A/N: Takes place after 6x14. Can be read as a companion/prequel piece for my story titled "What Would You Do?" but you definitely don't have to read that first since this is literally based on one line I wrote there and it can also be considered as a story in the same universe as my other story titled "You're My Partner" for the same reason. I hope you like it! Let me know if you want a part two :)

*I know it's a Monday and our day off…but I need a drink and wouldn't mind seeing your ugly faces. You all good for Molly's? – Adam Ruzek*

*You realize it's currently 7am? – Kevin Atwater*

*Fine. We meet at 12 – Adam Ruzek*

*Good with me – Antonio Dawson*

*Same here – Kevin Atwater*

Jay sighed at his phone and flipped it over. If drinking was Adam's number one thought right now, then he clearly wasn't in the right headspace to have a girlfriend…especially one like Hailey Upton.

Jay's phone buzzed again and then again before he decided to look at it.

*Why aren't you with Upton? – Antonio Dawson*

*She wanted to be alone last night – Adam Ruzek*

*I stayed til this morning tho, didn't feel right to leave at night – Adam Ruzek*

"Dumbass," Jay muttered and finished his coffee. He dumped it in his sink and grabbed his wallet and keys. As he walked down to this truck, his phone buzzed again and he glanced at it.

*She's a strong lady – Kevin Atwater*

*Halstead? Where you at? – Adam Ruzek*

*We know he's awake, still on military time – Kevin Atwater*

Jay rolled his eyes and shot back a reply once he jumped in the driver's seat.

*I'm gonna pass on this one. Pour me a shot though, Antonio can have it since he's less annoying than you two ;) *

It was a weekday and rush hour was definitely roaring. Jay held back a groan and resisted from honking his horn as he waited to turn right.

*Love you! – Antonio Dawson*

Jay chuckled and shook his head as he turned and drove to the bakery. Once parked, he walked in and ordered a dozen donuts in a variety of flavors. He was waiting for them to be packed when he noticed the flower shop next store.

"Are they open?" Jay asked the cashier and nodded toward the small shop as he paid for the donuts.

The worker smiled and nodded, "My dad owns that place. He opens every day at 6am."

"Thanks," Jay said and dropped his change into the tip jar. He walked out with the box of donuts and set them in his car before lightly jogging to the flower shop.

As the door jingled open, an older man walked out from a back room, "Good morning!"

"Morning," Jay smiled. He looked around the shop and blew out a breath.

"What can I do for you?" the man asked as he walked to the counter.

"Uh," Jay rubbed his face, "Get well flowers?"

The man nodded, "Girlfriend?"

Jay smirked and shook his head, "No."

"Ah," the man chuckled and winked, "Got it."

Jay blushed slightly, "Just a friend – a work friend – well, my partner," he stumbled over his words and sighed, "She got in some…trouble recently on the job and she's down for the count right now."

The man nodded, "Follow me." He led Jay to a display of dahlias, "Any idea what color she likes?"

Jay scrunched his nose, "Anything less flashy?"

The man raised his eyebrows, "Dahlias are too flashy?"

"She's more simple," Jay said and looked around. He spotted the daisies, "What about those?"

"Daisies?" the man asked and shrugged, "Those are nice. I can add some greenery if she likes simple, just to make it a little fancier."

Jay nodded, "I'll take it." He walked to the counter and waited as the man put the bouquet together. He opened his wallet and pulled out a twenty-dollar bill.

As the man tied a blue ribbon around the flowers, he noticed a silver flash in Jay's wallet. He walked back to the counter and passed Jay the flowers, "Where do you work?"

"CPD, 21st district," Jay said and held out the money, "Is this enough?"

The man shook his head and lightly pushed Jay's hand away, "On the house."

"I don't have a problem paying," Jay insisted.

"You put your life on the line everyday," the man said quietly, "And if these are for your partner who recently got hurt, a bouquet of daisies is the least I can do."

Jay smiled slightly, "Thank you." He slipped the twenty back in his wallet, "Have a nice day."

"You too," the man smiled and watched Jay carry the daisies out to his truck.

Jay drove as quickly as he could to Hailey's house and parked in front of her condo. He grabbed the flowers and the donuts and walked up to the front door just as the clock struck 8. He knocked on the door with the hand holding the bouquet and tapped the doorbell. He waited a couple minutes before knocking again, "Come on," he breathed, "I swear if she's passed out, Adam, so help me god your ass is mine."

Finally, Jay heard footsteps on the other side of the door and the locks being undone.

"Jay!" Hailey exclaimed as she opened the door, "What're you doing here? Is everything okay?"

"Came to check on you," he said, "Can I come in? I brought gifts."

"Uh – sure," Hailey replied and backed up to let him in.

Jay walked to her kitchen and set the box of donuts on her island, "Do you have a vase?"

Hailey stood at the front of the kitchen, not sure what to say or what exactly was happening.

Jay glanced over at her, "You good?" he set the flowers down and hurried over to her, setting a hand on her forehead, "I knew Adam shouldn't have left you," he hissed.

"I-I'm fine," Hailey pushed his hand away, "What's going on? How'd you know Adam left? If you're keeping tabs on me-"

"I'm not," Jay said, "He just texted us this morning saying he left you alone and I didn't agree with that, so here I am."

"I don't need a caretaker," Hailey said softly.

"Hailey," Jay sighed, "I'm here for you and my first order of business is to make sure you're okay." He tilted her head up and looked in her eyes before looking over her cuts and bruises, "Want me to call Will?"

Hailey shook her head, "No, I saw him last night."

Jay bit his lip, "If you say so, but that doesn't mean I'm going to leave."

"I didn't ask you to," Hailey said.

Jay smiled and walked back to the kitchen, "So, vase?"

Hailey went to her hall closet and pulled one out, "You didn't need to get me flowers." She passed it to Jay and sat at the island.

Jay shrugged as he filled the vase with water, "Thought it'd help."

"Don't forget the food packet," Hailey said softly and slid it to him across the island top. She watched him shake the powder into the water and picked up the flowers, "How'd you know I love daisies?"

Jay looked over and smiled, "You do?"

Hailey nodded and played with the petals, "I love how they're so simple and so pretty. White ones are my favorite too; you hit the jackpot."

Jay chuckled, "What can I say? I'm psychic," he grabbed a knife out of a drawer and held his hand out, "Pass them here."

"You don't cut stems with a knife," Hailey laughed, "Get the scissors from that drawer," she pointed next to the fridge, "What a guy move."

"Hey!" Jay laughed as well, "Don't insult my instincts." He grabbed the scissors and took the daisies, quickly cutting off the ends of the stems. He set them in the water, "Looks pretty good."

"They do," Hailey smiled and nodded.

"Have a donut," Jay pushed the box toward her, "You should eat." He eyed the bottle of pain pills in the middle of the island and grabbed it to read over.

"Don't be nosy," Hailey sighed and opened the box, "Oh my gosh these look delicious."

Jay rolled his eyes and set the bottle down, "Did you take one yet?"

"No, I need to eat first," Hailey said and grabbed a donut with sprinkles, "Pass me a napkin."

Jay passed her one, "Think you need one?"

"A napkin? This is pretty sticky," Hailey laughed softly and took a bite, "Wow, I love sprinkle donuts. Nice job, Halstead."

Jay smiled, "I mean the pain pill." He walked to the cupboards and took out two glasses, "What do you want to drink?"

Hailey swallowed, "Apple juice."

"You're a child," Jay whispered with a chuckle, opening up the fridge to pour the juice into a glass. He filled his own with white milk before sitting at the island next to Hailey.

She slid the box of donuts closer to him, "Thanks," she sipped her drink, "And yeah, I think a pain pill wouldn't be the worst thing for me to take. Last time I got hurt, I tried avoiding them, but I paid for it."

Jay winced at the memory and took a bite of a glazed donut, "I support that."

Hailey smiled and passed him a napkin, "Thanks for breakfast."

Jay drank from his glass, "Not a problem. Do you have plans for today?"

Hailey shook her head and finished her donut. She lightly played with the few sprinkles that fell onto the countertop.

Jay watched her and smiled slightly, "Well, I also have no plans, so are you cool if I crash here for a bit?"

Hailey looked up, "Sure," she smiled, "I'd like that."

Jay nodded, "Great," he sipped his milk.

Hailey blew out a breath and picked up the chocolate donut with sprinkles. She quietly started eating it.

"Did you eat last night?" Jay asked softly.

Hailey cleared her throat, "Wasn't hungry."

Jay couldn't hide his face as he rolled his eyes and grabbed another donut.

"What?" Hailey asked.

Jay shook his head, "Nothing."

"Clearly it's something," Hailey said, "What? You don't agree with how I take care of myself? Jay, I'm a grown woman."

Jay scoffed, "I don't agree with how Adam takes care of you."

Hailey froze, "What?"

"Doesn't matter," Jay said quietly and finished his donut then his milk, "I'll take care of cleaning up. You should take a pain pill and shower though; it'll help you feel better."

Hailey eyed him as she swallowed a pain pill. She set her half eaten donut down on the counter and walked upstairs to get in the shower.

Jay kicked himself for insulting his friend to said friend's girlfriend. He set the glasses in the dishwasher and walked to the living room. He was just turning on the TV when he heard a crash from upstairs. He jumped up and hurried up toward the bathroom, "Hailey!"

"I'm fine," Hailey said through the door, "I'm fi-crap."

"Hey," Jay set his hand on the doorknob, "I'm going to come in."

"No, no," Hailey quickly said, "I'll be okay."

"Then why'd you say 'crap?'" Jay asked and leaned against the door.

"I…" Hailey sighed, "Jay, I'm fine."

"Yeah, that's not good enough," Jay cracked open the door to see the back of Hailey's head. From where he was standing, he could see her sitting in the tub with the shower coming down on her.

Hailey reached for a towel the second she heard the door open.

"I got it," Jay said softly and stepped in, "I won't look," he grabbed the towel off the counter and turned to shut the water off. Keeping his eyes on her head, she passed her the towel.

Hailey sniffled and dried off her face before covering herself with the towel, "I'm good," she whispered.

Jay looked at her and sighed, kneeling next to her, "How'd you end up down here?"

Hailey cracked a smile and nodded toward her leg, "Cut myself shaving then I got dizzy and here I am."

Jay bit his lip and stood to search under her sink for her first-aid kit. Once he found it, he sat near her feet and pulled a band-aid out.

"I can do it," Hailey said and rested her head back against the tile.

Jay ignored her and used toilet paper to dry the cut off, grabbing Hailey's foot when she flinched away from him. He quickly put a band-aid over the cut then put a kit away.

Hailey swallowed, "Thank you."

"You're welcome," Jay said softly and sat back down next to her, "Did you hit your head?"

"No," Hailey whispered, "I don't think so."

Jay reached out and lightly felt the back of her head, "I don't feel a bump."

Hailey nodded and stared at her knees. She tightened the hold on her towel and glanced at Jay.

He rubbed his face and looked at her, "Did you finish your shower?"

Hailey nodded slightly, "I at least washed myself up."

Jay stood and reached his hand out, "Let me help you to your room."

"That's not necessary," Hailey said.

Jay kept his hand out and waited patiently.

Hailey eventually sighed and put her hand in his.

"That's my girl," Jay smiled and helped her up, wrapping his arm around her back and keeping the towel against her.

Hailey blushed and held onto the towel, "Thank you."

Jay helped her step out of the shower and walked her to her room, "I'm worried about you. Passing out is not okay."

"The water was too hot," Hailey reasoned and Jay snorted, "What?" she asked in disbelief.

"Like you've never had a hot shower before," Jay rolled her eyes and had her sit on her bed. He went to her closet and looked through her clothes.

Hailey sighed and ran a hand through her hair, "It was probably just a combination of hot water, blood, pain pills, and yesterday."

"Ding ding," Jay said and tossed her a hoodie and sweatpants, "You want underwear?"

"That's where I draw the line," Hailey laughed, "You cannot go through my underwear drawer."

Jay chuckled, "Whatever." He walked toward her, "Put one arm up and hold onto the towel with the other."

"You don't have to help me get dressed," Hailey said, "I can do it."

"You lost your independence when you passed out in the shower," Jay stated, "Now come on, I'm not going to look."

Hailey sighed, knowing that he was definitely not going to budge, so she held her arm up. She was slightly surprised at how easily Jay got the hoodie on her and actually believed that he didn't see anything a normal work partner shouldn't.

"Can you stand?" Jay asked, "It'll be easier to get your pants on and I'll be able to do it without looking under the towel."

Hailey nodded and stood, setting her hands on his shoulders as he quickly helped her step into the sweatpants.

"How'd you learn to do this?" Hailey asked and sat back down on the bed.

"My mom," Jay said and grabbed the towel from her, "Want me to brush your hair?"

Hailey raised her eyebrows, "I can do that. Can you get me the brush from the bathroom, though?"

"Yeah," Jay said softly and left the room only to return a minute later with a hairbrush in hand. He passed it to Hailey and sat next to her.

Hailey slowly brushed through her wet hair and looked at Jay, "Care to explain how your mom taught you to dress someone else?"

Jay chuckled and shrugged, "When she was sick, my dad wasn't always home to help her get ready so I stepped up."

Hailey nodded, "Gotcha," she whispered.

Jay smiled slightly and looked around, "Where's your comforter?"

"The navy one?" Hailey asked.

"Yeah," Jay stood, "The one you said you use after a bad day. Why isn't it here?"

"Adam-" Hailey started and stopped, biting her lip.

"Didn't know where it was or didn't know about it?" Jay guessed quietly before going into the hallway. He returned with the blanket, "Lay down."

Hailey smiled a little and laid back against the pillows, "Thank you."

"Not a problem," Jay smiled and sat next to her, covering both of them with the blanket.

Hailey set her head on his thigh and closed her eyes, gripping the blanket tightly.

Jay ran his fingers through her hair and rested back against the headboard.

"He's a good guy," Hailey said.

"I know," Jay whispered, "He's just kind of dense when it comes to girls."

Hailey couldn't help but laugh, "He means well."

Jay chuckled, "I have nothing against him at all, but I think he does get a bit out of sorts when things happen that he hasn't quite experienced before. Plus, there's Burgess. They have history and I have a feeling that was weird for him yesterday too."

Hailey nodded, "He told me they're friends."

"I believe him," Jay said, "Just like us."

Hailey smiled, "Yeah, like us."

Jay rubbed her back, "Go ahead and sleep. I'm not going anywhere."

"But I'm not tired," Hailey argued and held back a yawn.

Jay smirked, "Yeah, okay. Want to go for a run?"

"I'm down," Hailey laughed and sat up.

"Shut up," Jay chuckled and gently shoved her back down, "You're not going running right now."

"We should go running together, though," Hailey said and closed her eyes.

"We can do that," Jay said softly and lightly squeezed her shoulders, "I'll win in a race, though."

"Whatever," Hailey smiled and curled up against Jay.

He laughed softly and ran a hand over her head, "Sleep, Hailey."

"Mhmm," she breathed.

Hailey woke to a vibrating sound next to her face. She blinked and looked around. Jay wasn't in the room, but his phone was right next to her. His phone buzzed again and she couldn't help but glance at the notifications on the screen.

*Tonio! We're in the back corner – Adam Ruzek*

*I'm coming, order me that shot Halstead brought up – Antonio Dawson*

*Fireball? – Kevin Atwater*

*Nasty. I'll take tequila – Antonio Dawson*

Hailey smiled and set the phone down just as Jay walked in the room.

"Did I wake you?" he asked, "Sorry, I really had to go to the bathroom."

Hailey shook her head, "It's okay."

"Good," Jay breathed and sat on the bed. He gently took her face in his hand and looked her over, "Feeling better?"

Hailey nodded, "Yes, thank you."

Jay nodded in reply and sat again against the headboard, tugging her to his side.

She passed him his phone, "You're pretty popular."

Jay looked at the screen and rolled his eyes, "These dummies don't know how to start a new group chat."

Hailey laughed, "Are they at Molly's?"

Jay glanced at her, "Reading my texts, Upton?"

"It woke me up," Hailey smiled.

Jay chuckled and shrugged, "Yeah, they're at Molly's. Adam needed to unwind."

"Why aren't you there?" Hailey asked.

Jay looked at her and hesitated, "Just…wasn't in the mood."

Hailey blushed, "If you want to go-"

"Hailey…" he slowly shook his head.

She nodded in understanding and rested her head on his shoulder. They stayed like that for a while, Jay half convinced Hailey had fallen asleep again until she whispered, "Mind getting me an icepack?"

"Sure," Jay said softly and got up.

"Thanks," Hailey smiled and watched him leave. She wasn't sure how she'd gotten so lucky with this little family of a unit she'd found herself in two years before. She certainly knew she hit the lottery with her partner…her boyfriend wasn't half bad either.