Secrets, Lies and John Doggett

Author's Note: You don't have to read my old X-Files fan fiction featuring the original character Carly Garrett. They're very old and was written back in 2003 and 2004. My writing wasn't that great back then. But in case you want to for the history of Carly Garrett and how she met Scully and Mulder, the fan fiction she is featured in are as follows:

Dangerous Love (2003)
Murderous Intent (2004)
Reawakening (2010)

Lone Gunmen:
The One They Both Loved (2004)

Summary: Scully and Mulder are reunited with an old friend, meanwhile, John Doggett is fighting his feelings for their friend, can he admit his feelings for her? Meanwhile, Scully and Mulder find out the truth about their friend and can they hide the truth from Doggett who has fallen hard and fast?

Timeline: Takes place during season 8, after when Mulder was found and Scully was six months pregnant.

Disclaimer: The X-Files isn't mine.


John Doggett's residence
9.36 PM
November , 2000

Special Agent John Doggett ran his hands through the short brown hair of Carly Garrett as he lowered his mouth to hers for a long, deep kiss. She put her arms around his waist and her body molded against his. After a while the kiss ended and she glanced at him, with a troubled look in her brown eyes.

" I really should go," Carly said reluctantly as she took her arms from around his waist and stepping back.

" You just got here," Doggett protested, his blue eyes gazing at her. He couldn't get over how fast things had grown between them. It was just last week he had met her and just now he had taken her in his arms and was kissing her. It had felt so right. Or so he thought.

" I know, it's just that...this was a bad idea," she backed away from him and headed for the door.

Doggett put a hand on her arm," But I thought you had feelings for me-you said so yourself," he reminded her. " And you know how I feel about you."

" I know what we said, I just don't think it's the right time. I'm sorry John,"

" So you were just leading me on is that it?" Doggett replied a hint of bitterness in his voice.

" I'm really sorry," Carly apologised again.

" Wait a minute-" Doggett protested but Carly had opened his door and was gone.

John Doggett stared at the door for a few seconds, angry and hurt. How could have he been so stupid? To fall for someone he barely knew? And he didn't know her.

He unknotted his tie and hung up his jacket as he stewed over his hurt feelings. He sat down at his computer and bought up the FBI national database. He should have done this last week but things happened. It was a long shot but maybe he'd find something about Carly in the database. As far as he knew her only association with the FBI was with Agent Scully and Mulder.

To his surprise, a full profile of Carly came up on the screen. He read the information and his eyes widened at what he was reading.

She was thirty-nine, one year younger than him. Back in the late eighties, Carly Louise Garrett had been an FBI agent. It didn't say why she stopped being one though. Maybe Scully or Mulder knew. Doggett sat back his chair. Carly kept this from him. Why? It was obvious Carly Garrett couldn't be trusted. How can he trust someone who was keeping secrets and telling lies?

Just exactly what was her story?