Severus Snape was going to kill him, of that Charlie was sure. Sure, he and Harry had been together for five years now, but it was still the man's son he was going to ask to marry. There would have been a time when the question Charlie was going to ask Severus would be a question posed to his own father, until the truth had outed the man acting as the closest to a surrogate Harry had. Charlie wished it was still his own Father he had to ask.

But it was not, and he cared too much about Harry to not ask the man's father. Before he knocked on the door, he placed a hand to the chest, a nervous habit he had picked up since that Christmas all those years ago, because nothing could calm his nerves quite like Teddy's heartbeat underneath his fingertips.

It was entirely too quickly before the door to the Snape household was opened as far as Charlie was concerned, though his nerves were abated by the hug he received from Narcissa, Lyra tugging his hair from her place on her mother's hip. Narcissa only realised the mischief when she went to pull back, with apologetic eyes to Charlie she unwrapped the three-year-olds hands from around the man's hair.

"What brings you here Charlie? It's not often we see you here without our Lion." Narcissa had not stopped her nicknames as time went on, in fact she used them with increasing frequency. Charlie rubbed a hand through his hair, with so much time spent with Harry he hadn't reverted back to his own nervous habits except in the direst of situations.

"I have something I need to ask Severus." Narcissa's eyes lit up, a small smirk lighting up her face.

"It's about time if you ask me," She'd started walking through the house, "Oh, I'll have to call Molly, there'll be an engagement party, then the wedding, so much organisation." Charlie breathed in, he wasn't sure if he wanted to laugh or bang his head against a wall. His mother had always been a force to be reckoned with, Charlie hadn't thought it could get worse. He had soon discovered that it could, in fact, get worse when you added Narcissa Snape into the mix. Though they had been a bit unsure of each other at first, they had bonded over their mothering instincts.

"He hasn't said yes yet." Charlie wasn't sure if he meant Severus or Harry at this point. Narcissa didn't seem to care, waving him off.

"Nonsense, have you got the ring yet?" Charlie's reply was cut off.

"And just why would young Mr Weasley require a ring?" Charlie was sure his heart stopped when Severus appeared in a doorway, dark eyes assessing the situation as he leant against the door jamb.

"Charlie has come to ask you a question." Severus' lips flickered up before he schooled his expression. Charlie got the distinct feeling the man was trying to intimidate him, it wasn't often the man resisted his wife's charms, not when their daughter was also there, all dark eyes and blonde hair grinning up at everyone and everything.

"So, it's finally time." Charlie swallowed, between the dark look and his own nerves he wasn't sure what the phrase meant. He hadn't been a Gryffindor for nothing though and so, ploughed on heedlessly.

"I came to ask you permission to marry your son. While I don't explicitly need it, I know it would mean a lot to Harry." Charlie nodded at the end. Trying not to fidget under the stony gaze he was receiving. He didn't think he'd ever see that expression again, thought it was a product of his miserable early years. And still, the silence pressed on, Charlie not daring to let his eye contact waver in case it was construed as weakness.

It was not Charlie nor Severus that broke in the silence, it was Narcissa, the woman huffing as she wacked her husband's arm lightly.

"Stop it, Sev. Put the boy out of his misery." Narcissa was only around 14 years older than him, but in her eyes, that was enough for him to be a 'boy' in comparison. Severus grinned at Narcissa, before finally returning to Charlie.

"I'm sure Harry would disown me if I dared keep you two apart. My answer is yes," He pulled Lyra from his wife's arms, the little girl curling into her father's side, "Well, you never answered Cissa, do you have the ring?" Charlie finally grinned.

"Nah, I've got to go pick it up from the Jewellers today." Severus nodded. Charlie, if shopping in Diagon Alley, rather than the closer shopping areas in Romania, only visited one store, a particular Jeweller that specialised in custom jewellery.

"Can I come with you?" Narcissa's eyes were alight with curiosity.

"I'm sorry Narcissa, no one is seeing Harry's engagement ring before Harry except me and the jeweller."

Harry had been waiting for a time Charlie would gone for more than a couple of hours to complete his task. He handed Teddy to the Reserve's childminder, a young woman who adored the children. He promised to pick him up by two at the latest then Floo'd to the Burrow. He failed to see the exasperated grin on Mary's face as he left, she couldn't wait to tell the rest of the team there that both the boys had had the exact same idea.

"Harry!" Came Molly's pleased cry as Harry stumbled out of the Floo (He still hadn't quite mastered it, more is the pity). He was still dusting off his robes when Molly enveloped him in one of his signature hugs, "What are you doing here? Is Charlie and Teddy with you?" Harry laughed at the woman's exuberance, she never failed to put a smile on his face.

"Charlie is out shopping somewhere, Teddy is safe, I thought I'd come take this opportunity to talk to Arthur?" Molly's eyebrows knotted together, before a grin spread across her face.

"He's out in the shed dear." She rolled her eyes good naturedly, because where else would her husband be, honestly? Harry placed a kiss to Molly's cheek before heading out to the familiar shed. He knocked on it's door, knowing better than to just walk into this place, who knew what would curse you. He waited until the door opened, Arthur ushering him in with a warm smile.

"How have you been Harry? What can I do for you?" While he had returned to his tinkering, it was clear that he was still paying attention to his guest.

"I'm well, Teddy has been playing up a little, but nothing we can't handle," The boy had missed his terrible twos and had instead gotten a case of frightful fives. Accidental magic didn't help, "I actually came to ask you a question, Mr Weasley." Harry fidgeted nervously, especially when Arthur put down his spanner to give him his full attention.

"Mr Weasley? You haven't called me that in donkey's years. Are you sure everything is alright?" He looked genuinely concerned, the expression warming Harry just a little.

"Iwaswonderingifyou'dgivemepermissiontomarryCharlieplease, sir." Arthur had to hold in laughter at Harry's rambling. He hadn't picked up every word, but he'd picked up enough to know what the boy was asking.

"Of course, Harry. We've all been waiting for one of you to crack for at least 3 years now." Harry laughed at that, wondering just why he had been so nervous in the first place.

"Thank you, Arthur." Arthur just waved him off.

"You won't be thanking me when you have both Molly and Narcissa pushing wedding magazines at you at all hours of the day." Harry's eyes widened at that, he dreaded to think. He'd seen them two together, he did not want to be their focus.

"If they get too overboard, we'll just have to threaten eloping." Arthur laughed at that. He could imagine the scandal in both women's eyes.

"You wouldn't dare return for Christmas then. Don't forget to take some biscuits before you leave." Arthur then returned to his work, Harry taking the dismissal for what it was.

He returned to the reserve with a smile on his face, grinning widely at Teddy as he fetched him from Mary.

Neither boy was sure how to propose now that they had the option. In the end, Harry decided that big public spectacle was not them. They put Teddy to bed, the boy tired after a day of causing mayhem, then he led Charlie to their bedroom.

"You know I love you right?" Charlie smiled strangely at him, as if he was asking a strange question.

"I'd wonder why you'd stuck around for five years if you didn't." Normally Harry would chuckle, but he was too nervous at this point. Instead he pulled his redhead into a blazing kiss, allowing himself to sink into it. When he pulled away, he looked into those oh so familiar blue eyes.

"I don't just intend to stick around for five years, I intend to stick around until death do us part," He pulled the ring box out of his pocket, he'd been carrying it around for days, "Will you marry me, Charlie?" Harry nearly laughed when Charlie started laughing, until the man reached into his own pocket, pulling out his own ring box.

"I was going to ask you. Thought your dad was going to kill me." Harry joined Charlie in his laughter then, pulling the man as tightly to himself as he possibly could. They exchanged rings, Harry just a little mesmerised by the gem placed in his finger. With the bed just behind them, they made sure to celebrate their engagement properly.

Everyone had predicted the storm that was a Molly-Narcissa union, but no one was quite prepared for the reality. They had been in a tizzy since the day Narcissa had stuck her head through the Floo to tell Molly that Charlie had come to ask Severus for permission. Tears had fallen through laughter as Molly informed Narcissa in turn that Harry had come to Arthur for the same reason. Then they had waited with bated breath for the news to come through, already planning the aspects of the party, they just needed a date.

With how much fore planning they had, it had been a spectacle. Charlie and Harry had taken one look at the party, and swore they needed to prevent this for the wedding itself.

"I know you want a big wedding, but we don't." Charlie and Harry felt like they were going to the slaughter as they faced their mothers. They looked upset certainly, but finally Molly steeled herself.

"You're right, it's your wedding, we'll just have to hold out for the young ones. What do you want?" With Charlie and Harry being the last to marry in either family, everyone else partnering off in the last few years, it only stood to reason that they would in fact have to wait.

"We want it here, just family and our friends from the reserve." Molly narrowed her eyes.

"When you say friends, you mean people and not dragons, yes?" Molly had never quite gotten over her fear that Charlie would bring a dragon to the burrow one day. He rolled his eyes.

"I'm not going to bring a dragon into an unprotected area with so many small children around, honestly mother." While there were plenty of children at the reserve, they were protected under their own special wards that did not allow them near where the dragons actually were. The burrow had no such safety. He did not miss his mother's sigh of relief.

Harry, surprisingly, was not nervous the day his wedding rolled around. He did not see the point, it was just fanfare for a commitment they had already made. In fact, knowing that Molly and Cissa had been tempered to a certain point, Harry was excited, those who were invited already knew just how much he and Charlie loved each other, but he didn't mind a day dedicated to sharing that love.

The only hiccough that had come in the planning was when, somehow, the press had gotten wind of their upcoming nuptials. The wizarding world had been in happy uproar, they already felt they had been denied their saviour when not long after graduating he had swanned off to Romania to work at the Dragon Reserve. The solution had been surprisingly simple. Charlie and Harry sold the rights to their wedding ceremony to the Quibbler. With Luna already on the guest list, along with Neville and their young son, it was an easy solution that would satisfy the couples desire to privacy but the wizarding world's desire for knowledge. Xenophilius had also noted it couldn't be too bad for his business either.

Harry hadn't actually seen the Burrow prepared for the wedding yet, despite been made to stay there the night before the wedding. Both Narcissa and Molly had been so very excited but very private about the planning. Charlie and Harry had been Floo'd in the night before, before being promptly separated much to their shared annoyance. It's bad luck to see your groom the night before the wedding. Harry disagreed; he thought an inability to sleep well because he hadn't slept without Charlie's comforting weight beside him for years was bad luck. Though he assumed he was faring better than Charlie as he had lucked out to be able to keep Teddy with him, terror that he was now. Their view of outside, where the wedding was to take place, had been blocked by charmed windows that only showed the sunshine blazing through. He couldn't argue the two women weren't diligent.

Harry spent a while in front of the mirror fussing, feeling as uncomfortable as he ever did in the formal garb.

"Stop fussing, Harry. They look fine." Harry spun around at the voice, before smiling as he saw his dad in the doorway, a bemused smile on his face and Lyra on his hip.

"They don't feel fine." He said with a grumble. Even after five years of been dragged to events, whether it be at Narcissa's request or the various weddings that had occurred, Harry felt no more comfortable in the garb. Teddy had spent the morning giggling at his father's fussing, though less so when he had spent a good ten minutes straightening his dress robes that Teddy had just thrown on haphazardly.

"You could wear anything, Charlie wouldn't mind." Harry knew that, he'd bemoaned the dress robes forced upon him almost as much as Harry.

"No, he wouldn't, but Narcissa would, and I do not want to anger her on my wedding day." Severus smirked at that. Yes, maybe suggesting Harry turn up in anything but the dress robes was not his best idea.

"Hey mate, you all ready?" Harry smiled when Ron and Hermione arrived at his door, Rose nestled between them, while Hugo was probably outside already with the other young children. Naturally, Harry had chosen his oldest friends as his Best Man and Maid of Honour after acting in a similar capacity at their own wedding four and a half years ago. Ron had proposed to Hermione the same New Year that he and Charlie had exchanged their gifts and were married by summer. By the time New Year rolled around again Hermione had given birth to their first child.

The children who were old enough to walk had been nominated as flower girls and page boys and so both Rose and Lyra had been dressed in their prettiest dresses, a basket of flowers in their hands. Teddy likewise was dressed like a little Gentleman.

Harry smiled at Ron, a smile that couldn't be argued as anything other than genuine.

"I've never been more ready for anything in my life, we're just waiting on Victoire and Scorpius." While the pair were certainly not the only young children, they were the only ones old enough to be able to walk on their own and so had been chosen for the roll.

It wasn't long before Fleur ended up in their little room, Victoire by her side, looking as much as an angel as her mother. While most of her features may have been her mother's her eyes were all her father's, that particular shade of blue particular to the Weasley clan.

"I am so sorry, I don't know who's been fussing more this morning, Molly, Bill or Charlie," Her French accent was softer than previous, but still unmistakable, "Oh, 'arry, you look so 'andsome." Harry smiled at his fellow TriWizard tournament competitor fondly.

"Thank you, and don't worry, we're still waiting on Scorpius. Here we'll look after Vic; you go make sure none of the boys have destroyed anything." Fleur laughed lightly, kissing her daughter on the cheek with a promise to behave before leaving the room.

Finally, the last page boy had arrived, Scorpius Malfoy had very much taken after his father. Like he had told Narcissa many times before, Draco had married Astoria Greengrass to produce an heir and a spare. Scorpius had come along first, then just over a year ago little Leo had followed. They were currently in divorce proceedings but remained good friends, Draco had been upfront from the very start that he was marrying purely to legitimise his children and Astoria had accepted that agreement.

"Well you don't look nervous, that's a good sign." Draco was never one for just saying 'hello' in greeting. Harry shrugged at his stepbrother as the man gave their half-sister a welcoming kiss to the cheek.

"I might have been if you'd been much later. Scorpy hates the dress robes as much as Teddy doesn't he?" Draco scowled. Whether it was at the name or because Harry had hit the nail on the head he wasn't sure.

"His name is Scorpius," then, before he left, "Mother wanted me to inform you to release the brats in five minutes." He smiled genuinely then. Harry was sure that Draco had started to call children Brats as a product of spending too much time with Severus.

And so, five minutes later their wedding was beginning. The children led, letting flowers from their baskets decorate the walkway before Molly and Narcissa led them to little cushions on either side of the walkway. The children grinned as everyone looked at them, crossing their legs patiently as the next group stepped down the aisle. Bill was joined by Aleksander, Charlie's very first friend on the reserve when he had first arrived, the pair acting as Charlie's groomsmen. Behind them came Hermione and Ron, arm in arm as they took a stately pace down the walk. The unspeakables had been unwilling to give Hermione time off from work until she had mentioned the purpose was Harry Potter's Wedding. She didn't tell her best friend that of course. Ron had had a much easier time in the DMLE only being a mid-level Auror.

Bill clasped his clearly nervous brother on the shoulder before stepping behind him, Aleksander rolled his eyes at his friend, seeing the nerves as a little foolish, he had worked with both Charlie and Harry for just under five years and their affection for each other was so obvious it was almost disgusting. Hermione and Ron stood the back of the dais that had been erected for the wedding, waiting for Harry to join them.

Harry could only assume that Narcissa and Molly had done a wonderful job of the decorations for his wedding, however he didn't get much time to see any of it before he noticed Charlie. His father was at his side, a guiding hand as he walked down the aisle, his gaze captivated by the redhead that he had loved for years now, taking in every feature of his face in a way that he rarely had time to do. He mapped out every freckle he could see in this light, the one scar on his chin received from an angry dragon, Harry as the Reserve healer had patched him up in no time, the injury tiny in comparison to the melodramatics Charlie had shown that had sent Harry's heart racing with panic. He watched the way as his ginger hair danced in the gentle summer breeze, Harry could almost imagine the argument Charlie had had with Molly over tying it up, he smiled softly as he watched the way that Charlie's eyes glimmered in the sunlight and with something Harry suspected was tears. He ran his eyes over the dress robes, almost wishing they weren't a formality, wishing he could see the Snitch tattoo on the man's shoulder that Harry had spent hours tracing, or the snake curled around his right bicep, a magical tattoo that Harry had spent the odd moment hissing at in Parseltongue. He already knew it, but now walking down the aisle, Harry was reminded that he loved every little thing that made up this man, even his grumpiness in the mornings.

Harry Potter as a very young boy had spent hours praying and wishing for a family to call his own, people who loved rather than despised him, and as Harry danced in the arms of his Husband at their reception, all their friends and family dancing, talking, laughing around them, Harry Potter realised he had everything he ever wanted.

Apparently, I couldn't resist the epilogue. I'm stupidly attached to these characters right now, my head is spinning with little tidbits of their lives from now, but all stories must come to an end, and this is the end of this one tale.