The Swan King

Chapter 2: Sir Didymus

Author's Disclaimer: I still don't own anything. Thank you all so much for the wonderful response to this fic! I know it's been a while since I posted anything for Labyrinth, but I'm determined to finish this story since it's a gift. Here's more magic and mystery for you! I hope you enjoy the new chapter!


Sarah and Didymus walked silently out of the room, and no one batted an eye as he limped out. As soon as the door slammed closed behind them, Sarah saw how much Didymus was hurt, his shoulders and head drooping.

Wanting to distract him, she found the signs for the nurse and went in that direction, asking, "Have you always wanted to be a dancer?"

Didymus's head popped up, suddenly energetic once more that she was interested in him and his dreams. As they made their way through the maze of hallways inside the boarding school, he turned into a chatterbox, talking nonstop about how he had always dreamed of becoming a knight until plans changed.

The first two floors of that building were reserved for all the students' classes, as well as administrative offices for the staff. Above that, the women's dorms, including Sarah's cozy home, were located, with the men's dorms in the building across the way because there were so many more males attending the school.

When Didymus finally paused for air on the other side of the building where the nurse was, Sarah replied, "That's a beautiful dream you have. If you really want to do it, I think you could. You don't have to be stuck as a dancer always."

Looking down at his feet, he said, "I see no change in that future for a while to come sadly. If only."

Placing her hands on his shoulders, she shook him, forcing her to look up. "You mustn't give up hope. There's still plenty of time and hope for you … and your teacher." Didymus's face brightened at that. "I'll make him listen to and respect me yet. We'll get you there."

Didymus stared deeply into her eyes, and for a brief moment, she saw Didymus's face turn into a dog's, with long whiskers, a snout, even fur on his face. He looked so sad. When he found what he was looking for, his face changed back, a smile appearing.

"I'd like that very much. Thank you."

For the rest of the day, Didymus observed her carefully. He learned to depend on her quickly because he had a light sprain and needed help moving around. Jareth scowled when they came back, but he seemed more pleased when the two sat in the supplied seats and watched from afar.

As the day wore on, Sarah took to asking Didymus questions about the school whenever Jareth wasn't instructing. Everything about the school seemed fairly normal, save for the "special events" that happened sporadically.

Apparently, they had wealthy patrons from the north who came when they wanted a show, and Sarah was unsure how to feel. But Didymus insisted they rarely came, so she had nothing to fear. Still, the thought of being evaluated by patrons and possibly losing her job while she was not teaching as she ought worried her.

Later that night, Jareth spoke to her after all the students left. "Since you caused Didymus to be injured, you can see to it that he catches up with the rest of the class. His friends will help him with his other classes. You'll have two hours to teach the other students in the middle of the day about technique and nothing more. That is not open to discussion," he said, beating her to the punch.

She raised a hand in protest. "But-"

"You don't know the routines they're learning, and I refuse to show it to you until you're there with the students. Since I don't trust you, I don't want you confusing them."

Sarah's face went hot all over. "You are-"

"Looking out for the students, as I should be. So should you," he said primly before strutting off.

"The nerve of-I'm teaching half of the time after he's better!"

"If you prove yourself!" he called merrily, humming.

Frustrated, Sarah stalked to her apartment at the end of the women's dorms, setting up her quarters. When that was done, she took to exploring the building and outdoors. There were well-maintained gardens surrounding the school, and the only person she saw out there was Hoggle, a friend of Didymus. He was spraying something on the rose bushes around the fountain, and he heard her, he jumped.

"Pardon me," he said, bowing and picking up all of his tools.

"No, I'm sorry. I'll leave you alone so you can work in peace. I'm surprised you want to do this, on top of all your other duties," she said, not moving closer to him.

She was too afraid of spooking him.

He noted her continued presence far away from him and his spray. "We all have something we'd rather be doing; mine is taking care of the plants and making sure the fairies don't take our flowers. What about you?" he asked, spraying twice more before packing up his supplies.

"Fairies? I thought fairies did nice things, like granting wishes," replied a confused Sarah.

"Shows what you know," chuckled Hoggle, shouldering past her quickly. "Don't stay out too late; there are creatures out there who like preying on nice, pretty women like you."

"Like the Goblin King?" asked Sarah curiously, wondering if everyone believed that tale.

Hoggle's eyes went wide. "Especially him. He has no heart. Well, I take that back. He does have one, but the only parts in it are the sad, angry parts, nothing that allows him to love. He's unlovable."

"I refuse to believe that," declared Sarah. "No one's ever really gone or beyond redemption, and everyone deserves to be loved … especially if the story about him is true."

Hoggle scoffed before walking away. "It's different when you talk to him."

"You're wrong," declared Sarah as Hoggle arrived at the edge of the rose garden. "I'll prove it." After a pause, she added, "As for what I want to do, it's this. Teach ballet. Help others so they don't go through what I did as a child."

Hoggle turned to face her, smiling slightly. "Then maybe there's some hope for you yet."

He left her to puzzle over his words. Sitting down on a bench, she wondered why everyone seemed to believe in a fairytale until the sun set, making it too cold to be outside. When she made it to the entrance of the school, she was overcome by the start difference in scenery between the school grounds and just outside it. Where the school was flowing with life, plants covering every surface imaginable, the rest of the world seemed dead, the occasional bush the only thing to break up the monotonous, colorless landscape of the north. It was as though the school and all its plant life had been magically dropped into this world. Shaking her head, Sarah dismissed the thought and went to bed, determined to explore other gardens on the morrow.

Since Didymus was ordered to rest his ankle for two weeks, Sarah stayed with him all throughout the day since Jareth barely paid attention to them, other than to tell her something else she ought to do with Didymus. Her charge, however, was antsy and desirous of being closer to Jareth. However, every time he tried to move closer, his favorite teacher sent him back to Sarah.

After being sent back five days in a row, Didymus fell into a funk. Like a dog that had been rejected by his owner, Didymus's face fell, and all spring in his step was gone. Until that point, he was always positive, commenting on how lovely the day was, or how nice she looked, or how great the room smelled, even if she detested the smell of sweat that never disappeared. It wasn't until the end of the fifth day when he started talking as though his ankle would never heal that Sarah realized she needed to do something. Thinking back on all the grounds that she had explored, she plotted ways to raise Didymus's spirits.

Luckily, Jareth started a new section of the routine that day, and once she had it memorized, she didn't feel bad about tugging on Didymus's orange-striped clothing.

"Come with me."

"Where are we going, My Lady?" asked Didymus, not looking up. "I don't feel like moving. I should be watching our King."

She shook her head. "That's because you've been cooped up inside too long. C'mon," she said, kneeling in front of him and offering him a hand. "I've been exploring the outdoors, and I think I found a place you'll like. You can pretend to be a knight."

"Truly?" he asked, looking up excitedly.

She nodded encouragingly. "Of course. And we might be able to sneak in some technique practice while we're there," she whispered, helping him up.

Suddenly, the short teen was back to his old self. As much as his body swayed and moved, it was like he was wagging his tail. Jareth raised an eyebrow at Sarah as they left, and she gave the sweetest smile and wave she could while all the students watched, hoping this worked. Once outside, she led her student on crutches into the back courtyard and down a walking trail, ending at a gazebo. Didymus looked around, confused, until Sarah brought forth two abandoned pieces of pipe.

"If we each hold one, we can pretend they're lances. The trick to this game, though, is that you must stand in whatever position I tell you to, as if we were both in the army."

She had never seen a brighter smile on the boy's face. He held the thin pipe with his right hand, leaning on his left crutch to protect his ankle. After an hour of Sarah calling out positions, her voice was hoarse, but his body was still eager to do more. Instead, Sarah rested both pipes on top of the gazebo's handrails and helped him hang on them since he was short, as though they were crutches. From there, she used fingers to call out positions that his dangling feet could make without stressing his ankle too much. By the time they finished, Didymus was ready to kill a dragon or fight a windmill, and when his best friends, Ludo and Hoggle, came by, both were amazed at the difference in Didymus's behavior from that morning.

Up until that point, Hoggle had avoided her, save that one time she happened upon him, and Ludo would walk past her to hug Didymus warmly. That day, Hoggle smiled at her and bid her a nice day, while Ludo gave her a side hug. It was small progress, but progress all the same because everyone else still avoided her.

Every day after that, Sarah led her favorite student outside, and they practiced techniques until he didn't confuse the steps anymore. As soon as he stopped feeling any pain, she began helping him learn all the moves that he had missed, and he practiced in his room until the day before his convalescence was to end. That day, he practiced proudly with his friends during free time, and all were amazed at how well he did various parts.

Even Jareth noticed, deigning to talk to her instead of regally ignoring her. When he was beside her, they both watched their quickly healing student.

"You have unorthodox methods of teaching, but they're working. I've never seen him do the opening so fluidly or correctly before."

She raised an eyebrow, wanting badly to tell him that it was partly his fault, but ignored the impulse. "He just needs a little encouragement is all. You have to have some ingenuity and empathy. He'll be ready to return tomorrow. He doesn't talk of anything else, of how excited he is to be taught by you again."

He cringed before making his face blank once more. "He's very devoted to me."

"As are all the students. I don't understand why when you hardly help them-"

He scowled. "Because I'm the best, their leader. What other reason do they need?"

"Love? Genuinely liking you? Because you treat them like they matter?" she asked, raising her eyebrows expectantly.

He turned to face her, satisfied with Didymus's progress. "How can you teach them if they don't fear you? You'll never get anything done."

"Sure, you can. And if they take advantage of it, then you scare them into submission. It's not that hard," she said with a shrug.

His look of disbelief said much. "We'll see." Then, his eyes zeroed in on her, making the rest of the world fall away. "Good job."

Sarah tried to take the praise in stride, but it was hard. To see him acknowledge her and admit that she was just as good was satisfying, especially when he looked at her that way. It was the first time she really liked him, and she could finally understand why all the students wanted his approval: they wanted to be looked at and acknowledged like that.

She didn't blame them.

After he walked away, Sarah continued to watch the students, waiting for opportunities to help. Only Ludo took it, but it was one more than the day before. Slowly, she would win the students over and prove to them all that she deserved to be there.

The next day started out sad for Sarah because she was losing the privilege of working with Didymus, but she was happy that he could be with everyone else, not to mention ready to teach just as much as Jareth did. When the day started, Didymus was invited to perform the full routine that had been taught so far, and he amazed everyone when he did it flawlessly, save a cringe at the end from stepping wrong. All the students welcomed him with open arms, and even Jareth praised him.

However, by the end of the day, Didymus was sad again. Sarah watched him look between her and Jareth throughout the day, seeming so lost. Sure, Jareth barely paid him much attention the rest of the day, but she didn't understand how that wasn't normal. She had taught more about the basics, focusing on certain techniques and positions with different groups based on the mistakes she saw them make for the past two weeks, and everyone had been appreciative of it at the end.

While she waited for Didymus to finish up chatting with Hoggle, Jareth approached her. Hands on his hips, he peered into her face, trying to understand her. "Despite disappearing regularly, you still paid close enough attention to find ways to help all of them, and none of them are afraid of you. I don't understand how that worked."

"Oh, I think they're afraid of me. Afraid I'll get them hurt or make you mad for liking me," she said ruefully, thinking of the silent treatment she received from all.

He seemed unconvinced. "It could be. We're not used to having visitors. It's been a long time since the last time that we found a seemingly good candidate for your position."

Shaking her head, she asked, "Is it really so hard for women to stand up to you? Do they all fall over you the moment you smile at them?"

"Some yes," he replied, giving her a Cheshire Cat grin. "Seeing as I'm the most attractive man they've met."

She laughed heartily at that. "Sure, Jareth. I think your ego needs to shrink, and then you'll see the truth."

He was aghast for a moment until he was smiling again. Leaning in, he murmured, "But you didn't disagree with me, so you do think I'm attractive."

Her face turned beet red before stuttering, "Of course I do! I'd have to be blind not to think so." She was a little caught up in the cerulean eyes that sparkled with mischief. "But that's not the point."

He pulled back, shocking her body at the sudden loss of him and his body heat. "You're right. It's not. The point is that I'm difficult to work with, and you've managed to find a way to succeed, even while playing my game. Not many can do that. Well done, Sarah. Come here an hour early tomorrow. I'll show you the full routine."

Sarah wanted to dance a jig, so she settled for tapping her heels together. "Finally."

"You may have some future here yet," he said, walking away when Hoggle passed them.

As the two began to chat, Didymus came forward and tugged on her sleeve. "My Lady, did you wish to talk to me?"

"I did," she said, surprised that he seemed in good spirits again. "You seemed upset earlier. Why?"

He took off his cap and twisted it in his hands before staring at it. "Well, the truth is, I've become used to spending more time with you. I missed spending more of my day with you, but then I felt conflicted. It felt wrong to want to spend time with you since I have pledged myself to serving Jareth." He peeked his head up, and when Sarah gave him an odd look, he hastened to add, "In terms of dancing, of course. He is my teacher."

"I've heard you and others call him King. Is that his last name, or a nickname?" asked Sarah curiously.

Didymus looked shocked before he schooled his features to show nothing. "A nickname. Pledging my loyalty to him is related to that," explained Didymus, forcing a smile. "You don't mind, do you?"

Sarah continued to be amazed at his deferential attitude toward Jareth, but she was a little pleased that he was beginning to see her in the same way.

"Of course not. But, you should know that even if you're never devoted to me, I'll still be your friend. I'll always be your friend. Teacher first, but friend second," she said, patting his hand. "I don't need your love and devotion; I just want your friendship."

He stared at her as though she had opened his world. "Do you, do you think it's possible that someone can be devoted to more than one person?" asked Didymus hopefully.

"Oh yes! I think you can be devoted to as many people as you like. But, they shouldn't demand it; it should be freely given," she said, narrowing her eyes.

"Would you be angry if I wanted to be devoted to you as well, then?" he asked, bowing.

Her mouth dropped. "No. I mean, if that's what you want-"

"I do." He grinned at her, and she felt lighter, as though she had made a new friend. Despite the seeming difference in ages, he was remarkably mature, and she appreciated that. "Would you dance with me?"

She didn't see the way Jareth's forward progress stopped the moment Didymus said that, or that he turned around to watch with Hoggle. She did see him leaning against the door, smiling warmly, and she didn't know why she had deserved that.

She quickly turned her gaze to her student

"I'd love to dance with you. Shall we do the routine together?"

Didymus nodded excitedly, and they ventured to the center of the room, only two people there to witness it after Sarah turned on the music.

The two danced in sync, their movements perfectly timed with the music. Each time their eyes met, Didymus smiled a little more at her, and Sarah felt a new energy in the room, her partner's face becoming increasingly redder with each step. She didn't understand what was happening, as the music seemed to be going slower, and yet, they still danced normally. The presence of the red aura almost tripped her up once, but she didn't want to stop because it felt as though this were important, that everything before had been leading toward this crowning moment. Even Jareth seemed to be a haze, mesmerized by the unfolding dance and unable to move.

By the end, Didymus appeared to not break a sweat at all as they ended with arms extended, and yet, there was now an aura of red around him that Sarah couldn't explain. It simply floated above him, seeming ready to jump back into Didymus at a moment's notice.

Getting an idea, she suggested, "Let's end this by each taking one more step toward each other and touching hands, to make an arch, alright?"

He nodded, and they stepped toward one another, still in sync. As soon as the two hands met, Sarah watched as the red aura that had been surrounding Didymus suddenly fly straight up into the air. For a moment, it hovered, undecided, and then it floated until it landed on top of Jareth, as though diving into him. Jareth's blank face suddenly became full of emotion, his eyes a darker blue as he smiled warmly at her.

Unsettled by what happened, she turned to face Didymus once more, amazed to see his face once more looking like a dog, tongue lolling and vibrating with excitement. His huge, fluffy tail wagged as his tiny, perfectly straight arm met hers.

"Thank you, My Lady. You have done us all a great service."

A blink, and the moment was gone. The face of a dog disappeared, and the two separated. Jareth was gone by the time she turned to face him once more. Unsettled, she waved good-bye to Didymus who started to walk out.

When he was at the door, she finally asked what was on her mind. "Why did you thank me?"

Her small friend smiled. "Because you've done something no one's ever done before; you made him smile with devotion." He paused expectantly. "We never thought he would again. Fare thee well, My Lady. I am forever in your debt."


Author's Notes: Thanks so much for reading!

Guest: Awww thank you so much! :-) I'm definitely continuing it! My plan is weekly updates until all six chapters are posted. Thanks so much for reading and for the review!