Ceasation of War

And the war was over. Slowly, then all at once. There had been a sense of hopelessness as the light saw their fallen hero. But he was not as felled as he had appeared, he had risen, glorious and proud. And yet, there was doubt, for their hero looked small, young, vulnerable. Looks were deceiving though and he prevailed. Not with pride and strength, no there was a sorrowful look of loss in his eyes, eyes the same colour as the curse that fells the monster. He could not imagine being proud of any sort of murder, irrelevant of who was being felled.

The Dark Lord had never expected it. He was the complete opposite of his enemy, he was monstrous, powerful, infallible. But he had fallen. The green light hitting him in the chest, a reflection of his own hate, his splintered soul relinquishing its final piece to the fates. He lay before his followers and his enemies alike, his blood red eyes clouded over with a lack of sentience.

A cheer had rung out over the battlefield as the monster slipped from life into death. However, the hero's cheer was not among them. Yes, he had prevailed, but the price was great, something most of them had forgotten in their joy. So, Harry did not cheer, Harry wept. Harry wept for a mother's love which had saved him twice over, for an innocence that he had never known, for a world that would not heal easily, for a world that had already lost too much, for those who could not be saved.

He already had one deed on his conscience, one death to keep him awake at night, and he knew they would come after him, they were fanatical, they probably believed their Lord would return again. And so, with an anguished scream of an innocence he wished he had known, he swept through his enemy's followers. They were easily to kill in their shocked state of inaction. And still the world rejoiced, as blind as those he had just murdered. And it suffocated him, their cheers, they could not feel the mars on their soul, not like he did. They thought their deeds righteous.

With nothing left to do, he ran.

He ran through hordes of people, they clumped in groups of family and frenemy alike, but Harry to Hogwarts. She, like him, was broken. His home would understand. Corridors passed him by, his tired legs working on instinct, his journey unseen. He did not stop until he reached Gryffindor tower, until he was in the best bed he knew, until he was home.

Many an author would tell stories of how the hero screamed and cried and got angry at the world. But I won't. He had just fought in a war, he was both emotionally and physically exhausted, so he slept. His only sign of emotion a single tear as he was pulled into the darkness of sleep.

The revels stopped slowly, one person after another realizing there was a lack of sound, a lack of attack despite only the Lord being felled. And when they stopped, they were forced to look at the price of victory. Of destruction that was left in its wake, of death and horror. And it was all the enemy's fault. It was the enemy's fault that some families would never be the same again, Voldemort's fault that the young had been ripped from them, that people would be orphaned. That was the easiest to argue at any rate.

On the other side stood two lone figures, a woman and a boy, weeping into each other's shoulders. They clung to each like they were the only anchor left. Male and not dissimilar to the boy who wept. And yet oh so different, skin as pale as his hair, bones stiff, rigid with rigor mortis. And despite all this he did not look inherently dead, he just looked like he was asleep, more peaceful than anyone had ever seen him in life, the sneer wiped from his face, no emotion at all. And yet his chest did not move, did not rise and fall with air pulled in and out. His favored cane lay clutched in his son's hand, the last thing the boy would have of his father. The emerald eyes of the snake head glistened with a life that was now absent from its owner.

But their misery was interrupted. The people of the Light swarmed over to the only people left to hold accountable. Too many had already died, they wanted to make a point of this pair's imprisonment and so they were taken away. Their wrists bound behind their backs as they were accompanied to the dank Ministry cells. If the world had their way, there and Azkaban would be the only home the remaining Malfoy's would ever know.

With loose ends tied the world could begin to heal. It started at the battlefield, those injured and dead of the light were carried into the hall. Already nurses and medics swarmed around. Maybe the world would heal, but like a broken vase, although the pieces could be picked up, they would never fit together exactly the same again. It became functional enough to sort through it's injured.

When Harry finally awoke and came down to the great hall the party he had left had ceased, in fact, it had barely begun, snuffed by the need to protect those that remained. He was glad. He walked down slowly through the great hall. Those that were seriously injuries were being treated by medics and being prepped for movement to St. Mungo's. Those that were doing slightly better, with minor injuries that could be fixed with basic healing spells sat clustered in groups of those they held dear. There were tears for absences as they tended to their own and each other's wounds. But Harry walked past those people. He walked to the area singled off, glowing with the somber blue of preservative charms. He needed to see who was dead, needed to know who he was too late to save.

At first there were numerous nameless faces. Some he vaguely recognized; some were just a soldier in a war that should not have been. All as sad to someone as the last few were to him. The first figure he recognized in those awful blue orbs was Fred Weasley, still sporting that grin that Harry remembered from his living days. His bright hair no dimmer with his death, but his eyes were closed, his chest unmoving. Of all the people he thought might have died he would never have thought Fred would be with them. Between him and George they had summed up what life and living meant to Harry. They had been inseparable. He did not think anything could separate them, especially nothing as cruel as death. And yet here was his evidence. The sight was unbearable, he moved on both too quickly and too slowly, his throat tight with emotion.

And maybe that had been a bad move because the next pair he came to did not ease his heartache any. Even in death they were hand in hand. It was one of the few times that Harry had seen Remus look truly at peace. And why not? He had his wife by his side, he was returned to his best friends. Tonks' hair was that bright bubblegum pink that he always associated with her, it seemed fitting, and yet her face was entirely too serious for the laid-back young woman he knew. And the war had come full circle, the first war ending with a Marauder's son orphaned, and now the second war ending with a Marauder's son orphaned. He wished it hadn't ended this way.

The final recognizable face he came across did not bring more tears to his eyes, nor did it bring joy, just a deep sense of relief, and maybe a little justification. She looked no different in death, still a little dirty, still a little untamed. Her eyes were still wide open, even death could not kill the mania that resided within Bellatrix Lestrange. But she would not hurt him any longer, and finally Sirius' death had been honored, his murderer now in hell. Because surely there was no other place for a woman like her.

He could feel people's eyes on him judging, judging, judging. But he ignored it, he couldn't go soothe their souls, not yet. There was still a job he felt needed doing. There was a body that remained lost, one that no one would care about apart from him, in memory of his mother. So, he ignored the desire to go receive his own comfort from his friends and walked out of the great hall, out the castle even, and past the castle gates.

The walk from hall to school gates was long. His path was lined with the bodies of death eaters, they were left out in the rising sun to rot, the smell was pungent. Not what they deserved, evil as they had been, but resources were low and the ministry had to prioritize saving as many lives as possible. The first few bitter signs of decomposition were starting to appear, flies swarmed like a black fog over the grounds looking for rotting flesh to lay their eggs. They surrounded the multitude of bodies in a suffocating embrace, the only thing paying them any attention now they were dead. He could not bear the sight long.

He walked past them; his head held higher than he thought it deserved to be. He walked until he was out the gates and as such the apparition wards. And then he departed the school with a small pop, no one even truly noticing he was gone.

The rotting air was replaced by the mustiness of the Shrieking Shack, the scent was not unfamiliar. Even more the acrid, metallic scent of blood hung in the air making Harry feel queasy, but even that scent came as no surprise.

He could see the dark patterns on the walls where his Professor's blood splattered it. Harry could not help thinking that through this all, it was Snape who was the true hero, he had put his life on hold, he had faced the monster day in and out at great personal risk, he had killed his mentor for the good of the world. And this is how he fared.

Barely any pressure was required to open the old door into the crumbling shack, the grueling innards, as well as harsh memories, revealed for any to see. A deep breath filled with trepidation built up courage enough to allow Harry to pass over the threshold.

His every step was met by a symphony of groans and creaks from where his heavy feet stepped. In no time at all he was there in that room, the room where Harry had seen Voldemort set Nagini on Snape, the room where Snape had looked at him with emotion other than hate and told him he had his mother's eyes. In the room where he had watched the life fade from Snape's eyes.

But yet, he was not as dead as Harry as thought. The icy winter air fogged in front of the body's face, expelled water vapour sporadically filled the room when it should have been impossible. Shock coursed through Harry, he had come to retrieve a body, he had never considered the man may still be alive. He thought he had watched the life leave the man.

"Snape?" His voice echoed in the silence of the room, and yet midnight eyes flashed with recognition and hope as he saw the figure standing there. There was no real strength left to the man's action, but Harry could see the rapid rise and fall of his Adam's apple as if he was trying to make some kind of utterance. And though Harry was unsure what the man was trying to convey it was all Harry needed to spring into action, his Gryffindor heart rushed in to help any that needed it.

Harry bombarded Snape with his limited healing knowledge, pouring pain tonics down the man's throat and wrapping his neck in bandages until he was stable enough to be moved. Harry could see the distaste but acceptance on Snape's face as Harry helped him up and apparated him to Hogwarts where he helped the older man to the great hall and Poppy Pomphrey's care.

And with his duty done Harry retreated to his friends, and the comfort they provided his broken soul. His precious friends who had lost a sibling, who had had to give up their parents in order to protect them. War came with too high a price, and it exhausted Harry to the very soul.

There had been a period between the battle and the public Malfoy trials. The best way to describe it was to call it the period of mourning. The world grouped together in their grief and necessity. It was a heady mixture of rebuilding and goodbyes. Hogsmeade and the ministry and Hogwarts was put back together, paranoia leading to an increase in the security of these new buildings. And then inbetween those days was the endless stream of funerals, one after the other. Harry attended each out if respect, they had all fought for the same cause he had, they had all died because he had not acted fast enough. He loaned the use of his magic to the new buildings, he wanted it to at least appear that things were back to normal.

His evenings were split alternate days, on one evening he would go to visit his Godson, the poor boy unaware of what had happened, barely knowing his parents before they had been ripped from him. Harry knew he would have to step up soon, but not quite yet. He wanted to grieve first. He knew that wasn't fair to Andromeda who had lost her daughter and husband, but he just needed some time to himself. On those other nights he was in St Mungo's visiting surprisingly Snape. The man had fallen into a coma, his injuries deep and probably affecting him for the rest of his life. Harry could only hope it would not mess with the man's abilities to do potions.

Harry only stopped his night-time vigil when the man finally awoke three weeks after the war, he knew his presence would not be welcome and even more he did not want to answer questions on why he had helped the man for he did not know himself.

Now that the dead were buried, it was time to bury hatchets. Everyone here in the courtroom today had come to see those they held guilty punished. Everyone knew that the Malfoys were dark, sided with the Dark Lord. They had been the only one's to survive the culling of the enemy army, as such they were the only one's left to be held accountable.

Despite one been a minor, despite one of them not even baring the Dark Mark they would be punished. These were open and shut cases. At least that's how the Ministry saw it.

They still went through the farce though, a prosecution that was out for a blood, a defense that wanted that same blood but pretended otherwise. The false hope for the Malfoy's was probably crueller than the punishment itself. Words were spoken that no one listened to, they just wanted to see the sentencing. But then it all changed. The defense looked down at his notes in confusion. Someone they never would have expected to stand in defense of the Dark.

"In defense of the accused I call Harry James Potter." The world stood still as the messy haired young man took the stand. Strength in his every movement. The war had made a young boy short of adulthood into a man. Everyone stared at him in disbelief, but he was used to it by now. They had stared like this when he had released his statement clearing Snape and declaring him a war hero. They had stared like this since the first day he stepped into Hogwarts and the magical world as a whole. He would wish for it to stop, but no longer held out the hope for that occurring.

"The war was a terrible thing, and we all did what we had to do. Our beloved Dumbledore used a number of us as pawns, doing things we'd otherwise see as monstrous, likewise with Severus Snape, he murdered Dumbledore and we have forgiven him. And yet we are condemning a child because it eases our pain? When did we become the monsters? How many of you could honestly say you would not have taken the Dark Mark if it would have saved everyone you loved? I would have. That's all Malfoy did. He protected those he loved in the only way he knew how. Just because he picked the side different to ours doesn't mean it is automatically the wrong side." He paused then breathing from the passion of his speech. Malfoy may have been his school rival but there were things bigger than school-boy rivalries. And plus, he owed it to Mrs. Malfoy to save her son considering it was the only reason she had saved him.

"And Mrs. Malfoy there, she doesn't even care what happens to her I can almost guarantee, because she is the purest type of mother there is. She lied to the Dark Lord's face in order to save her son. Her lie is the only reason any of us even have this opportunity to stand here. And this is how you repay her? Well if that's the case then every other sacrifice is pointless because we'd have left the world no better than when Voldemort was still here." And then he left without looking back, without an official dismissal. His only acknowledgement a small nod towards the Malfoy's as he passed them on the way out.

Noise had erupted in his wake as his words had sunk into them like a bitter pill. Finally, though a verdict was come to, a verdict in favour of the accused. A verdict they never would have predicted.

Narcissa kissed the crown of her son's head as the news they were free washed over them in sweet relief. She knew people would not be kind to them for a long while, until they proved they were better than her late husband, but alas it was better than her Dragon been in Azkaban.

Many would have expected that to be the last correspondence between one Harry Potter and Lady Malfoy. And yet it was not. The way it had come about was strange, it had been Hermione's fault when push came to shove.

She felt now that the loose ends had been tied, the funerals done, the school rebuilt, that it was time the Golden Trio thought about their future. And so, she had become nigh on unbearable regarding returning to Hogwarts in September to redo their seventh year. She had already discussed it at length with her parents now that she had retrieved them from Australia, and they supported her and her quest for knowledge. Likewise, Ron had turned to his parents, they had discussed it at much greater length. Ron did not have the drive of his Girlfriend however he did not want to be without a job or give up his dream of being an Auror. In the end it was decided that he too would return, if only to be with Hermione.

But Harry had no one to discuss it with, so he stewed over it. And Hermione was still on his back demanding an answer and he was confused. So, in a moment of madness, sitting at the rickety old table in the kitchen of Grimmauld Place he had pulled out a piece of parchment and started penning a letter.

Dear Mrs. Malfoy,

To be honest, I'm not entirely sure why I'm writing this letter or what I wish to gain from it. Maybe it's because you're a mother, a wonderful one at that. People with parents often under appreciate the guidance and gift that they are.

Hermione is trying to pressure me into returning to Hogwarts. They both went straight to their parents to ask for guidance, but I don't even have one to go to, not even a parent figure, and maybe that's why I've turned to you. Because I feel lost. There are so many memories there, a meagre few that are good. And yet I desperately don't want to give up my education, my future because of a fear of my own mind. Despite the bad memories, Hogwarts has always felt like home. Even knowing I could live comfortably on the Potter and Black fortune; I want to do something with my life. And even more than that I don't want to get a job based on my fame, I hate the fame. The way it meant that I was idolized one moment and condemned for Hell the next.

Finally, I would like to thank you for saving my life out on the battlefield, I realize you did it for Draco but that was an immense amount of courage, nonetheless.

I'm sorry for sending you my drivel, feel free to burn it.

Harry. J. Potter.

He hadn't planned on sending it, he was just going to burn it, hope the words and the idea of reaching out to someone would give him some kind of brainwave on what to actually do in this situation. And yet suddenly it was in his new owl's beak, he petted the brown feathers lovingly.

It had been a difficult day for Harry getting Toby, memories of Hedwig still clouded his memory. But with time he had grown to love the new owl, maybe in a different way, but just as much.

"Take this to Malfoy Manor, Toby, it's for the Lady of the house." The small creature hooted in agreement and swooped off, and Harry felt the burden of worry slipping off his shoulders.

Of course, asking for advice from people rarely makes everything automatically better. Alas, he had one night of sleep that was dream free and peaceful, and then morning rose. It had started as well as he had slept.

And then he had gone into the living room to see Hermione standing there in his living room. It served as a reminder that he really should turn off the open floo connection he had to his best friends. Though he loved them they should not have had such open access to his home. He nodded at her, and automatically went to the drinks cabinet to get a large glass of Scotch, he'd need it to deal with her. Even that action caused her lips to purse in that well-known disapproval.

"Hello Hermione, yes, you may come in. Thank you for asking." If possible, the disapproval grew as she placed her hands on her hips. Bit rich for saying she was the one who welcomed herself into his home.

"Harry! You need to make a decision about your future! McGonagall wants to know by the end of the month if you're coming back! I don't know what you expect to do if you don't go back though. Probably spend your days drinking if this is anything to go by." He rolled her eyes, she had been over plenty to bug him, this had been the first he had reached for the scotch. Harry really could not cope with Hermione today. She didn't realize what it was like to make an important decision like that off her own back. And so, he slammed his glass down, the amber liquid sloshing over the edge. He picked up the floo powder because he suddenly understood one responsibility that he no longer wanted to avoid. He understood what it was like to make a decision without parental guidance, he did not want the same for his Godson.

He only hoped that Hermione was gone by the time he returned.

He felt like a hypocrite as he stepped out of the floo network unannounced into the Tonks' front room. Despite that he received a much better reception from Andromeda than Hermione had gained from him. Despite how tense he had felt, he started to relax as he saw his Godson sleeping on Andromeda's chest. Her weathered face was relaxed as she ran a hand gently over Turquoise hair. So, he had definitely picked up his mother's gift. He only hoped the boy had not picked up his father's curse.

"You're not usually here on a Tuesday, Harry." She didn't sound disapproving just curious as to the unscheduled visit. He nodded in acquiescence. He rarely faltered from the patterns that they had come to set.

"No, I don't. Hermione keeps bugging me about Hogwarts and whilst I'm still undecided, I have decided it's time I stepped up to be a proper Godfather. Remus and Tonks named me Godfather, and in that absense that means he is my responsibility. I've been leaving him for you to care for, and you haven't had time to grieve your own bloody daughter and that's not fair, especially considering how much effort he is. But tomorrow I'll take him. It's better now when we can all adjust to the change, especially little Teddy, than later when we're all too attached to the way things are." Harry noticed how the woman held a little tighter to the baby, fear entering her eyes.

"You're taking my grandson from me with nothing but a few hours warning?" Harry swore under his breath as realized how his words had come out. The similarities between her and Bellatrix visually were clear to see, but they had never been more obvious than in this moment.

"Apologies Mrs. Tonks, it wasn't meant to sound quite like that. I would never disallow you access to your godson. My Floo will always be open to you, I just meant that I would be taking the parental responsibility. I love him, and when push comes to shove, I am the one with legal responsibility. Quite honestly, I don't think I'd be able to do this alone." She nodded. Understanding filling eyes so similar to her late sister's.

"Yes, that makes... sense. It will be weird having the house empty though. Ted not wanting a cup of tea at all hours of the day, Dora cursing as she bumps into things that have been in the same place for years, Teddy crying because he's hungry. But it's better we all adjust now. Yes, you're right. This war has made you entirely too mature. Your parents would be so proud, yet so sad that you had to grow up so soon." Harry nodded, he would have loved to grow up in a world where he knew his parents, where there was no Voldemort, where he could be that fun Godfather to Teddy rather than a father. And yet, fate had decided otherwise and all that was left to do was adjust to the way things were.

"I don't want to intrude on your time with him, and I really need to prepare Grimmauld, so I'll be leaving. And for what it's worth, I don't think it's too late to get to know your nephew if you are missing human contact." She nodded, kissing her grandson on his turquoise head.

He stepped through the floo, praying that Hermione was not there as he exited the other side.

He was in luck, Hermione was gone. She had left a note of course, but she was gone, nonetheless. He didn't know what he would have done had she still been there when he had returned, he loved her like a sister and did not want to get into an argument with her, especially over something so trivial in the grand scheme of things.

He picked up Hermione's note, twirling it in his hands as he stared at the familiar writing. It was at that point that he noticed the other two letters sitting on his table. One was held shut with muggle sellotape which was surprising for a wizarding sent letter, and the other was held together with a traditional red wax seal. He ignored them for now to see what Hermione had to say against him. He could only imagine.


I know you would quite happily ignore it, but McGonagall really needs to know. However, I can see how much it's getting to you, and I really don't want to stress you. I won't mention it for a week to give you time to think about it. You really should consider it though; you know as well as I do that, you'd never be happy with inactivity.

Love Always,


Harry was surprised, it was very much out of character for Hermione to give anyone time when she was in one of them moods. Those moods that craved knowledge and craved it right that very second. It didn't mean he wasn't happy for the reprieve though. He could definitely do without Hermione's nagging every second as he was settling Teddy in. A newborn baby was stressful at the best of times or so he'd heard.

He put Hermione's note to the side as he gave his attention to the two remaining letters. Because they were unexpected and unfamiliar, he ran at least a dozen diagnostic charms on them to ensure there was nothing harmful in them. It was always best to be safe than sorry; it was a lesson he had definitely learnt in the war.

Once every charm he knew had come back clear he picked the first one up, the one sealed with sellotape. He examined the outside to see if there were any clues. He was definitely surprised when he found that he recognized the handwriting. Of course, this particular loopy scrawl he was used to seeing in angry red pen, putting down his every effort in Potions classes. He suddenly was no longer sure the envelope was completely harmless. Snape had no reason to be writing to him. More to the point, the man had been a spy for a reason, and even then, his tongue could do enough damage on its own.

With trepidation making his hands shake, he pulled the sellotape away and pulled the letter out of its envelope.


You may or may not be aware, but your actions in the Shrieking Shack has led to a life debt between us. I suppose unlike your father yours was out of actually genuinely trying to save me rather than a change of mind over a particularly vicious prank. But alas, that is not the purpose of this letter.

First and foremost, I would like to thank you for aiding my Godson. Despite his insufferable brattiness he picked up from his father he failed to pick up the man's inherent evilness and tough skin. As such Azkaban would have surely destroyed him.

Your actions have come to make me realize that my past prejudices may have been out of hand and that your mother's kindness has indeed been passed onto you. Now the war is over I am under no obligation to be unnecessarily harsh, as such I would like to make amends in memory of your mother. If you would be amenable to meeting at some point in the near future, I have received a missive I believe you should read. After that I would be happy to divulge stories I have of your mother.


S. Snape.

Harry dropped the letter. This day had been one surprise after the other. He could only begin to imagine what Snape might have received that could also involve him. And Snape wanted to make amends? He would not have even have imagined that in his wildest dreams, and after the life he had lived many of his dreams were pretty wild. After all Snape had done for him, the idea that the man owed him a life debt was preposterous, though due to his honour it would be unlikely he'd be able to talk the man out of it.

And with that shock there only had one more letter to read. Again, he picked up the letter hesitantly, even despite the checks he had done. The past letter may have been safe, but the shock definitely hadn't been. This final letter was in a fine hand, and the seal seemed vaguely familiar. And yet he could not truly recognize either. He realized there was no real point to his guessing game and opened the letter instead. And again, as he read, he felt the now familiar disbelief wash over him.

Mr. Potter,

I will admit your missive was definitely a surprise. But not entirely unwelcome. I would have expected you to, in this situation, reach out to Mrs. Weasley. As I have understood the situation, she has been much the surrogate mother to you. Alas if you feel you would rather gain your ''motherly guidance' elsewhere then I will not turn you away.

As a mother, I would always promote the continuation of your education, as a woman of previously high society I would also suggest the same. The male always becomes more attractive when he has drive, standards and a secure education. Alas, I understand your misgivings about Hogwarts, I doubt sending my own Dragon back to that place. If you feel you could not be comfortable in Hogwarts but are sure on your desire to continue your education then the logical solution would be to go to the continent and study at Beauxbatons or even Durmstrang.

I hope my advice has satisfied your desire for motherly guidance. If you require further advice, I would not be averse to offering it.

Keep Well,

Narcissa Malfoy.

Harry knew that every one of these letters would require a penned response and soon, however his curiosity and guilt were not a priority at this given minute. His responses could wait until this miserable house was baby proofed. He was, for all intents and purposes a father now, and that was his priority. Despite hating the miserable house elf, he had inherited with the house, he called on it now.

"Kreacher." The elf popped in instantaneously, his characteristic scowl plastered on his face.

"What does dirty Half-blood want now?" He drawled slowly; his distaste clearly written on his face. It was at that point Harry realized he couldn't keep the little monster, he wanted to separate Teddy from the hatred he had being raised, in and this definitely was not the way to achieve that.

He went over to his closet and rifled around until he found his least favorite T-shirt. It was a horrid greyed thing that was two sizes too big, an obvious cast-off from Dudley. He let out a triumphant whoop as he found it, before catapulting the thing at the elf. The little creature caught it on instinct, his self-preservation always out winning his servitude.

"You have clothes, now you are freed. More astutely it's me that's free. Now get out of my home and go poison someone else with your horrid tongue." The evil little creature had only ever shown distaste for his new Master and the Order when they had been traipsing through. But now it twisted into a disbelieving look of utter shock.

"Master no longer wants Kreacher? Master has sacked Kreacher?" Harry nodded decisively.

"You refuse to respect me despite me being head of the entire Black house, the head of this family! You are lucky I am kind else your head would definitely be on the wall right there with your ancestors. Tomorrow my Godson, my baby Godson, is coming here and his father was a werewolf, I hate to think what you'd say to him." Kreacher bowed in respect for the very first time.

"Kreacher was unaware master was Head. Kreacher begs another chance! Kreacher has served Master Black's all his life, Kreacher knows no other. Kreacher respects master's kindness. Kreacher misses old Master Regulus. Kreacher understands things have changed, that Half-bloods can be good too." Harry looked shocked at the little elf. A hint of sympathy running through him. He understood the elf.

"Burn the t-shirt Kreacher. I'll give you a week as a chance. Any sign of disrespect to me, or especially Teddy then you will be out faster than you can say 'House Elf'. Understood?" In a move reminiscent of Dobby, the little elf started sobbing, going down on his knees bowing to his master.

"Master, is too gracious. Master will not regret giving Kreacher a second chance. Kreacher will start preparing for Baby Heir." Harry smiled.

"I'll get some re-enforcements in to help, I can't expect you to do all three levels on your own, not on this timescale at least. If you want start in the Master Bedroom and the adjacent room, as they are most important for settling Teddy in. I'd like most of the walls repainting, I want the place to look welcoming, not like someone died here yesterday." Kreacher nodded.

"Kreacher can do that! Kreacher is thankful for help." Harry nodded and left the elf to his job.

He was glad to have got through to the little elf, it was definitely a damn sight easier than replacing him. Nevertheless, he stepped through the Floo, calling out the address of The Burrow. He wasn't sure about the type of reception he would receive, but he wasn't sure quite where else to go. But he shouldn't have been surprised, Molly looked older after losing Fred, but still she sent him a warm smile and wrapped him up in her arms.

"Haven't seen you in a while, Harry, what brings you here?" Harry smiled sheepishly, he felt bad for not turning up for weeks, and then when he does it's to ask for help.

"I'm moving Teddy in tomorrow, and I was wondering if you could lend a pair of hands to help get the house ready?" If anything, the smile widened.

"Of course, dear, it's lovely that you're taking up your responsibility to the poor boy. I'll get Charlie and Bill to help." Harry nodded in thanks. He wasn't as familiar with the oldest Weasley children, but he remembered them being friendly. Then again, he couldn't quite imagine a Weasley that wasn't friendly. Bill would probably come just to get a little break from the stresses of new parenthood.

And alas when their mother called and explained they came straight through. It was clear which was the friendlier of the pair. Bill merely shook Harry's hand as he came through, whereas Charlie brought the younger boy into his arms, despite not really knowing him.

"So, you're the adopted brother?" Harry smiled awkwardly, not used to such outgoingness from a stranger. Molly, seeing how uncomfortable Harry was, hit her oldest son upside the head.

"You're terrifying the poor kid, Charlie. Unhand the poor boy." Harry felt a different kind of uncomfortable as he felt the blue eyes of the elder man run over him. He had no doubt that the Weasley's now knew of his preferences especially after his break-up, or at least the unwillingness to get back together, with Ginny.

"That's no boy, mama, but I'll behave." Molly shook her head in exasperation as she ushered them through the floo.

"Off with you Charlie, you came to work." The man merely smirked with a grin that reminded Harry very much of Fred.

Despite the strange start the boys were Godsends. They worked hard, sometimes under the direction of Kreacher, to move some of the heavier furniture. Still, with four humans and a house elf, the job still took the majority of the day, and it wasn't long until they were all well and truly exhausted.

Still Harry, despite his exhaustion, insisted they stayed for dinner, in which he cooked. Bill however had to go, but before he left, he pulled Harry to one side.

"Charlie is a flirt, and a player, and though he doesn't set out to hurt people, he's left a trail of them. Try not to be the next, the man wouldn't know commitment if it slapped him in the face." Harry looked up at Bill with wide, surprised eyes. Bill couldn't honestly be suggesting that the oldest Weasley, a good 7 years his senior, could fancy him. Unfortunately, Harry couldn't ask any further as Bill was gone through the Floo, back to his wife and young daughter.

Both that remained though were thankful for the free meal and tucked in graciously.

"I think this is better than yours Mama." The woman nodded in agreement, but sent her son a mock glare nonetheless, "You'll have to have me over some other time, see if this just a fluke. Of course, the pleasant company wouldn't be unappreciated." Harry's eyes widened, his mind flashing back to Bill's words. Still he shrugged.

"Um, sure, if you want. It'll have to wait until Teddy is settled in." The man shrugged with another of those grins that were reminiscent of Fred, and yet made his gut twist in a way Fred's never had.

The Weasley's did not stay long after the meal, exhausted from the day's work. Harry sent some of the remains from the meal for the remaining Weasleys to save Molly from cooking. She thanked him with a warm smile and a promise to bring Teddy to meet them at some point.

And then it was just Harry on his own, he was tired, but he made a large cup of coffee and pulled out some parchment and a muggle pen, he much preferred it in his own home, and no one could tell the difference. Surprisingly, it was Snape's he replied to first, he suspected he'd be the least amenable to a late missive so sent it off as soon as possible.


I think the idea that you owe me a life debt, after all the times you've saved my life is preposterous. I have been so ungrateful in the past, and I'd like to apologize in return, I would never have survived this war without you.

I admit, I do like the idea of making amends, and would be willing to meet up at a time of your convenience.


He sent the letter off immediately, it was only 8 o'clock so he assumed the man would still be up. The next two letters he had to send off he could take his time with.

Hermione, he sent off a heartfelt thanks, and a bit of an explanation as to his wariness. He mentioned about Teddy and then what had happened with the eldest Weasley. Knowing Hermione, she would want to become matchmaker, but he felt he had to tell someone. Despite her pushiness, she was certainly the one he would trust the most with such a dilemma.

He saved his reply to Narcissa until last, he wanted to portray his thanks to her. He wasn't sure what was occurring or why she was replying but he was definitely thankful.

Mrs. Malfoy,

Thank you for your reply. The idea of studying on the continent had never occurred to me. Alas, I have taken responsibility for my Godson, and I feel it is best to return to Hogwarts despite the personal memories for me. I know that they have precautions for teen pregnancy, and the child when born, and that McGonagall would support me in any way she could.

I was quite pleased to make some head way with Kreacher, I think he's just sad because he misses Regulus, and he still has Mrs. Black screaming Pureblood Supremacy down his throat. If he keeps on as he has in past though I'm going to have to let him go. I refuse to put Teddy through the vitriol, especially considering Remus' blood status.

I can never portray how thankful I am to this correspondence, in the past I would have turned to Molly, but I feel like an outsider now, especially since they lost Fred. I know they'd probably argue my belief, but I can't change the way I feel. Though Bill and Charlie did come and help set up for Teddy. Charlie definitely seems friendly. Apparently, he's gay. Is that accepted more in the Wizarding world?

Many thanks,


And with that sent off, he went to bed. He'd need all his energy for tomorrow. He was surprised by how easy it was to talk through his worries with someone who was essentially a stranger, especially considering the personal nature of some of the letters.

He awoke early and took the time to go through all his morning efforts. And then it was time to go through the floo to collect his Godson. Andromeda looked decidedly sad but prepared regardless. Teddy was in her arms, sleeping once again, and hanging off the other hand was a changing bag. Finally, there was a suitcase full of clothes and toys that Teddy was already familiar with.

She nodded at her grandson's godfather as he stepped through the floo, an uncomfortable, apologetic look on his face. He wasn't expecting to feel so guilty despite knowing he was doing the right thing in the long run.

"I'll miss him, but I understand." That was all she said, Harry didn't think she could physically say anything, her eyes shined as if she was close to tears. Harry could only imagine the lump that had developed in her throat. She kissed Teddy's head tenderly, before she placed the bundle in Harry's arms.

"I promise you; you can see him whenever. In fact, I have a meeting coming up, if you were free, I'd love it if you could babysit." She smiled, giving a quick nod in agreement. Already the boy was trying to accommodate her, she was thankful for it. But before she could change her mind about letting Harry take on his responsibility, Harry left through the floo, sending Kreacher back to get Teddy's bags.

When the House-elf returned and had packed away he turned to his master.

"Is new baby related to old Mistress Andy?" It was easy to forget that Andromeda had been born a Black, but if Kreacher had been serving as long as he claimed, it seemed normal that he would be familiar with Regulus' cousins.

"Yes Kreacher, Teddy is Andromeda's Godson." Kreacher looked positively over-joyed to have a true Black in the house, regardless of his dirtied blood. It had been so long since there had been a Black in the house, well apart from Sirius who had always hated him. Harry, being the last remaining Potter, found himself sympathizing with Kreacher's desire for heritage.

"Can Kreacher hold Baby Black?" Harry smiled at the elf, maybe looking after Teddy could be good for his relationship with the little elf.

"As long as you don't wake him up." Kreacher looked positively offended by the idea, he had nursed the last three generations of Black heirs after all. Harry chuckled at the look as he handed over the sleeping babe. The little elf looked mesmerized as he held the next generation of the family he loved. Harry could only smile, and hope that things would remain as easy, though doubted they would.

It was whilst the elf tended to Teddy that Harry noticed the note on his desk. It was short and to the point. A place and a time. Spinners End, Friday 3pm. Harry sent back a note to say that it was fine. That gave him three days with Teddy, and to discuss with Andromeda baby-sitting.

He returned to the babe and took him to his new room to sleep, he set up charms in order to alert him if the baby awoke and got everything ready for a nappy change because he was sure to need it when he awoke. That was one thing he definitely wasn't looking forward to.

The first few days with Teddy had passed quickly in a mess of sleepless nights and full nappies and feeding, and he honestly had no idea how Andromeda dealt with. It was no great surprise then that he was glad when Friday came around and he could pass of Teddy to Andromeda for a few hours. Then again, he doubted that the conversation with Snape would be easy on his mind.

Before he met Snape though he had a letter from Mrs. Malfoy, which if anything would be pleasant to read. He decided to take a bus to Spinner's End considering that it was in a muggle neighbourhood. That way it allowed him to read the letter on route and possibly reply on the return. Maybe Mrs. Malfoy would have some advice for whatever the result of this meeting would be.

Harry Dear,

Firstly, if you insist on using me for motherly advice at least call me by my given name, it makes me feel terribly old to be referred to as missus all the time.

In light of you taking responsibility for my great-nephew, I agree that Hogwarts is probably the wisest choice. Alas, if you think it will be too difficult at the given time, maybe it would be prudent to seek advice from a Mind Healer. Do not let your pride stop you from seeking help you require.

Yes, I remember Kreacher, he doted on Regulus. He has never been quite the same since. Furthermore, I remember how unpleasant Aunt Walburga can be, I also remember the charm she used to stick up that God-awful portrait. It can be undone, and then hopefully burnt with the Condonio charm. I suggest you do it as soon as possible, especially if you plan on raising young Teddy there.

Homosexuality in the Wizarding World is seen as natural. When we have something as unnatural as magic that we are able to wield, a man loving a man is nothing. In fact, there are claims that our very own Salazar and Godric were in a relationship. Well until everything went south. Regardless, I would encourage wariness if this Charlie has romantic notions towards you. You must always put Teddy first, that is the life of a parent.

Finally, Severus is an old family friend, and as such he came to me as soon as this information came into his hands. Please understand that this is as much as a shock to him as it is to you, and to just give him a chance. He is not all bad.

Keep Well,


Harry was surprised to find that the letter he received calmed his nerves, Narcissa's advice always came across warmly and well informed. He did blush when he read about Charlie having romantic notions towards him, but alas he would come to that bridge when he came to it.

For now, he was just curious as to how this meeting with Snape would go. He pocketed the letter and knocked warily onto the door.

It was the first time Harry had ever seen the man in anything but his black cloak that he wore for teaching, and yet here he was, his hair clearly washed, standing before him in blue muggle jeans, and a red t-shirt. The remnants of Nagini were obvious both in the scarring in his neck and the way he carried himself a little slower, his movements cautious to avoid further discomfort. The older man nodded to Harry as he stood awkwardly on the doorstep.

"Harry. Come in." There was a familiarity with the place that told Harry that Snape lived there. He wasn't overly surprised, he remembered things from the Occlumency lessons and the memories the man had supplied that implied he had not been a pure-blooded wizard. The house was warmly decorated in green, reds and browns with a few trinkets. Snape led him over to cushy looking couch that overlooked a fire with a small bookcase above it. It was tasteful and comfortable.

"I'm hoping that you do not over react to the news. I was sent a letter recently. It was a delayed letter from your mother. I will, of course, let you read it. Essentially, a few days before Lily and James got together, I slept with Lily." Harry's eyes widened, he knew where this was going, but he kept quiet for now, hoping for a different outcome. "But then the 'Mudblood incident' occurred. They were already flirting around their attraction, and I hated it. And I fucked up majorly, that incident drove your mother into James' arms. They were married weeks later, because she had become pregnant. James fully believed it was his, and Lily wasn't sure. She placed a powerful glamour on you, one that would make you look like James. Because when you were born, you clearly had my features." Harry looked almost, but not quite horrified with the news.

"You're my biological father?" It was phrased as a question, and Snape still nodded. And Harry just laughed. It was so ironic. "All those times you said I was just like my father. Wow. Why now?"

"That is a question I can't answer. Your mother had her own reasoning, and the fact the letter came automatically, she had obviously factored in the fact of her own death. I know this will be difficult, there is definitely enough bad blood between us, but I would like to get to know you. As my son." Harry took a deep breath in and out. He remembered Narcissa's words, but it didn't make it easier.

"All I ever wanted was a family, but, but I don't know if I can cope with this. But I don't want to turn this opportunity down." He took another of those blasted deep breaths in order to center his thoughts. "Maybe, for now, we could meet every Friday, get to know each other slowly. I suppose then, Andromeda can have regular access to Teddy. Yes, if that's amenable to you." Snape nodded.

"It's more than I expected, I'd... like that. And please, call me Severus." And that was all the awkwardness Harry could deal with today. He wanted to return home, to the companionship of Kreacher, and that warm baby smell of Teddy. He would cook dinner for Andromeda. Well after he had taken down that horrid photo of Walburga Black.

In fact, it was the first thing he did when he returned home, he shouted the charm at the painting, and then called Kreacher who took it to be burned. Harry was surprised how therapeutic it had felt. She screamed in anger, demanding to know which traitor had betrayed her as the charm was an old Black legend. But then she had burned, and silence had reigned. He had still been understandably confused over the whole Severus thing, but he felt calmer.

When he walked into the sitting room, he saw Andromeda asleep on his sofa with Teddy laying against her chest also asleep. He quietly called Kreacher.

"Get the camera." The little elf smiled at the sight and nodded.

He hadn't realized the week had passed, so much had occurred, until Hermione stepped through his floo, once again unannounced. He swore as Teddy screamed from the unexpected noise, especially as he had just put the little boy down. He sighed, and picked up the little child, cradling his warm body in his arms. He rocked the figure as he made his way downstairs to the living room in which the Floo was in.

"You can't just turn up unannounced, 'Mione. I'd just got him off. He's so grouchy when he's woken up." Hermione had to strain to hear Harry's words as the baby was still screaming in his godfather's arms, his hair turning a dark red in his anger, instead of his favoured turquoise. Hermione bit her lip in apology.

"I'm sorry Harry, I didn't think, I'm so used to you living alone here," She had the respect to look sheepish as her eyes twinkled at the boy in his arm, "It's just I told you I'd give you a week, and you really need to give McGonagall your answer soon." In the time since Hermione started talking Teddy's tantrum had calmed, his hair now a bubblegum pink, reminiscent of his mother. They both noticed it and shared a sad smile.

"Please be more mindful in future 'Mione." Hermione nodded but still looked concerned.

"He's living here with Kreacher and Lady Black's portrait?" Harry smiled at her concern. Though when he explained he couldn't bring himself to mention the friendship he had built up with Narcissa. That was his secret.

"I found the charm, and counter in the Library. And me and Kreacher came to an understanding. Kreacher loves Teddy." He paused a moment for dramatic effect, "He'll probably even want to come with me when I return to Hogwarts. Of course, I will have to meet with McGonagall to discuss young parent dormitories."

Hermione's whole face lit up the news. She had been so hoping that Harry would decide to remain at Hogwarts for their final year, but she wasn't he would. And while she could understand because of all the bad that had happened, she valued education over most things. She hugged him.

"I'll talk to McGonagall for you. You focus on little Teddy. Stay in touch." And by the time she left, the boy was back asleep. He smiled down tenderly at his son. He might not be his biologically, but Teddy was his son. Of course, that didn't mean he wouldn't tell him about Remus, the brave, brave wolf who had given his life so Teddy could be brought up in a safe world.

He rested the boy in one arm as he sat at the kitchen table to finally get around to reply to Narcissa's letter.


Jeez, it's weird calling you by your given name, but not unpleasant. I know it's weird, but your letters mean a great deal to me. Especially during the stress of settling in Teddy. I feel like I haven't slept in a month and he's only been with me a week.

Hermione was dreadfully glad to hear I'd be returning to Hogwarts. And despite the bad memories, it was home for so long. At least I knew I'd get a meal every day, and the only responsibility I had was my homework, not cleaning until my hands were raw. Well apart from when I had detention, but it was a step up from the punishment I was used to. That's the past now, it doesn't matter.

I put Walburga out of her misery, it's disconcertingly quiet around here. But it's a damn sight better than it used to be. I'm pretty sure nothing will occur between me and Charlie, for starters he's a lot older than I am, and secondly, Bill says he's a commitment-phobe. I can't really afford to get into a fling, not with Teddy. But I'm glad that being gay is more accepted here.

I honestly have no idea what to make on the Snape situation. I know some of his animosity towards me was the war, but a lot of it was because he thought I was a carbon-copy of James Potter. And yet he's saved my life, time and time again, despite the animosity. I don't know what to do with this information. I can't conceive why my mother would do this to both of us. I agreed to meet with him once a week, I don't want to miss out on getting to know my father because of the past, but I don't know if it's out of genuine curiosity or just desperation for any family figure.

I keep venting to you, but how are you keeping since the war? Even if he was an evil man to most, he may have been very different at home, I can imagine the loss of Lucius has been quite difficult? And Draco? How has he been coping, most of the things he has done was to keep you and Lucius safe.

Keep well yourself,


He sent the letter off with Toby, the brown bird happy to go once he had been given a few bird treats. And like always when he sent a letter off, he felt the weight fall off his chest, and yet more than that he came to care for the person he was sending the letters to. She was more a parent to him in his heart than his own biological father. He felt she cared, that he could depend on her. And it was so wrong. But he couldn't give it up unless she retracted the offer.

With the letter sent off he put Teddy back into bed, the boy now sleeping peacefully. Tomorrow would be his second meeting with Snape, and he wanted to be on top of himself for it. And so, he took himself to bed early.

Harry's leg was twitching as he sat waiting in the Three Broomsticks for Snape. It was a disconcerting mixture of nervousness and worrying over Teddy despite knowing he was perfectly fine with Andromeda. Snape wasn't late, though he wasn't early either, and now with his foot tapping against his knee he was greatly regretting his decision to come.

Finally, though the older man arrived, he slipped into the booth opposite Harry and dipped his head in greeting.

"I'd like to apologise for my past actions, the one's not triggered by the war and my role." It was used as an opening, a heavy one at that. Harry would have expected, or maybe more likely would have hoped for, empty pleasantries to ease them into the conversation.

"I understand why you hated him. At least to a certain extent. I'm sorry for looking in your pensieve, I had no right. I only proved your thoughts of me were true." It was a start on both of their parts, a start washed down by a large swig of their respective drinks.

The day went on in much the same stilted way. They didn't have much in common and a lot of animosity in the past. But they both tried. Severus asked Harry about his life beyond the war.

"I have Teddy. I didn't realise how much I wanted to be a parent until I took him on full term. But it isn't half stressful, even leaving him with his grandmother, I just want to make sure he's okay. But still, I'm returning for my final year repeat. I think 'Mione would disown me if I didn't." Surprisingly the man had chuckled at that.

"Yes, I remember Miss Granger being very... dedicated to her studies. I'm sure Mr. Weasley doesn't share her enthusiasm." Harry smirked at that.

"Actually, he's very gung-ho about it. He's determined to be an Auror, he's had a taste of saving people and he wants to continue on. I don't know what he's going to do about potions though." Harry somehow found it easier to talk now that the conversation had moved onto safer topics such as future plans and his friends, they were certainly less scary than the past. Severus tipped his head to the side.

"And what about you Harry? What are your plans past finishing Hogwarts?" It was a valid question for the ever-curious mind, especially when that curious mind was his father.

"I'm not entirely sure, to be honest Severus. After facing Voldemort, I definitely don't want to be an Auror, I've had enough of being the hero to last me a lifetime. If I can get the grades, then I think I'd like to become a healer. I still want to help people, just not in the frontline. My biggest priority at the minute is Teddy, I just want him to be happy." They fell into momentary silence once again, the conversation stilted, ebbing and flowing. It was a few long moments before Snape replied.

"Your mother wanted to be a healer once as well. But she was terrible around blood, about fainted if she merely cut herself shaving. She'd have fared much better if she hadn't insisted on doing it the muggle way." There was a fond smile on the man's face, one that was unfamiliar to Harry.

"What did she want to do after that?" He had heard so much about James, abut his father. And then the man wasn't even his father, and he knew precious little about his mother.

"When we were young, she lived near me, she wanted to be a bus driver, that way she could wave at all the other bus drivers. But no, before she realised she was pregnant with you she wanted to work with animals. She wasn't sure how, or where, just that she wanted to work with animals." Harry smiled at the idea. He wished he had had the chance to know his parents as he was growing up. But he hadn't. And so, one was gone, and the other he had his chance with now.

"I'm still not sure about this whole thing, but I do want to get to know you. I just wish that I had had the chance to know my mother." Snape nodded solemnly.

"There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about her. "

And for an afternoon, they had made good headway. They left it on the bittersweet note, not wanting to push it too far, too soon.

Harry was glad to be home though, Teddy sat gurgling in Andromeda's arms as she sent a shower of sparks through her wand. It was highly amusing to watch Teddy's hair changing colour in order to match the bright sparks flying above him.

Andromeda noticed Harry standing there a few seconds later, she sent him a small smile, but her attention was firmly on Teddy.

"There was a letter come, Toby left it in the kitchen. I can watch him while you read it if you want." Harry could guess who the letter was from, and he knew Andromeda would appreciate the time with her grandson, so with a kiss to Teddy's head, Harry left to go through to the kitchen.

As he had expected the letter on the table was addressed to him in the now familiar, excessively neat handwriting of Narcissa Malfoy. He smiled fondly down at it as he opened it.


I don't even know where to begin this time. Your last letter infuriated me. Dumbledore, as your magical guardian, should have ensured, in lieu of your Godfather, you were homed where you were safe and well-cared for. The implications that you were neglected, and quite possibly abused, disgusts me. What makes it worse, is that he probably sprouted some bullshit about it being the only place you were safe. If he were still alive, I promise you he wouldn't be for much longer. As such, I promise you my boy, those muggles will not go unpunished.

You may not be neither a Malfoy nor Black by blood, but only a truly foolish person would mess with a ward of both houses!

Alas, there is much else I would like to discuss in your previous letters, if it would be amenable to you, I would like to do it over lunch sometime this week. I feel it is only right that I meet face to face with the boy I have come to love and care for almost as much as my own Dragon. But in case you decide you would rather keep our relationship over letters, can I say I will be forever thankful for you to reuniting myself and Andy, or giving her the confidence to get in touch.

I am free the Day after tomorrow for most of the day, I would be most pleased if you could come. Please do not hesitate to bring Teddy if you are unable to make alternative arrangements. I'd be most pleased to meet him.



Harry wasn't sure if he was ashamed to say it or not, but by the end of the letter he was crying. It wasn't conventional, not by a long shot, and it was bloody weird that the person was his school-rivals mother. But he understood, he understood because he cared as well. He wanted this as much as she seemed to. He didn't even think before sending the reply. He would be there.

When Harry returned to the lounge, Andromeda gave him a concerned look.

"Is everything alright Harry?" Harry nodded.

"Everything's fine, I just got a little emotional over an offer." At this Andromeda gave him a suggestive smirk, the look reminding him of Sirius, showing her Black roots. His eyes widened at what she was suggesting. "Eww, no. Not that kind of offer. An offer for lunch with your sister." Well that definitely sounded like a story. Andromeda scooted over on the sofa to make room for the younger man.

"And why, pray tell, is Cissa inviting you of all people for dinner?" It was definitely a valid question, especially considering that he had told no one about the letters going back and forth between them. They may have made some head way on building her relationship with her sister, but understandably it was still rocky. When she had mentioned who gave her the courage to reconnect with her sister and Nephew, Cissa had made no comment on her current correspondence with the boy.

And so, he told her what had occurred, about his stress over Hermione, and how he'd sent that letter, and how she'd replied, and they'd gone back and forth over the past month, nearly once a day a letter was in Harry's hand. How they'd given him comfort. And then how she had seemed to care as well, and finally the dinner.

"Cissa always did have too big a heart. It broke mine when mother married her off to Lucius. The only good thing that came out of that union was young Draco. Now that she cares, you're stuck with her." But that didn't seem like a bad thing to Harry. It sounded like a wonderful thing.

Harry was on tenterhooks from the letter all the way up to Sunday. A part of him was worried it would become awkward in real life, but a bigger part of him just wanted to meet her face to face. She had done so much for him with mere words, he'd never felt truly cared for by an adult before. Well not anyone that was still alive at any rate. I mean of course, technically, he had Snape now. But that was too new, forced upon them by a letter, and a secret from the past. But this with Narcissa had been natural, forged from a desire to feel close to someone who didn't already have preconceived notions.

And so, on Sunday, he had prepared Teddy for his first trip outside of the house. The boy had looked so excited as he had been wrapped up in his outside hat and they had taken a train into greater London. From there he had gone through to the Wizarding district where Narcissa was now living. The little townhouse was still opulent, decorated tastefully, but was more intimate, and welcoming than Malfoy Manor could ever hope to be.

He had barely knocked on the grand oak door when it was pulled open. He had been expecting a house elf, or maybe even Narcissa herself. What he had not prepared himself for was her son, Draco Malfoy. The boy looked more comfortable than Harry had ever seen in 7 years of knowing him. His features were relaxed, his feet bare on the plush carpet, hair unwaxed or styled. And most shockingly of all was the pair of muggle jeans that he wore. Pureblood wizards would rather be dead than caught in a muggle item of clothing, or at least that's what Harry thought. Draco's face had twisted into shock at the sight at his front door.

"Potter, what are you doing here?" Even the way he spoke lacked its usual bite, as if it was an effort that he now deemed pointless. There was no sneer, just pure curiosity.

"Lunch?" It came out as a question, his fears of awkwardness resurfacing.

"So, you're the poor soul my mother has been writing to? Interesting. Well I suppose you'd better come in then." The Draco Malfoy, Harry was used to would have put up a fight at his school-nemesis turning up for dinner, at any kind of amicable relationship between Harry and his mother. This Draco didn't though, he just led Harry through, directing the surprised man to remove his shoes on the way in.

"He's my Cousin's kid, right?" Ah, Harry had forgotten there was a familial link between his Godson and Narcissa. They were all Black by blood.

"Yeah, do you want to hold him?" The blonde looked awkwardly at the boy. And then he nodded. Harry found himself smiling, this new Draco was likable, kind in a way the boy he had been never been. He was tender when taking Teddy from Harry, their eyes meeting in a flush of heated skin as their arms just brushed over each other.

It was like that, that Narcissa found them. Her own son holding Teddy as her 'adopted' son looked on with a tender look on his face. She just stood for a second in the doorway, plans forming in her head. If the woman had her way, Harry definitely would not end up with the Weasel. She took a photo of the scene with her camera that she took everywhere before she made her presence known. Both boys looked up at her.

"Lunch shall not be ready for another half an hour or so, that allows us to adjourn to the lounge for a glass of scotch for a short while." Draco passed Teddy back to Harry, he felt comfortable with him while stationary bit didn't trust himself while moving. In another life Draco would never have gotten the chance to know his second cousin, yet he was surprisingly grateful for this chance.

Harry followed both Draco and Narcissa into the drawing room, taking the least fancy chair he could find. The Malfoy home was beautiful, feeling more homely than what he remembered of Malfoy Manor, then again he didn't imagine Voldemort added to the feeling of home for anyone. Likewise, both Draco and Narcissa seemed to be more comfortable in its surroundings, as if it was home rather than just a house.

Harry took the scotch from the Malfoy matriarch gratefully, one arm supporting Teddy easily after this much time. He took a sip, letting the burn take away what was left of his nerves.

"Tell me Harry, has young Mr. Weasley continued on his quest to date you?" Harry blushed lightly, both at the inquisitive look Draco was giving him and the nature of the question in general. It was one thing to talk about his dating life in letters, another thing completely to face it head on.

"Not as of yet, it's been a while since we moved in so I can only assume he found better options." He sent her a sheepish grin. He wasn't too disappointed about the loss, he wouldn't want to date a Weasley, they were too much like family to risk if anything went wrong, not to argue that Charlie wasn't attractive though.

"It is unbecoming of your status to suggest he had found better options, consider him having found worse options." Harry chuckled at that, finally relaxing, surprised that he found it just as easy to talk to Narcissa in person as he did in their letters.

"Which Weasley? Mother said Mr. so it can't be the Weaselette?" Draco cowered slightly under his mother's reproachful look but kept his eyes trained on Potter curiously, nonetheless.

"Ah Charlie. Never really met him before excepting in passing at Bill's wedding. Didn't even know he was that way inclined, from the way Ron spoke thought he was too enamored with his dragons to bother with human relationships." He shrugged with one shoulder, careful not to jostle a sleeping Teddy.

Draco's eyes widened. "I didn't know you were that way inclined. Between Weaselette and was it… Chang? I'd never have guessed." Harry didn't seem to mind the questioning, especially when it became obvious Draco was merely curious rather than judgmental.

"Never really had time to explore it during school, really did I? Post-war when I had a little more time to relax, realized my interest really wasn't where I thought it was. Kind of glad it's a little more accepted more here than in the muggle world." Again, he shrugged that one arm shrug, an action that caught Draco's eye. He waved his wand at a nearby side-table, and where it once stood was now a beautiful crib.

"Me too Potter, me too." Draco smirked at the wide eyes he received in response before gesturing to the crib, "Here, you may as well put him down if he's sleeping." Harry gratefully put the babe down, he may be a strong man, but it didn't mean he wasn't grateful for the relief from a surprisingly heavy baby.

Narcissa smirked from her corner, amused that maybe she wouldn't have to do as much meddling as she first anticipated. Then again, she always knew that for her Dragon the animosity was less hatred and more pride and his place in the war. Something she'd never have told Lucius; he would surely be rolling in his grave to see the choices both his wife and heir were making.

"Come children, let us go to the dining room, the food should be about ready." Harry didn't take Teddy out of the crib, merely levitated the basket next to him, eating with a babe in arms was never convenient.

He was surprised by the dining room; it wasn't as big as he was expecting. In fact, the modest table only had 6 chairs around it. He waited for direction before taking a seat, not wanting to impose in any way. They sat at the end of the table closest to the kitchens, Narcissa looking regal at the head, Draco taking the seat to her left and Harry being directed to the seat to her right. The chair next to Harry was vanished from the room, giving the man space to put the crib where he could reach it easily. They sat in companionable silence as they waited for the starter to come, Harry wished the silence would have lasted a bit longer.

"As I mentioned in my last letter, I wanted to discuss some things from your previous letter in person. Of course, I understand if you wish that conversation to be a little more private," She gave a pointed look towards her son, who was looking intrigued at best, "But rest assured Mr. Potter the conversation shall occur."

Harry swallowed thickly, his soup no longer sliding down his throat. He looked between mother and son, the worst Draco could do was take his story to the papers, and yet he felt sure the other man would stoop so low. He almost laughed, his 12-year-old self would have looked horrified at him dining with the Malfoys, trusting them even.

"There's not much to tell honestly." He gave his acquiescence to the topic with the words he didn't say. Narcissa rose an eyebrow but nodded nonetheless, she sent a look to her own son in warning. Even if he had intended to take the news elsewhere, he had enough healthy respect for his mother to know it wouldn't end well for him.

"Very well, I understand it's customary for children to take on chores in a number of households? How did the system work with your muggle household? When did you start, what were you paid?" Harry took a large spoon of soup to avoid the question a little longer.

"I was given my first chore at 4, I had to do the washing up, I had to stand on one of the kitchen chairs to reach the sink," he whispered the next part, not wanting to share the full truth with the Malfoy's, "I was paid with a full meal, otherwise I was just given scraps, whatever they had left over."

Narcissa sucked in a breath, her hands steepening on the table in disapproval.

"And by the time you left for Hogwarts? During your summers? What responsibilities did you take on then? And what was your reward?"

"I did most of the household chores by that time, during school days Aunt Petunia would take the dusting, but I would have to do the rest of the cleaning, washing up and cooking. It was my job to do the gardening when the summer came around. They didn't reward me per se, but I was given Dudley's second bedroom when my Hogwarts letter came, for a while at least."

Narcissa could feel her blood pressure rising, all that was not something an 11-year-old boy should be doing.

"And what about punishment? What happened when you misbehaved? How did they react to your accidental magic? And finally, where exactly did you sleep most of the time?" Harry shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He had known it had been wrong, but it felt worse now having to tell it, especially when his school rival was listening in with horrified fascination.

"When I was young, I was punished by a clip round the ear, sent to my room and denied a meal. It didn't get much worse as I got older, same thing except the clip round the ear was replaced by whatever chore I'd messed up. The iron was the worst, I wasn't the best as ironing and the heat was pretty bad," He shrugged as if it was nothing, in a way it was to him. It was the norm in his childhood, "I think the accidental magic scared them, I only had a few bouts but whenever it happened Uncle Vernon would try and beat it out of me, if it was Petunia she'd just lock me in my room for two or three days, less food than usual and just enough water to avoid dehydration. I spent most of my childhood sleeping in the cupboard under the stairs, Dudley needed the second bedroom for all his left-over toys." He looked at his plate as he finished, too ashamed to look up.

Narcissa was fuming, her blood boiling, there had been suggestions in Harry's letter that he'd had a less than stellar upbringing, certainly not one befitting his status, but this went beyond that, this was abuse, pure and simple.

"Did you ever tell anyone in authority?"

"I told Dumbledore, I don't think that I quite told him everything, but enough, and he said that I had to stay because of the protection Petunia gave from the shared blood. Fred and George came and rescued me once, they always tried their best to send me home with food during the summer, but Molly always thought they were over-reacting."

Their lunch had arrived by now, though none present were that focused on actually eating.

"I am so very sorry Harry for what you have been put through both in our world and the muggle world," She placed her hand over his, she was sure he hadn't yet noticed his own tears, "That kind of sacrifice, that protection, that only holds because of love. You were no safer at your home than with the Weasleys, or Grimmauld. I would argue, you were less safe there. Dumbledore would have known that too." Dumbledore may no longer be here to be held accountable, but she would make damn sure those despicable muggles were punished. Maybe not the boy, merely a product of his upbringing, but he would be educated on proper decorum.

When Draco had heard the door knock two hours earlier, he would never have predicted to have a crying Harry Potter at his dining table. Let alone that he would find out so much about the man either. The man before him wasn't the same boy he had known in school, then again, he wasn't the same as he was back then, they had all had to grow up too soon. He had never imagined Potter had had the life that he had, between his upbringing and the war it was a wonder there was any man there left at all.

"I'm just glad Dudley grew up in the end, before I left for the final time he apologised. I don't ever want to see him again but I'm glad he realises his mistakes he'll make a good parent when the time comes." Harry laughed at the scoff from Draco, "Ron reacted the same way when I told him." Draco's look quickly became sour.

"One apology doesn't make up for years of mistakes!" Draco was adamant about that, he knew from his own guilt that words could rarely make things better.

"Which is why I don't wish to see him again, but the fact that he came to the conclusion he was wrong despite his upbringing shouldn't be ignored. It's hard to shake off the teachings of your upbringing."

"Maybe that lesson is enough punishment for the boy, but your relatives, I will see to it that they are appropriately punished." There was a steely glint in Narcissa's eyes at that, her upbringing as a Black shining through. Harry merely nodded, he didn't have the energy to argue her down, maybe he would try another time, or maybe the truth was that he didn't want to talk her round. Harry fished around in his mind for another topic.

"Are you returning back to Hogwarts to re-do your final year?" He directed the question at Draco, once he'd asked it, he found that he was generally curious.

"Despite some reservations yes, I think it will be good to associate Hogwarts back with my younger years when I felt safe rather than ruminating in the memories from when I was older." His eyes clouded over just slightly, and it hit Harry that no matter what side of the war people were on it was still going to be difficult returning to that place.

"I wasn't sure about returning either, it's going to be difficult with Teddy as it is. But Hogwarts, even in the darkest days, was more home than anywhere else ever was."

They had just about finished dessert by now, the sweet taste juxtaposed to the heavy conversation topic. Harry thought that would mean they'd adjourn to another room, but rather a small elf brought out a teaming tray of cheese and biscuits before offering everyone a selection of tea and coffee. Harry gratefully took a simple earl grey, the scent calming him.

"Harry, how have your meetings with Severus being going?" Harry screwed up his nose.

"It's weird. We actually find plenty of to talk about. I think it's only weird because we both have expectations or something. Y'know I spent my whole life wishing my parents were alive, I just never quite expected that wish to come true with a man who spent my whole life hating me, or at least pretending to. I wonder what my life would have been like, his even, if my mother had forgiven him for that one mistake. Everyone talks about how good my mother was, and I don't doubt in general she was, but she was cruel to Severus."

"Don't get lost in the what if's Harry. On one hand if your mother had revealed your true parentage then you could have been at greater risk, Severus would not have been able to develop into the spy that helped turn the tides of this war. Of course, I also agree she was cruel, Severus had few friends at Hogwarts as you very well know and losing both his lover and oldest friend to his rival over one singular mistake very much nearly destroyed him." Narcissa had a look in her eyes as if she was haunted by the memory in some respects.

Due to his silence as he listened with rapt attention, Narcissa and Harry had almost forgotten Draco was in the room. They quickly remembered when he injected their conversation incredulously.

"Uncle Sev is your biological father?"

"So he tells me. I don't know who was more surprised." The chuckle that Harry let out wasn't quite as amused as he was aiming for.

"I would never have expected that, that's one hell of a family secret." He seemed to think it over for a moment, "You're relatively comfortable here right? Your friends with my mum and we managed to not rip each other's throats out?" This time the laugh Harry let out was genuinely amused, his nod coloured with some curiosity with where the blond man was going with this. "How about, next time you're due to meet you come here for dinner, you'd both be in a comfortable setting and there'd be less pressure on forcing the relationship before you're both ready."

Harry was shocked to find that the idea actually had a large amount of credence, and even more that he liked the idea.

"As long as we wouldn't be imposing, I think I'd like that."

Draco sniffed, his nose in the air, but his slight smile and tone made it clear he was just messing around, "I wouldn't have offered otherwise, mother loves both you and Uncle Sev, and I suppose I can cope with you for a little longer Potter," He rose an eyebrow to himself before adjusting himself, "Or should that be Snape now?" Harry tried to hide the smile behind his annoyance, but amusement won out in the end.

"You could try calling me Harry instead." Draco merely nodded at him, and the rest of the visit was spent in strangely companionable conversation.

Harry had lost track of the time; his legs had long curled up into the comfy chair in the living room that Narcissa had led him to after Lunch. Narcissa had regaled both him and Draco with stories of her childhood, interlacing memories she had of Severus, James, Lily and Lucius in with them from her time at Hogwarts, she had even had the odd story of Sirius from when they were younger and he was still an accepted member of the Black family. It was an experience that Harry would not have traded for the world, everyone else had either told him the very worst or the very best of his parents, but he got a better idea of who they were as everyday people. The only other person who had given him such an impartial view had been Remus.

As if Teddy could tell that his father was being thought of, he started to scream, jolting Harry out of the strange trance that he had found himself. He scooped the babe up, rocking the child back and forth, he still grumbled but soothed mostly, his hair turning deep black when he noticed who had picked him up.

"Ah, Teddy inherited the Black gift I see." Narcissa had a weirdly proud look on her face as she watched her great nephew. Harry looked away from the baby to Narcissa.

"Yeah, he picked it up from Tonks. I never quite know what he's going to look like from one moment to the next." The baby started to fuss a little more, so Harry looked a little apologetically at both Narcissa and Draco, "I should get him home, he'll need feeding and readying for bed soon," He looked at the watch on his wrist, his eyebrows rising in surprise, "Ah it will be past his bedtime by the time I get him sorted, I hadn't realised how late it had gotten."

Narcissa laughed airily at him, rising at his desire to go home. "Here I'll lead you to the Floo. I'll be in touch soon about Draco's suggestion of dinner on Friday. I'm sure Severus will agree out of pure surprise when he discovers our friendship." She sent him a conspiring grin which he returned easily. The walk to the floo was easy and when they reached it she placed a kiss first to Teddy's head who squirmed happily in Harry's arms before placing a kiss to Harry's cheek in goodbye, "You'll still have to wait for permission to enter, but you'll be able to call any time you wish. However, things occur with you and Severus, know that I at least consider you family." Harry stepped through the floo with tears in his eyes and a smile on his face. It took all of half an hour to prepare Teddy for bed and both him and the boy fell straight to sleep.

That next morning Narcissa floo called Severus. Surprisingly he looked like he had not long woken up when he answered, his hair was plastered to his face from a shower, his eyes weary and by the bare shoulders she could see then he had yet to finish getting dressed.

"Cissa what can I do for you today?" She grinned a coy grin.

"You will come for dinner on Friday, won't you?" She had to keep the grin off her face as he narrowed his obsidian eyes at her.

"Narcissa, you know that's when I meet with Harry." His voice was stern, though no real malice in his voice yet, he cared about her too much to dare.

"Harry is invited as well of course." Severus closed his eyes as if to centre himself and stop from snapping at the woman.

"I hardly think dinner with his school rival will warm him up to me anymore." This time Narcissa did not hide her grin.

"On the contrary, when Draco suggested it just yesterday, Harry thought it was a good idea, and he did so seem to enjoy Mimsy's cooking." Severus pursed his lips, a mix of confusion and disapproval in his eyes.

"And just why exactly was Harry Potter dining with you and Draco, Cissa dear?"

"He wanted a mother's guidance, he sent me a letter out of what I think was desperation at the time, our contact continued, and I became to care for him as a second son over the period. I invited him for lunch, Draco was meant to be going to Blaise's, but their plans were cancelled, luckily it didn't end drastically." She could see the sadness in Severus's eyes, the knowledge that his dear friend was seen as more of a parent to his son that he was.

"He trusts you?" She smiled softly at him, nodding just once.

"I believe so. Give it time Severus, he needs time to make peace that the Professor Snape he knew is now his father."

"He didn't have an easy upbringing Severus, I promised him retribution, are you in?" Her smile turned from understanding to downright malicious. He rose an eyebrow, wondering, yet also not wanting to know. He trusted Narcissa though to have not made this up so merely nodded once.

After her call with Severus she floo called Harry, he met her on the other end with a bright smile, Teddy must have slept well though the night as he looked well rested and she could hear the child babbling in the background. She gave Harry the details for dinner on Friday, a few short days away, she specifically failed to mention her plans for tomorrow. He had not argued when she had suggested it at lunch, she was not going to give him the chance to now.

She spent her day planning her retribution, she would have to be underhanded, there was limitations on her wand that triggered from harm, but she was almost positive she could circumvent most of them by a mixture of using her own spells that were not officially categorised by the ministry and channelling said spells with her protective feelings towards Harry rather than her mal-intent towards the muggles. She guessed Severus would have his own tricks up his sleeve, she knew he had been a skilled spell creator back in the day.

She woke up the next day and dressed for the occasion. Of course, one would argue there was no particular dress for muggle torture, but she found it nonetheless. Every item of clothing she wore was a complementary shade of black, she was going to a funeral was she not, she curled her hair, so it bounced at her shoulders, makeup heavier that she usually favoured. Each part on their own had their place, but together she looked as Dark as the other Wizard's always believed her to be. Aunt Walburga would surely be proud. To finish her ensemble, she placed her singular stereotypical witches' hat atop her head, she knew that more than any other part of her look, that would be the one to intimidate the muggles most.

She stepped down for breakfast, Draco was already at the table, devouring a plate of pancakes as a man starved. His manners swiftly returned upon hearing his mother enter, and a blush flooded his cheeks. She smiled softly at her son, ruffling his hair as she went to her own seat.

"Good morning Draco, Mimsy has done a good job with the pancakes by the looks of it." She had laughter in her eyes as Draco looked back up at her, a look that only increased as Draco's eyes widened at her get up.

"Mother, that's a beautiful dress, what's the occasion?" She smirked at her young Dragon.

"Half of intimidation is the look. Those vile muggles will never be the same again." Draco nodded, accepting his mother was intent on retribution. He never would have predicted even a year ago that Harry Potter would be second only to himself in his Mother's affections, but after hearing the man's story he did not begrudge him her guidance as much as he imagined he would.

They had barely finished their breakfast when Severus stepped through the floo, his robes seemingly billowier than ever. Draco did not miss the look of appreciation in his Godfather's eyes as he took in his mother. Draco did his best to hide his smirk as he returned his Godfather's welcoming nod.

"Ready to leave, Narcissa?" She nodded with a smirk on her face. She ignored the grimace on Draco's face as she kissed his cheek before taking Severus's arm and letting him apparate her to the address that he knew Harry had been kept at in his childhood. Narcissa had not been expecting this monotony. Every house looked like the one next to it, gardens manicured, net curtains keeping the worst of the light out, glows of televisions spreading out just so from the windows. She could not imagine Harry Potter growing up here, it seemed to lack all things that made being alive living. Still, she kept her arm linked with Severus's and let him lead her to an oak door labelled by a plain black metal 4 nailed to it.

He knocked twice, each a little sharper than the next. From inside a booming voice called, "Get the door, Dudders." And seconds later they were faced with a boy somewhere passed overweight but just short of morbidly obese, his hair was as dark as Harry's but kept a little tidier than the wizard had ever managed. He looked at the two strangers on his doorstep with recognition and worry before stepping outside and closing the door behind him.

"Is Harry okay? Is your war over?" Narcissa narrowed her eyes at the boy, appreciating the shudder she received in response, it was obvious to her that this was the cousin Harry had spoken of. Just because he was a product of his upbringing and Harry had forgiven him from a simple apology, it did not mean she would be so giving. She inclined her head.

"The war has been over for some weeks now, Mr Potter proved victorious. His physical ailments are cured, I can say less for the scarring in his mind. It has come to my attention that not all his mental suffering came as a result of the war." The boy bit his lip. Shame flooding his face as long as worry, as well as a certain amount of indignation.

"I'm not going to argue with you, Ma'am, my actions were wrong growing up and my parent's worse. However, I think it is rich you come now, what about all those times you were meant to be watching over him, you never cared then." Narcissa narrowed her eyes at him, her wand thrust at his neck.

"There should have never been anything to worry about you insolent boy, I was not in the position to care for Harry before the war, but I am the first person he has willingly told that has cared enough to act. I ensure you, if it wasn't for the fact they were already dead those responsible for Harry's continued presence in this house would be meeting the wrong end of my wand. It is considered less than clever to mess with a ward of the Malfoy's." Both she and Severus felt the jolt of magic as she accepted Harry officially into the family, she had already accepted him in her heart and now she had accepted him with her magic too. Severus rose his eyebrows at her, a small barely noticeable smile on his face.

"Are you going to kill us?" There was genuine fear in the boy's voice. He knew that tone, knew the ferocity of a mother protecting her kin, even if his mother had never quite used it in the correct ways. Narcissa removed the wand from the boy's neck and stepped back.

"No, I would never get away with murder since the restrictions placed on my wand, I'm also sure Harry would not look too kindly on such final actions. Likewise, he pled your innocence, you do not get between me and my wand and you will be fine. As for your parents, there are things worse than death Mr Dursley and I am a very creative witch." The boy swallowed.

"When you see him, thank him for the kindness, I imagine if it was left to him no action would have been taken at all. I know you've already shown more kindness than you truly wanted to, but will you let me leave to my fiancée first. I know why you're taking this action, but they're still my parents and I can't listen to them tortured." She sympathised with the boy to an extent, she knew Lucius was not a good man, it had not made it any easier to see him dead at her feet.

"Very well, pack your belongings and I will apparate you to a destination of your choice. Keep in mind Mr Dursley, the same blood that gave both your aunt and cousin their magic also runs in your blood, it would not be unsurprising if the gift showed up in your offspring. I pray that you have learned enough from your childhood not to squash such a gift." Dudley nodded, he had come to similar conclusion, between that and a well-meaning mentor in his final year of schooling he had managed to form a better life for himself. With a change of heart came guilt though and he was glad to hear of Harry coming through the war intact.

He told his parents it was just door-to-door sellers who had nocked, unsurprisingly his parents had grumbled before he told them that he was going to return to Alyssa's for tonight. It was not unsurprising, he only spent so much time at his home as to not anger his mother anymore. His mother did not know he owned his own home with Alyssa, she thought his fiancée still lived with her parents. He had yet to tell his parents about their first grandchild that was due, he wondered after this if he ever would.

The apparation, as the witch had called him, made him feel queasy, but he ignored the feeling, thanked the witch and went to find his fiancée, trying desperately not to think about what was about to happen to his parents as the domineering witch disappeared from his bathroom.

Severus waited until Narcissa was back by his side before opening the door in front of them. Cissy would never forgive him if she started the fun without him. It was easy to find both culprits by following the sound of the television through to the sitting room. Where Dudley had looked like a boy trying to overcome his weight problem, Vernon had clearly accepted his condition, his body taking up his seat of the couch and spilling further past that, his polar opposite of a wife, physically at least, was cradled under his arm, watching some mindless dribble on the television. Petunia looked much the same and very different simultaneously to the girl that Severus had known.

Neither Petunia nor Vernon realised they had intruders at first, but when they did Petunia jumped away from them in alarm. Vernon followed her terrified gaze, his face going an unsavoury shade of red, his eyes narrowing as he heaved himself from the couch.

"Now listen hear you freaks, the boy is an adult now, he has nothing to do with us. We want nothing to do with your sort." Snape sneered, the sound seemed to have caught Petunia's attention and instead of just seeing a witch and wizard, her mind caught on to who the wizard was.

"Severus! Age doesn't become you." The sneer grew, Vernon looking confusedly between his wife and the wizard before him.

"Tunie, it hasn't been long enough." His sneer had somehow increased.

"You know this freak, Pet?" Her husband looked positively sick.

"He was the one who introduced Lily to their freakishness. He lived down the road from us." She gave her explanation to her husband before turning back towards their visitors, "What are you doing here Severus. Vernon is right, we want nothing to do with your kind."

"You disgust me, I knew you were always jealous of Lily's gifts, but to abuse your own nephew!" Petunia crossed her hands over her chest, her eyes narrowing.

"No one asked us if we wanted this. He was left on our doorstep with a note telling us my sister was dead. We never wanted more than one child." Narcissa spoke up for the first time, a fire in her eyes.

"He was just a baby! A small boy he had no choice in this either. There is never any excuse to do what you did to that child."

"No one cared before. You can't just come into our home and attack us for something you never cared about before." Narcissa whipped out her wand, her patience thinning.

"I've only known Harry for a short time, I don't know if I'm more disgusted at you or the fact that I am the first to do something about it. But I assure you, you won't get away with what you've done." The man flared up again like a walrus ready to attack, but her wand was already in her air, chanting every plan she'd come with. They'd live, but they would never be the same again. When she was done, she spit on their trembling bodies, her curses barely even beginning to take effect, and grabbed Severus' arm to apparate them out there. She imagined Severus had added his own curses, but she had been too caught up in her own righteous anger to take notice.

Her Dragon was still in the dining room when she arrived home and she pulled him into a hug as soon as they got back. Some people did not deserve children, she was glad that despite the war around them her boy had turned out well.

Friday turned around quickly. A lot of time went quickly when you had a newborn child Harry was finding, they always needed something, and when they did not need something, other stuff needed doing. Between Andy and Kreacher's help he wasn't finding it too bad, if anything, despite the tiredness, he was really enjoying himself.

Harry did not lie to himself; he was much more looking forward to Narcissa's company than his own father's but hoped that her presence might build some bridges between the two men. He stepped through his floo, calling to the manor. Once again it was Draco who permitted him entrance. Harry was surprised by the man's casual appearance, he expected him to always dress to impress, even if it was in his own home. Harry could not complain too much though, the casual attire clearly suited the aristocrat.

"Harry," They shared a smirk as they flashbacked to their previous conversation, "It's good to see you again. Mother and Uncle Severus are already in the dining room." Harry swallowed once, stepping next to the other man letting him lead him through the manor, one visit was not enough for him to properly get the layout.

"I haven't left you waiting too long, have I? I know Andromeda is more than capable of dealing with Teddy, but I hate leaving him when he's fussing." He rubbed his hand along the back of his neck, his small smile positively sheepish.

"Don't worry about it, Severus not long arrived, no baby as an excuse either. At least I imagine not." Both boys shared a funny look at that, neither could imagine the dour man with a small child.

"I never thought I'd see the day where Potter and Malfoy could have a civil conversation." Draco rolled his eyes at his Godfather, leading Harry to their set seats.

"Don't worry, he's still a prat." The tone in Harry's voice made it clear he was joking, pulling a small laugh from both Narcissa and Draco.

"Back at you, Scarhead." Harry would never have imagined he could hear that nickname without immediately jumping on the defensive, but instead he merely smirked back at his old rival.

"By Merlin, Narcissa, what monster have you created?" He looked worriedly between his Godson and biological son. The woman he directed his question towards slapped his arms lightly, an indulgent look in her eyes.

"Leave them be Severus. Would you prefer they were still fighting?" Severus shrugged but gave no verbal reply, his chastised look giving his answer for him. Justified, Narcissa turned her attention to Harry, "How are you? I hope your week has been enjoyable." Harry focused a bright smile on Narcissa.

"I've been well thanking you Narcissa. I think Teddy is starting to teethe, he's been a little more restless than usual. I'm looking forward to next week when Hogwarts starts back up, though settling Teddy will be interesting."

"Hmm yes, teething is never fun, for child nor parent. But hopefully it won't be too difficult for him. I imagine settling Teddy in will be easier than you anticipate, between your friends returning and Minerva's aid you will be more than fine."

"After some cajoling from Minerva I was convinced back to my teaching role, so I will be able to assist if needed." Harry looked at Snape surprised. He did not imagine the man actually enjoyed teaching, especially not to be talked into it by Minerva against his will.

"You don't hate teaching?" The man in question rolled his eyes.

"Not as much as you might imagine. Maybe the students might enjoy my teaching methods a little more outside of the war efforts." Harry blushed, feeling like he'd been chastised without explicitly having used the words. He merely nodded in response, thankful for the House Elf that plopped into the room with their meals. He thanked the creature, inexplicably he still missed Dobby.

Draco had been right, having Harry and Severus meet on mutual ground seemed to open some of their barriers, and some they weren't willing to cross, his mother deftly pushed them over with her guiding words. He would be foolish to think that it would be an easy relationship, but maybe it wasn't as hopeless as he initially believed when he first heard the truth during that lunch just a few days ago.

"Do the Weasel and Granger know about this… Development?" He chose his words carefully, not quite sure what to describe the knowledge of Harry's parentage.

"I haven't seen them all that often, 'Mione wanted to make the most of the time during summer with her parents, and all the Weasleys are crowding around George." Harry shrugged at the end, "I'll tell them when we get back."

"Please tell them when I'm around, I'd love to see Weasel's face." Harry did not bother to respond, merely rolling his eyes at the blond.

Harry felt distinctly more comfortable with Severus now, would even consider him a friend to a certain extent, but no matter how hard he tried, he could not see the man as his father. Part of him didn't want to, he had gone his whole life, 18 years believing that James Potter was his father. He had idolised both his parents, but if it was true about Severus being his father then it threw both out of favour. He already knew his father was not an angel, but could forgive him for his elder self, because he shared blood, but his mother he had believed infallible to an extent, no one had ever had a bad word to say about her, but letting someone else, your own enemy, raise your son as his own was undeniably cruel.

Nevertheless, he left that dinner calmer than he had yet to leave any particular dinner with Snape. There had been stories of his grandparents, sparse as they were, they focused more heavily on his grandmother, and stories of Severus' own childhood, his friendships with Narcissa and Lily, little titbits that went to warm his heart and flesh out the stories. Despite feeling more comfortable with Severus, he still knew he would turn to Narcissa for his emotional comfort. He trusted her more with his heart at this point.

When he stepped back through the floo, Andromeda was sat on the couch in Grimmauld place, Teddy absentmindedly playing with strands of her wild hair. She sent Harry an amused glance as he stumbled on exit.

"Lunch went well I trust?" Harry plopped down next to Andromeda, pulling a funny face at Teddy as he turned to face the man, his eyes crinkled as the small metamorphagus turned his eyes emerald in greeting.

"It was nice. It was weird, but in a pleasant way, hearing about their childhood. I think Draco enjoyed it too." Andromeda nodded.

"As long as your studies do not get in the way, maybe it is worth making a family lunch so to speak a regular occurrence. It could be good for you all and I know Cissa would never turn down a chance to put a lunch on."

"That's a really good idea. You should come next time as well." She nodded sagely, it would definitely be an experience, and truth be told she missed her little sister.

The final week before Hogwarts began went strangely, both quickly and slowly. Andromeda was over more often, knowing that while she would still see Teddy it would surely be less often. He had Floo called with Narcissa once or twice, happy to know that she agreed to put on a lunch for them all once a month. The beauty of being an 8th year at Hogwarts was the greater freedom awarded to them, they were allowed to leave more than just Hogsmeade weekends and allowed to go anywhere they wished.

Finally, the Saturday rolled around. Everyone else would be arriving tomorrow for the feast, with lessons beginning officially on the Monday. McGonagall had suggested him arriving a day early, when all the teachers arrived, in order to better settle Teddy. Harry agreed with her idea but doubted it would only take a day to settle a baby barely half a year old. Andromeda was around to help Harry ensure he had everything for Hogwarts.

Harry did not fail to miss the disappointed look when it was confirmed that he did, in fact, have everything he needed.

This was originally just going to be a one shot that was based on a Tumblr post that I read a few years ago, and yet as I carried on writing, more words were just pulled from my mind. As such I'm going to split this into 2 separate parts. This first part is based directly after the war and focuses on creating the relationships, the second part will be based in their eighth year and will further develop these relationships.