The door cracked open and Intelligence filed into the dirty, run-down house quickly and efficiently.

Hailey and Jay went left, slowly scanning the room before both jumping to the sides at the sound of gunshots.


Hailey's heart dropped at the sound of Adam's voice and rushed forward.

Jay was on her tail when he noticed something move out of the corner of his eye. He came to a halt and turned to look at the pile of blankets. It had to be a mistake. Nothing moved. He heard Hailey call an ambulance and Kevin call the offender's death.

"You're okay," Adam said quietly while helping Kim sit up.

Jay stepped toward the blankets when he swore them move again. He hesitantly reached a hand out and grabbed the top one.

Hailey looked around for Jay when she noticed him not near her. She saw him crouching down in the living room over a pile of blankets, "Jay?"

Kim coughed to catch her breath, "Hey Halstead, thanks for the concern."

Jay ignored the laughs and sucked in a breath as he moved two bricks of cocaine to the side.

"Crap," Kevin said as she watched Jay.

"There it is," Hailey said softly, referring to the reason they had even entered the house in the first place.

But Jay still wasn't paying attention and set his gun on the couch, "Hey, guys? Did we look into her medical history?"

Vanessa shook her head before realizing Jay wasn't looking at her and answered, "No. Should I have?"

Hailey watched as Jay slipped his hands into the pile of blankets and gasped quietly.

"She looks pretty…fresh," Jay said while standing with a newborn baby in his hands.

"I'll be damned," Kevin whispered as everyone walked over to Jay.

"Shh," Jay said quietly and held the whimpering baby to his chest, "You're okay." His eyes met Hailey's and he bit his lip.

Hank entered the room with the paramedics, "Where's-what's going on?"

"Halstead found a baby," Adam stated and squatted down, "And based on the blood and…stuff on these blankets, it's gotta be a day or two old." He stood with one of the dirty blankets, "You want it?" he asked Jay.

Jay shook his head, "That's filthy. What's wrong with you?"

"I just thought a blanket's better than no blanket," Adam rolled his eyes, "Let me see her."

"No," Jay pulled away.

"It's not finder's keeper's, it's a baby," Adam chuckled at his own joke, "Now come on, share."

Hank sighed, "Adam, knock it off. Jay, Hailey, take her to the ambulance. Kim, can you wait?"

Kim nodded and rubbed her stomach where the bullet had hit her vest, "I'll be fine."

Hailey set a hand on Jay's arm and gently steered him outside, "You good?" she asked quietly, trying to break Jay's gaze from the baby.

"Hmm?" he mumbled while carefully walking down the steps.

"Jay," Hailey grabbed her partner's arm once they were on the grass, "Look at me."

Jay looked up, "What?"

"You good?" Hailey repeated.

"Yeah, of course," Jay shrugged, "Just want to make sure she's okay." He tightened his hold on the baby and started slightly bouncing up and down.

Hailey couldn't help but smile as she shook her head, "Let's go," she nodded toward the ambulance.

Jay smiled back and rubbed his thumb against the baby's head as he walked toward the paramedics.

As Jay talked softly to the paramedics – insisting that he join them in the ambulance and hold the baby during the ride – Hailey watched in disbelief.

She wasn't quite sure who stood in front of her right now. Sure, they had talked about babies and kids and families, but it was always a hypothetical question and a "if it happens, it happens" kind of thing. But now? Now she watched her husband cradle a baby in his arms and settle himself willingly on a gurney so everyone could watch over the tiny girl being held against his chest.

"You coming?" Jay asked Hailey.

"Uh, I'll meet you there," Hailey said, "I'll bring the truck so you can get home."

Jay simply nodded and returned to looking at the baby.

The ambulance doors shut, but not before Hailey got one last glance at her husband's black silicone wedding band. It was a stark contrast to the baby's pink back where his hand rested softly. Hailey swallowed and hesitantly waved as the car drove away.

Hailey walked into the Emergency Department in search of Jay.


She turned to see Will pointing to a closed off room.

"Thanks," she smiled and walked forward.

"Hey, wait," Will jogged a little to catch up and grab Hailey's shoulder, "Did you find her?"

"Technically he did," Hailey shrugged, "But yeah, she was at a house we just raided."

Will nodded knowingly, "Drug bust?"

"Uh yeah, why?"

Will cleared his throat and lowered his head closer to Hailey's ear, "I didn't treat her, but I heard Natalie say she was a crack baby when she called social services." He bit his lip and straightened up, "Let me know if you need anything."

Hailey numbly nodded and walked toward the room. She'd never seen a baby on drugs and she was glad. It seemed horrible. How could someone be so careless and reckless?

She pushed open the door and quietly slid into the room.

Jay was standing over an incubator with his hands pressed against the glass.

"Hey," Hailey whispered.

Jay looked up and weakly smiled, "Hey."

Hailey made her way over to him and hugged him before turning her attention to the baby now in a diaper but also now connected to tubes and needles.

"It was absolutely horrible," Jay said under his breath, "She squirmed and cried and screamed. She even turned like this purple color, God," he shook his head at the memory.

"But she's strong," Hailey stated before she could register the thought, "She's here."

"Yeah," Jay whispered and slipped his hand into the small box. He smiled lightly as he gently touched the baby's foot.

"How old?" Hailey asked.

"Natalie was thinking maybe two or three days," Jay sighed, "But in terms of where she's at physically, she's thinking she was probably born 3-4 weeks early."

"That's not bad," Hailey nodded and set a hand on Jay's arm.

"Want to touch her?" Jay looked up.

"No, it's ok," Hailey shook her head. She held her breath before asking quietly, "You ready to go though? We definitely have paperwork with this and Kim-"

"No," Jay stated, his voice harsh in comparison to just seconds before, "Paperwork can wait…and Kim's fine," he added for good measure.

"I-Jay," Hailey gently tugged Jay's hand that was still resting against the baby's foot, "Look at me."

Jay took a breath before stepping back and taking Hailey's hands in his, "Hails-"

"No, listen," Hailey gently set a hand against Jay's cheek, "Where are you at right now? Truth."

"I'm here," Jay said quietly, "I swear, but Hailey, this baby…she's on crack and look how tiny and just…she deserves help."

"I know," Hailey said softly, "But now we need to let go and let her receive that help from the doctors and the social workers. We can't get in the way of them doing their jobs. We did all we can do."

"Hailey," Jay stated, "You know that's not all we can do."

A/N: I wanted to leave it here in fear of it being too long. Let me know what you think in the comments! I'm really excited for this; the idea for this story is actually what got me writing again, so I hope you like it! (and as always, characters don't belong to me but to Dick Wolf :P)