Reviews for All roads lead to Kurt
STC chapter 1 . 7/17
for someone whose first language is not English, AND your first time writing Blindspot, I'd say you have a future. You definitely have a talent for writing sex scenes.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/15
Good writing. You captured the characters well. Loved the story and would like to read more showing how Remy adapts. A very good job on your first fic.
CodyC3482 chapter 1 . 5/13
Fabulously written, would love more especially Remi observing Kurt as a devoted father
everythingandnothing1 chapter 1 . 5/9
Great story! Beautifully written! Please continue
Ntsikie chapter 1 . 5/8
Wow this delicious and amazing please continue and give us more chapters. I love it.
chibinoyume chapter 1 . 5/8
This fic was lovely! Your writing is awesome and I can totally see how Remi couldn't remain truly indifferent to Kurt, especially when he's such an attentive and sweet husband. I do find odd she'd say yes to kids at this point unless she was just telling him what he wants to hear though, but that aside, there's so much to love about this story. Kurt's patience, Remi's struggle, the way they just understand and melt into each other. Also, a believable new addition to Remi's ZIP poisoning symptoms! If her body was forgetting its functions, it makes sense than temperature regulation could be one of them. Hope to read more fic from you in the future!
Renee chapter 1 . 5/8
I liked the was very interesting having Remi explore her feeling for Kurt and the situation she in. Remi may have started to fall in love with him while she was watching Kurt and that's probably why Shepard put doubt in her head about Kurt. I think a story with Bethany and including Remi would be interesting? To see if Bethany would notice a change between the to.

Till next time.
PacyT chapter 1 . 5/8
Wow! Beautifully written. This is exactly how I envisioned this happening. Thank you
Please write another one shot I was wondering if they seen Bethany during that time...