiled.

"We did, here you go" Grissom smiled as he passed her the cone.

"Thank you" she smiled as she licked the ice cream.

"So what shall we do for the rest of the day?" Grissom asked them.

"Can we watch more movies?" Lucas asked.

"Let's ask your mum, Sara, movie day?" he asked smiling at her, Lucas doing the same.

Sara giggled at the two of them, both using their best puppy faces.

"I don't see why we can't" Sara told them.

"Yay!" Lucas cheered

The two adult laugh at the little boy, once they finished their ice creams they headed back to the car and headed off back home. When they arrived Lucas ran to go pick out a movie for them to watch while Sara and Grissom waited on him in the living room, Bruno was settled down in his bed by the window.

"You know, this is the best day off I've had in a long time" Grissom told her as they sat down on the couch.

Sara smiled at him "I'd have to agree there, this has been a very nice day. I think Lucas has enjoyed himself as well"

"I'm glad, I'm not used to kids but with Lucas, it just feels easy. Like he's always been there" he told her.

"Well you're great with him. He doesn't usually take to other people who aren't me or my close friends. I'm glad he likes you" she blushed.

"And why is that Miss Sidle?" he flirted back at her, moving closer to her.

"Well Mr Grissom, because I think I quite like you " she blushed.

"You think? Well, I know I like you" he told her with his big grin on his face.

"I know" she whispered, smiling.

Grissom raised him hand, placing it his hand on her cheek. His thumb softly brushed her skin, Sara leaned into his touch.

"You don't mind that I'm older?" he asked.

"Nope. You don't mind that I'm younger and have a son?"

"Definitely not" he smiled.

They moved closer, their eyes began to close and Grissom closed the space between the pair and softly kiss her.

"I found one" Lucas shouted as he ran into the room, the movie in his hands.

The two adult broke the kiss, their faces red knowing they had been caught by the little boy. They smiled at each other before turning their attention back to the little boy.

Sara turned her attention to her son, "What one did you pick this time baby?"

"The Lion King Mama!" Lucas shouted.

"You know that's one of my favourites" Grissom told the boy.

Lucas passed the film to his mother and moved over to Grissom, raising his arms to be lifted.

"Really?" the young boy asked.

"Really" Grissom said as he picked the boy up, placing him on his lap.

Sara smiled at the two then went to put the movie on.

"You want a blanket baby?" she asked her son.

Lucas smiled and nodded his head, "Can I get Stitch too please mama?"

Sara smiled "Of course baby".

Sara grabbed the blanket from the cupboard as well as her son's new teddy, which was on the kitchen counter, before joining the two on the couch. Sara covered her son and Grissom with the blanket, passing the teddy to Lucas, and sat next to the pair.

The movie began and Lucas watch the movie, letting out a giggle every so often.

"GG, look at the big lion" Lucas said seeing Mufasa.

"I see him, can you tell me what a lion says?" he asked the young boy.

Lucas smiled "RAWR!"

The two adults laughed as the boy pretended to be a lion.

"Very good Lucas" Grissom said while tickling the boy.

Lucas began laughing and squealing, while begging for Grissom to stop tickling him.

"Please stop, it tickles GG" he laughed. "Mama, help me"

Sara laughed at the two, Grissom stopped tickling the little boy after a few minutes, he too was laughing.

Lucas smiled at the man and cuddled into him, Grissom's heart felt as if it was about to explode. He had never felt like this before, he wrapped his arms around the little boy and cuddled him back.

Sara sat with her legs pulled to her chest and her arms wrapped around them, she couldn't believe this man she had just met was treating her son so well. Also she couldn't help but feel like she was falling for him, badly.

Lucas cried as Mufasa died in the movie.

"Mama, I don't like this part. It makes me sad"

"I know baby, me too" Sara said leaning over to kissing her son's forehead and wiping the tears away.

Grissom took his chance and pulled Sara close to him, wrapping an arm around her. Sara looked up at his and smiled, Grissom returned the smiled, Sara then placed her head on his shouldered. The three of them stayed like this for the rest of the movie. Lucas fell asleep half way through, his head on Grissom's chest and his arms wrapped tightly around his teddy. Sara's head was still resting on Grissom's shoulder, one arm wrapped around his son and a hand holding Grissom's. Grissom had one arm wrapped around Lucas and the other around Sara, his hand holding hers while his thumb stroked her hand.

When the movie was over Sara decided she should move Lucas to his bed, she gently picked him up from Grissom and carried him, along with his teddy to his room.

While she tucked her son in his bed for his afternoon nap, Grissom turned the movie off and began to watch TV. Sara returned to the living room and smiled seeing Grissom making himself at home.

"Coffee?" she asked.

"Sure" he said smiling at her.

Sara made her way to the kitchen and made them both some coffee, Grissom followed her and lent against the counter watching her move around the kitchen. He smiled and moved closer to her till he was standing directly behind her.

"You know, you're very beautiful" Grissom told her.

She smiled, turning around to face him "You really think so?"

"I really think so" he smiled, placing his hands on either side of her.

"Why thank you Gilbert" she giggled.

"You are so very welcome" he said as he moved closer to her, their faces less than an inch apart.

"I've known you less than a day yet I feel like I've known you forever" she smiled, showing the gap in her teeth.

"I feel the same, I've never felt like this before. Never felt like this towards anyone, you and Lucas have got me" he whispered.

"You've got us both too, he couldn't stop talking about you last night. I've never seen him like this before, not even with my friends"

"Sara Sidle, I think I'm falling in love with you and your son" he said looking in her eyes.

Sara looked shocked hearing him admit this, less than 24 hours ago she had never even met this man and now he was in her house after having spent the day with her son and her, telling her he was in love with them.

"Am I dreaming?" she giggled.

Grissom laughed "If you are then I never want you to wake up"

"I think I'm falling in love with you too and I know Lucas is" she smiled.

Grissom closed the gap between them and kissed her softly, wrapping his arms around her. Sara kissed him back, her arms going around his neck with a hand toying with the curls at the nape of his neck.

Grissom broke the kiss for a moment, "I don't think I want that coffee anymore".

Sara giggled "Me neither, couch?"

Instead of replying, Grissom grabbed her and carried her to the living room. Sara squealed and wrapped her arms and legs around him, giggled when his beard rubbed against her neck, tickling her. He sat down on the couch, keeping Sara on his lap. He smiled and kissed her once again. The two made out like teenagers, ending up lying on the couch with Sara on the bottom and Grissom on top.

"Griss, as much as I don't want to, I think we should stop" Sara said while trying to catch her breath.

"I think you're right, can't have Lucas walk in on us" he winked, making Sara giggle.

Grissom rearranged them so he was on the bottom and Sara was laying on top of him. Her head was on his chest, a hand playing with the buttons of his shirt. His arms were wrapped around her, playing with her hair.

"Can I ask you something? You don't have to answer if you don't want to" he said.

"Sure, what is it?"

"Where's Lucas's dad?"

Sara sighed, only her close friends and her parents the story.

"When I was 19 I was walking home from my friends house, it was a little after 11. I had done it so many times before, I never thought anything of it. I was about 5 minutes from my house when some guy attacked me, he just came out of nowhere. He um, he" Sara struggled to get the next part out.

"You don't have to tell me Sar, I shouldn't have said anything. I'm sorry" he said kissing her forehead, tightening his arms around her.

"It's okay, I can do this" she said taking a deep breath. Grissom squeezed her arm softly, letting her know he was there for her.

"He raped me, just as he finished a guy walking past saw him. He saved me really, he held the guy down and called the police. I got taken to hospital and the guy taken to jail. My parents came and met me at the hospital, they didn't let me out of their sight for weeks. 2 months went by, I had been sick for a few days in a row. I told my mum and she took me to the doctors, they told me I was 2 months gone. I didn't know what to do at first, I was in shock. My parents supported me, told me whatever I decided to do that they would be there for me. I knew I couldn't get rid of a baby, so I kept him and as horrible as it was I knew it wasn't my babies fault. I've never regretted my decision, Lucas is the best thing to have ever happened to me. He's what's kept me going these past few years, I don't know what I'd do without him."

Grissom lay there, tears in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry Sara, you are the bravest and strongest person I know. You should never have gone through that, I'm so sorry" he said kissing her forehead.

"Don't be, I have Lucas and if it never happened I wouldn't have my little boy. Of course I wish it hadn't of happened like that but you can't change the past, you just have to accept what's happened and move on" she told him, lifting her head to look at him.

Grissom leaned forward and kissed her softly.

"Thank you for trusting me and telling me what happened"

"Thank you for listening and not judging me"

"Never, there's nothing to judge. Something horrible happened to you and you have made this horrible experience into something good. You are the strongest person I've ever met."

Sara smiled at him, kissing him once more.

"Lets move on, what shall we have for dinner?" she asked.

"Well what would Lucas eat?"

"He's a good kid, eats most things. How about I make us Mac and Cheese?" she suggested.

"Sounds good to me, you want some help?" he asked.

"Sure, although I'm sure when Lucas wakes up he'll drag you away" she laughed.

"Well then we best get started" he told her, kissing her softly.

Sara giggled, the two of them got up and headed to the kitchen. They began to make the meal, Sara telling Grissom what to do.

"Stop eating the cheese" she laughed after seeing Grissom eat another hand full of cheese.

He grinned at her "it taste good though"

"If you keep eating it there won't be enough though" she told him back.

"Sorry" he told her dramatically, causing her to laugh.

They had finished making the meal and placed it in the oven, Lucas was still not awake so Sara decided to go check on him. Grissom made them both coffee while she was away.

Sara walked into her son's room and saw him lying in his bed, still tucked in under his Buzz lightyear bed sheets. He was awake and talking to his new Stitch teddy, she smiled as she listened to him.

"I like GG, he's big and cuddly. And he likes to watch movies with me and mama. He makes my mama smile too, she's pretty when she smiles. I want GG to stay here forever, I love GG"

Sara smiled, she was happy her son was happy. She just prayed nothing would ruin their happiness and that both their hearts wouldn't be broken.

"Hey there sleepy head, you coming to GG?" she asked her son, walking over to his bed.

"Yeah!" Lucas said scrambling to get up out of bed and downstairs.

Sara laughed and followed her son, she smiled as she saw Grissom sitting on the couch with Lucas now on his knee. The two were chatting away like it was something they had done forever.

Sara moved to sit next to the pair.

The next few hours were spent playing with Lucas, eating dinner and watching cartoons. It was time for Lucas to get ready for bed.

"Lucas baby, time for a bath then bed. It's already way past your bedtime" Sara told the boy who was lying down on Grissom's knee with his feet on her lap.

"No bedtime Mama" he wined.

"Yes bedtime" she giggled.

"Bath, no bed" he told her.

"Bath and bed baby, I'll read you a story too" she suggested.

"You no read, GG read me a story"

"Sure thing Buddy, but you have to do what your mum tells you, okay?" Grissom said, causing Sara to smile.

"Okay, GG" Lucas agreed, he then moved to go upstairs.

"Thank you" Sara said kissing Grissom's cheek before following her son.

"Make yourself at home" she shouted to him.

While Sara bathed her son, Grissom lay on the couch watching TV, before long he was fast asleep. Sara returned to the living room with Lucas in her arms, he was now dressed in his Cars pyjama shorts and top. His teddy was in his arms and his thumb in his mouth as he leaned his head on his mothers shoulder.

Sara smiled as she saw Grissom asleep, she sat Lucas on the chair and told him to stay there and not to wake Grissom up. She left to go make her son a bottle of hot milk he always had when he went to bed.

Lucas moved from the chair over to Grissom, he tried to lift himself up onto the couch next to the man. He eventually got up and laid down on Grissom with his head on the mans chest, the boy was asleep within minutes.

Sara came back into the living room with a bottle of hot milk for her son and saw the scene before her. She smiled to herself and couldn't bare to disrupt either of them, instead she sat down on the chair and watch the TV. She kept it turned down low before she too fell asleep.

A little while later Grissom woke up with Lucas still on his chest fast asleep, the little boy's thumb in his mouth and the same arm wrapped around his teddy. Lucas's other arm was holding onto Grissom's shirt tightly. Grissom smiled and rubbed the little boys back softly, he then looked over and saw Sara still fast asleep on the seat next to the couch. Grissom stayed where he was, not wanting to wake the sleeping child.

He thought to himself about how much he had enjoyed his day with the mother and son duo, how he could see himself spending more and more time with them both. He didn't think he could go a day without either of them, he had never felt like this before. He wished that this was his own little family, that he could have watched Lucas grow up from the minute he was born. That he could have been one of the first to hold him, to give him cuddles, to tell him everything was going to be okay when he woke from a nightmare and to tell the little boy he loved him and he would always be there for him. And then there was the little boy's mother who, to him, was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. He wanted to be there for her through everything, to help her raise her beautiful little boy and to be the person she relied on for anything and everything.

In that moment, looking at the two new people in his life, he made the decision there and then to never let either of them out of his life.

About a half an hour later Grissom decided he should get the little boy to bed. He gently manoeuvred the little boy so he could carry him before standing up and making his way to the boys bedroom. He tucked Lucas in, turning the small night light he saw on, before kissing the little boys head goodnight.

"Lucas, I think I love you and your mother" he whispered quietly.

He smiled as the little boy snuggled further into his covers, Grissom then left the boys room and made his way back downstairs. He smiled seeing Sara still curled up on the chair asleep, he decided he should move her to her bed. He gently picked her up, careful not to wake her, and took her to her bedroom. He then placed her in bed, Sara had changed into some pyjama shorts and a jumper when getting Lucas ready for bed. After he covered her with the blankets, he moved a strand of hair out of her face and gently stroked her cheek.

"I love you Sara and I'm going to look after you both, I promise" he whispered to her.

Grissom gently kissed her forehead, lingering for a few seconds before pulling away. As he pulled away Sara began to wake.

"Hi" she whispered.

"Hey, I just brought you up. Leo's asleep in his room and I was just about to leave" he told her.

"Thank you, you don't have to leave right now, do you?" she asked smirking at him.

Grissom smiled at her, cupping her cheek "You want me to stay?"

Sara blushed and nodded her head "I do"

"Then I'll stay" he told her, kissing her softly.

"Good! Do you um, want some comfy clothes? I still have a few box's of my dads clothes somewhere, I'm sure they're around about your size"

"If you're sure that's okay then yeah, thank you"

"Just give me a second" she told him as she got up and out of her bed.

Sara returned a few minutes later with some grey joggers and a white t-shirt.

"Here you go babe" she said passing him the clothes.

"Babe?" he questioned, taking the clothes from her.

"Sorry, I, it um just" she stumbled while blushing.

Grissom smiled "It's okay Sar, just shocked you called me that. You can call me anything you want" he winked.

Sara smiled at him "bathrooms that way" she pointed to her master bathroom.

"Thanks babe" he teased her as he left to go change.

Sara sat on her bed, turning the TV on, she waited for Grissom to come back out. He smiled as he walked back into the room seeing Sara curled up in a ball on top of the covers watching something on the TV.

"Stop staring at me" she laughed causing Grissom to blush.

"I wasn't staring, I was admiring" he told her.

"Isn't that the same thing?" she asked.

He winked at her then moved over to the bed.

"You can sit you know, I won't bite" she laughed.

Grissom placed his things on her dressing table and joined her on the bed.

"You know, I don't usually allow a guy to get in my bed on the first date" she teased him as she moved to face him.

"I don't usually get into woman's beds on the first date" he teased back.

"But you're not just any guy"

"And you're not just any woman"

Sara gave him her full on "Sara" smile.

"I know it's so soon, but I know how I feel Sar and I know I have fallen for you and Leo" he told her placing a hand on her cheek.

"I know Leo loves you Griss, he said so earlier when I went to get him from his nap" she told him, placing a hand on top of his.

"Really?" Grissom asked shocked.


"And what about his mother" he asked slightly nervous.

Sara giggled "His mother had never met anyone so sweet, generous and caring before. She's has definitely fallen for him"

Grissom smiled and leaned in to kiss her in the sweetest and most passionate kiss she had ever had.

Sara wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her, his arms moved to her waist. There was no space between the pair, Grissom moved to lay on his back, pulling Sara on top of him. The pair made out like some teenagers for what felt like hours.

Eventually the pair broke apart, smiling at each other.

"Wow" Grissom breathed.

Sara giggled "You're not a bad kisser, you know"

"Thanks, I think" he laughed.

Sara kissed him once again "Movie?"

"Sure, you pick" he told her.

"Are you sure you want me to pick?"

"Yep, I'm sure"

"Okay, but you can't moan about my choice" she warned him.

"I promise I won't, now hurry up and pick one"

Sara search for her favourite movie and put it on.

"So what are we watching then?" he asked her.

"While you were sleeping, it's one of my favourites" she said smiling at him.

"Never seen it before" he told her while wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close to him.

"It's so good, I think you'll like it" she told him as she wrapped her arms around him.

The pair watched the movie, every so often talking about a bit in the movie or they laughed at moments. By the end of the movie Sara had tears in her eyes, Grissom noticed this.

"What's the matter Sar?" Grissom asked.

"This movie always makes me cry" she told him.

Grissom smiled and moved to face her, he wiped away her tears and softly kissed her.

"I should go" he whispered in between kisses.

"I don't want you to go" she whispered back.

He smiled at her and kissed her once again.

"I suppose I could maybe, you know" he stuttered.

"You could stay?" Sara giggled.

"Yeah" he smiled, slightly nervous.

"I'd like that" she told him as she brought a hand up to his cheek.

"Me too" he kissed her on the forehead before getting up out the bed.

"Where you going?" Sara asked confused as to why he got out of bed.

"Bathroom, that okay?" he teased.

Sara giggled and nodded her head "I'm just going to go check on Lucas then"

She left the room to check on her son while Grissom was in the bathroom. She saw her little boy lying in his bed with his arm still wrapped around his new teddy and a thumb in his mouth. He had kicked the covers off himself and onto the floor. She moved over to tuck him back in and kissed his forehead.

Just then Lucas stirred.


"Go back to sleep baby" she whispered, softly stroking his forehead lightly.

"Thirsty" he yawned.

"I'll get you some water baby, I'll be right back"

Lucas nodded, Sara quickly ran downstairs and filled up one of her sons sippy cups with some water before returning to his room to find him not in there. Sara shook her head, Lucas would usually make his way to her bed if he woke up during the night. Sara made her way to her room to find both Grissom and Lucas in her bed. She smiled, she had always dreamed of her son having a father and her having a partner who loved them both. Seeing Grissom lying on his back with Lucas curled up on his right side, the pair watching some cartoons that were on the TV.

Yes, this was how Sara had always dreamed her life to be.

She made her way over to the pair.

"Lucas baby, here's your water" she said kissing his forehead.

"Fanks mama, look GG's still here" he said excitedly as he sat up and took his cup from his mother.

"I know baby" she smiled as she sat next to her son.

"Is GG staying?" he asked.

"Would it be okay if he did?" Sara asked her son, pulling him onto her lap.

Grissom by this point had kept quite, he turned onto his side to watch the mother and son interact with one another.

"YEAH! Can he have breakfast with us too" Lucas said as he drank his water.

"Would it be okay with you if I did?" Grissom asked the little boy while tickling his sides a little.

Lucas giggled and nodded "Yeah!"

"Then how about I take you's both out for breakfast?" he asked the pair.

"Lucas looked to his mother with a smile on his face, as if to ask permission for them to go.

Sara smiled "We'd love to go"

"Great, now I think since we're all going for breakfast tomorrow morning we best get some sleep. Don't you agree little man?" Grissom asked the boy.

Lucas nodded his head "Can I sleep with you mummy?"

"Baby, I thought we agreed that you would be a big boy and sleep in your own bed unless we have a movie night" Sara told the little boy.

Lucas sighed and put on a sad face, Grissom saw this and began to speak before Sara could.

"How about I tuck you in and read you a story? Will you sleep in your own bed then?" he suggested.

"Yeah" Lucas agreed excitedly.

"Great, come on then, say good night to your mum and then we'll go pick a story"

Sara watched as Grissom carried her son to his room, she couldn't help but smile. She knew their lives would never be the same again and she couldn't wait to see what her and her little boys future would turn out like with Grissom hopefully by their sides.


May make a squeal, opinions?