Reviews for Letters to Narcissa
LoverOfSleep chapter 3 . 5/1
It's midnight and I'm crying lol. This was absolutely perfect
lunaz chapter 3 . 5/1
good epilogue
Rori Potter chapter 3 . 5/1
Cheesypotato72 chapter 3 . 5/1
Bravo! This was a spectacular story! Kudos on it to the extreme!
lunaz chapter 2 . 4/30
A very good read.
Cheesypotato72 chapter 2 . 4/30
Please, I beg you to continue, I have not read such a good Harry Potter story, in forever, it would truly be criminal if you didn't continue! Kudos to you!
AthenaHermione chapter 2 . 4/29
It's not the type of the story I read usually, but I like it ! Great job !
Guest chapter 2 . 4/29
How about an epilogue- showing the group several years later?
Guest chapter 2 . 4/29
ugh, not only you turned Snape into OC since canon Severus Snape was the worst of trash but then you had to turn this into some kind of gay utopa? ffs I wasted so much time on your lefty propaganda
LoverOfSleep chapter 2 . 4/29
OMG This was perfect! I'm crying happy tears. Definitely worth the wait. Ahhh I'll probably re-read this whole thing, I just love it so much
Guest chapter 1 . 4/1
Lovely. Well thought out, insightful and filled with surprises. I'm fond of Snape and Narcissa, ambiguous characters are the best ones. And a gay Harry? Always fun. Nice job.
LoverOfSleep chapter 1 . 3/29
*needless to say, my food is cold but my heart is full
LoverOfSleep chapter 1 . 3/29
This. This is an absolute masterpiece! I was in the middle of eating when I stumbled upon it. Needless
jacksperluvr chapter 1 . 3/29
I really like it. You could make a whole story if you wanted. I can’t wait for the second part/ending.
Cheesypotato72 chapter 1 . 3/28
This is Excellent! I had misgivings before reading it,but was instantly pleasantly surprised your a very adept writer, I hope you continue this story,I find myself anxious to see what develops!