Reviews for Wizards and Demigods (Harry Potter and Percy Jackson crossover)
TunderNad24 chapter 25 . 8/2
Ok, hope you had fun upsate, can't wait for more chapters with cliffhangers.
TunderNad24 chapter 25 . 8/1
TunderNad24 chapter 25 . 8/1
OMG, yeah everyone on the quest liked percy. also what's your roblo username? mine is thundersportsgirl
TunderNad24 chapter 25 . 7/31
Also have you heard billie eilish's new song? And i can't vote on the poll, but my answer is shout out to my ex.
TunderNad24 chapter 25 . 7/31
thundersportsgirl. no spaces or caps. Friend me if you want! What's yours?
TunderNad24 chapter 25 . 7/30
Dang Mattew Pompa/PlipplopPlipplop, you are REALLY good at making fanfics!
TunderNad24 chapter 25 . 7/30
YOU PLAY ROBLOX! Yay, i do to!
PlipplopPlipplop chapter 25 . 7/29
Note: This is Matthew Pompa's new name. I have evolved into PlipplopPlipplop
So, remember when I said I was too busy for fanfiction? I take that back because I had an idea for a story and you inspired me to do it. So I just want to say thank you for inspiring me to do fanfiction.
TunderNad24 chapter 25 . 7/29
What video games do you play, if you play any?
TunderNad24 chapter 24 . 7/27
Thank you for making Draco look nice, also LUKE DIED A HERO! also fallen hasn't updated in forever. it's suppose to be a new story, but the author is taking FOREVER to update
TunderNad24 chapter 25 . 7/26
have fun upstate!
Guest chapter 24 . 7/26
OMG YOU MADE DRACO LOOK NICE, I LOVE THAT SOO MUCH. PEOPE HATE ON DRACO TO MUCH. thank you so much for making draco look good. and anyone who thinks luke isn't a hero, will have to fight you and i, he killed himself to save the world, that is heroic. RIP LUKE!
Ferocia chapter 24 . 7/25
I love this chapter! I hope Leo is found soon! Thank you for prompt updates. I’m writing a Hp and HOO crossover on Wattpad and my update schedule is bad. I’m trying to take a leaf out of your book tho.
Korimako chapter 23 . 7/23
This is great! Can't wait for next chapter please update soon
C chapter 23 . 7/22
So what days do you update cause I like it just I need to know you’ll continue the crossover.
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