Rick Castle had just gotten home from the 12 precinct, he was at his breaking point. Everyone was turning there back on him chose Beckett side. What had he done wrong, how could everyone chooses Beckett.

Rick Castle thought to himself I should get out of here and fast as he picked up everything. Got inside his car drive to a hotel room to spend the night in. As he thought over everything he just couldn't do this anymore. He had no one left to turn to as he need a new start in life.

The next morning

Rick had called real estate agent in to selling everything the loft, the house in the hampton, even the bar. As he was calling his editor and told her; he was leaving New York City. She wasn't very happy with him; "you, know what I'm tried of? Everyone is turning there back on me. All cause everyone needs to took the woman side. I lost my mother, daughter, all my friends. I can't do this anymore I'm done." He slammed the phone down hard, as he got up and went to go buy some packing boxes.

He picked up everything in his office as he was going to gave all of the heat books and things to charity. He picked up his clothes, lap top, everything he would took with him. As he heard the door open up as Martha walked in, "Richard, darling are you here?"

Martha was looking around saw all of the packing boxes as the mover are taking everything away. "Richard, what's going here?"

Rick can't look at her for a minute, then he looked at her; "I'm selling the loft, the house in the hampton and the hunt. You and Alexis can just move in with Kate Beckett. Since I have no mother, no daughter and no friends."

Martha couldn't believe what she had just heard, "Richard, this ridiculous. Your not thinking clearly."

"Your, wrong Martha I have been thinking clearly." Rick look at the woman, who he thought was his mother. But, no she had act like Kate Beckett mother more than his. "You, haven't been acting like my mother. Your more of a mother to Beckett, I'm just the bastard son you got stuck with." Rick had tears fallen down his face.

Martha had tears fallen down her face to, "Richard, I-"

"Martha, here some packing boxes for you and Alexis. I'll send you two some money for you two have your own place." Richard pick up the last of his things, as he don't look back at all. He got into the elevator, as his mother looked at him with sadness in her eyes. "Good bye, Martha."

At the 12 precinct

Kate Beckett had just gotten into work today as she looked around. She was getting ready to sit down at her chair, as the elevator was stopping at the top floor. As she looked at who it was and saw, "Martha?!"

Back to Castle

Rick had sold all of his cars and he had gotten an SUV to drive as he was driving away from the big apple. He don't look back as he saw his phone rang, "Kate" name had flash on the screen. He don't answer it as he was driving to get further away from them all.

Back to Kate

Kate had Martha sit down on Castle chair, she had told her everything that had happened. Martha was still crying hard as she told her everything, but then she heard her say, "he's right I I'm a terrible mother. I never thought about his feeling ever."

Kate was trying to comfort her as much as she could, "why, would he start being cold to everyone." She had asked no one in particular.

"Cause of you. He said he lost everyone causes we all chose you." Martha looked up with regret in her eyes.

Back to Castle

As he got on a plane was heading to Los Angeles, California as he got on there was taken a nap as the plane took off. As the real estate agent told him; his place and his vacation home was sold too. He was going to gave some of the money to Martha and Alexis so they could have a place of there own.

Back to Martha

Martha was picking up everything, as Alexis had arrived at the loft to get there things out of the loft. "Grandma, what is going on? Where dad at?" Alexis had tears in her eyes wondering what was going on.

"Alexis, sweetheart we have to pack up and move out things out." Martha had most of her stuff pack up.

"But, why would dad sell everything I mean." Alexis just couldn't believe her dad would do something so cold heart.

"Alexis, I think your father is doing this is cause. We all hurt him with our betrayal, we took Beckett side. Never thinking about the consequence of our actions. We were so quick to defend Kate, that we don't think about Richard feeling was so worried about Kate." Martha was feeling even more guilty.

Alexis was so busy defending Kate on the spot that she forgot her dad feeling. She was blinding showing loyalty to Kate. It may have cost her father and he's relationship forever.

Seven months later

Back to Castle

Rick is just getting back from his run as he gets to his house, he was very excited about today. He was getting ready to open up a private detective office, he still wrote books. As he took a quick shower was dress up as he was getting ready to open up his office.

Rick was waiting for a partner to work with him and not against him. As there was a knock on the door, "come in." As the door open up, a woman in her early thirty walked in to his office.

"Hi I'm Kendall Frost, I understand your looking for a partner." She was very pretty, as she is wearing black leather pants, black boots, a sleeveless teal top and a brown leather jacket.

"Yes, I'll hire you." As he shake her hand, "I'm very glad you're here partner."

Kendall Frost was one hell of a partner, they had solved about eight of there cases together in about four months. He and Kendall are getting ready to closed up the office. As Rick kissed her cheek, "thanks again partner."

Kendall kisses his cheek softly, "your welcome." As she is about to leave, Rick decide to walk her to her apartment. As her door is broken, he pulled out his gun along with Kendall. As they walked inside nothing has been taken, but Castle tell her to come and stay with him until she finds a new place to live.

One year later

Kendall and Rick are still living together as partners and best friends.

One night well out on a steak out together, Kendall and Rick had there first kiss. "Look, Rick I like you as a best friend and partner. But I don't wanna get married or go out on a date with you. I do want a family, you know children."

Rick was surprised, "I can't do the whole dating or marrying thing again. But I do want a family, children as well."

Kendall looks him in the eyes then were in agreement together. "Good, let's finished this steak out. Maybe we could do this in your bedroom or mine."

Rick kiss her one more time and stroke her cheek with his fingertips softly. "Will figure that part out when we get home."

They had just gotten home as they closed the door and locked it. The clothes flew off everywhere, as they are kissing and touching each other.

Rick lifted her up into his arms as he kick the door to his bedroom open. He carried her in and drop her on the bed, he was on top of her kissing and licking on her shoulder. As he is thrusting inside her; she groan loudly.

Kendall is groaning and moaning loudly as she and Rick are moving harder and faster into her. She flip him over on his back as she is setting up and was bouncing up and down hard and fast. She is tossing her head back and forth as his mouth is on her breasts.

Rick was very happy he hadn't had sex for almost two years. But it felt so good as she is stroking against him. As he flip her over on her back was slamming into her harder and rougher.

Kendall arms are wrapped tightly around his shoulders as he is thrusting harder and deeper. As her mouth is on his chest licking and sucking roughly on his nipple.


Both are laying in bed together trying to catch there breathe. Both are covered in sweat as they turn on there sides and kiss each other.