It was a late night one the streets of Vegas, a young, smart and beautiful 20 year old brunette girl wandered the streets. She was tall with legs that went on for days and a tiny waist. Dark brown eyes and a gap tooth smile, curly long hair. She had barely anything on, just a black dress which was cut out in the sides to reveal most of her stomach, it only just covered her bum. She had thigh high black hooker boots which made her legs seem even longer.

She waited as her friend and roommate, Catherine, was busy with some guy. Catherine grabbed the cash from the guy in the car and walked over to her smirking.

"How much?"

"I got 50 bucks" Catherine smiled.


"Okay, you've not got anyone yet, come on, next ones your" Catherine smiled.

She rolled her eyes and laughed "Fine, he better pay well"

Just then a Mercedes drove by and stopped.

"Go, this could be good pay, remember no kissing on the lips" Catherine said pushing her towards the limo.

She laughed and approached the car. The window rolled down and she saw these piercing bright blue eyes stare at her. He was older then her, at least by 10 years, with curly hair that had all ready started to go grey. He had a cleft chin and a curious look on his face.

"Hey there" she said winking at him.

"Hi, do you know where the Bellagio hotel is, I think I'm a bit lost" he said.

"Sure, for 5 bucks"

"5 bucks?"

"Just gone up to 10" she laughed.

"It's just directions, I'm not paying for that" he shouted.

"Then I guess you won't get to your hotel" she teased.

She turned her back and he sighed "Fine"

She smiled and got in the car.

"I've only got 20, you got change?"

"Nope, but I can take you there personally"she winked.

He sighed passing her the 20 dollar note, he then drove off listening to her directions. They arrived at the hotel and both got out the car, he passed his keys to the valet and they walked to the entrance.

He stopped and turned to her "put this on" he said passing his jacket.

She took it from him, their hands brushing against each other making them both shiver.

"Em, lets go" he said guiding her in.

"So why'd I have to put the coat on?" she asked.

"Cause, it's a nice hotel and I'm well known here" he winked.

"Ah" she said following him.

"So, Mr well known here, you got a name?" she asked.

"Gilbert Grissom, you can call me Gil or Grissom. What about you?" he asked, placing his hand on her back as they walked through the door.

"Sara, Sara Sidle" she grinned.

He smiled back at her, as they walked to the reception desk she was in awe.

"Wow! Holy shit, look at this place!" she said in amazement.

He laughed and went to check in, Sara began picking things up at investigating them. She was amazed at everything she seen, Grissom noticed and smirked. He thanked the receptionist and guided Sara to follow the bell boy. They got in the lift where they were taken to the top floor, the penthouse suite.

"Wow, the penthouse. Man this is good" she announced making him laugh.

They arrived at the top floor and entered the penthouse suite.

"Holy shit, this is amazing!" Sara shouted as she went to look around.

Grissom laughed and tipped the bell boy, he then went off in search of Sara. The suit was huge, Sara explored all the different rooms. It was like an apartment rather than a hotel suite.

"This bathrooms bigger than my apartment!" she shouted.

Grissom smiled and settled himself at the desk and began to open his mail he had received, he had asked it to be sent to his hotel. Sara came out of the bathroom and headed to the balcony.

"Wow, this view! It's amazing!" She shouted.

"I'll take your word for it" Grissom replied while reading the letter in his hands.

Sara came back into the room "You not going to look?"

"I'm afraid of heights" he explained, not looking up at her.

"Why pay all this money for the top floor if you're scared of heights?"

"Cause it's the best money can buy, they don't have penthouses on the first floor"

Sara smiled and went on to inspect more of the suite.

"So, now that you've got me here, what do you plan to with me" she winked.

She took the jacket off placing it on the chair closest to her so she was just in her black 'dress'.

"Well I'm not sure, I didn't exactly plan this" he said putting the letter back down on the desk.

"Do you plan everything Mr Grissom" she asked as she sat on the foot stool.

"Always" he said tilting his head as he saw the way she was sitting.

Her legs were apart and she was hunched over with her arms on her legs dangling down.

"Yeah, I'm the same usually. Plan everything but it never goes to plan" she winked.

"So, since I'm here, you going to pay me" she asked walking over to him.

"Oh, yes" he said pulling out his wallet and giving her some cash.

Sara sat down on his desk and stuffed the money in her boots.

"You're sitting on my mail" he looking her up and down.

"Well that's one I haven't heard" she said lifting just enough for him to move the mail from underneath her.

"Okay so" she taking a hand full of condoms out of her other boot and started listing them off.

"I got the blue one, the red one, the green one or I've got the gold coin. The condom of champions, the one and only. Nothing is getting through this sucker" she said holding them all up in front of him.

"Wow, a choice of safety" he joked.

"I'm a sucker for safety" she shrugged.

Grissom smiled, Sara put the condoms down on his desk and moved closer to him. She straddled him lap, placing her hands on his shoulders. His hands went straight to his waist, he was looking straight at her unsure of what to do next. The two sat there for a moment, neither moving or saying anything.

Just then then a bell rang.

"What's that?" Sara asked confused.

"Room service" he whispered.

"Great, I'll make myself useful" she said smiling to show off her gap tooth smile.

She then winked at him and got off his lap, running to the door to let their room service in.

"Good evening, where would you like it?" the man asked while staring at Sara, looking her up and down.

She looked over to Grissom who was still sat on his seat and asked "Where would we like it".

"Um, over by the bar" he said, frowning at the man.

The room service guy placed the tray down at the bar, Sara followed him.

"It'll be put on your bill Mr Grissom" he said as he bumped into Sara who just smiled and moved closer to the bar.

"Thank you" Grissom said as the other man stared at Sara.

"What are you looking at?" she asked as she saw the man still looking at her.

The man stuttered, Grissom got up and headed towards the pair.

"Sorry, here you go" he said tipping the guy and pointing him in the direction of the door.

"Oops, I forgot that one" she said as she sat down on another chair.

Sara began to take off her boots while Grissom poured her some champagne.

"So, no wife?" she asked

"Nope, my ex-wife Heather, tried to take half my money and run off with the pool boy. Luckily I had it in writing that she wouldn't be able to get a penny. Last I heard she had married some other poor guy" he explained.

"Well, her loose then" she winked as she removed her other boot.

Grissom walked over to her and passed her a glass and the bowl of strawberries.

"Thanks" she said drinking half the glass.

"You not drinking?" she asked him as she ate one of the strawberries.

"I don't drink"

"Ah, so shall we get started" she winked.

"How much for the whole night?" he asked as he stood against the bar with his arms folded.

"You couldn't afford it" she teased.

"Try me"

"300 bucks" she said.


"Holy shit!" she laughed and downed the rest of her glass.

Grissom took the glass from her "Great!"

Sara left to go to the bathroom "I''l be out in a minute she"

She took something out of her bag just ask Grissom entered the bathroom.

"What did you say? Couldn't hear you" he said as he noticed something clutched in her hand.

"What's that?" he asked.

"Nothing, it's nothing" she stuttered.

"That's it, deals off. I don't want people that do drugs around me" he said grabbing her.

"Hey! Get off! I don't do drugs" she shouted as she yanked her arm from him.

"Then what is it? Huh?"

Sara opened her hand and showed him it was just floss.

"I ate a lot of strawberries" she sighed.

Grissom looked at her and smiled.

"What?" she asked, noticing he was looking at her.

"Nothing, it's just, no ones ever surprised me. You surprise me" he smiled.

She smiled back at him and winked "Now can you let me floss?"

He smiled and left the bathroom, heading to the living room and went to sit on the couch near the TV, he turned the TV on and began to watch an old black and white movie. Sara walked into the room and laid on the ground in front of the TV to watch the movie.

Grissom began to watch her, he found her more exciting to watch then the movie. She began laughing at the movie, while Grissom moved to the seat nearest her and was still watching her every move. He smiled as she let out a loud giggle once again, she then caught him watching her.

She smirked at him and crawled over towards him, running a hand up his leg. She then slowly pulled the straps of her dress down her arms, standing up to take the dress off completely to reveal a matching red lace panties and bra set. Grissom sat and stared at her, a smirk on his face the whole time.

Sara moved to straddle him, hands on his shoulders, his on her hips. She grabs the remote and turns the TV off, throwing it behind her. She then grabs him tie and loosens it, throwing that away as well. She slowly unbuttons his shirt as one of his hands moves to her face to cup it.

"So, what do you want?" she teases.

"What do you do?" he teases her back.

"Everything, but I don't kiss on the lips" she said looking in his eyes.

"Good, cause neither do I" he says looking back at her.