Hey guys! I had this idea on my mind ever since I watched season 4 a couple of weeks ago, but I only finished it tonight after the new episode aired.

This one-shot is entirely about Remi's first time with Kurt while she was pretending to be Jane, how she felt about it, what her thoughts were, what led to that moment… It sets somewhere between 4x01 and 4x06. Kurt has obviously no idea the woman he is with isn't (but is) Jane. That's why I wrote Jane for every projection of Kurt's thoughts, whereas I used Remi to describe the actions and thoughts of our favorite baddie. This story is mostly about feelings arising, hurt/comfort, fluffy moments and some non-graphic sexy time.

This is my first ever Blindspot fanfiction and English isn't my first language, so go easy on me! Any thoughts or suggestions are very welcome.

Here it goes!


All roads lead to Kurt

I can't blow my cover.

The words echoed in Remi's mind like a mantra. She had to stay focused. Her scheme with Violet Park was yet in its early stages, but it was her best chance to get her plan going. Freeing Shepherd was on the top of her priority list, and Remi had come way too far to fail now.

She remembered how confusing everything had been when she'd woken up on that hospital bed weeks before.

Nothing was confusing anymore.

She knew exactly what she had to do and what she was dealing with. As frightening as it was to confront the fact she was sick with an unknown disease that might have no cure, Remi didn't have any other option but to keep pushing through. And ultimately, sticking to her plan was the only way to avoid processing the alarming reality: she was going to die.

Remi swallowed hard and forced herself not to think about that anymore. She had no right to be scared. Fear was for those without strength. She had faced threats far more terrifying than death and yet there she was. Because she had a purpose.

For weeks, she had endured pretending to be someone she was not. She had risen above everything. Living as Jane sometimes felt more painful than taking an actual beating, especially in the first few weeks after she'd woken up in that hospital bed. Her resolve to get rid of Kurt Weller had kept her going, but somewhere along the way, Remi had found herself incapable of actually finishing him.

Her conscience ached with the self-loathing she now felt. Why hadn't she killed him yet? She'd certainly had many opportunities to do so. Remi despised everything Kurt Weller represented and stood for. She had also come to hate the way he was so devoted to Jane, how he would stare into her eyes with so much abandon thinking she was his wife before saying something that would invariably leave her incapable of proceeding with her plan.

Remi hated the way Kurt affectionately touched the small of her back when he leaned over to kiss her after getting home and how it made her insides tingle; she hated when he said something silly that made her laugh, despite her resolve to tell herself she was only faking; she hated how intelligent and challenging he was, and especially how he always seemed genuinely interested in knowing how she was doing whenever he asked.

But most of all, Remi hated the fact that no matter how much she tried, she absolutely couldn't hate him.

Remi thought about the concern Kurt Weller expressed after they found out his wife was sick. She could tell the guy really was suffering but was putting on a tough façade to try and be supportive. A wicked smile appeared on her lips as she remembered how easy it had been to find his weakness. Jane was his weakness. And he was so blindly in love with her that it only made him more pathetic.

He really loves her, Remi thought, her jaw invariably clenching with a mix of emotions she didn't dare to dig into. The fool would do anything for her.

So how come she hadn't taken advantage of that yet?

From a young age, Remi had been taught that caring only made you weak. That love was an illusion, that people were selfish and ultimately, no one could be trusted. The concept that someone could be as devoted to another person as Kurt was to Jane threw her completely off balance because Remi simply had no idea how to deal with that, or how to process those emotions. Everything was very new to her, and at the same time Remi knew everything was a lie, because she wasn't who Kurt thought she was, something deep inside of her kept postponing the inevitable just so she could find out a little more about what it felt to have all those things Jane had and Remi had always been denied or taught to avoid.

Remi wanted to reject it. She didn't want to enjoy it. She didn't want to experience those new feelings. But at the same time, it was impossible not to get carried away.

No one had ever held her in his arms and looked at her as she was the most precious thing in the universe. No guy had ever taken a trip to a vegan coffee shop eight blocks from home on a chilly Saturday morning just to bring her overpriced glazed doughnuts and almond croissants. Remi couldn't think of a time when a partner had said and done so many things for her, and not because he wanted something in return, but simply because he cared enough to do them. When she had first gone with Kurt to the apartment he shared with Jane, she believed she'd had him all figured out. But slowly, Remi found out that he wasn't quite the stereotype she'd heard he was.

Initially, dealing with a complete stranger had been hard but over time, just like in any other moment in her life, Remi had adapted to the new situation. When Kurt had given her a puzzled look after she'd asked how he took his coffee, it had been easy to fool him into believing that she'd forgotten his preference because of the ZIP poisoning, when the reality was that Remi had no idea what his taste was.

But eventually, she'd learned. She'd observed, studied, watched movies of them together, saw pictures… She picked up on everything that she possibly could about the Kurt and Jane relationship. The whole thing looked like a freaking movie plot. And so far, she'd excelled as Jane in every field.

Except for one.

For weeks, even though they slept on the same bed, Remi had been successfully avoiding any kind of intimacy with Kurt.

At first, she had a perfect excuse since he was recovering from surgery and was still very sore. Eventually, he had healed up, and Remi had found herself more fatigued than she would have liked, so she didn't even have to fake that. The symptoms were real enough, and she had pulled off the sick-wife excuse brilliantly. Even though Kurt seemed disappointed in the nights she'd turned down his advances, he seemed to have understood and accepted the fact her medical condition was affecting her body and disposition.

But Remi knew she couldn't keep avoiding that much longer. Her symptoms changed a lot, in one moment she was feeling fine, and in the next it was as if she'd been hit by a truck. But there were so many times she could tell Kurt she wasn't feeling well physically after doing all sorts of crazy stunts at work. And she supposed that at some point if Jane didn't show any interest, he might start to suspect it too.

It wasn't as if she couldn't do it. Remi certainly could lay there and just obliterate her mind for half an hour while she let him have his way. It was just sex, and she had no problem treating it as a mere transaction. But after spending weeks in his company and getting to know the guy, Remi found herself wishing she hadn't postponed it for so long. Maybe, if she'd had already had sex with Kurt when she still despised him, it would have been easier than now. Now, things were just awkward because she-

No, Remi stubbornly denied the little voice in the back of her head that kept whispering unwelcome truths. Nothing, absolutely nothing had changed. She refused to think she felt anything remotely positive for Kurt, be it empathy or something else she didn't want to name.

The truth was that - and Remi hated it -, sometimes, Kurt made her feel funny. That's why she avoided his touch like the plague. It was simply disconcerting to feel that buzz running through her spine whenever he wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her without any warning. Whenever Kurt entered her personal space and his touch lingered, a shockwave of sensations exploded within her, and Remi had no idea what that meant. She was too used to being in control of her own body and own responses, and that uncertainty whenever Kurt was near startled her.

Remi had the awful feeling that, if she didn't say no to him in bed, Kurt might have the frightening ability to make her relinquish control. And that was something she couldn't afford.

God, things would be so much easier right now if I'd just killed him already…

Her ideas were interrupted by the sound of the door being unlocked. Seconds later, the same man who haunted her thoughts took large strides in her direction and gave her an affectionate kiss on the forehead before tossing his keys on the coffee table.

"Hey," he smiled at her and Remi forced a half-hearted smile back. She noticed his eyes slightly narrowed as he noticed the shirt she had on, "so there's my missing shirt you said you hadn't seen. Interesting," he grinned with a head shake of faux disapproval and then left the room saying he was going to take a shower.

Remi slowly turned her gaze to the grey shirt she wore that had Philadelphia Eagles written in green. She'd found it in Jane's drawer and figured it was hers. The size looked a bit - well a lot - too large but she figured Jane used it only as a sleeping garment. It surely looked comfortable enough, and that's why Remi had chosen it.

But now that she found out the delicious familiar smell in the shirt she hadn't quite been able to identify was his, Remi thought she should feel like burning it. Unfortunately for her, her feelings seemed disconnected from what her mind wanted to do. It was like they had a will of their own, and that was only a sample of the loss of control Remi was so afraid of.

That must be a side effect from the ZIP poisoning, she told herself. Yes, that's what it was, Remi let out a breath of relief, glad that she had found a reasonable answer for her mixed emotions. It made perfect sense that the only reason why she couldn't wrap her head around getting rid of Kurt was because of the drug in her system.

She decided to go to sleep, hoping to pull off the exhaustion card to avoid another night of going to bed at the same time he did. That could lead to… unwelcome circumstances.

Remi lay awake in the dark, her head facing the bedroom wall while she forced herself to close her eyes. That was the perfect moment for her to feel exhausted and fall asleep before he could even get out of the bathroom, yet she felt more alert than she'd been in a while.

What felt like half an hour later, she heard muffled footsteps approaching her.

"You're not having dinner?" Kurt entered the bedroom but didn't turn on the lights. He sat on the edge of the mattress and unceremoniously caressed her hair, gently placing a loose dark lock behind her ear.

Remi was assaulted by his intoxicating scent, and, in the dimly lit room, she couldn't see the look in his face. But it was probably for the best.

"I am not that hungry," Remi murmured, annoyed that his touch had sent shivers all over her body.

"Are you okay?" Kurt asked with a sweet voice, "I made an egg salad sandwich. It has all the greens you're always nagging me to eat more often. I can make you one without the eggs."

"Why would I want an egg salad sandwich without the eggs?" Remi opened one eye and looked at him just to avoid having him think she wasn't doing well. That could lead to a full night of worried glances thrown in her direction and more selfless gestures from his part and she was trying to avoid those. She belatedly realized her answer had been a little rough, probably rougher than he was used to hearing from Jane, "thank you, but I'm okay, really."

Kurt's expression softened when, after her snappy answer, she'd used a sweeter tone. She was probably feeling pain and didn't want to admit it.

The assumption made his heart sink.

"Did you eat, though?" he asked, unable to hide his concern. Lately, Jane's eating habits had changed. Even though she didn't seem as invested in the whole vegan thing like she'd once been, she was actually eating less. He could see she had lost weight and that worried him, "you can't go to bed on an empty stomach."

Don't tell me what I can or can't do, Remi rebelliously thought, more out of habit than anything else.

"Yeah, I had some leftover spaghetti from the other night," she forced herself to answer in a gentle tone, still determined to remain in Jane's identity.

"Okay, then," Kurt rubbed her shoulders over the blankets after she had pulled it all the way to her chin. It looked like Jane was trying to shield herself from something, but he was probably just being overzealous. Kurt gazed at her for long seconds, secretly hoping she would share more and trust him with what she was feeling, but she seemed too uncomfortable to even formulate a sentence. Trying to cheer her up, he nuzzled her cheek and whispered in her ear, "do I at least get a good night kiss?"

Remi froze for a fraction of a second. Ever since she'd started that whole pretending-to-be-Jane thing, kissing her alleged husband had been a part of the process. But it was much easier to briefly brush her lips on his when they were in a hurry to leave, or when she was taking control over the situation. Whenever the kisses took place in the intimacy of their home, she felt strangely threatened.

And being in a bed with him whispering things in her ear inside a dark room certainly didn't help her predicament.

Kurt noticed how his wife opened both eyes and took that as an invitation. Leaning forward, he used both his hands to hold her face and covered her lips with his. When she didn't pull apart, he used his tongue to part hers, unable to help himself. It had been ages since he'd last kissed his wife like that, and he deeply yearned for her touch.

Jane let out a soft moan and when Kurt noticed they were both getting out of breath, he interrupted the kiss but didn't dare break contact with her. His lips traveled over the length of her jaw and descended to her neck, which he explored with slow, sensual nibbles.

Remi shivered when she felt the soft scratches of Kurt's stubble against her skin. She exposed her neck to him, welcoming his touch. The contrast of his hard teeth, soft lips and moist tongue caused a rush of blood to run through her body, straight to her lower abdomen. All of a sudden, all of her senses became alert, and Remi had a hard time coping with the overwhelming potency of her growing desire.

Once again, Kurt delighted himself with the sound of her moan as she turned to lie on her back and he covered the upper half of her body with his. Her hand traveled to the back of his head as slim feminine fingers ran through his hair, pulling him closer.

Her smell was intoxicating, and the softness of her skin seemed to be made for a man's touch. For his touch. Kurt wanted more than anything to get in that bed with her and put an end to that agonizing wait, to bury himself in her body and take her until Jane was screaming his name, delirious with pleasure. He couldn't remember the last time they'd done that, and the agony of the wait was becoming more unbearable with each passing day.

Just as Kurt prepared to roll over in bed taking her with him, Jane's voice broke all of his defenses.

"Kurt…" she cried out and he didn't miss the discomfort implicit in her tone.

He tore his lips from her neck immediately.

"I am sorry," Kurt put some distance between them and sighed heavily, feeling awfully guilty. She had made it clear she wasn't feeling okay and yet he'd pushed it, "I'm really sorry, I got carried away."

Remi felt his lips touching her forehead, but this time his kiss was more chaste, and his filled with concern. She expected to feel disdain for him, but after seeing how disappointed in himself he seemed to be after thinking he had pressured her into something, she couldn't help but feel sorry for the guy. Remi couldn't remember ever encountering someone so considerate or respectful.

"Kurt, I…" her voice broke, because Remi realized she had actually been one step away from comforting him. Almost automatically, self-loathing started to consume her.

"It's okay, we'll do it another time, okay?" He smiled but his face had a sad expression as he pulled the covers and fluffed them around her body, "when you're feeling better."

Had he just tucked her in?

Remi's mind was racing with a mix of feelings and sensations that she couldn't dare to process.

All that was left for her was to nod with her head, and that seemed to be enough for him, because he left and closed the door after him, leaving her alone in the bedroom with her thoughts.

During the following hours, Remi's mind raced looking for explanations at the same time she avoided any deductions. The fact her body had chosen that exact moment to start malfunctioning didn't help either. God, when was she ever going to get a break?

Every now and then, regardless of where she was or what she was up to, her thermoregulation center would screw up and her temperature would either spike or drop significantly. Now seemed like one of those moments when her system had forgotten how to generate warmth, regardless of the feedback her nerves were sending back to her brain.

It was seventy degrees inside the bedroom even though it felt like forty-five. Remi was still shivering under the double layer of blankets when Kurt finally returned to the room hours after he'd left her, apparently determined to sleep.

He assumed his wife was sleeping and made every effort not to wake her. Remi noticed how he quietly lay on his side of the bed, trying his best not to disturb her. Kurt had taken the far end of the other side of their bed, lying down as further away from her as he could, probably because of what had happened between them. But thirty minutes later, she could tell he was still awake by his constant movements as Kurt tried to find a comfortable position.

Remi didn't know what was worse: being so close to him without being able to do anything, enduring the freezing temperature her body was imposing on her, or dealing with the feelings Kurt Weller was invoking. Everything mixed together in a turmoil of sensations. Her body was so cold that she could feel her conscience slowly fading. Her powerlessness in face of the situation scared her, she could actually feel her heartbeats getting weaker by the minute. But it was only when Remi reached her limit and stood on the verge of passing out that she heard the question before she could realize she was the one who'd asked it.

"Kurt… can you hold me?"

Kurt heard his wife's hoarse voice and the agony in her words wrecked him. Without waiting for an explanation, he turned on his side to face her, only to discover she had rolled over to face him too.

Without a second thought, Kurt's arm circled her waist and he tugged her delicate body against his, alarmed by how cold she felt to his touch. Jane buried her face between his shoulder and the crook of his neck, seeking his warmth and refuge, and the cold breath she let out worried him to death.

"Sweetheart, you're freezing," Kurt's hand went inside her shirt to rub her back, trying to give her some of his warmth, "oh my God, Jane, why didn't you say something sooner? I could have turned up the thermostat."

It wasn't the first time his wife went through something like that and Kurt was aware of what was causing it. But none of the previous times had been remotely as severe.

"It's okay, it's not that bad," she replied with a weak voice and Kurt didn't believe her for a second. Her extremities were pale and her fingers, nose and lips felt like a block of ice, "you know the drill… it's only for a few minutes. I am sure my temperature is going back to normal soon."

Kurt took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, trying to control his own nerves. He could only imagine how uncomfortable the symptom she was experiencing was.

Using his free arm to draw her even closer, Kurt wrapped both blankets around them and covered her whole body with his before shifting the majority of his weight to one of his sides so he wasn't crushing her.

Remi felt their bodies touching through their entire extension and once again, her nerves seemed to tingle. It didn't take her more than a few minutes to get her temperature regulation back to normal, and Kurt simply stayed there lying half on her top, half beside her, in complete silence as his hand lazily caressed her back.

Little by little, she could feel warm waves reaching her extremities, though after a while, it didn't have anything to do with her temperature regulation anymore, but with the response her body was having to his.

I want him, Remi realized painfully.

God, she wanted him badly. On top of her, against her, inside her. The forbidden desire had long transversed the physical limits of her body, numbing all of her senses and Remi couldn't ignore it any longer.

I can't, she closed her eyes and cursed herself.

Remi was sure her temperature had risen above ninety-six or ninety-seven degrees, and yet there she was, unable to push him aside, longing to feel his body even closer to hers.

She knew she couldn't, it was wrong for all kinds of reasons, but at that moment, her rational mind was completely obliterated, though her conscience still fought an internal battle. If she gave in to temptation, no one would ever know. The people who had trained her and planned with her would never know. Soon enough, Kurt would be in her past, and there was a big chance that she spent a lifetime wondering what that night could have been like…

Regretting the things she'd done was better than spending the rest of her life wondering how things might have been. Right?

Remi probably still had a few arguments she could use against herself in her ordeal to avoid the stupid mistake she was about to make, but that battle was long lost. Her body had already surrendered, and it was only a matter of time before her mind accepted that.

"I'm feeling better," she whispered softly against Kurt's neck.

Kurt slowly shifted his weight entirely to the mattress, and at the loss of contact, Remi immediately regretted confessing that.

He was probably still blaming himself for getting carried away by his desire a few hours before. Little did he know that Remi wasn't the least bit bothered by that.

"Kurt," her voice caught his attention immediately. When his eyes were fixated on hers, she proceeded, "I am feeling better now."

Remi unconsciously hoped he took the hint and resumed what he'd interrupted hours before. But he seemed completely oblivious to her meaning.

"You scared me," Kurt confessed. Remi noticed that even though he'd pulled apart a little, his hand still lingered possessively on her back underneath her shirt, "your hands were like two blocks of ice."

She chuckled, amused by his sincerity.

"Does it hurt?"

Remi was taken by surprise with the question.

She had endured extensive military training, been tortured by her allies in order to toughen her up, by her enemies in order to get intel… She had been shot, stabbed, beaten, wounded… countless times. And yet this was the first time in her life she remembered someone ever asking her that question.

Remi's worst fear was taking shape and form right there on her face, she was accessing feelings she had avoided all her life, feelings that threw her completely off balance and yet instead of running in the opposite direction like he normally would, she felt compelled to stay. Even though none of that was real because she wasn't Jane, Remi wanted to experience what it felt like to be that loved, that cherished by someone, at least once in a lifetime.

A pool of tears gathered in her eyes, but thankfully it was too dark inside the bedroom, so Kurt couldn't see them.

"No, it doesn't hurt," she was smiling and even though Kurt couldn't see it on her face, he could hear it in her voice, "it just feels a little uncomfortable."

"A little?" Kurt raised both eyebrows and turned his head to face her with a playful expression.

Remi rolled her eyes, but this time, there were no traces of cynicism in it.

"Okay, a lot," she confessed, mesmerized by the way he was looking at her. For a few seconds, Remi simply stared into his eyes, reveling in the feeling of his palm running from her back to the curve of her waist, and then to her stomach.

His rough, masculine hand covered pretty much the width of her midriff, his thumb caressing the skin just beneath her ribcage. Remi noticed he had relaxed now, after seeing she was okay. Kurt had closed his eyes again, and he looked like he was about to fall asleep.

"Kurt," Remi whispered, making him open his lids. When their gazes met, she studied the depth of his eyes for seconds, still fighting her internal battle, but then without any warning, Remi's hand closed on his nape and she pulled him closer, eager to once again feel the touch of his lips.

This time around, the kiss was much more sensual and erotic than it was frantic. Kurt didn't rush, he took his time savoring her lips and exploring her with his tongue. Remi's body throbbed like an inflamed wound that could find no healing. She surrendered to him completely, allowing him to take the lead, to dictate the rhythm. Remi had no idea how his dynamic with Jane was like, but Kurt seemed pretty unfazed with the way she'd acted so far, so she took that as encouragement.

"Sweetheart, I want this more than anything… more than you can imagine," Kurt confessed between a trail of kisses on her neck. He ached to have her and it would physically hurt if he got carried away and once again they had to interrupt things, "it's alright if you can't do this, I just…" Kurt's voice trailed off when he pulled apart just enough to look into her eyes, "I don't want you to feel like I am pressuring you to do it," Remi shivered when he touched his forehead to hers and smiled lazily, "I can wait for as long as you need… just let me know now so we can stop while I still-"

"Don't stop," Remi interrupted him and bit her lower lip as the intensity of his stare sent an electrical buzz through her, "I want you too, Kurt."

"Oh, God, don't look at me like that," Kurt made a herculean effort to gather all his self-control. His wife's health wasn't at his best, he should be the one encouraging her to rest, to save her energy and yet when she looked at him with those gorgeous emerald eyes gleaming with passion, he fell completely under her spell. And all he could think about was having her naked beneath him.

Remi wrapped both arms around his neck and pulled him toward her possessively. That was the answer Kurt needed. He rolled over to her top and resumed the sweet exploration of his lips on her neck.

His wife was as tough as it could get, but her body was all delicacy, freshness and femininity. Her gracious curves were known territory to his hands and Kurt never grew tired of exploring them. He loved to watch her arch her back in response to his caresses, to hear her soft moans when he kissed her neck, to feel the urgency in her touch whenever she demanded more and more from him.

And then she smiled that provocative smile that she seemed to do with her whole body and being, knowing that was Kurt's undoing.

There was no way Remi could have known what he liked, but it was as if her body had a memory of its own because he seemed pretty pleased with whatever she did.

Remi felt his hardness pressed against her when Kurt held her between his arms and pressed his body against her. She writhed beneath him and moaned his name, watching a satisfied smile lurking on his face. Kurt's hands slid through the extension of her torso, slowly and provocatively pulling off the grey shirt until he got her rid of it and tossed it aside completely.

His hand replaced the touch of the shirt against her breast, and Remi gasped for air when he took his time with it. Soon enough, his lips had taken over, kissing one breast and then the other until Remi imagined she would die from pleasure.

When he finally brought his face up to meet her eyes again, Kurt held her in his power, looking at her as if his wife was the most amazing thing he'd ever laid his eyes on. The intensity of his stare overwhelmed Remi, but he didn't have a chance to see her reaction since his face was once again burying in her bosom, kissing and tempting her until she lost control completely.

Kurt was masculine in every sense of the word. He had a tall, strong physique, a dominating personality, an innate possessiveness that couldn't be taught or learned, and a stare similar to the one of a predator trying to decide where in her body he would bury his fangs next.

Remi remembered how they had engaged in physical altercations before. Once in the past, Kurt's combining strength and power had been a threat. Now, he was still very much a threat, but for totally different reasons. Remi still felt very much in danger, only this time it wasn't the same. Even though she was skilled in combat, Remi knew she was no match for Kurt in brutal force. He could probably immobilize her with the weight of her body alone should he want to. But instead, Kurt looked at her and held her with what looked like reverence, dedicating all of his efforts to please her, to take care of her…

It was like his body was equally equipped for either destruction or protection, and the fact he only reserved the latter for the woman he loved messed with something deep inside of Remi's core because she had never met a man like him.

Remi didn't seem capable of coming up with any coherent thought after that, because the sensations Kurt was causing in her body shut down her mind completely. She pressed her hips against his, eager to give him as much as she was getting. His lips traveled from her breasts to her stomach, his tongue playing with her belly button before he descended even further.

Remi thought she was going to faint with pleasure when Kurt's stubble tickled the delicate skin on the inside of her thigh. He seemed to know exactly what he was doing, a smug smile of satisfaction tugging at his lips as he watched her reactions. Remi's hands closed tightly around the sheets beneath her when Kurt provocatively brushed the hem of her panties with his lips, using his teeth to teasingly pull it downward.

Kurt knew he was driving her to the edge. His eyes had completely adjusted to the darkness now, and he could see the responses of his wife. Her pulse was racing, her breathing was heavier and her dilated pupils were proofs of just affected she was. But he wasn't done yet. After slowly removing her panties through her shapely legs, Kurt's head hovered over her hips, patiently waiting until he heard her begging for more.

"Kurt…" she pleaded with a faint voice.

Jane never disappointed, Kurt realized with a mischievous grin.

Kurt parted her legs with experienced ease and before she could figure out what was happening, his lips and tongue were already touching her there.

Remi tried her best to control her reactions, but it was becoming increasingly harder to hold back. Kurt seemed to know things about her body that she wasn't even aware of, and that was as scary as it was revealing. He was probably a very dedicated lover, and Remi censored herself for once having thought that he probably had a poor performance in bed.

How could she have even considered it? He hadn't even taken her yet and Remi was already sure he would shatter her when he did.

Slowly but steadily, Kurt worked his magic, and when his fingers joined his lips exploring her most sensitive spot, Remi's body exploded in uncontrollable fits. A delicious warmth rose up from her legs to her belly, and then her chest until it became a whole-body experience. Remi had been given orgasms before, but she couldn't remember the experience ever being this mind-blowing.

Kurt watched with delight as the spasms slowly subsided in her body. Without any rush, he once again got on top of her. Jane's cheeks were adorably flushed and she didn't seem able to open her eyes. Kurt nuzzled her neck with patient laziness, waiting until she recovered to finally restart things. When Jane's arms crossed behind his neck and she clung to him, Kurt knew it was time to pick up where they'd left off.

"How are you so damn beautiful," Kurt showered her with smooches, unable to believe his luck. His wife was such an amazing sight to behold that he could lie there forever just looking at her and he'd never get tired of it.

Jane smiled that same shy smile she reserved for him whenever he paid her a compliment. Occasionally during the past few weeks, Kurt had thought his wife was somehow different. But that glow in her eyes was unmistakable. He had looked deep into her soul and seen his entire future there. The woman he loved was as present there as she had always been.

Remi was sliding her hands up and down his chest, longing to feel him under her touch. Her legs were still weak, but she managed to roll over him. Kurt's hands grabbed her thighs possessively, forcing her to straddle him. He leaned backwards against the headboard, pulling her to his chest.

Remi rushed to strip him off his shirt and pants, eager to get rid of the last layer that separated their bodies. Kurt didn't object, a smile lingering on the corner of his lips as he realized she was just getting started. Her never-ending energy was one of the things he loved the most about her, and Kurt had missed it more than he could explain.

Jane had never been shy about the fact she loved sex, but that evening she seemed a little more self-conscious than usual. Kurt assumed it was because of her condition and didn't give it much thought.

The weight of her hips grinding against him made Kurt forget everything that was rational. Nothing made sense, only her touch did. Remi noticed the effect she was causing and put more effort into it. It felt great to return every amazing sensation Kurt had given her and to know she had that much power over him. Remi had spent too many nights lying next to the man wondering what it would feel like to touch him, to taste his lips as she explored his body and now that she had the chance to do so, Remi was finding out that reality was even better than her dreams.

Kurt's hands closed around her bottom when Remi leaned over him, her breasts crushed against his strong chest, her hands holding on his shoulders for support as she took control of his lips, crushing them with hers, coaxing them apart with her tongue until Kurt groaned in response.

He swiftly took one of her hands and guided it to the small gap between their bodies, making his intentions very clear. When Jane's fingers wrapped around him, stroking him with an enticing smile, Kurt realized it was time to end that agonizing wait.

After curving his hand behind her nape, Kurt rolled them over and turned her over on her stomach. His teeth sank on her skin as he covered her back with gentle bites and nibbles. Remi relished at the unexpected thrill of his domination and turned her face to look back and met his eyes. The charming smile she saw there completely disarmed her.

Kurt pressed her chest against her back, feeling her arch it in response, his hand sneakily traveling to the inside of her thighs as his insistent kisses covered her slim shoulders before he huskily commanded.

"Tell me when."

Remi felt a jolt of desire running through her spine, awakening her sense. His words mixed with the erotic touch of his hand… Her response came as a pleading look, her voice hoarse and sexy when she confessed with complete abandon.

"Now… I want you now."

Kurt eagerly obliged, at first sliding into her just enough to feel the first inch of her familiar warmth. But when his wife brought up her hips, clearly striving for more, he entered her full length with one single thrust.

Remi gasped when she felt him fully inside of her. In the few previous times she and Kurt had kissed and she'd felt his arousal against her, Remi had suspected his superior size and strength translated to every other part of his body. That night, when he had taken off his boxers, she had witnessed just how right her assumption had been.

As he moved his hips, Remi found out Kurt had the amazing ability to alternate between passionately intense and possessively sweet. He was full of surprises and she was finding that out in the most pleasing way.

Kurt waited until she was clearly on the verge of another orgasm to increase the rhythm, only allowing his own release after taking her there again.

He fell on top of her and rolled slightly to the side, taking his time to catch his breath as she did the same. A few droplets of sweat were sparkling on her back and Kurt playfully blew cold air on them, smiling with satisfaction when met with her adorable protest.

Kurt's mind and body were so relaxed that he almost dozed off before Jane turned her head in his direction.

He gathered enough strength to take his hand to her head and gently tuck a lock of hair behind her ear, exposing her adorable face to his sight. When their eyes met, he grinned widely, cherishing the sweet smile that she gave him in return.

"I love you so much," Kurt couldn't let go of her, his arm lazily thrown around her waist.

Remi absorbed the words and the intensity of his stare. She wished every day of her life could be like that.

"I love you too," she said, telling herself it was what Jane would probably say in a similar circumstance.

As he closed his eyes, embarking on a much needed rest, Remi's mind raced with thoughts. She didn't regret doing what they'd just done. How could she? Even though it hurt to admit, that had been the most powerful sexual experience of her life. That could very well be the first and last time she slept with Kurt. Remi didn't know what the future reserved for them. But the one thing she was sure of was that she would never forget that night.

Kurt had made her feel things Remi didn't even consider possible. He was selfless, giving, and his touch made her shiver. Remi had the feeling he was someone she could trust with his life and the realization triggered so many confusing feelings that for a moment, she wished she could shut off her brain.


His husky, sexy voice brought Remi back from her thoughts and she gave him her undivided attention.


Kurt paused for a moment, choosing his words carefully before he finally spoke again.

"How do feel about an addition to our family after everything is okay… I mean, after you get cured?"

Remi blinked twice, taken completely off guard by the question and everything it entailed. Not only Kurt seemed absolutely sure that they were going to find a cure to her condition, could it be that he was also asking her to give him a child?

She knew he had a young daughter that he loved very much, and apparently, Jane had loved the little girl as well.

All of a sudden, Remi's chest constricted painfully.

"I am not even sure I am going to make it, Kurt," she closed her eyes to avoid tears from gathering.

"Don't say that," Kurt held her wrist in his hand and brought it in the direction of his lips, planting a kiss on the exact spot her pulse was throbbing, "you're not going anywhere, Jane."

She didn't have the courage to refute him.

"And, yes."

"Yes, what?"

"I want to have a baby with you."

The words sounded so foreign coming out of Remi's mouth that she had a hard time processing them. Motherhood? Never in her life had she even thought about the subject. Remi had spent very little time around kids and she had no familiarity whatsoever with them. From an early age, she knew she was probably never going to have a family. She'd made a choice when she'd embarked on Shepherd's plan and she knew the risks. Despite any careful planning, death had always lurked over her head. She just never thought she would die to a disease rather than succumb to a mission.

As she said the words, Kurt pulled her tighter in his direction and smiled with his eyes closed. Remi could tell he was blissfully happy. Even though he had no reason to, the man had faith that they would get through what was happening, enough to make plans for the near future.

That's when Remi realized the shattering, heart-wrenching truth.

Weeks before, she had woken up in a hospital bed without a clue of how she'd gotten there. When she'd finally found out she was married to an FBI agent and had the trust of an entire FBI team, that had seemed like the perfect scenario to destroy the enemy from within. Remi had realized that her plan to wipe out her memory and infiltrate a government agency had worked out, and she was ready to give it closure. She had gotten out of that bed ready for the next step, certain that she would kill Kurt Weller and that that would provide her with a big win.

But now, after falling asleep naked in his arms, after finding out what kind of man he was, what kind of husband he was… Remi watched as her entire world collapsed and turned upside down.

Somehow, Kurt had led her to question her own life choices, to doubt cemented truths she'd lived by for years, to challenge the status quo of her existence. He had changed everything in a matter of weeks, and the worst part was that he hadn't even tried to. All Kurt was guilty of was being himself.

And as he fell asleep next to her, a smile still lingering on his lips as he dreamed of green-eyed babies and happy endings, Remi realized the truth.

She had fallen for him.

Swallowing hard, Remi tried to control her body's response to the anxiety her realization triggered. Remi Briggs was in love with Kurt Weller, just like Jane Doe had been, and if Kurt was Jane's starting point, he might as well be Remi's finish line.

With an aching heart and a constricted throat, Remi finally connected the dots and figured out why she hadn't been able to kill him. She could never do that. All of a sudden, everything she'd done to get to where she was felt pointless. It was like she couldn't escape him, no matter who she was or she became.

All roads led to Kurt Weller.

And since this time around Remi couldn't proceed with her plans, the only thing left for her was to do what she did best.

She was going to adapt.


That was it, you guys, if you made it this far, I will strongly appreciate any insight or comment you might have.

It has crossed my mind to write another one-shot, this time about a weekend Kurt has Bethany over while Remi is still pretending to be Jane. I think it would be interesting to explore her thoughts and their interactions. Let me know what you guys think.
