Date: 24th Of March 2075 CE
Location: Milky Way, Local Cluster, Sol System, Earth, Unknown Island Of The Pacific Ocean

"Ugh... I really don't want to report this". Karl said, the current head scientist of Deep Science.

He was currently walking in a corridor to his sponsor's office while carrying a data pad. "The boss isn't going to appreciate this report". He sighed.

The professor started walking slowly toward the office. He dreaded the confrontation. Approaching the office door, the professor heard the sound of violins.

"He was always a fan of classical music". The professor thought. Steeling himself, he rang the electronic bell on the office door.

While the sound of violins played in the background, a rough voice was heard by the professor. "Come in".

Karl entered and saw a middle-aged man pouring himself a glass of a most likely expensive champagne. This man was Victor Manswell, the founder and sponsor of Deep Science.

When Victor saw the professor entering his office, he smiled. "Ah! Professor Reyes come in and have a drink with me. It's been a very good day for me. I finally managed to buy Antonio Vivaldi's old music manuscripts".

The response made Karl's blood run cold. "Seriously what the hell!? What is this bad luck! Why do I need to report this right now when he is this happy!". He screamed internally.

"Sigh". The professor calmed himself then he approached the billionaire and reported. "Sir I have grave news about the expedition".

The beaming smile of the billionaire immediately turned sour. "What happened to the expedition professor?". Victor asked.

"Sir today during our daily routine of checking the colony ships, we lost all communications from the fleet". Karl answered.

For a couple of minutes there was a long silence then the billionaire asked again. "Do you guys know what happened to the fleet?".

"Thanks to our scanners and radars we found out that the trajectory of the fleet was in collision with a gigantic travelling asteroid. And we assumed most likely that the fleet got destroyed during the collision sir." The professor said grimly.

"Assumed?". Victor inquired.

"There was 91.78% chance that fleet collided with the giant asteroid." Karl answered grimly. Then the professor gave the data pad to the billionaire.

And again there was an absolute silence in the room until Victor responded. "Do you know why I funded this project professor?".

The professor thought for a brief moment then replied. "I'm not completely sure sir".

Most people that worked for the billionaire assumed that it was for personal gain. "Professor, I always loved the concept of exploration.

We humans are a such extraordinary race, through our entire history we managed to uncover all the mystery that our world could offer. We learned and prospered with the discoveries we achieved". Walking towards the open balcony of his office Victor said.

The professor watched as his boss approached the balcony and though. "So it's like that huh".

After reaching the balcony Victor continued while gazing into the night sky. "Now in front of humanity there is the sea of stars waiting for it to be uncovered. We currently have the money and the technology to start the new age of exploration, but we can't because we are restrained by the greed and selfishness of others".

For a brief moment the billionaire remained silent then sighed "I hoped that with the colonization of Alpha Centauri I could have sparked the interest of other space companies & corporations like how Columbus opened the New World for conquest and exploration".

"But I guess we're too early to go beyond our solar system". He sighed deeply in the clear night sky.

"Thanks for the report professor Karl you may leave now". Said the billionaire.

"Yes sir and I'm sorry sir". Answered grimly Karl.

In the upcoming weeks the news of the failed Manswell expedition reached all across the globe.

Scientists from different companies and organizations criticized the wishful ideas of the director of Deep Science. The majority of the space companies of Earth didn't support the expedition planned by Deep Science. Others preferred if that the funds used for the failed expedition were used for better projects like Project Ares. In fact thanks to this failed expedition many nations and big corporations started funding Project Ares.

With the failed expedition the next year Deep Science was shut down cause of lack of funds.

Many historians of that time referred Victor Manswell as the Eager Fool.

Little they know those ten colony ships weren't destroyed by a giant asteroid, but they were teleported by an ultra wormhole into a neighbouring galaxy.

Date: 27th Of December 105 DT
Location: Draco, Manswell Cluster, Victoria System, Shattered Ring, Meridia Segment

The smell of burnt flesh and metal filled the hangar, across the landing pad there were wreckage of many types of spacecrafts.

Scattered all across the hangar there were dead human soldiers lying on the floor. Looking closely at the dead soldiers, their height are all identical and wore the same type of white armor.

There weren't only dead soldiers in the hangar but there were also destroyed machines parts. At the center of the hangar, there was a battered transport ship and it was heavily guarded by the same type of machine that were scattered all across the hangar. Like the human soldiers the machines were all identical.

And then a sound was heard. A head of a machine exploded. All the machines reacted and started scanning the hangar for enemies.

The one that shoot the machines was currently hiding in the wreckage of a starfighter near the transport ship. Like the other soldiers this was one was wearing the same white armor but with blue markings in both his arms and his legs. He was currently holding some kind of rifle, and he was ready to shoot. Then he shot four rounds destroying four more machines.

Finally, the machines located the origin of the shots and started firing their rifles at the wreckage where the soldier was located. The soldier started to run and while running he used the many destroyed parts of the starfighter as cover from the attacks.

While running away from the enemies, the soldier managed to destroy five more enemies, but he was running out of cover.

Ten machines remained that were chasing the soldier, they managed to corner the soldier in a small metal container

The soldier was crouched behind the small metal container, he couldn't move to either sides unless he wants go get shot, and he can't stand up cause well he's going to get shot.

The machines started approaching and then the soldier launched his rifle upward, and he took out his two pistol from their holsters and rolled left.

The machines immediately fired thinking the soldier stood up but instead they shot the rifle, distracted by this they didn't notice that the soldier rolled left.

Immediately after rolling the soldier in his knee fired his pistols and with perfect aim he destroyed all the machines by hitting them all in the head.

After standing up the soldier took one of rifles from the machine and started moving towards the transport ship.

Walking towards the ship he heard the sound of the rear ramp of the ship opening. Loud and heavy metallic footstep were heard. Something big and tall came out from the ship. It wasn't a machine, cause it had still some organic parts, like its eyes. It was a cyborg.

While walking menacingly towards the soldier, the cyborg took two handles from his waist and stopped moving.

Meanwhile, the soldier prepared and aimed the newly acquired rifle at the cyborg.

There was silence, the two were ready to kill each other. A couple of seconds passed and both still weren't moving. It was like both of them became statues incapable of moving. It was like as if time was stopped. Between them there was a word written. PAUSE was the word written.

The word PAUSE was written on the screen of a plasma TV. Near the TV they were a pile of video game cases, one of them was opened, mostly likely the disc that has been playing is the same disc that was missing from that case. Looking closely at the case you could see the image of the same soldier that was on the screen of the TV holding a different rifle. On top of the image of the soldier the words Star Wars Battlefront V were written.

The plasma TV and piles of video game cases were kinda out-of-place cause the apartment was very futuristic. The apartment wasn't big but it wasn't small either it was just average size. Inside the apartment it was divided by two parts: one big center room, two small rooms.

The small rooms were located in the northern and southern sides of the center room. The bathroom was located on the southern room and the kitchen was located on the northern room. In the center room you could see on the upper left side there was a bed, on the right from the bed there was a strange high-tech chair and a desk with three holograms computers, one data pad and a hi-tech chessboard, on the left from the bed there was big window where you could see many futuristic skyscrapers and flying cars. From the south of the room there was a wooden pedestal which contained at the top a ceremonial Japanese sword and a pair of boxing gloves. Instead, on upper right side of the center room there was a futuristic showcase that displayed a collection of antique video game consoles and video games. Near the showcase there was another wooden pedestal that contained at the top a visual hologram frame of two people.

The entrance door was located on the bottom left side of the center room and on the right side of the door there was a painting illustrating the Shattered Ring.

The TV was located on the bottom right side of the center room. The TV was attached on the wall and below it there was a shelf holding a video game console named "Neo PlayStation" and the pile of video game cases.

In front of the TV there was a sofa where the owner of the apartment was currently sitting. The individual was a young man with an average build and pale complexion. The young man had unkempt silver hair and green eyes.

"Sigh... You know I'm not gonna unpause the game until you show yourself." He sighed while holding the controller of the console.

He was currently alone in the apartment so it was strange like he was talking to himself until a synthetic voice was heard coming from his right arm. "NANI?! How did you know I was here?!".

"You already spooked me seven times while I was playing this game Tana. And I figured that this would be the perfect time to spook me again especially when it's at the climax. So why did you come here? I assume you have news for me cause you usually don't come here to hang out this late at night." He answered.

"Um, Chotto a minute! Since when your powers let you see the future?" She asked inquisitively.

"Can you please stop messing around Tana? You know that's impossible" He sighed.

"Hai! Hai! I will stop V~chan, the captain wants you to come to his office tomorrow to discuss that project." Finally, giving him the news.

"So Team Hades was picked for the expedition huh." V-chan said.

"Hai! Hai! Team Hades will be joining the expedition! You know what that means V~chan! We're going to J-A-P-A-N!" She answered energetically.

"You mean the Milky Way right?" he said with exasperation.

"Yeah Yeah also that but JAPAN V~chan I can finally visit Tokyo. I can't wait to go to Akihabara! A new frontier of Anime, Manga & Doujinshi awaits me there! KYAAAA I'm so excited for this trip". As her excitement grew, she spoke faster.

"Mission" he corrected her.

"..." That word spoken immediately halted her enthusiasm.

"And also do you think they will immediately accept us when we appear in front of their borders with our fleet telling them: Hey were your long-lost colonies from one hundred years ago please accept us into your borders. Any intelligent being would close their borders and call the fleet soon after for protection. It's guaranteed the moment we arrived at the Milky Way the first thing we will do will be cover ops to gather info and to spy them." Killing her entire excitement with the swift words he spoke.

"Moooo~ V~chan way to kill my excitement!" she shouted while also sending electric shocks from his right arm.

"Hey stop that you're frying my Datalizer here! I'm just stating facts here Tana!" He replied while trying to calm down the AI.

"Mooo~" She still continued to zap his arm.

"Geez... I just wanted to point out that we can't just do this quickly, we need to survey, gather information then evaluate the situation. If everything goes with zero problems then we just need to wait and let the diplomatic envoys do their jobs. Beside if we don't managed to broker peace with our cousins from another galaxy you can just ask one of the infiltrators to buy the products you want." He replied eloquently.

After a couple of seconds she finally stopped zapping, and she replied evilly "Or I can just hack and bypass their network and pirate the stuff I want"

"Yeah sure why not. So are we done here or do you need to report something else?" The young man replied.

"Chotto a minute are you trying to get rid of me here V~chan." She inquired.

"No, I kinda don't want to be disturbed right now because i just wanted to finish this game" he answered back then he unpause the game and started playing.

"You're such a gamer! Well then don't let me disturbed you I will go now! Bye Bye V~chan." The hologram from his arms disappeared after those lines were spoken.

Then the sound of TV filled the room. While the young was playing he briefly thought "Things are getting exciting huh."

The following day...

At the Psionic Corps two agents were discussing a certain expedition.

One was a middle-age man with tanned skin, a ducktail beard and sharp facial features but the most noticeable parts of him were his left eye that was replaced by red cybernetic eye patch and the scar on top of his left eyebrow.

The other man was a bit younger, and he was pale skin. He had deep dark violet eyes and an Asian style ponytail. Like the other man this one had a noticeable feature, he had a metallic face mask covering a portion of his face.

The elder one was currently sitting on a futuristic chair near his desk and the younger one was standing across his desk.

"Who will be the two admirals that are accompanying us in the expedition?"
the younger one asked.

"Shield will be commandeered by Admiral Lisha Velasquez while Sword is on the hands of Admiral William Hawke. And also ambassador Charlotte Leblanc & the newly appointed governor Vector will also be accompanying us in the journey." the elder one answered.

"Our resource for the mission?" Again the younger one asked.

"Food, alloy and energy will not be a problem after colonizing a planet but the other resources... It will take time until we can reproduce them there unless we find them in that galaxy. Our scientists estimated that our SR, will last 2-4 years depending on our usage." Again the elder one answered.

"What's our plans when arrive there?". And again the younger one asked.

"When we will arrive at our destination, you, the kid, Leonardo and Cryptic will survey and gather intel while the fleet will be searching for a remote habitable planet where we lay our foundations on that galaxy. After we gathered enough intel and info you will try to contact at least a peaceful representative of our distant cousins. If everything goes smoothly we will send the ambassador and her envoy of diplomats to do their job." And again elder one answered.

"And if something goes wrong?". The younger man inquired.

"Use your powers. I hope it doesn't come to that though." The elder one sighed.

A couple seconds passed and then this time the elder one asked the younger a question. "You're not even going to ask if we will ever return here?".

"Well if we can go there I assume we can return here as well. We'll just need to build another Ultra Wormhole Generator there right?." The younger one replied.

"You know Jack our scientists estimated that it will take at least a century to build other one there if we're doing it by ourselves." The elder man replied.

"Then we just only need to successfully complete the mission of reuniting with our galactic cousins Terry." Jack replied.

Then a ring was heard from Terry's right arm and then suddenly a holographic figure appeared on top of his right arm. That figured was his female secretary that was located outside his office. Then secretary replied "Captain Maxford, you have a visitor".

"Is it the kid?" The captain asked.

"Yes sir, Its lieutenant Astralis." The secretary replied.

"Let him through." captain replied

"Yes sir." Then the hologram disappeared.

"Jack your student is here" Terry replied.

"You're going to debrief him right? Well don't let me get in your way then." He replied while waking toward the exit of the office.

Then he opened the metallic door of the office, said student was currently standing in front of the door.

The student noticed that his teacher was in the room, then he smiled and greeted him. "Good morning Teacher."

"Morning, Have fun with your briefing Verum." He smiled at his student then he nodded at Terry "Terry".

"Yeah, Yeah bye Jack." Terry replied.

After Jack left the office Terry started speaking. "Ok let's start the debriefing of the project...

Date: 5th Of January 106 DT
Location: Draco, Manswell Cluster, Victoria System, Meridia Citadel

Around a hundred million kilometers away from the Meridia segment, an enormous metallic structure was located, it was Meridia Citadel, the strongest military base of the Galactic Federation.

At the Anchorage of the citadel the Odysseus Fleet was located. It was composed of two "modified" titan class starships and the first colony ship of the GF.

On one of the Titans, William Hawke, the head of command of the Odysseus Fleet was currently discussing with his Chief Officer on the elevator.

"Are we done with the preparations Cole?" The admiral asked.

"Yes, sir. Madam Leblanc, Governor Vector and their respective deputies have finally docked in Jamestown. The science crews of Deep Science have already also docked in Jamestown. Admiral Velasquez and Shield are ready for departure. And Team Hades are in standby in Sword. We're just waiting for the activation of the Ultra Wormhole Generator from Deep Science sir." Finally, reaching the command center of Sword the AI answered.

At the command center all the personnel saluted the admiral "Admiral Hawke!"

"At ease" replied the admiral.

"Sir, we have a call from Deep Science." The communication officer reported.

"Patch it through". Hawke replied.

"This is the director of Deep Science Charles Sanson, we are ready at our end, I assume you're also ready?". Suddenly a hologram appeared in front of the admiral.

"We're ready for departure." The admiral replied.

"Well in one hour we'll open a Wormhole near Glacia, you have five minutes to enter the wormhole." Charles replied.

"Roger that". Hawked nodded.

"Have a safe journey admiral". Then communication between them ended.

"Patch me through the Jamestown and Shield" he looked towards the communication officer.

"Yes sir". She replied.

"This is Admiral Hawke, in ten minutes we will be commencing Operation Odyssey. I repeat in ten minutes we will be commencing Operation Odyssey. We will be departing for Glacia where the Wormhole will be opened. I want everyone to be ready in ten minutes. That's all." Hearing those words, every personnel of the three ships prepared for departure.

Date: 5th Of January 2181 CE
Location: Milky Way, ?, ?, ?

The Odysseus Fleet finally arrived in the Milky Way.


Deep Science (MW)

Deep Science is a human organization dedicated to study and research concerning space exploration and off world colonization. Billionaire Victor Manswell, frustrated with the pace of official human space exploration, founds Deep Science in 2068 with intent of funding his own private spaceflight expedition. With the failure of the Manswell Expedition of 2075 CE, in 2077 Deep Science was shut down.

Deep Science (D)

Deep Science is the human organization of the Galactic Federation dedicated to study and research concerning "Technology".
Technology in Deep Science is divided into three research areas: Engineering, Physics and Society. Additionally, each research area has multiple subcategories, for a total of 13 such subcategories, and every technology belongs to one of these subcategories.

The areas and their subcategories are as follows:


Industry: Mineral production and storage, robots, building construction.

Materials: Armor, strategic resources.

Propulsion: Kinetic and explosive weapons, thrusters.

Voidcraft: Ship types and hulls, starbases, strike craft.


Computing: Science Labs, research, science ships, ship computers, point-defense, sensors.

Field Manipulation: Power Plants, shields, some strategic resources.

Particles: Ship reactors, energy weapons, FTL, some strategic resources.

Cynet: Cyberspace, True Virtual-Reality, Cynet Neuro Network.


Biology: Food production, policies, species modification, army types, some strategic resources.

Military Theory: Fleet command, naval capacity, army buildings and statistics.

New Worlds: Territory clearance, terraforming, starbase, administratiion.

Statecraft: Edicts, politics, organic-synthetic relations, planetary and empire capitals.

Psionics: Psionic Theory, Psionic Particles, Psionic Powers.

Project Ares (MW)

Project Ares was the plan for colonization of Mars made by the European Space Agency. In 2103 CE the European Space Agency's Lowell City in Eos Chasma becomes the first permanent human settlement on Mars.

Wormholes (D)

Wormholes are natural formations that come in pairs and link two random systems across the galaxy. Initially, wormholes are too unstable to allow passage through them, but the with the proper technology science ships can stabilize wormholes, opening them permanently. These wormholes can't be generated.

Ultra Wormholes (D)

Ultra wormholes is a subcategory of Wormholes. Unlike the normal versions they are stable and temporary. These wormholes can connect random galaxies. They are naturally rare to find and the galaxies that they connect are extremely random but with proper technology they can be generated and their destinations can be created. Ultra Wormholes are the key to intergalactic travel.

Draconian Timeline (D)

DT: DT means Draconian Timeline, it's the standard calendar used in the Draco Galaxy. DT: 0 is the year when the Manswell Expedition arrived in the Draco Galaxy. DT:0 = CE:2075.


The Draco Dwarf, commonly named Draco, is a spheroidal galaxy which was discovered by Albert George Wilson of Lowell Observatory in 1954. It is part of the Local Group and a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way galaxy. The Draco Dwarf is situated in the direction of the Draco Constellation at 34.6° above the galactic plane. This galaxy is also the place where the Manswell Expedition was stranded. Draco also holds large amounts of dark matter.

Manswell Cluster

Named after Victor Manswell, this cluster is located on a nebula. It's rich in strategic resources such as motes, exotic gasses and crystals. This cluster contains three star systems:

Victoria: Where the Shattered Ring is located.

Nero: A newborn black hole can be found here. It's also the place where Galactic Federation gathers dark matter.

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Named after Victor Manswell, this unary star system contains the Shattered Ring and also the place where the Manswell Expedition arrived. This system has for a star a Class M Red Giant named Stellaris with five celestial bodies orbiting around it:

Borealis: The charred, broken remnants of what was once a planet. It seems this planet collided and destroyed the northern segment of the Shattered Ring. Rich in minerals.

Ignis: Rocky world that is scorching hot. The atmosphere is thin or non-existent, and lava from the interior flows freely due to constant volcanic eruptions. This type of planet cannot sustain organic life. Rich in Explosive Dust and Pitarian Dust.

Ventus: Gaseous planet with an atmosphere primarily composed of hydrogen and helium surrounding a dense core. Rich in Satramene Gas.

Farmakion: A rocky planet with a thick atmosphere that is lethal to all known higher forms of life. Rich in Lythuric Gas.

Glacia: Rocky world covered in a thick layer of permanently frozen ice. Low temperatures and a very thin atmosphere precludes the existence of life on the surface. Rich in crystals.

Shattered Ring

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