
Graduation Day.

Snotlout had sent him the picture he had snapped just as Astrid fled-and he confided in his cousin that he had videoed the entire dressing down he gave the year and posted it on BerkBook. Apparently Snotlout had over a thousand hits and counting and was thanking his cousin for the amazing footage. But Hiccup stared at the image of himself just as Astrid fled, desolate and abandoned.

Astrid had ghosted him and wasn't responding to texts or calls. He had gone round to her mother's house as soon as he could flag down a taxi but she had already gone out on her bike and Ingrid had no idea when she would be back. In fact, she was seriously hostile to Hiccup when he arrived, frantic and looking for her, assuming he had hurt her-so he had sat down and explained everything that had happened. She had looked shocked, furious and saddened in turn when she finally learned what her daughter had dealt with-and how Hiccup had supported her. Everything became clear and in the end, she hugged him.

"Thank you," she whispered. "You have been the best friend. And boyfriend. I will tell Astrid when she returns-but I can't make her call you. She's been terribly humiliated-twice-and it will take her time to get over it." He swallowed and he felt his heart break. She had promised that she would never leave him and always be there…but she had left him. And it sounded like she may remain missing as well.

"Could you please tell her…I'll be waiting for her. Whenever she's ready, I'll be there," he said as he rose. "But my graduation is in four days and I would love her to be there. Only if she wants to. Because I would never make her come if she wasn't comfortable."

"You came to hers," Ingrid reminded him.

"I'm her boyfriend and I love her," he said simply. "I would do anything for her." And then he walked out of the door and started the long walk home.

He sighed and finally stood, idly smoothing out a wrinkle on his deep red shirt then reached for his deep copper graduation robes. He had half-expected to be called by Principal Grimborn and stripped of his honour as Valedictorian but nothing had been said so he tucked his speech into his pocket and straightened his tie. He would arrive as if he was delivering the speech and if they relieved him of the honour, then he would collect his Diploma and leave. But in his heart of hearts, he knew no one would want to relieve him of the duty: neither the Class President nor the Football Captain-who was in fact, Snotlout and who couldn't manage a speech to save his life.

He clambered into his car-a black SUV that his father had insisted he accept because it was extremely safe-and drove to Astrid's home, hoping to catch her before he had to be at the School. He pulled up at the familiar address-but when he arrived, he couldn't see Ingrid's car or Astrid's bike. He walked up to the door and rang the bell just in case-but there was no sign of anyone. Despair washed over him and he sighed before he walked back to his car. If things had gone how he planned, he would be picking up his beautiful girlfriend to go to the Graduation with him to support him on his final day of school. But instead, he was standing by an empty house, his girlfriend ghosting him since she had been humiliated by her ex-sham boyfriend.

And he knew there wasn't anything he could do. It hadn't been her fault-or his, he reminded himself-and he had defended her to the hilt, castigating every damned person at the Prom for the selfishness, hypocrisy and cruelty they had all shown him and her but in the end, it hadn't been enough. Hiccup was there for Astrid…but she had left him. And now, when he needed her more than anything, she was gone.

He almost didn't start the car but the stubborn core of him that had driven him on through four horrible years was still there and demanded he finish the game. This was his Graduation. He had earned it, worked for it and he wasn't giving it up for anyone. They had ruined everything else: they were not getting this. So he turned the key, shifted into DRIVE and set off for the final time to Berk High.

The car park was already packed with students' and parents' cars so it took him a few minutes to park up-but it didn't matter. He had enough time and he had no parents to show around. He wondered where Gobber was as he walked through the main entrance but he was resigned that he probably wouldn't show either.

"HICCUP!" His head snapped up at the familiar brogue of his godfather and Gobber came barrelling down the Hall, to meet him at the doorway, nudging other parents aside. The two limbed man threw a huge hug around Hiccup's shocked shape and swung him round in a huge embrace. "Thor, I thought yeh wouldnae show!"

"Gobber…air!" Hiccup gasped, struggling to breathe. Finally, an apologetic Gobber let him down and looked at him.

"Aye, sorry," he mumbled. "Yeh Mother would be proud."

"Dad less so since he couldn't be bothered to come," Hiccup retorted bitterly. Gobber sighed, draping an arm over his shoulders.

"I'm sorry, laddie," he admitted, lowering his voice and kindly steering the young man along the hallway. "Yer Dad is my best friend and I've known him since Elementary School but I canna say what goes on in that head o' his! I know yeh Mother-Odin rest her soul-would be giving him such an ear bashing…"

"Well, I'm apparently not as important as some Japanese Trade delegates so…yeah, I know where I stand in his priorities…" Hiccup grumbled. Gobber suddenly chuckled.

"Yeh know, he wasnae too impressed at yeh orders tae Cami tae stay away…but the house is yeh home as well and he never asked yeh what yeh wanted so he's having tae support yeh. Especially after what happened at the Prom!" Hiccup's eyes widened.

"He knows?" he asked. "But…"

"Oh, that Cami made sure tae tell her Mom as soon as yeh stormed out," Gobber grinned cheerfully. "And Stoick was there, o' course. Muttonhead. Why was he with her when it was yeh only Prom? What kind o'father is he?"

"I ask myself that on a regular basis," Hiccup commented sarcastically. "Poor, bad, dreadful, neglectful, absent, hurtful, distant, disgrace are all words that immediately come to mind…" Gobber chuckled.

"Yeh know, I watched yer rant on the computer," Gobber said conspiratorially. "That was worthy o' yer father. Gods, I was proud o' yeh, laddie. And more than ashamed o' yeh classmates. Snot did some good camera work."

"He did," Hiccup murmured as they approached the gym. He stopped and Gobber almost fell over at the sudden halt. "You saw?"

"And Stoick and Bertha-since I tipped 'em off when I saw it," Gobber told him. "Look, someone needed to shake some sense into that thick skull. You're his child, not her!"

"Not sure he remembers that," Hiccup sighed.

"He's put the wedding off until after Graduation so you can all talk as a family about how it will work for you all," Gobber told him. "I think he hadn't realised how it was affecting you…and now he does." He sighed. "You know he's not good at saying sorry. But he is, Hiccup. He really is." Hiccup sighed and squared his shoulders.

"I know you want to believe it, Gobber-but until he says it himself, I can't believe he is," he sighed. Glancing down the hallway, the two limbed man frowned.

"Where's yeh lass?" he asked. "Is she coming along later?" Head bowing, Hiccup sighed.

"I don't think so," he admitted in a thick voice. "She was so hurt by the Prom debacle that she hasn't returned my calls, texts…anything since." He swallowed and then forced a smile. "It's her choice, of course. I can't ask her to come back to the place where she was so hurt. Twice." Then he carried on and reached the gym door-when a solid shape came out of nowhere and slammed him aside. Caught off guard, Hiccup stumbled and then fell. He looked up in shock to see Thuggory standing him over him.

"Missed me?" he sneered as Meatfist and Dogsbreath trailed up. All three looked menacing but Hiccup scrambled to his feet, glaring at them furiously.

"Really?" he asked sarcastically. "You know I didn't. That's why you have a broken nose!" Thuggory glared, his taped nose and ugly bruising under both eyes testament to Hiccup's punch at the Prom. He lunged forward-and then found himself restrained by the powerful shape of Gobber.

"And yeh must be the cowardly worm who's been harrying my godson," Gobber growled, his flesh hand closing around Thuggory's neck and lifting him off the ground. The Senior's eyes bulged and he clawed at Gobber's wrist. "Yeh know, in life, there's always gonna be a bigger dog. And it's better to get on with people like Hiccup always has than fight them. Because yeh fight meh godson, ye fight me." He leaned closer. "And I've killed and dismembered scarier things than yeh with me eyes closed!" Then he dropped the young man, seeing his friends back away, appalled. He sniffed. "Yeh may wanna change those pants, laddie. I think ye've soiled yourself!"

Hiccup stared as the bullies ran off, their parents nowhere in sight. He blinked as Gobber gently rested a hand on his shoulder.

"Yeh okay, Hiccup?" he asked and the young man nodded, his emerald eyes thoughtful.

"Yeah,' he said.

"That's what's been happening?" Gobber checked as Hiccup nodded.

"Pretty much," he confessed. The two limbed man scowled.

"Yeh father should ha' sorted this out years ago," he commented.

"No argument from me," Hiccup muttered as he dusted himself down, checked he still had everything and then led Gobber to the Gym-and out through the double doors at the back onto the sports field. Despite having a huge gym, Berk always performed graduation in the open air, in a nod to the traditions of their Viking ancestors who originally held town meetings under the stars. Hiccup was just grateful it was a sunny day though his pessimistic side reminded him that the good people of Berk would have expected the Graduation to go ahead, even in the middle of a hurricane or blizzard. Gobber was maintaining a rambling commentary as they made their way to the parents' seating but Hiccup was surprised when he found Ingrid sitting next to Gobber's assigned seat-with Dagur in the next seat. The carrot-haired man gave a big grin and rose to hug Hiccup. He was a powerfully built man who worked out but his face had some bad scars that had thankfully missed his pale green eyes and he habitually had a scruffy stubbly beard. His cropped, spiky carrot hair and leather vest looked out of place amid the parents in their Sunday Best but Dagur was true to who he was-and the fact he had come at all was all that counted.

"Glad to see you, brother," he said cheerfully. He had referred to Hiccup as his brother from the moment they had met because the auburn haired man reminded him of one of his dead comrades. "I'm sorry it all went wrong at Prom. My sister was genuinely ashamed of how she behaved and she begged me to come to support you as well as her. You know I hate crowds but Gobber promised to be with me so…here I am. Part of your own cheer section!" Hiccup surged forward and hugged him gently.

"Thanks, Dag," he said."I really appreciate it that you're here." Then he turned to Ingrid. "And you…"

"I'm here for you-even if Astrid isn't," she said, her words thickening his throat. "And I know you will be spectacular." He nodded.

"Thanks," he said and sighed, then walked away, to his seat to one side as Class Valedictorian. But he had barely taken his seat when Principal Grimborn approached him. The man was powerfully built, his neat dark goatee and cropped hair vaguely menacing but he was an excellent disciplinarian and a firm Principal. His formal black academic robes flapped in the warm breeze.

"Mr Haddock," he said in his clear accent.

"Sir?" Hiccup asked, making to rise. The Principal waved him to remain seated. It was a power balance thing that Grimborn enjoyed but he was also mindful of the fact that Hiccup was down half a leg and he was willing to cut him some slack on this final day of school.

"I am fully aware of the interesting events of the Senior Prom," he began without preamble. "You demonstrated precisely why you are the correct choice for Class Valedictorian. Your arguments, made with passion, were well-reasoned and grounded in logic. I am just sorry that your experiences in this school have been so poor."

"So am I," Hiccup said quietly. "There have been the odd moments." Grimborn raised a thick eyebrow. "I met my girlfriend here." The Principal nodded.

"Miss Hofferson, who I understand has been elected to represent our islands at the Regional Kickboxing Tournament next month," he said. Blindsided, Hiccup nodded. That had clearly happened since he last spoke to Astrid and the betrayal cut deep: blanking him and not sharing her news? She couldn't have said louder that she wanted nothing more to do with him. He swallowed.

"She is an amazing woman," he said tonelessly. Grimborn's eyes flicked over the room.

"I would have expected that she would be here to support you," he commented. Hiccup gave a grim smile.

"Life never fails to disappoint me," he said. Grimborn looked at him and sighed.

"Hiccup-I understand that you are hurt-by many things," he commented. "I appreciate that you feel many things are less than you deserved-and for the record, I agree with you. But you are also the Class Speaker because you have achieved far and away the most. You may not be aware but I have received thanks from many parents whose children have passed due to your tuition. You have led and helped in three separate clubs which have grown and been more successful than ever under your thoughtful leadership. You never fail to help the staff when they ask and you always deliver what you promise-a rare talent indeed. Your artistic endeavours are peerless and if you notice, there are several on permanent display in the Halls of this school. And you have achieved the highest marks in the history of Berk High for your overall." He paused and took a deep breath. "Most schools only award Honour Roll. And though I agree with rewarding excellence, I feel that this undervalues the most brilliant. So I have adopted a definition from Higher Learning Institutions and choose to name the top scoring student as Summa Cum Laude. In your case, that is richly deserved. No matter what you think that you have missed out on, you have achieved very much in your years here. That your peers have treated you badly is no reflection on you at all! So I will look forward to your speech, no matter what it contains. Because you have earned that right to speak!"

Hiccup stared at him as he walked away and swallowed. That was the most unexpected speech he had ever heard from the stern Principal and it had lifted his broken heart a little to hear the words. And he remained lost in thought as the hubbub rose in volume until the time arrived for the ceremony to start.

"Welcome!" the Principal said through the microphone set up at the podium on the stage. "Thank you for coming to the Graduation of the Class of 2020. As I look today across this room, I see a group of young adults, fresh-faced men and women with strong hearts and keen minds who are ready to venture forth into the wide world, representing our school and our island. And I hope that the lessons they have learned stand them in good stead." He nodded. "Now I will give the summary of the year…"

Hiccup zoned out, clapping when everyone else did and vaguely listening to the anecdotes. His mind was rolling over and over his speech and he was wondering if he should continue with what he had planned or if he should modify it. He was still internally debating when the students were called up to collect their Diplomas and at that moment, he felt the pain most keenly. Everyone would have parents there, family and friends but who did he have? His Godfather, his possibly ex-girlfriend's mother and a possibly ex-friend's brother. His father was missing, his Uncle had refused to acknowledge he existed since he was five and his Mother was dead. And his girlfriend was nowhere to be seen when he had been there for her.

But he rose when he knew his name was coming and walked to the steps, waiting to be called.

"And now, graduating with Honours and Summa Cum Laude as the highest scoring student in this or any graduating class and as nominated Valedictorian-Hiccup Haddock!"

He hadn't expected much in the way of clapping because he had told the entire year off but the applause was loud and grew louder. Fishlegs was whooping just behind him and the twins were whistling shrilly. Gobber was yelling in excitement, Ingrid was clapping and Dagur was yelling 'that's my brother' at the top of his voice. And another voice was there as well: a loud voice in a thick Berkian accent yelling 'THAT'S MY BOY!' His head snapped round and he saw, at the back, the powerful flame-haired and bearded shape of his father, his face red and a proud smile cracking his face. He looked dishevelled and Hiccup realised the man must have broken all sorts of records to make it to his Graduation-and that he must have finally seen sense and chosen his son. But as he smiled at his father, his eyes were drawn to a shape, sitting high on the Bleachers overlooking the sports field, her golden hair catching the sunlight and her pale blue biker's leathers showing perfectly against the sun-beaten seats.

So he lifted his chin and walked up onto the stage to accept his Diploma with a genuine smile, his heart flying. He could hear his father roaring in excitement and the applause grew louder. Bertha's voice was audible as well, also congratulating him and he gave another smile and nodded, looking up so that Gobber could capture the image for posterity. And then he walked down and slowly made his way back to the seat.

She had come. She had come.

(So had Dad but he guessed Bertha may have had several somethings to say about that.)

He glanced up and craned his neck but he couldn't see the bleachers clearly though he hoped that she would stay until he was finished because he really really really wanted to speak to her. Because he wanted to know why she had blanked him when he needed her so much, when he felt so broken after finally lashing out at those who hurt him…

"And now, to deliver the Valedictory address…Hiccup Haddock!"

Principal Grimborn's words dragged him from his thoughts and as he heard the polite applause, he pulled himself up and walked to the platform, nodding to the Principal and the other teachers who were sitting there, waiting. Standing at the lectern, his eyes swept over the audience, seeing his father still standing at the back, a look of immense pride on his face. Cami was looking sulky though Bertha had a smile on her lips and Gobber looked pleased as punch. The other students were all watchful, wondering what he would say. And behind them all, the shape he had been searching for was slowly walking down the bleachers and he smiled. Deliberately, he folded up his carefully pre-written speech and set it aside, taking a deep breath.

"This is the end," he said. "The last day of school. Graduation. The culmination of everything we have worked for." And then he paused. "But is it really? Life itself is a series of events, of activity and pauses, of changing direction, of taking a new path as each stage of your life evolves. And this is one of those moments of transition, a moment of choices and re-evaluation. A time to decide what you want to do with the future."

He sought out Thuggory and stared at him for a long moment.

"High School covers an important period in your life. A time when you transition from a child to an adult. It is a time where you form much of your adult character, where you start along the path of the adult person you will eventually become-and many of your main characteristics are set. Whether you are boisterous, introverted, kind, generous, selfish, cruel…all these will become more obvious as the High School experience goes on so by now, many of us know what sort of person we are."

He looked up to his father.

"Not everyone enjoys High School. Transition is painful. Growth is painful. Change is painful. The familiar melts away and new experiences and opportunities can seem exciting…but also frightening, threatening even." He swallowed. "It is no secret to most of you that I have not enjoyed High School. Sure, I achieved what I came to school to do-achieve a top grade Diploma and secure the University placement of my choice. And in those aspects, I have succeeded. But on the way, I have dealt with isolation, bullying, cruelty, indifference. My mother was killed in a car accident when a drunken truck driver T-boned us. I lost my leg and my Mom-truly a devastating experience for anyone. Yet these terrible losses were thrown back at me recently when someone I had thought of as a friend, who I had never treated with anything other than kindness and friendship, misunderstood our relationship and decided that I needed to be punished for being in love with someone other than her, someone I have loved for nearly two years. Someone I have dated for a year and someone I value above anyone."

He looked over the students.

"Life is not a game. Nor can it be rewound and tried again. What you do impacts on others. Tormenting others for fun is not a sign of strength: it is a sign of weakness, of cowardice, of insecurity. It shows that your only sense of self-worth is based upon making another person miserable. It is not admirable, it is not clever and it's not acceptable. It doesn't win you friends and in the future, you will run into someone bigger and meaner than you are…and may find friends scant or lacking in any desire to help you."

His fists clenched.

"The worst though has been unkindness, whether deliberate or just by not caring enough to look up and see if your fellow student is struggling. Maybe I am just better attuned to that because I am one of those students who have struggled. Yet not one of you have ever made a move to help me and most have actively conspired to make my life worse-including those supposed to be my friends. Yet I can see at least a dozen people here who I have helped with extra tuition, additional lessons, staying behind to help on projects or supporting through College Applications. And many of you will know that my girlfriend was treated badly at the Prom by a person she helped last year. Kindness should not be a one way street-yet she helped this individual and all through, she was ignored and treated with no respect. She was humiliated and blamed when there was no fault on her part. Lies were said about her. And it hurt me to see someone I love abused when she sacrificed her chances at a proper Prom and going out with the person she wanted because she was hiding a secret for another."

He sighed and forced his fists to relax.

"I believe everyone should have every right to be who they want-gay, straight, bi, whatever-but I also believe you shouldn't be unkind or cruel to someone because of that. Especially if they are helping you hide what you are. So I would ask you to consider these words going forward."

He looked up and couldn't see her anymore. But he hoped she could hear.

"School is over. Life awaits. And though awards and Diplomas are fine things to take away, what is more important is to be a decent person. Be brave for what is right. Be thoughtful of others, especially those who are putting themselves out on your behalf. Look up from your own life and check that your friends and colleagues are okay-because if someone is struggling, that little gesture or expression of concern could make all the difference between going on or not. Be kind to others-because one day, you may need friends and kindness bears its own rewards. Treasure those you love because life is short and the unexpected can change things in an instant. And above all-be happy-but not at someone else's expense. Congratulations, class of 2020!"

And then he stood back as the cheers began. Gobber and Dagur were hugging, both also emotional and Ingrid was clapping fiercely. Stoick was cheering though tears were running down his face in pride. And the entire year were on their feet, applauding. But above it all, there was the sound of a motorbike, roaring closer as a familiar bike zoomed down the aisle and skidded to a halt just by the stage. Astrid dismounted as Hiccup gasped and pushed away from the lectern, as she ran up onto the stage.

"I'm sorry," she said, facing him breathlessly. Her hair was loose and her eyes shining with pride at his speech. Every eye turned to the lithe shape in her pale blue bikers leathers as she faced the tall, lean, auburn Valedictorian. His face folded into a wondrous expression.

"You came," he whispered. She nodded, smiling.

"You're amazing," she said. "I saw the video online and I saw how ferocious you were in defending me. And I felt so ashamed that I had run…but I just saw Erik ruining things for me-for us-again and I couldn't face it. I was the worst coward when I left you to face them." He took her hands and gently pulled them up against his chest.

"I would do anything for you," he told her. "And I missed my dance." He kissed her knuckles.

"I know," she whispered. Then she lunged forward and kissed him urgently. She pulled back, staring into his dazed eyes. "I'm sorry. I got called up to the Archipelago Team and I needed space because I had to make a decision." He felt a little curl of anxiety.

"What was that?" he asked.

"I turned them down," she said. He gaped.

"What?" he gasped. She smiled.

"It would have meant more training, more time away in camps or tournaments…and I chose you." She sighed. "Unless you don't want me?" He kissed her again.

"I want you," he reassured her, his emerald eyes shining with love. "I can't imagine not wanting you. Ever. Just please…you left me. You promised not to. And that hurt me more than anything. I thought I'd lost you. So I forgive you, Milady-but please… In the future, even if you need time…tell me. I thought I'd lost you. And that would mean I had nothing left I truly valued." She blinked and a tear slid down her cheek.

"You and Mom are the only people I care for," she whispered. "But I did one other thing." She gestured to the enormous flame-haired shape. "Mom called me when she learned that he wasn't going to be here. I was going to remain at the back-in case I caused any kerfuffle-but when I got the call, I went and frog-marched him out of his meeting and brought him here on Stormfly." Hiccup gulped and looked at the bike.

"Wow. Is the suspension still working?" he asked dryly. She chuckled.

"I hope so," she murmured, "because I have something planned for just the two of us." His eyes widened as she turned to see Stoick arrive to engulf them in a huge embrace.

"SON! LASS!" he boomed. "Will you forgive an old fool?" Hiccup gave an exasperated snort-as much as he could manage as he was crushed.

"AIR!" he gasped. When Stoick released him, he gasped and readjusted his gown.

"Astrid fetched me and reminded me-in no uncertain terms-that I am a muttonhead who is ignoring the best thing in my life!" he said in an uncharacteristically quiet voice. "Hiccup…I am so sorry. And I will make it up to you-I promise…" Hiccup rested a hand on his shoulder and read remorse and sorrow in his father's eyes, then glanced up at the triumphant Astrid.

"Dad…we will talk later. About lots of things. But I am really glad you were here-and that is all thanks to my fabulous girlfriend."

"Hiccup!" A breathless voice cut across his words so he glanced over to Fishlegs, who was panting up with his rolled up Diploma. He smiled at the husky student who was bright red from the run. Dagur was following, with his sister Heather and Gobber.

"Fish-thanks. I wish you and Heather all the best and let me know when you are having your bachelor party…" His tone was brisk because Astrid had twined her fingers with his and was gently pulling on his hand towards the steps.

"Hiccup…" the husky boy panted, still bright red and out of breath. Hiccup winked and handed the Diploma on to Stoick.

"Look after that, Dad," he said as he shrugged off his gown. Then, as an afterthought, he tossed his car keys to his father as well. "My girlfriend and I have places to be."

"But…but…what about the celebration?" Gobber protested.

"You go on and enjoy it!" Hiccup grinned as they ran down to the motorbike. "We can arrange something later-but right now, there is only one person I want to be with." Sitting pillion to Astrid's rider, he pulled the black helmet on she had bought him some months earlier for his birthday, the green eyes and fine scales of a Night Fury marking the smooth surface.

"Hang on, Hiccup," Astrid murmured as she gunned the engine and kicked up the stand. "I don't want to lose you." He tightened his grip around her as she put it into gear.

"Right back at you," he murmured, taking a last look at the High School-but in truth, the only thing he wanted from it was in his arms. Then the blue motorbike shot away from Graduation, taking Hiccup and his Valkyrie into the future-together.

The End.

A/N: And there we are-a one shot in five parts (sorry). Happy Valentines and thanks for reading.