Yes, I have returned after quite some time. Some of you may not have remembered that I was gone, nor knew me at all. Those of you that do remember me, yes it's Ralph the Blue Macaw. Where have I been? I joined the 501st Starsim unit in Arma 3, I enlisted in the United States Marine Corps (leaving for boot camp in October), and I just kept on building myself up. Anyway, while we're all under quarantine, I thought I'd probably finish my very first Rio story, "Real in Rio." My goal is to finish this story before I leave. While I had some free time, I found my Rio DVD disc after five years and re-watched it. And well, while the hopes of a Rio 3 may seem dim, I still love the movies. In addition years back, I did enjoy my time here and the friendships I've made. While it may seem like a lot, I remain optimistic that Rio will never, ever die. As long as we keep telling stories and as long as we all stick together. Those of you that are still here, writing, and keeping Rio alive, your hard work is being recognized. As long as one person keeps writing, Rio will never be dead.
Anyway enough said. I'm going back to my roots. Same story, different interpretation. This takes place after Blu saves Jewel and learns how to fly. But you already knew that.
Rio, let me take you to Rio. Fly over the ocean like an eagle. Well at least that's what Blu did. He flew thousands of miles from Moose Lake, Minnesota, to meet the last female Spix Macaw. He, of course, was the last male of his kind and some ornithologist thought that the two of them would be their only hope in saving their species. At least that's what the original intent was.
Blu spent a little over two days in Rio de Janeiro. And during his time in the magical city, he met some interesting birds. One of those birds is his true love, Jewel. Blu was suppose to come to Rio to save his species from extinction. He, however, didn't expect getting a kiss from a beautiful bird, nor gaining his long overdue ability to take flight and soar. He also didn't expect to fall in love. The socially awkward blue macaw from Minnesota fell in love with a jewel from the Amazon. And he did certainly love her. The boy began to fly after she kissed him for Pete's sake.
Blu snapped back into reality, once he realized where he was. He was in the artificial jungle in the aviary. This was the place he and Jewel first met. Although she did almost kill him, the sanctuary will remain something of sentimental value to the young macaw. He would look around with his hazelnut eyes and smile.
"Cheese and sprinkles." Blu quietly expressed while flying up to a tree branch within the set up. He would look around the room before continuing his flyover, still getting used to the controls if you will. Just because a girl kissed him doesn't mean he's an expert flyer. "Now how do you fly backwards is the real question."
In a fruit market not far from the aviary, two best friends returned after a long night of attempted rescue, capture, and being rescued. Ever since the monkeys attacked, the club hasn't really been repaired. Better to start now than later.
Nico, a yellow canary, would fly around the perimeter of the club and look for some of the poles they used for the roofing. "Yo Pedro, those monkeys did a number on our setup."
"You're tellin' me. They flamed this place hotter than a palm tree!" Pedro, a Red-crested cardinal, replied, remaining somewhat optimistic. He would begin arranging the crates the monkeys tipped over, setting them up as tables once again. "We need help..."
Suddenly, out of nowhere, some green macaws would fly over, landing in the roofless Samba Club. There were three of them to be exact and since Nico and Pedro ran the club, they knew the three birds. Heavy mango drinkers at that anyway.
"Well, well, well. If it isn't the Sledgehammer himself." Nico would fly over to the taller green macaw, flapping his wings to match the macaw's height.
"Looks like you guys were ransacked." The taller one stated, looking around the area, seeing knocked over crates, fruit everywhere, and a tarp on the ground. He would let off a kind and gentle smile, greeting Nico with a salute with his right wing.
"You military macaws missed the whole show. Things got hot over here!" Pedro would confidently exclaim as he tipped over a crate, struggling slightly.
"Rio is a big place, my friend. We had to deal with some other stuff. A kidnapping, several birdnappings, a Carnival riot, and some chicks being separated from their parents during the festivities." The macaw would take out a paper and hold it up with his wing. "Have you seen," The macaw would hold the paper closer to Nico's face. "This bird?"
By now, Pedro would fly over to the macaws and look at the photo, before screaming in fear and shock. "Talons! Talons! Talons!" He would start to panic fly before eventually flying flat into a wooden plank. He would slowly slide to the ground upon impact.
"I'll take that as a yes." The military macaw would predict, handing the paper back to one of his partners. "We think his name is Nigel but we're not entirely sure."
"That cockatoo was responsible for capturing us earlier, or last night. During Carnival of all nights." Nico would convey, a hint of dismay in his voice.
"THAT MONSTER!" One of the other macaws would exclaim, his eyes opening wide.
There was a moment of silence before the lead macaw continued.
"Corporal, add kidnapping to the list of charges."
"It was awful. He even grabbed me by the neck and threw me into a cage, beak first."
"Add attempted murder to the charges."
"And that's not all. He captured Blu and Jewel, the last of the blue birds, man."
"Add potential genocide as well to this Nigel bird's charges."
Pedro would finally find his bearings and fly back to the group. "Yo y'all are gonna do somethin' about this bird, right?" He would ask with genuine concern.
"Well, we deployed the Guard now. We got some extra help. But we're on a relief and recovery mission right now. You're not the only birds that were hurt these last few days." The military macaw would reassure, while scanning the perimeter.
"So are you gonna help us fix this place up or not, Ralph?" Nico would inquire, a cool smile appearing on his face.
"That's why we're here. And I'm gonna need a mango Brazil nut mix sooner or later." Now, Nico and Pedro have three extra hands to help them repair the club.
"It feels like I'm forgetting somethin'. I can't put my feather on it." Nico would question before flying over to a pile of mangoes, scoffing at the fact that he needed to discard the damaged ones.
Back in the aviary, Tulio would begin wrapping up the treatment of Jewel's broken wing. He was very gentle and careful when administering the pain killer and the bandages. Jewel was originally apprehensive in regards to being handled by a human but she eventually figured out that Tulio wasn't at all a part of humanity's bad side.
"Okay Jewel, listen to me. You're going to be fine, just stay off the wing for a while. It'll be at least three weeks until you can fly again." Tulio would say to the now saddened Jewel, after learning of the effects of her condition. Tulio would then grab a water tube and place it near Jewel's beak, thusly allowing her to hydrate. And hydrate she did. "Look on the bright side, Jewel. You have Blu now."
Jewel would stop drinking the water from the tube and look at the ornithologist before looking outside at a nearby window. He was right. She was afraid to admit that a human was right, but he was. She has Blu now, a bird she had come to love from the last twenty-four hours. Before she could think any further, she would be picked up by Tulio and he would carry her to the aviary jungle setup. "I'm not gonna keep you two separated for long." He would go through a hallway before entering the little aviary via the main door and place Jewel carefully onto the floor. He would walk out and soon after, close the door.
Jewel would cherish this little room she was in. Like Blu, this is the room she met her true love. Nothing but a smile crept onto her beak before a very, very familiar and highly anticipated voice called for her.
"Blu?" She would turn around and see the dark blue macaw looking at her with his hazelnut eyes. Her teal eyes locked into his before he ran up to her. Before she knew what hit her, Blu gently brought her into a warm embrace, full of love and compassion. She wouldn't make any major move, apart from just planting her chin on Blu's shoulder.
"I'm so happy you're okay. How's the wing?" The male macaw would ask, concern filling his voice, as he closed his eyes.
"Could've been better. It'll be a few weeks until I can fly again." She would also close her eyes, enjoying her future mate's embrace. "At least I have you to help me get by these next few weeks."
"Of course, of course! I love you." Suddenly both their eyes would go wide open. Blu because he couldn't believe what he just said, and Jewel because she couldn't believe what she had just heard. "Uh did I just say...I mean um..."
He would be interrupted by Jewel who kissed him, in the beak. This kiss lasted a little longer than their little jump kiss. When it did finally finish, she only smiled. "I love you, too. I'm lucky to have you. You saved my life. And well, you gave my life new meaning." She snuggled a bit closer to Blu, now more comfortable than ever around her mate-to-be.
"I think I can confidently say the same about you, Jewel."
The two Spix Macaws would finish the rest of the grand morning talking and enjoying each other's company. It was almost as if it were the first date, in which the couple got to know each other. Blu learned that his girlfriend likes Brazil nuts, Jewel learned that her mate-to-be enjoys a "perfect marshmallow to coco ratio." Well, whatever that meant anyway. Sooner or later, it would be lunch time, and Tulio entered the artificial jungle, holding two mangoes in his hands.
"Lunch time, you two! Well, breakfast." He would shoot Blu and Jewel a cheerful smile before placing the mangoes close to the lovebirds' feet before walking out of the room once again.
Blu would walk over and grip the two mangoes into his talons before flying them over to Jewel, who obviously can't eat on her own.
"Let's eat!" Blu exclaimed before chowing down. He would eat the mango with such speed and efficiency Jewel almost mistook him for a piranha cleaning a chicken leg whole.
"Jesus Christ, Blu. You're that hungry?" Jewel would inquire before sitting down in the floor right next to her mango.
"I haven't eaten ever since..." Come to think of it, Blu hasn't really eaten anything ever since he was back in Minnesota. He went through meeting Jewel, escaping the smugglers and Nigel, fighting off Rafi's kids, gliding down to the beach, partying in the Samba Club, fighting the monkeys, and rescuing Jewel on an empty stomach. "Well let's just say my last meal was...hours ago..."
"Speaking of meals..." She would point at her own mango with her left talon, before making a light gesture with her cast.
"Oh right, my apologies." Blu would finish eating his mango before awkwardly picking up Jewel's mango. He was used to being fed by Linda all these years. Now, it was his turn. He thought of what Linda used to do back home. Eventually, Blu finally sliced up the mango into bite sized pieces. He would pick one piece up and bring it closer to Jewel's mouth, moving his wing as if it were an airplane. Wait. "Here comes the airplane. Vroom vroom."
Jewel would only smirk after watching this adorable display and decided to play along. She opened her beak and allowed Blu to place the mango slice into her mouth. She began to devour the piece, enjoying the sweet flavor the mango has to offer.
"Again, but without the sound effects." She would say sarcastically. She didn't really care what Blu did because it was entertaining enough for her. "You're quality dad material though."
"As you wish, your majesty."
The sun finally began to set in the region. After a long day, Blu and Jewel would finally have a chance to rest. After all, the airline conditions on that plane were terrible. Blu would find a hollow within one of the artificial trees and he would fly Jewel into it. It would be the second night the two shared together. This time, there was no chain keeping them together. Well, there was no need for one at least, only love.
"Well Blu, looks like you'll be sleeping in the trees tonight." Jewel would smirk before leaning against the plastic tree trunk.
"These aren't real trees. They're plastic ones." Blu would state before noticing his future mate leaning on the trunk. Genuine concern would quickly enter his face. "Um Jewel. This is hard plastic. If you lean on that trunk, you'll probably develop back problems tomorrow. Continuous uncomfortable nights will inevitably lead to future back problems as you age.
"Well, is there an alternative solution that'll alleviate your concern?" Jewel asked, attempting to mimic Blu's nerdy vocabulary before rising from her leaning position.
Blu would quickly think before realizing what he was "allowed," to do now. He would extend his left wing, motioning for Jewel to get a little closer.
"Well, you can always lean on me. That way we don't both have to lean on that hard surface."
Jewel would smile and get closer, eventually trapping herself into Blu's confirming embrace.
"Such a gentleman." She would close her teal eyes, resting her head on Blu's chest.
"Glad I can help. Goodnight Jewel."
"Goodnight Blu. I'll see you in the morning. And try not to snore too loud, hmm?"
"You first." He placed a loving kiss on her forehead before adjusting himself. He would smile before closing his hazelnut eyes and dosing off.
With that, the two love birds would fall asleep in their temporary tree hollow. Blu was already feeling somewhat comfortable around his future mate. While she did almost kill him days ago, he got comfortable around her almost. He does need some teaching but the important thing is that they're both alive and in each other's embrace. As they slowly drifted off into dreamland, Blu began to snore. It was indeed him first, contrary to what he said to Jewel.
End of Chapter 1. Like I said, same story, different interpretation. And I do apologize if I am a bit rusty. But anyway, if you've come this far, thank you for reading and I'll see you in the next chapter! Enjoy the rest of your day or night!