When Priyanka didn't hear from Twoie after a couple of days, she thought he was just busy. She already knew he and his family were working on building a drill to protect the earth from the 'Cluster.' Still, when he never replied to their usual morning greeting before meeting up at the café, she became worried. Thus, her stomach was already sinking when she went to the café, and he never showed. A quick trip back home ended with her and Connie strapped in the car and on their way to Beach City.

Truthfully, she was glad that she was already pulling into town when Steven's ringtone sounded in the car. Connie had answered it, and from the fear in her daughter's voice, she knew that nothing was okay.

"It seems like something bad happened last night. I guess Peridot tried to contact the Diamonds, and it led to another fight. After the gems apologized to Twoie for doubting him, he got really upset. Steven said he came down with a fever after having a panic attack, and now he's been sleeping for most of the day, and there is a bruise on his hand that won't go away with his gem powers." Priyanka sighed as she steered onto the sand of the beach.

"I'm going to check over Twoie when we get there. If the situation is what I think it is, I want you to call your father and tell him to pack us an overnight bag, alright?" Connie nodded and quickly hopped out of the car the moment she parked. Priyanka grabbed her bag from the trunk before following along. Steven and Peridot greeted them at the door. She tried not to show her worry when she saw how panicked they were. Once inside, everyone watched her as the doctor climbed the stairs and set her bag down on the bed.

Twoie looked at her with apprehension in his eyes. "I'm so sorry, Priyanka! I didn't even realize it was Sunday! I was sleeping for most of the day, and I just saw the missed messages and calls on my phone. I didn't mean to flake on you like that, honest!"

Priyanka patted his hand and gently shushed him. "I know you didn't. If you had shown up like this, I would've made you go straight back home anyway. Your health is much more important to me than our meetups. Now, tell me how you're feeling?"

Twoie bit his lip as he covered his marked hand with the other. Priyanka noted his jitteriness while she waited for him. He quietly asked, "C-can, you ask the others to leave? I don't want them hearing this."

She nodded and stood up. "Doctor-patient confidentiality requires me to ask you all to leave the house for a moment while I talk with Twoie. You can either step out onto the porch or stay in the 'temple?'" She turned back to see a nod from Twoie. "Right. I'll come out to get you when I'm finished." Steven made to protest, but Connie gently grabbed his hand in hers and led him to the front door.

The gems looked upset but complied as well, and once the room was clear, Twoie finally spoke. "I was fine yesterday. And I'm still fine! I just- it's- I'm tired, you know? I'm tired of being the one who gets blamed for everything."

She wrote down stress on a notepad. "Yes, Connie mentioned over the phone that there was another fight?"

Twoie nodded, bunching up the comforter in his hands. "Long story short, Peridot almost betrayed us but she realized that she likes the earth and has decided to stay. She's officially a Crystal Gem now." There was a touch of pride in his voice, but also an air of sadness.

Dr. Priyanka was pretty used to the gems second-guessing Twoie when it came to his decisions. "I'm guessing the gems fought with you when Peridot initially planned to betray you."

He nodded. "It seems like every time I try to help, I get yelled at. It started a little after I arrived here after I took Steven to the museum. The gems started pestering me a little more about the future, and I kept telling them that it wasn't a good time yet to say anything. They got increasingly annoyed with me, and eventually started pressuring me and yelling at me to tell them what I knew." She frowned as she added 'chronic' to his stress diagnosis. She also added anxiety as he started brushing his hands nervously through his hair.

"After that moment, the gems were either really cold with me, or they acted like we were friends. But even that felt fake. There were several times I'd think they trusted me finally, and then they'd do something that shattered that notion." His body quickly alighted in a pink glow. Twoie gasped and started taking a series of deep breaths until the glow went away. As the glow faded, a weird mark caught her eye, and Priyanka noted in concern that the dark bruise on Twoie's wrist was… growing? That didn't make any sense, though… Her eyes darted across his body as she searched for any more bruises. There was another on his left arm, and what looked like one on his neck.

"Okay. It seems to me that you have been stressed for a while now. You've mentioned the pink powers in the past, and it seems like it reacts whenever you're stressed or upset. Have you noticed this pattern?" She pulled out a stethoscope from her bag and started taking his vitals.

He shivered at the cold metal and waited until she was putting it away to respond. "I never really thought of it like that before. Yeah, I guess you could say that." She hummed in thought and wrote down 'high heart rate.'

"Could you hold out your arm, please? I'm going to measure your blood pressure now." He raised a brow but held his arm up.

"Like this?" She paused at his question. He should know how to do this by now. Unless…

"Please tell me you've been to the doctor before." When Twoie only looked at her in confusion, she put her head in her hands. "I can't believe your father has never taken you to the doctors before. I'm going to chew him out for that later. Okay!" She pulled out her next tool. "This is called a sphygmomanometer. It is a little cuff that goes around your arm, and when I pump it, it will cause the cuff to tighten." She held the blood pressure cuff out as she pulled the Velcro apart. Priyanka wrapped it around his arm and then held the little bulb out so he could see it.

"This device is also known as a blood pressure cuff. By compressing the cuff around your arm, I can measure your blood pressure. Are you comfortable with my explanation? I won't start if you don't understand." Twoie gestured for her to begin, so she started squeezing the bulb. His body reacted immediately, glowing pink, and his arm grew twice its size.

The two flinched as the cuff popped off and fell to the floor. "I'm so sorry! I don't know what that was! I've never had that happen before!"

He was starting to panic again, so Priyanka scooped the device up and placed it back in her bag. "It's fine, Steven. You're okay!" Once he was calm, she pulled out her reflex hammer. "Okay, this is called a Reflex Hammer. It won't hurt you. I need to use this to test something that is called a knee-jerk response. The point of this test is to tap a tendon in your knee. If your leg kicks in response to the tap, your central nervous system is working correctly. I promise you it won't hurt; it'll just feel funny. Are you comfortable with my explanation?"

Twoie nodded and shifted so that he was sitting on the edge of the bed. When she hit his knee with the hammer, a pink bubble appeared, trapping the hammer in place. Before he could even begin to apologize, Priyanka assured him that no apologies were necessary since it was just a reaction. Although, Twoie conceded, she could tell that his reactions were increasing his stress and nervousness. "The last thing I need to do is check your temperature. I wish I could do a full physical, but since this is an at-home visit, I'm limited to the tools I could bring. Why don't you get comfortable again, and I'll take your temperature with this thermometer." She pulled out a little thermometer that goes in the mouth. Once Twoie was lying down again, she placed it in his mouth and went over her previous notes again.

Seems to have chronic stress, maybe anxiety as well. Should screen him for PTSD and anxiety at a later date. Has had a panic attack on one occasion. Struggling with a distrusting family. Struggling with his sense of self-worth. Fast heart rate. High blood pressure.

The beep from the thermometer pulled her from his thoughts, and she checked the reading. 100F. "You still have a fever, so I'm going to suggest you stay on bed rest for the next couple of days until your temperature goes back to normal. You need to make sure you eat, okay? And drink plenty of fluids. I don't want you going on any missions until you're better." Twoie watched her anxiously while she packed up her bag. "Also, I believe you've been dealing with chronic stress. I think your pink powers are a reaction to what you perceive to be stressful events that are occurring to you. Your body is trying to protect you by responding to minor threats with the same intensity as major threats. Have you contacted the therapist I texted you about a couple of weeks ago?"

When her friend shook his head, she couldn't help the sigh that escaped her. "Twoie, I know it may seem scary, but you should really talk to one. They can help you deal with all of the trauma that led to the stress you've been dealing with. You are dealing with even more stress by being in the past, and it's not healthy. You've lost your support group by being here." Priyanka hugged him and she felt relieved when he hugged her back. "Please consider making an appointment. You can always talk to me if you need to get something off your chest. I want what's best for you, Steven. I'll do whatever I can to help you." She broke the hug, gently laying him back down in bed, and placed a washcloth on his forehead. "I'm going to stay here tonight to watch over you. If you need anything, let me know, okay?"

Twoie quickly sat back up again. "B-but, what about your other patients? What about Connie? A-and Mr. Maheswaran?" She gently pushed him back down and fixed the washcloth.

"I'll text my husband to bring Connie and me an overnight bag. And I have the day off tomorrow. Before you start-!" She scolded him as he made to interrupt. "I want to be here. You're my friend, and I want to make sure you get better. It's the first time you've been sick. I know this will be scary for you and your family. Let me help you."

He nodded and closed his eyes. "Thanks, Priyanka. You don't know how much this means to me."

She brushed a hand through his hair before standing so she could tell the others to come back in. "I'll be here whenever you need me."