I did a crossover!

I've been wanting to for years, but nothing's ever really stuck around long enough to get anything substantial done. But now there's this. :)

Anyway, this Doctor is post Clara, but before meeting up with River in the Husbands of River Song. And Susan is about a year after she lost her siblings. My head canon for her age is that she's twenty.

So, I don't own Narnia or Doctor who, but I hope you enjoy this fic. ;)

Make A Wish

Chapter One

She stood barefoot upon the shores of Venician 3, staring out at the setting sun. Red, pink, and orange hues were splayed before her, along with green, brown, blue and purple ones that she never would have seen on earth. Her toes were squished into the coral sand, the hem of her blue, chiffon dress lightly brushing the tops of her toes. Her shoes were held in one hand, a bottle in the other, and a bag was slung over her shoulder.

Looking down, Susan Pevensie stared at the bottle, a glass one with a curled up note in it. This planet… There was a legend that if your threw a bottle into the ocean at sunset with your deepest, most hidden wish upon it, then that wish would come true. Especially if the sky burned red for a second before the sun disappeared until the morning. That time was almost here. So, with the strongest lunge she could manage, she flung the bottle out to sea.

And ten minutes later, when the sun vanished, the sky burned red.

Smiling, Susan made her way back up to the resort where he was waiting for her. They were headed for Arkodian 7 after this, which they'd been trying to reach for the last two months. Not that she was complaining. She'd never regretted stepping into the TARDIS and travelling with The Doctor, and she never would. No matter the fact that she'd been chased, stabbed, almost trampled, thrown into prison, injected with alien poisons, and whatnot.

There's no way she'd trade this for the world.

Susan frowned slightly as she walked up the steps to the resort. There was actually one thing she'd trade this for, one thing, which she'd written on paper and sealed into that bottle. She wanted to go home. Not to earth, at least, not 1945 London, which she'd left behind. (and made the Doctor swear that he'd never take her back there again) But her true home. Narnia. Only thing was the Doctor, and even the TARDIS, had never heard of it.

"Did you make your wish?" the Doctor's voice startled her, and Susan realised that she was inside the resort now.

"Cast it out as far as I could," she told him, smiling up at him. "And the sky flashed red, too. Did you see that?"

The Doctor nodded and returned her smile. "Well, come on then," he said, holding a hand out to indicate towards the TARDIS. "Arkodian 7 awaits."

"Oh really?" she sassed him. "You mean like it awaited us this time? Or last time? Or how about that time when…"

"Alright, alright!" the Doctor grinned. "Somewhere awaits us."

Susan smirked and practically skipped back to the TARDIS. She stopped in the doorway and glanced back at him, where he was still standing. "Come on then, Doctor," she said, and disappeared inside.

Once in, she settled into a seat that was attached to the railing around the control panel, her favourite place to sit in the control room. The Doctor soon entered, inputting coordinates, flicking buttons, then pulling levers. The TARDIS jolted lightly as they set off, and Susan hummed softly to the sound of the engines.

In the sea of Venician 3 a hand reached up and grasped a bottle.

"So, where do you really think we'll end up this time?" Susan asked.

The seal was undone, the paper removed.

"No idea," the Doctor admitted with a grin. "But that's the best part, isn't it?"

Words were read, energies swirled.

"Absolutely," Susan grinned, and he grinned back.

'Your wish is GRANTED.'

The TARDIS convulsed violently, throwing Susan from her perch, and the Doctor into the console. Sparks flew as fuses blew, and the TARDIS began spinning out of control.

"Hang on to something!" the Doctor shouted.

"I am!" Susan yelled as she clung to the railing for dear life.

They were spinning and spinning and spinning, and Susan felt on the verge of throwing up. She swallowed hard even as she buried her head in the crook of her neck. The sound of the Doctor's sonic screwdriver reached her ears, he must have been attempting a manual shut-down or something. But then she heard a clatter, a small curse (that he'd once told her was a Gallifreyan curse) indicating he'd lost his hold on it.

And then suddenly they were crashing. Susan's grip threatened to loosen as she screamed, and also heard the Doctor crying out. Finally, she couldn't hold on anymore, and went flying into the side of the console, hitting the side of her head. She lay there dazed a moment, then everything went mercifully black.

It seemed like only a moment later that she opened her eyes. The TARDIS appeared to be stationary, and Susan blinked a few times before she sat up, looking around her. "Doctor?" she called, but there was no answer, so she stood and went looking for him.

He was outside. The TARDIS was on a beach, far removed from the one they had just left. The sand, for one, was a normal (to her) colour, and the water was blue, instead of silver. The sky was blue, the clouds white with hints of grey. Definitely not Venician 3, then.

"I don't suppose this is Arkodian 7," she said, lightly startling him.

"No," he said as he turned to her. "Not Arkodian 7. This is somewhere else. Somewhere I've never been."

"Somewhere, huh?" Susan said with a small grin, and the Doctor gave a small grunt of humour.

Susan turned back to stare out at the ocean, noting an island off in the distance. She breathed in the air, feeling a rejuvenating force fill her. She closed her eyes and could almost imagine it was Narnia. It was so easy to do here, and she got lost in it for a moment.

"Well then," the Doctor said, and Susan opened her eyes to look at him. "The TARDIS isn't going anywhere for awhile, she's making repairs. So, brand new world, no idea what we're about to walk into… Let's go meet the locals, shall we?"

He held out his hand, and with a grin, Susan took it.

So what did you think? Review please!