Reviews for Castle:Facing my past
benjaminblakely807 chapter 10 . 2/13
Well, I like it, it is fictional and not copied from the show, that's what this site is all about, imagination, change something in the show to your liking, creativity, not copied, not a Kate hater, I just like the story, everybody has there cup of tea.
AleciaB chapter 1 . 2/13
To UndercoverBeta, Thank you so much for your comments about Beckett. I'm so with you. The character of Beckett cops some heat from so called fans. She's intelligent, strong, driven, perfectly imperfect and flawed, and a model to all women, yet it's women that are so bloody harsh on her. Fact of the matter is the story is taken from Castle's POV - its why we see his family, his life away from KB. People need to listen to what AM said about the show and how he wrote it. No one is perfect and stories that pick on one character - well the writer needs to do more research.
Guest chapter 10 . 2/5
Me too don’t know about Alexis problems.?
Vikki chapter 10 . 2/5
Fitting that Rick ends up with more children. Liked that.

Nice that you had Kate going back to her boyfriend. Both Rick and Kate end up in a better place.
KBeckettcastle chapter 10 . 2/4
A different type of story. Always nice to read something that goes in a different direction from the show. So many ways for Rick and Kate to end up. This was just a very likely one. Nice.
KBeckettcastle chapter 9 . 2/4
Thought it was great that you had Kate pick up another stranger in a bar and then be in a car accident. Pretty telling.

And the gang tries once more to straighten out what remains of Kate.
Dr1zzy chapter 10 . 2/3
Thx for the story
jkarr chapter 8 . 1/31
nice story looking forward to next chapter
benjaminblakely807 chapter 7 . 1/31
All in all, a story is a story, I say keep going, keep in mind this is fictional
LanguageXLover chapter 1 . 1/31
Just a little suggestion for a couple of your more passionate reviewers. Maybe try to keep your inner Neanderthal on a tighter leash. Nobody knows how many lovers Kate Beckett had in her life, but I’m pretty sure it’s a hell of a lot less than Rick Castle. Yet, somehow his behaviour is totally acceptable, perhaps even worthy of a congratulatory fist pump or back slap, while Beckett is basically labelled a selfish, uncaring $lut. WTF. She has clearly had several lovers, but she’s also had a couple of relationships, short ones that were obviously with the wrong people and not destined to last, but by all accounts monogamous, and she’s probably even had the occasional one night stand, but explain to us all how that makes her promiscuous or deserving of your antiquated judgement? Newsflash for all of you masoginists, chauvinists and self-proclaimed morality police, its 2020 not 1820 and I’m pretty sure plenty of women, myself included, will not/have not married the first and only man they ever slept with. We’ve had relationships, long and short, good and bad, we’ve hurt and been hurt, and brace yourselves... some of us have also had one night stands. Why is that so offensive and shocking to you? Women, fictional and real, are as entitled as any man to express, explore and enjoy their sexuality with other consenting adults and it doesn’t make them evil or promiscuous or entitle you to pass judgement on their overall character. Even directing your misogynistic and archaic malevolence at a fictional character, still speaks to the type of person you are and from here, it’s not a good look. And it sends a very very bad message.
benjaminblakely807 chapter 8 . 1/30
I agree keep going, it's a good story
sailormoonatcj chapter 8 . 1/30
I think it's great, keep going
UndercoverBeta chapter 1 . 1/30
I still can’t bring myself to read your stories... too much Beckett-hate and too many mistakes for this reader. However, ever since I attempted to read one of your early works and saw that you actually review your own stories (what’s up with that btw?), I’ve periodically checked out your reviews, out of what I can admit has become a weird compulsion.

One of the latest reviews, from your small but loyal posse of Beckett haters, praises how closely you (apparently) studied the show, and you gained this honor all because you can list off the ‘co-workers’ that Beckett (allegedly) slept with. But here’s what we actually know...

Royce: Never actually confirmed. I think the show writers left it deliberately open to personal interpretation or preference. I’m actually a member of the team who thinks she probably did sleep with him. Not a smart thing to do but she was young, emotionally very vulnerable and probably a little infatuated. But, she was also in a subordinate position to a much older and more senior, not just co-worker, but supervisor who, as we later found out, was significantly lacking in both honesty and integrity. Yet you choose to see Beckett as the primary wrong-doer in that scenario? Uh, no! Should we not be calling Royce’s behavior into question? Shouldn’t it be his moral compass (or lack there of), his lack of judgement and absence of professionalism that is most offensive to your sensibilities?

Sorenson: Ummm... not actually a coworker. She was NYPD and he was FBI. Just two single consenting adults who temporarily crossed professional paths but actually weren’t breaking any work place rules; and who appeared to share some genuine and reciprocated feelings, yet you spew negativity and judgement at this relationship? What is so wrong or offensive to you about it?

Demming - Yes, he was NYPD, but not her partner, not part of her team or even from the same department. I’m pretty sure the no-fraternization rules don’t apply when there’s that degree of separation, even when two departments temporarily collaborate on a case. Was being with Demming her finest hour... probably not, given that there was obviously a mutual attraction and some developing feelings between her and Castle, but they weren’t even close to being in a relationship yet. And let’s not forget that it took Castle all of about 30seconds to speed dial Gina in to take Beckett’s place. Is either one of their actions really any worse than the other? Seems to me their mutually questionable behavior was basically two people, both feeling vulnerable, uncertain and probably scared, and both making some less than stellar decisions. Yet once again, all of your hate and judgement is directed at Beckett. Fascinating!

In fact, I find the degree of your vitriol fascinating, and maybe a little disturbing. Do you hate all women, or just this particular woman? Do some of you forget she’s not actually a real person and that she only behaves the way she does because that’s the way her creators chose to portray her? The depths of your vehemence makes me wonder if her ‘fictionality’ actually escapes y’all sometimes?

What escapes me is why you would want to spend so much time writing and/or reading about ‘someone’ you obviously despise. Buy hey, you are free to write and read whatever you choose. I hope your little club of Beckett haters are as happy reading your version of her, as the Beckett lovers are devouring the stories where Beckett can do no wrong. I personally prefer more balanced stories, that portray these beloved characters as relatably flawed individuals doing their best to navigate life and all that it throws at them, just like all of us readers do every day. Making good and bad decisions along the way, but hopefully ultimately doing what’s right and finding happiness, success and our own Always.
Guest chapter 8 . 1/30
You really must have studied the show. Think you're really bringing out the deep characteristics of Kate and just bumping those traits up a little.

She never had a problem sleeping with co-workers, Royce, Sorenson, Demming, even though there where rules against fraternization. She held herself above her team and other co-workers. Had only one friend on the show, and that one really was more of a co-worker. Was more than happy to become a notch on everyone and I mean everyone else's bed, all the while flaunting them in from of Rick. Having sex with a married man would just become the next step as she became older and have less options available to her.

Pretty easy to see Kate slide down to this point.
Guest chapter 8 . 1/30
like reading stories that present a different path for Rick and Kate.

Just one of many possible outcomes when one character does not make a full commitment to the other.

And it's great that you have Rick becoming a Dad for more children.
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