Hi guys, this is my first fanfic so please review it and tell me if you have ideas or if I do something wrong, none of these characters are mine, they belong to Rick Riordan and J.K. Rowling. Some of these ideas come from a fanfic by Zebra wuz here called Demigods and the world of magic so go check it out, it's really good. The ships are Solangelo, Hinny, Percabeth, Caleo, Jasper, Frazel, and Dramione. This takes place 1 month after HoO and after the 7th book in HP but somehow they are all about 16, the Order of the Phoenix is still a thing, and they still go to Hogwarts. Also, Leo is , on to chapter 1!

The Beginning
Percy's POV

I was just relaxing on the beach, minding my own business when Leo ran up yelling "NO! NONONONONO! DON'T MAKE ME GO!" With Frank and Hazel running behind him trying to convince him to calm down.

"What's going on?" I asked Hazel.

"Leo just found out that Chiron wants to meet us in the big house ASAP." She responded and then proceeded to chase Leo around yelling "Stop running Leo! It's ok! I'm sure Chiron doesn't know about the time you burnt one of his CD's."

Now most people would have found that strange, but I knew Leo. This was just an average day.

I went to go tell Annabeth what was going on when she walked up behind me and whispered "BOO" in my ear as loud as she could.

"GAH!" I said and then jumped as high as I could. "A little warning next time?"

"Sorry Seaweed Brain but your reaction was priceless." She said. "Don't even start Wise Girl." I said. "Anyway did you hear that Chiron want to see us in the big house?"

"Yeah." She said. "I was coming over here to tell you but seeing you sitting there in peace...well...I just had to do something about that."

"I wasn't sitting in peace!" I complained. "I was throwing bread at the ducks!"

Annabeth laughed. "That's your version of peace. Anyway, we better head over to the big house. I wonder what Chiron whats."

Nico's POV

I walked over to the big house wondering what Chiron wanted with us, a few minutes ago Will had come over to where I was sitting and told me that Chiron wanted to talk. He probably just wanted us to find the CD that Leo had burned last week.

"What are you thinking about?" Will asked, ripping me out of my thoughts."Oh nothing." I said. "You sure?" Will asked. "You were glaring at the ground."

"Sorry." I said.

A few minutes later we walked into the big house to find Jason, Chiron, Percy, and Annabeth already there. "Hey." Will said.

"Hi." Piper said. Percy and Jason didn't respond because they were too busy trying to out-sing each other in what looked like a karaoke contest. Annabeth smiled at Nico but then went back to trying (and failing) to make Percy stop singing The Beatles. Chiron was pacing up and down muttering to himself.

Finally, Leo, Hazel, and Frank walked into the room and had to stop Leo from bolting out the door.

"Can we start now? Everyone is here." Piper said to Chiron.

"No." He muttered distractedly. "Still waiting..."

~time skip dedicated to Charles Beckendorf~

Hazel's POV

After a while of waiting, the last person walked into the room.

"Thalia?!" Jason exclaimed and then ran to greet his sister. "Hey little bro." She said. "Why are you here?" Jason asked. "I dunno." She said. "Same as you I guess.

Suddenly, Chiron stood up. "Demigods..." He began. "I'm very sorry but you must go on another quest."

"WHAT?!" Everyone in the room stood up and started shouting at Chiron. "Children, children." Chiron said. "You can not refuse. This quest has been issued by Zeus himself." That quieted everyone down. "He demands that you must go to London and protect a boy named Harry Potter and his friends from an Ancient Greek force that is out to destroy him and you.

"Is he a demigod?" I asked.

"Good question." Chiron said. "Not that we know of but one of his friends, Hermione is a daughter of Athena." At this Annabeth smiled.

"You must find a way to tell her without letting anyone else know about it." Chiron continued. "With the exception of the teachers. They already know. In fact their principle, Dumbledore and I go way back...we met at a concert and had to work together to defeat a rogue Dragon, but that's a story for another time."

Chiron proceeded to tell us about Harry Potter and his friends who were wizards (at this Leo snickered) and went to a wizard school (at this Leo started laughing) that was called Hogwarts (by this time Leo was rolling on the floor shaking with laughter).

Personally I think that it might be hard to hide our identities from the wizards, especially if one of them is a daughter of Athena.

I will be writing part 2 sometime this week or next week. Spoiler alert: there WILL be cliffhangers :)