Reviews for The Valkyrie and the Valedictorian
LysL0ve chapter 5 . 7/27
Guest chapter 5 . 5/1
This is a great story it kept my attention all the way through! Great job!
Guest chapter 5 . 3/5
I enjoyed that. Especially Hiccup putting down his bullies. I would of loved to do something like that when I was in high school. Problem is bullies are cowards who hide behind the law, so you can't just punch them and break their bones. Totally unfair.
StormCrownSr chapter 1 . 2/23
It would kind of be worse if Hiccup had siblings.
"Yeah, but there is always the next one"
"I can always do a better job with the next one"
CHSHuccstrid chapter 5 . 2/15
It is a really annoying fact that my reviews don’t want to post but is shall post this one as well. That’s is an amazing ending! Hiccup riding into the next chapter of his life with Astrid is the precarious way to bring hope back into this beautiful ending! I love how you incorporated important messages into a Valentine’s Day 5-shot. It just fits and makes a fantastic story.
CHSHiccstrid chapter 4 . 2/14
Wow. Good for you Hiccup. Now go find Astrid and make her feel better. She needs it. You both do. Everyone needs to gets their acts together and act like decent people. Seriously.
Captain Bunnies chapter 5 . 2/16
Damn. That was a ride, while at times I thought this would have more angst than it did (which caused no small of amount of terror) it was truely fun to read though. I've not really been a fan of angst but this was done very well and I'm glad it ended happily. I would love to see more of this, especially the conversations of healing between Hiccup, Stoick and his friends just to round off all the loose threads.
CHSHiccstrid chapter 3 . 2/13
I know I just wrote a review for that last chapter like this morning but I needed to write another about this chapter I somehow missed! Cami has me fired right now. She shouldn’t get to ruin anything! Nothing! I’m glad Hiccstrid has prevailed! I always am! I can’t wait to see what’s next!
MGStudio02 chapter 5 . 2/15
Loved the story! Incredibly amazed by your writing skills! There seems to be a problem since chapter 5 currently is a re-upload of a former chapter. Would love to read the end though.
CajunBear73 chapter 5 . 2/15
A dismal several years with intermittent flashes of bright spots comes to an end for Hiccup as others had to be reminded what was important and what is fleeting.

His speech inspired by those who did make his Graduation, Hiccup laid out his past as he assigned himself to a role others also assume in their lives at Berk High.

And showed how he overcame, practically on his own, and is going to thrive and flourish beyond tomorrow.

With those who showed up, some begrudgingly-others shown the error of their ways, those who were going to be there no matter what, gave the most sincere accolades that were guilt free...

But Astrid, exiting from from the fallout of that night finally got a better perspective from what she had to be dragged to view, realized she failed the best man she'd ever known and will never fail him again.

Plans for their future still awaits them, but for now, the Valedictorian and the Valkyrie ride off on her Steed, to celebrate the closing of their pasts at Berk High and their charging into the futures that await them.

But riding off on a Steel-Horse ain't a bad way to exit that pop-stand, either...

bahall1964 chapter 5 . 2/15
Wonderful story! I enjoyed it from start to finish.
CHSHiccstrid chapter 2 . 2/13
I don’t know how the heck I missed the first chapter of this amazing story! I love it! It’s so cute and angsty and I love it! This story has me flabbergasted so I will just shut up now and wait for the next chapter!
Megalania chapter 4 . 2/15
Amazing story. but this is what is should expect from you. i love all your other stories.
Guest chapter 2 . 2/12
I love this!
CajunBear73 chapter 4 . 2/14
I'd say Hiccup made a statement at this Prom that few will forget through the 25th anniversary reunions, and beyond, of his and Astrid's Graduations...

Not that either would ever go, mind you...With classmates, friends or not, like these who needs to give them the time of day, even then?

Hope Hiccup can catch up to Astrid and they go off and have their own Prom, like the one he had for her the year before...

Hmmm, wonder about that, as Hiccup seems to be waiting for only one person at Graduation, and not sure she'll be there...

Stoick still seems to have put Hiccup back in the afterthought and further back for all he does to 'support' Hiccup. False promises made when the end result is hanging with his new squeeze, her ferocious daughter and the son his nephew should have been...

While Hiccup continues to be his disappointment and Astrid had fallen victim to social media's slander, which doesn't help his image as be associated with those who do nothing for his political career.

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