DISCLAIMER: I do not own PJATO or Avengers.


Percy was woken up by a rapping on the wall outside his doorway and a voice calling to take away his sleep. It took only a moment for him to remember his location and all the energy and excitement from the happenings of the day before returned, and he quickly shot out of his bed. His strange new clothes didn't seem to have a wrinkle in them so he figured they were good enough to go another round. The troupe of guards guided him through halls with walls packed tight with artistic depictions of past royalty and heroes from other times. They seemed to be carved into the marble of the wall forming one long history until it abruptly ended and the walls turned smooth. It wasn't much longer until he was ushered into a massive room with a great table.

Four figures sat in large chairs near one end. The one sat at the head of the table was Queen Amthra and she was surrounded by three mermaids who all bore a great resemblance to her. The two eldest he did not recognize but the third he recognized as Aereale who still had a tiara resting on her head.

"Leave us. Fharots, stay at the door." The queen spoke.

"Percy! You feel better now?" Aereale spoke up with her lilting, bubbly voice as she raised a utensil that closely resembled a fork to her mouth. Percy took a moment to notice that their chairs seemed perfectly designed to allow them to sit comfortably with their tails.

"Much. I can't thank you enough for the help you gave me yesterday." He bowed his head slightly to her as he smiled, causing his hair to fall forward into his face, coaxing a giggle out of the kind girl as he forced it back on top of his head.

"Please join us in our meal, Percy," Amthra spoke again, gesturing to the seat next to her youngest daughter, "And let me introduce you to my daughters. Steloe, my eldest, and Teera my second, and of course you already know Aereale."

Percy bowed his head in respect to both the daughters he did not know, "Nice to meet you both." He said before the queen took control of the conversation again.

"I thought this could be a good way to gain trust and learn more about each other's worlds. It is fascinating to learn of more than one reality. Especially one where the gods are still in power. But please, sit and eat as we speak." As she finished her words a servant floated through carrying a tray. She set down several plates of food in front of him.

"Thank you, Ghisele."

Percy sat down awkwardly in the strange chair, but once he was in it, he found it to be fully compatible to creatures with legs somehow. As he looked at the plates and utensils before him, Percy took in the strange food before him, and tentatively tried a bite of it, despite not wanting to insult the queen or her kitchen workers, Percy knew he was a picky eater, but it didn't matter because whatever the food was tasted like a fork full of Elysium, and he quickly took another bite.

"You told me yesterday you learned of the gods at the age of twelve, so i assume they are not as prominent as they were?" Amthra began her line of questioning. Percy swallowed heavily before replying.

"They are prominent, just hidden from the mortals. And they didn't often lay claim to their children until they were older." Percy continued to finally tell his story to other people who wouldn't chuck him into an insane asylum at his ramblings. The queen and her daughters sat enraptured at the tales he told as he ate an ungodly amount of what he was calling Elysium-on-a-Plate. Eventually he got to his drop into the water and finding Aereale. The four pairs of eyes were latched onto his face looking for any sign of deceipt, but Percy was innocently searching for more to eat, having not realized the affect his story had on his audience.

"You have been through a great many struggles throughout your life." Percy just nodded.

"So what about this place? 'Atlantis'. Are there more places like this?" He finished his last bite and sank a little further into his seat.

"There are several cities under the sea. When Atlantis fell, many of Poseidon's -ahem- illegitimate children lead their own families out to find shelter. Now their descendants lead." Percy's eyes locked onto the queen's.

"So Poseidon's you're great times-a-million grandad?" He asked with excitement.

"No, my husband was from his line."

"And he isn't... around anymore?"

"Not all the people under the sea have always been peaceful. My husband was one of the unfortunate victims of war, but his line lives on in our daughters' blood." Percy looked at the young girls differently. Now they were family to him.

"I'm sorry for your loss. The war is over now?"

"For now. A peace treaty was agreed upon recently, however the situation is balanced on the blade of a knife. Our kings' lives were traded for in the same bloodbath. Both peoples' spirits were brought low that day. We have been trying to deescalate, but there are voices on both sides still screaming for blood." Percy's eyes darkened as a shadow crossed his face, making him look much older than he was.

"Many people don't know the true realities of war."

"True. I am sorry to cut our time short once again, but I have many things to do today. Thank you for joining us for our morning meal, Percy." The queen very suddenly ended their conversation and stood up to leave the room. "Aereale could you and Fharots show Percy around the city, if he would like to of course." Aereale replied in her native tongue, saying yes.

"You would like to see the city, Percy?" She spoke in her slightly broken English.

"That would be great."


One Month Later:

As Percy slept, he was disturbed by a kind of dream he hadn't had in a long time. It was of a man with long black hair kneeling in front of an empty throne. Then the scene changed to nothing but fire and screams. A rainbow crashing into a desert leaving a crater and something sticking out in the middle of it. A giant robot crushing a smaller robot in its grip. A hammer meeting a shield causing an explosion that knocked him out of his dreamworld. Demigod dreams could be nasty but they were always useful, as long as they didn't drive the demigod to insanity. So far Percy had been able to keep himself glued together for the most part. He could tell his relaxation period was coming to a close, soon his new path would lay itself before his feet.

As he rose from his bed, strangely his dream made him feel better than he had in a while. He understood quests as much as he hated them. He had a job to do and there weren't many who could claim to be better at it than Percy. He looked around his room as a sigh escaped his lips. He would miss the room he had been given, when he had to leave. In the month Percy lived with these people, he had found another place he didn't want to leave. The trust he placed in them had been returned and he was to have his trident returned to him today. The queen had announced his presence to the general public one week into his stay, and he had been accepted and loved almost instantly, to the point that he knew there were some that worshipped him. He had that shut down quickly as amusing as it was, he knew that would never end well. He had been accepted by their military in training and was quickly placed into a position to train a good number of soldiers. Training time was some of his favorite, reminding him of his time with younger campers teaching them how to fight off monsters.

He was broken from his memories by a rapping on the door outside his door. His assigned guard, Ptero, walked in and, speaking in the harsh version of the merpeople's language said: "Good morning, milord, your breakfast will be here soon." And disappeared back behind the door. No matter what he couldn't avoid the titles thrown at him by underwater creatures, except turtles, no turtle had ever liked him for some reason. Percy stepped out of his bed and stretched his limbs out before picking out the clothes he wanted to wear for the day. The royal family had been kind enough to lend him their tailor who had studied the clothes he wore when he dropped into the ocean, so he would be able to wear clothes comfortable to him. Nothing he had was too flashy, but they were the most comfortable clothes he had ever worn, and he wouldnt change that for the world.

He walked out of his room into the same hall he had already traversed many times, studying the images etched into them.

"Ptero, what's for breakfast?" He knew they could all understand him, although none of them knew how.

"Same as always. You won't try anything new, milord." Ptero eyed Percy from the side.

"Not my fault it's only second to ambrosia and my mom's cookies." Percy sent a grin to his friendly guard.

"I suppose not."

When Percy was done with his breakfast, he moved into one of the many training rooms to workout by himself. It was one of the only times he felt like he could handle some of the thoughts that crossed his mind when he was alone, keeping his body active while his brain went hyperactive. He had gained a good amount of muscle in his time spent under the sea, having put at least twenty pounds of it on his body. He was in the middle of lifting ridiculously heavy weights when he was interrupted by a guard he didn't recognize.

"The queen has requested your presence." This guard had no formalities for Percy.

"I'll be in her throne room in ten minutes."

"Not the throne room. She has requested you to her private residence outside of the palace."

"Okay. Lead the way..." He trailed off, looking for a name that never came.

"Follow, and do not linger." Percy decided he much preferred Ptero even if he was a little too insistent on treating him like he was royalty.

He covered his bare chest with a hoodie and gestured for the guard to move. It was fifteen minutes later when Percy had a feeling in his gut that something was wrong. He was determined to ignore it, placing his queasy feeling on the bizzareness of the queen's random summons.

"Any idea why Amthra needs to see me so suddenly?" He asked in hope for the guard to put his nerves at ease.

"She didn't say." Came the stiff reply.

"Okay. Well, how far away is her private home?" This got no reply and Percy's unease grew tenfold, but he decided to let it all play out as it would. They were nearing what passed as the poorest side of the city, even though it seemed poverty wasn't a problem in the underwater city. Percy's suspicions rose with the doubts that the queen would ever live here. He had been expecting something isolated and close to the palace, but they were far away.

Percy stopped swimming.

"What are you doing? The queen needs to speak with you urgently." The guard spat out.

"We're not really going to see the queen are we though?" Percy's body relaxed as he got ready to fight.

"I was told you were quite foolish and childish. I will have to report whoever gave that false information." Fake, as Percy now called him, brandished his weapon, the same spear everyone of the guards wielded, in front of him, swishing his tail behind him in preparation. Percy was unarmed, as his trident was still locked away in the vault, but he just placed his fists in front of him, confidence in his ability never swaying.

"What is your name?" Percy asked as the opponents slowly circled each other. Percy knew he could've ended the fight in seconds, but information was critical.

"No concern for a dead man."

"Talkin about yourself in the third person? Classic villain speech minus the admittance of most likely dying in the end." Percy taunted. It worked as Fake thrust forward at speeds most demigods couldn't match. Percy just sidestepped, using his control over water to slap the merman out of the way and off balance as he grabbed hold of the spear, tearing it from his hands and wheeling it around like a baseball bat, cracking him across the head. He was sent to the ocean floor unconscious.

Moments later, pain lanced through his arm as a beam of light came from behind him. Percy whirled around to find himself faced by ten more fake guards screaming for his blood. The water had already taken care of any pain he felt from the laser. All ten mermen were aiming their spears at him. They were spread in a semicircle and moving in close, attempting to box him in, but Percy wasn't about to let that happen. Using the water to speed himself, he layed into the furthest right. He didn't want to kill any of them, just in case there was a huge misunderstanding. And he didn't know how to switch the spear into laser mode yet, so he relied on his hands to do all the work.

One by one, they all fell til there was one left fleeing from the brutal beating. He could never get away from Percy though. Out of nowhere, he felt a hand grab at his fins and he was quickly spinning backwards. Before he even had a chance to defend himself, he took a blow to the jaw that had him reeling. Percy grabbed him by the neck and squeezed a little.

"Who are you?" The only response was an attempt to riggle out of his grasp, so Percy squeezed harder. "I didn't hear you." Percy grit out through his teeth. He choked out an answer and Percy eased his grip, raising his eyebrow at the blue-faced merman.

"Nem." He still struggled to get the name out.

"Who do you work for? Why did you ambush me? Are there more of you?" Percy saw hesitance in his eye, and quickly put a stop to it with a solid punch to the gut. "You're in my world now. You don't want to even know how easy it is for me to destroy every piece of you right now." The sea roared around them in echo of his words, thunder cracked far above them, even though neither could hear it.

"I work for my King! And he will destroy you! No matter what you do to me I will be avenged!"

Off in the distance, an explosion sounded out, sending ripples of unease through the sea. Percy turned his head in the direction of the palace to find a plume of greek fire reaching upwards.

"What have you done?!" Percy yelled at the enemy soldier.

"Go find out, godling. You are far too late to stop what is happening."

Something in both the men snapped. For Nem it was his neck and for Percy it was his sanity being pushed back into war. Percy didn't even notice the merman's body float to the ocean floor. He was already gone, looking for the next enemy.


"Why isn't it working?!" King Otren the Third yelled at the queen as she was being restrained by the king's warriors. She continued as she had been, with utter silence. "Giyori! You told me all I needed was the blood of Neptune in my veins. And yet there is no reaction from my bloodright."

Giyori was frozen in place. It had all been going so right. Infiltrating the palace with a small force and using their spies to isolate the queen and lure the godling away. Then locking down the palace as the queen's army was pinched in the open by the rest of their own army sieging the city, and the knowledge that should they storm their own palace, their queen would pay the ultimate price. But it all relied in the end on the trident, which the king said was being disrespected by being placed in the useless form of some strange landwalker's instrument.

"I-I don't know..."

"Nevermind! Make yourself useful and figure this piece of shit out." The king thrust the pen into Giyori's chest and wheeled around to the queen.

"Or you can tell me and perhaps I will add one of your daughters to my harem and spare their life." The queen's brow furrowed in anger and indignance at the threat aimed at her children.

"Have you tried clicking it?" She poke disdainfully. Otren blinked before turning back to Giyori in expectance.

Giyori's thumb hand trembled as he placed his thumb on what looked like the most clickable piece of the hiding weapon. Out sprang the most beautiful and deadly weapon anyone in the room had ever seen. The second it took its true form, the weight became far too much for Giyori to hold, like the prongs had a gravitational pull to the ground til it was fully sunken into the floor.

"Yes! Finally I have the power to conquer every civilization in the seven seas and continue the domination my forefathers began!" He looked at the queen and her daughters with the most maniacal look in his eyes.

"I have no need for these disgusting creatures anymore. Burn them in the green flames atop the palace." He ignored the cries of outrage from the royal family as he focused back on Giyori.

"Step away." Every eye in the room was on the king as he gripped the handle of the trident and pulled. The godly weapon didn't budge for even a moment, no matter what amount of effort he put in. His muscles strained to their limits in his endeavour to remove it. "Why did you just let it sink into the floor?! Hikoe, free the weapon or I will find someone who can!"

Hikoe, the king's strongest soldier, stepped up to the trident. Just as he grabbed hold of the weapon, the wall to his right exploded in a mass of marble and stone. Percy Jackson let his feet touch the ground and he walked among the mermen as they stared in silence. Dusting rubble off of his shoulder, he cleared his throat and spoke:

"Who the fuck are you?" His eyes landed on the king's gaze, waiting for his reply.

"Who am I? What kind of ignorant fool doesn't recognize his soon-to-be king?" Percy kept moving, hands low and relaxed.

"Only king I would ever serve was my father. Pretty sure you ain't dear old dad."

"Unfortunately for you, you won't be alive long enough to serve me. But before I have you killed, I would like to have your name added to my list." The king spoke with venom.

"Percy Jackson ring a bell?" The king stiffened before gesturing for his men to collapse on him. Hikoe, the one forced to work on the trident was the first to reach him. Unsheathing a strange looking sword that looked closer to a scimitar and rushing to face Percy. The strike came in fast and true, but it was easy for Percy. He just grabbed the blade with his left hand, pulling him offbalance before releasing a right hook that sent the soldier to the ground with a broken jaw and missing teeth. Hikoe's rush allowed three of his comrades to get in close, but again none of them found their mark as their target vanished in a spiral of water, reappearing behind them and using the water to grab them and crash them against the ceiling. There were at least twenty more enemies within the room and a hundred more rushing in from the hallways. In the fighting, Percy didn't notice the king escaping out one of those same halls. But one pair of eyes hiding in the shadows caught sight and followed him all the way to his destination.

Percy kept fighting, barehanded, versus a small army of well-equipped and trained fighters. They all hacked away at him in a growingly desperate attempt to kill the monster before them. Battle cries and death screams rang out for ten minutes until the last was crawling away from him. It didn't take long for him to realize he never came fist to face with the king. Using his powers he looked for the king throughout the ocean. Although he didn't know if he was there, there was a mass of bodies above him, out on the terrace that looked over the city. At least ten more bodies. Percy ripped his trident out of the ground and moved.


The queen had her body pressed close to the green flames. Soon she would be nothing but ash spread throughout the ocean, along with her family. She attempted one last time to plead with their captors.

"If you do this, you will die. There will be nothing stopping my army from storming the castle. Your army is too far away to respond in time! Please." Her plea fell on deaf ears as she was being lifted. The doors to the terrace burst open and slammed closed, revealing a heaving King Otren, and she was forgotten for a moment.

"Jackson got here! Hold the doors and put your blades to the bitches' throats!" Silence reigned for a minute.


Ptero didn't know how he was going to do this. His queen and princesses were on the other side of the door, held by a group of soldiers all armed while he had nothing.

"So, what's the plan?" Ptero's heart leaped in his chest as he whipped around to find Percy leaning against the wall casually.

"Percy!" He whisper-yelled. "Thank Poseidon. I was beginning to worry about you."

"Same goes for you, Ptero. Now, do they know about you?" Ptero shook his head. "Okay, that's good. What information do you have on them?"

"I only caught a glimpse of them, but I know they are holding the doors and have the royal family held with blades to their throats."

"Sounds to me like they're not watching their flank. How do you feel about swimming behind them while I distract em til you're in place?"

"Sounds like something that might just work." Ptero nodded and moved back to get to his position. "Good Luck, milord."

"You finally fuckin called me Percy and now we're back to the lord shit." Percy rolled his eyes. "Be careful, Ptero."

Percy moved up to the door and placed his hand on it. He could feel fifteen bodies behind it, but two were exceptionally close. Percy closed his eyes and with took the water behind him and throwing it against the doors like a battering ram.


Aereale gasped as the doors broke open sending the two soldiers guarding it away like two dead fishes floating away unconscious. And in the doorway was one of the most terrifying and awe-inspiring sights she had ever seen. Percy Jackson stood, trident in one hand, held downward. His hair floated around him and his eyes glowed with green poison spreading throughout the water. The color matched the flames that burned hotly behind her.

"Another step and your friends are dead, Jackson!" Otren spoke out. Percy regarded him coldly. "That's it. Now what are you going to do? You may have impressive abilities, but you will never be able to save them. Unless... you were to bow to me. Your actions against me can still be forgiven. And with you under my rule, we could conquer the world. Or you can be responsible for their deaths. Your choice." The blade pressed to her throat cut a little closer. For a second it seemed like Percy was staring at her, but it looked more like he was looking for something behind her. Then he smirked.

"You got me." The trident disappeared and Percy took a step forward. She didn't die like Otren had said she would. She watched as Percy got closer and closer to the usurper.

"Yes. You said you would never serve anyone but your father. But now you will serve his worthy descendant." The grip holding her loosened then disappeared. "I fancy myself something similar to the great sea-god. Neptune was a powerful being feared by many. And I am on my way to capturing the heart and soul of the seas."

She looked behind her and to her shock, Aereale found Ptero standing over the dead body of her captor. He placed his hand over her mouth before she could squeak anything out. He placed a finger over his mouth and gestured to her sisters who were held barely five feet in front of her. Ptero handed her the sword that had been held to her neck mere seconds ago, while grabbing a knife from the soldier's dead body. Ptero pointed to himself and then the guard on the right and then pointed to her to hide behind the fire.

She shook her head vehemently and Ptero's eyes hardened, gesturing more firmly for her to move. She was going to continue to protest until she felt the ocean beckoning her to hide. Her eyes widened as she stared at Percy who wasn't even looking at her. She went with the currents in wonder at Percy's power. As she peeked from her position, she watched as Ptero took place behind the guard holding one of her sisters. Ptero held up three fingers, dropping down to two and then one until finally he was holding nothing but a fist up. It all happened so fast, Aereale was hardly able to believe it had happened at all. Ptero grabbed the soldier by his wrist and stabbed his knife into the merman's throat, pulling him away from Teera, freeing her. But the real sight came from Percy as he clicked the pen in his hand back into his trident and released a blast of golden energy straight into the head of the guard holding her mother in place, before taking aim at the one holding Steloe, and suddenly none of them were being held anymore.

Percy moved so fast to get in between them and the rest of the soldiers, that had she blinked she would've missed it.

"I don't even know you're name, but I do know you're nothing like my father." All the soldiers were backing up in fear, but Otren was kept in place, no matter how much he wanted to get as far away from Percy as possible. He couldn't even reach for the sword at his waist. Percy stepped up close to him, removing the sword from it's sheath and inspecting it. It was a beautiful weapon. Atlantean steel with an ornate crossguard and pommel, but very worn leathery material for the grip.

"Your people have lost two kings in a very short span now." With no other words, Percy lopped off his head, and watched remorselessly as his body sank. Two of the soldiers cried and rushed Percy, but they found themselves on the wrong end of a trident and their fallen king's sword and they fell too. The rest fled.

Aereale was almost sick to her stomach and in a way she felt as though she should be. But the shock held her together for a little bit. She saw Percy turn to face them.

"Well, I wasn't expecting this to happen today." He had the audacity to grin at them and that was the breaking point for Aereale as she rushed in to hug him. Percy dropped his weapons so he could hug her back. "I got you." He said simply, and her tears fell down.


The general of King Otren's army waited patiently for the signal from his king to siege the walls of the city. He knew the king had gotten his hands on the trident by the golden beams that had lit up the ocean. His men, all one thousand of them, were getting impatient and worried. But General Kendu wasn't worried in the slightest. Not until someone yelled out to look at the top of the wall. The sight was disturbing, as a man with legs stood atop it, one hand holding a trident, the other holding a head.

"Who's in charge here?" The man didn't yell but his voice carried all the same. Somehow every one of the thousand men stepped back at the same time, leaving the general alone. The man tossed the head at the general, and to the general's utter horror, it was King Otren's head. Unease spread throughout the army as the words whispered reached to the last man. Their king was dead.

"Take that as a warning. Leave now and I spare you. Stay and I will personally make sure every single one of your heads gets removed before the sun rises above the sea." He slammed the trident down on the wall and a beam of golden energy shot straight up all the way to the surface of the ocean. The man disappeared behind the wall, letting the queen's scouts keep watch on the army.

According to the scouts, they were gone within ten minutes.


A.N. Okay holyyy that was fun to write. sorry for the long wait, i hope the little extra length makes up for it, or that it was good enough to deserve a little extra time lol. anyway thanks for reading reviewing following and favoriting.

please keep doing so :) now for review responses:

Occasus: more than likely not, but tbh i dont plan out my stories enough so nothing is fully set in stone lol

CRUDEN: how was this for a start?

Jaybird: what are liberties? ;D

Djberneman: ignoring everything marvel canon as far as underwater civilizations are concerned since i know little to nothing about them.

Kacher: i mean, not everybody who teams up with the avengers is technically even part of the avengers initiative, thor, so basically Percy will be like Thor in that regard, except he might be a little more involved in the dealings with SHIELD that come up later. I won't really be looking to mix in politics between surface world and atlantean civilizations. Also ive already read salt breaker and really enjoy everything he has written of it. thanks for the long questions :)

Blaze: i mean, he would have but he was dropped before he did.

guests: thanks and here ya go

thundersofdeath: if you for some reason come back to this, thanks for the honesty and well-wishes.

doritosRbomb: first off i fully agree doritos are bomb :D also idk how this is canon but thanks for the compliment lol

aight peace dudes and dudes.