Five Years Later

Rick and Kendall are sitting outside together watching there kids play together. There is a knock at the door, Rick got up to answer it. Kevin, Jenny and there two girls enter the house. Followed right behind Javi and Lanie with there little boy in there arms. But what shocked him the most was when he saw Alexis and a baby girl in her arms.

"Alexis, what are you doing here?" Rick hadn't heard from her very much lately. She looked very tried and was crying a little. Sure they won't as close they were when he left the first time, the second time when saw her. He knew she had regretted her part in picking Beckett side.

Alexis says, "I need to see you. I can't take care of my baby, I need her grandparents to look after her. Promise me, you will?"

Rick was looking at her; but he looked down at his granddaughter. "I will. Is there anything we can do for you, Alexis?"

"I'm going to get some help with my problems. But I just wanted let you know. I really missed you, dad and I can't be sorry enough. You, Kendall and my brother's and sister have a good life together." Alexis just run off before, Rick could call her back.

Rick looked down at his granddaughter and smile. "Well, let's go see your grandma." He walked out to the backyard. Kendall saw a baby in his arms, he was looking up at her. "Kendall, meet our granddaughter."

Kendall is looking into her granddaughter blue eyes, holding out her arms for her. Rick places the baby in her arms, she is smiling brightly down at her. Taking her over to the bench she and her granddaughter are looking into each other eyes.

Rick is looking at everyone in surprise, he don't know about Alexis problem.

Back to Kate

Kate Beckett is sitting by her window looking out and watching everyone walking by. Kate is looking at the man in her bed. They have been going out for a month, she is looking around her apartment. Not much had changed, other then she was no longer captain at the 12 precinct. She had lost her job to heavy drinking and firing people for no reason.

Kate had no friends, they had decided to move to California. Work with Castle and Kendall. Now she knew how Castle felt all of those years. Expect that was all of her fault and no one else fault, but her own.

The next morning

Kate had brought a ticket for California and to see Castle one more time before she went back home. She had rent a car, was looking for his address. She had find his place and was in complete shocked it was a good size place. She rang the bell out by the gates.

"Hello, who is this?" There was a woman voice.

"This is Kate Beckett. I was wondering if Castle is home?" Kate was worried she wouldn't get this change again.

"Just a second." The gates opened up and she drove in, the house is closed by the beach. She got out of her car, is knocking on the door it open up. She is looking at a woman, who looked young for her age.

"Is Castle here?" Kate was wondering who this woman is.

"No, Rick, not here. He's taking our granddaughter for her doctors appointment." She tells her.

"Granddaughter?" Kate asked.

"Yes, Alexis couldn't raise her child. So me and Rick are taking care of her." She given Kate a look like she don't care.

"Look, is he going to be back soon?" Kate Beckett really need to see him.

"Why, do you wanna see him for? Besides you do enough damage to him. Do you really think he wants anything to do with you anymore?"

"Look, you I don't know you? But this is private."

"It is my business, when someone hurts my family. What did Rick every do to you anyway? Sure, he worm his way in with your team. But I'm surprise he don't file charges against you and your team. For being wrongful arrests for something he don't do."

Kate Beckett is about ready to tell this woman, but she holds up a hand to stop her from speaking. "Have you ever stop to think. That the real reason that everyone is finally tried of your shit."

Kendall Frost is seriously wondering what did Rick see in her. She is getting sick and tired at looking at this other woman. Sure Rick know her way before they ever meet each other.

Kate Beckett was getting angry with this woman. She then says, "I bet the only reason why Rick with you. Is cause you got knock up."

Kendall Frost got right in her face, "I bet the real reason Rick. Left your ass is because he got sick and tired, of hearing your poor sob story. Oh poor me. My mother was murdered and I can't have a normal relationship." Kendall give her a cold look. "You, wanna know what your real problem is?"

Kate gave her look like I'm going to kick your ass. "What is my real problem?"

"You, your the problem. You, don't wanna move forward. Believe if you hold on to the past, that gives you the right treat anybody you want." Kendall, is waiting for her to interrupt, but she does. "Rick, isn't your damn toy. You really think you can fix this with I'm sorry. Sorry, doesn't work unless you mean it. I think you were ever sorry. Your, supposed be the great detective Kate Beckett."

Kendall is on a roll, "but, your not so great. I see a spoiled brat, who never grow up. Who think, just cause my mother was murdered. She been gone for years, it's time for you to grow up. The world does oh, you a damn thing." Kendall slammed the door right in her face. But open it up, "now get off our property or I'll call the police."

Kate Beckett got back in her renting car drive back to the airport. She is passed the gate drive away from Castles house.

Back to Rick

Rick could see Kendall was very upset about something. He walked over to her sit next to her on the couch. Kendall looked at him; kissed him.

Kendall took there granddaughter into her arms, "Rick, she was here today."

Rick asked, "who?" He had a feeling he know. Who it is.

"Kate Beckett." Kendall is rocking her granddaughter in her arms.

Rick don't wanna hear that. But he doesn't he stop caring about her a long time ago. "Kendall, you know I love only you. Right?"

"Right. I know." Kendall lay her head on his shoulder, "I love the life we built together."

"Good, I do too." He looked down at his granddaughter, "let's put her down for a nap. I'll show you just, how much I love you."

Back to Kate

Kate Beckett is almost to the airport, disappointed she don't get to see Castle. She had to go back to her boyfriend, she had no friends and no family. Castle write her a message in his book. "Kate, I hope you get everything in life." She got on the plane back to New York.

The End