Before we get started, I just wanted to say thank you for all who decided to pick this story up and read it. As this is my first story, it means a lot to me. If you find something that you like or just want to ask me about something, don't be afraid to review. Another thing is that I am not the fastest writer and I am always second guessing myself so don't anticipate another chapter of this for a little while even though I have already started the next chapter, but suggestions and comments should help my motivation. :) Again thanks a whole bunch for picking this story up. Hopefully you will enjoy it.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything from either of these two masterpieces, else I would not be writing this lol.

Anyways, Story Start!

Prologue: The Start of it all

8 years after the holy grail war in Fuyuki City, Emiya Shirou has made quite a name for himself. Not only has he stepped up to the challenge of diligently studying at the clock tower to improve his knowledge of mage craft, but he has shed more blood and sweat than most enforcers in order to reach his impossible dream. This group of highly advanced combat magus break out in a cold sweat at the mere mention of being combat partners with the new Magus Killer. His form could no longer be considered a part of the average far eastern man as he now had a build similar to archer, rippling muscles on par with a servant, gained through constant training and straining his magic circuits to their absolute limits as often as possible in order to improve the flow of prana through them. In doing so, part of his hair starting to turn white as well as parts of his skin starting to tan. This was mostly due to the nature of his tracing magic, and the stress that he would put on his circuits.

Although he may take the persona of a sword and killer when on the battlefield, Shirou Emiya would always set aside some amount of time to give a soft smile when partaking in his favorite pastimes, namely, cooking and being with his loved ones. Even though Shirou cannot use conventional mage craft, past the general spells that all magus can perform, he is able to overcome all limits with just his ability to reinforce himself to almost suicidal levels, his unbelievable skill with any bladed object, especially swords, and the ability to trace the components and history of any object that he lays his eyes on. Nobody knows the secrets of his mage craft besides his partner, Tohsaka Rin, and her humble servant Saber.

In the past 8 years, Rin has also been developing herself to a ridiculous level. She was invited to the clock tower in order to study the second true magic, also known as the kaleidoscope: the operation of parallel worlds, under the guidance of the Wizard Marshall, Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg. Over the years, she has begun to tap into the power that is the kaleidoscope by using her own copy of Zelretch's jeweled sword, that Shirou helped create, in order to constantly hold prana that can be used for any application. Having completed this step in the process of understanding the world around her, Rin had been constantly testing new theories that may prove to be beneficial to her, as well as Shirou and Saber. After the grail war, Rin had taken to completely supplying Saber with the prana that she needs in order to materialize. Although this takes up to 60% of her prana reserves on a day to day basis, she has recently started on research and taken advice from Zelretch on how to draw power from her parallel selves and the kaleidoscope itself as there is a lot of prana that goes into making sure that the parallel worlds stay separate. With this extra prana in store from her parallel selves, she would be able to easily overcome Sabers need for prana and could use more of her reserves for something more applicable.

Saber, on the other hand remained steadfast and true as an arrow over the years, as one would expect from a former king. Being someone that Shirou and Rin could rely on through the tough times made it all the better. When Shirou had expressed his desire to become stronger, all those years ago, she did not believe that he would have ever achieved the level of strength that he currently had. She had put him through a rigorous training schedule right after high school in order to allow himself to slowly but surely develop the muscle mass needed in order to keep up with a servant like herself. Coupled with his unique ability to reinforce his body to an even greater extent, Shirou was eventually able to take the full brunt of her attacks and even allow her to go all out after a few years. During this time, Shirou was also being coached by Saber in the way of the sword.

By consistently sparing with one another, both were able to improve upon their own abilities and strategies while fighting. Shirou already had an innate knowledge of sword fighting based on his tracing's ability to comprehend how a sword forged, as well as how it was used. The problems with this were that Shirou had not trained himself to use such a style and thus was very taxing on his muscles.

This problem had been slightly rectified with Saber's spartan training which had allowed him to manipulate the sword styles of those who wielded the weapons inside of Unlimited Blade Works. Saber had her own style of swordsmanship that she had carefully perfected over the years of her life that was further improved upon the extended training with Shirou by allowing more freedom in her movement and trying to get around Shirou's guard and thus became a frightening opponent to anyone who thought they could face the King of Knights in combat. Shirou decided that he should try to develop his own style, or the style that had been thought of by Archer, instead of just imitating the skills of other blade masters. This way Shirou would be able to rely on his own ability rather than having to keep using the skills of heroic spirits and warriors. By helping him develop and perfect the style that Archer had been using, by allowing to predict where one's enemy might attack, Shirou Emiya soon became a very real threat to the world of magus.

Saber also had quite a few embarrassing experiences that felt like a minor blow to her pride with Rin and Shirou as well. Due to Rin having to sustain her with prana regularly as well as using the rest of her reserves to research her mage craft, Rin was constantly running dry on prana every day. They needed a solution to this problem that was efficient and resourceful in order to keep up with their daily lives. Fortunately, or unfortunately (depending on who you ask), the only real solution to this problem was to be even more intimate with each other more often.

The tantric rituals that these three performed together were used in order to supply both Rin and Saber with a large quantity of raw prana, and what better way to share prana with one another than through one of the most spiritually charged liquids known to man. While committing these acts together, they got to see so many different sides of each other, such as Rin being the super dominate one who wouldn't take no for an answer. Saber, who blushed like a teenager who had just been confessed to, would revere Rin as a queen while she was on top of things and could not go against her orders, no matter what her young master demanded. Shirou, not being able control Rin either, had been put through some very embarrassing demands, but not before showing complete devotion to both of his lovers, causing both Rin and Saber to melt like putty in his hands when he was the one in control. Overall, they all experienced a new side of themselves that they would not have believed except for the fact that it was some of the foremost memories in their mind.

Besides becoming close physically, these three grew a mental bond and spiritual bond so deep, that they became dependent on each other. The three of them had always lived their lives in solitude, rejecting the need for comfort from someone close to you, whether that be from a brother, parent, friend, or lover. But once the Grail War had started and they began to rely on one another, they all experienced what it was like to not be alone anymore and want someone to rely on in your time of need.

Rin had always been alone after the events of the 4th Holy Grail War and steeled herself with a false personality just to make sure nobody could see just how much she longed for the attention of others and to become more than just a stranger in her eyes. Rin could not imagine a world without the two, who she could call family, anymore, and would take numerous steps in order to prevent anything from happening to them. Even if it meant compromising her position in the Clock Tower.

In Saber's case, she had ruled with a calm but iron fist during her life as a just and fair King. But as a just and fair King you must do things that would only allow for the prosperity of the kingdom itself, even if that means burning down your kingdom's villages in order to stop the advance of the enemy. Saber was a fair and just king, not a kind one. She wished, gods how much she wished, that this was not her role, the role of one who must cast aside personal feelings in order to maintain the safety of your kingdom as all people in the kingdom are relying on you for protection.

She had not wished to be born this way, but had accepted the duty, nonetheless. Yes, there were more than a few things that she wished she could have made a better choice. During the events of the grail war, Saber allowed herself to open up and to expose her true self to those around her that she could trust believing that they would accept her for who she is on the inside, not just the kingly figure that they see on the outside. After realizing just how much she believed in both Rin and Shirou, she knew that she would do anything, even at the cost of her own life, to protect those who she considered family, or lovers on a more intimate level.

Shirou had also grown up in a very isolated environment. By the time that he was eleven, Shirou's adoptive father had passed away after succumbing to injuries and curses that he received from the corrupted grail during the 4th Holy Grail War. Besides the young lady of the nearby yakuza faction, Shirou did not usually have anyone stop by and interact with him, to help him open up to others. Although he had met Sakura earlier before he started high school, she had always felt like someone who would close off her heart on her own and never allow anyone into it.

After the Grail War, Shirou had put a lot of time and effort into perfecting his own reality marble, based off his own experiences and memories, it wasn't until 4 years after the Grail War had Shirou realized why he could not project his soul onto the world the same way that Archer had, as well as when he fought Gilgamesh. This was due to Shirou, in his soul, not believing that he was alone anymore. In Archer's reality marble, which he had based his own reality marble off of, the world was lonely and dark, mechanical gears hung in the sky to show just how Archer saw himself. Archer believed that he was to work alone and die by himself on a hill of swords by himself. This is why when Shirou had tried using his own incantation for Unlimited Blade Works when fighting Gilgamesh again, as well as Archer's incantation for Unlimited Blade Works, he would feel immense pain, as if the blades inside his soul were forcing him to not attempt to do that again.

He was so confused as to why he was failing in the only way he knew how to conduct mage craft that he soon started to revert back into what Saber and Rin were trying to convince him to not become. He had started returning to the personality where only saving people mattered, not his own personal safety. This is when his two lovers decided that they had seen enough of the moping Shirou and confronted him about it. First it was a quiet conversation, that steadily grew more and more heated, before Rin finally managed to slap some sense into him, quite literally.

She had told him that the reason he felt such pain and sorrow when using Unlimited Blade Works is because in his soul, he wasn't alone anymore, he could rely on the two who trusted him with their lives. Shirou, finally coming to a slight understanding, reignited the fire in his gold/steel gray eyes. Maybe he could not save everyone, but he would commit his life to saving everyone that he could save within his own power. Another revelation that came to Shirou was that he could not ever believe that some random person's life held the same amount of weight in his soul as the weight that Rin's and Saber's hearts did. His body would be cut, torn, mauled, destroyed, or vaporized before he would allow them to be injured, standing as the one who protects those that he loves.

After this argument, with Shirou reaffirming his own goal in life, he began to start and find a way in order to open his own reality marble. Not one that Archer made, not one that he based off Archer's, but a reality marble that he could call his. By being able to do this Shirou would be well on his way to reaching the peak at which Archer had set for him.

Soon after Shirou had resolved himself, the three became virtually inseparable. The bond between these three becoming so close that they could be called dependent on each other, not just physically but also mentally. Due to such an unbreakable bond forming between these three, they could never part from each other for more than a week, as they would start to feel lonely or anxious about not having the others there. Shirou was the one who experienced this the most as he was constantly out on dead apostle hunts, or just apprehending a rogue sealing designate who broke the rules set by the clock tower and the church.

One could say that he was a fault for bringing this feeling upon himself, as he usually volunteered for these missions, but he was doing this to make sure that he was strong enough, capable enough, to stand by their side when they needed him the most. As well as saving as many people as he could in the process. Even if that meant not always being with them.

This bond that was shared between them also affected them subconsciously. One example would be that all three have started to say the exact same thing at the same time, as they have started having similar thoughts to each other as a result of being so closely bonded to one another. The other example is the dreams.

It is widely known in the mage world where if you are bonded to a spirit of some sort, whether it be heroic or just a grounded ghost, you will start to see the highlights of one's life and how they lived through your own dreams. Both good and bad, everything is exposed without exception. Shirou and Saber can't help but want to hold Rin tighter against themselves every time they see just how lonely she was when she was younger after she had lost both her parents and her sister in the 4th Holy Grail War. Saber's life had been a tragic tale in the making of a king who did not want to be a king and how the ones who were closest to her were the ones to betray her. Her own group of knights, The Knights of the Round, had been forced to choose a side and every decision had hurt, but none more than her right-hand aid, Lancelot du Luc. The visions also showed Saber's death at the hand of her own son (daughter?), Mordred and how before she could pass away, she stabbed her own spear, Rhongomyniad, into her own proxies' chest, forever ended the legacy of Camelot. After seeing something so tragic Shirou and Rin would instinctively shower Saber with love and show her why they would never leave her side, no matter what happened. Saber would be forever grateful that she now had people that she could open her heart up to and embrace them with all of her being.

Shirou's past had been the one that the girls could never get over. Even after experiencing everything that life has to throw at you, its pain and sorrow, they could never meet with the absolute feeling a death and despair that Shirou's oldest memory held.

They could feel the fire that had consumed hundreds, the smell of smoke and ash barely working to cover the rancid scent of burning flesh and organs. People begging for someone to save them, or just their children, as Shirou walked through the fire, slowly losing feeling in his body and soul. People praying to God that he would deliver them from evil. But that never happened. The fire claimed all, almost as if it was sent from the devil himself and consumed everyone. Men, women, children, young, old, good, evil. Nothing survived, despair reigned supreme. Shirou decided to just give up, lay down and finally to just die. To not exist anymore, as there wasn't anything worth living for anymore.

Until a single man, desperately looking for anything, anyone, shuffled through the mess and remains of both architecture and human bodies alike. And then his gaze met Shirou's, before tears started falling and the man quickly running over to him and placing something that was shining and golden inside of him, before lifting him into his arms and holding him close.

All throughout this the man and been crying and thanking God or whoever was listening, for allowing him to save the young boy who look emotionally and physically broken. The only thought running through the boy's head after these events was, "Could I smile like that if I saved someone", before passing out and allowing the dream to end.

For a good reason, Rin and Saber always checked up on Shirou, knowing that his dream of being a hero of justice was long and hard, even if he now prized himself a little bit more than he used to. But in Shirou's case, if was self-inflicting harm, as he used to not care what happened to his body as long as he was helping in need. Rin and Saber had slowly begun to steer him away from that direction thanks to the bond that they all shared, as they could slightly feel all of the emotions running through both of them when he was going to do something stupid.

Eventually Shirou learned that not everyone in the world are equal to him. He would give his life for Rin or Saber without a moment's notice if they are in enough danger. He would also do this to people in need, but Rin and Saber had been forcing himself to beware of just how reckless he was before actually acquiring proper training from Saber. The bond between these three felt like a slight invasion of privacy but would prove just how close the three of them were, and just how far each of them would go for each other.

3rd Person

Shirou, Rin and Saber were tired. After having to fly for 12 hours just to reach a small island in the Caribbean, they were immediately thrown into combat with the local population of the undead after having to crash land the plane. Shirou felt intense frustration and regret by not being able to be present before the dead apostle ancestor managed to take control of the island and make everyone on it into mindless slaves.

Following the rules of the world that he lives in, all undead must be put to rest in the quickest way possible. No exceptions. Rin had decided to tag along on this mission in order to test out a new way to store prana in a crystalline structure and the effects that it would have in combat, and thought that this would be the perfect opportunity to experiment and not have any repercussions for blowing up large areas that were usually quite expensive. And if there was one thing that Tohsaka Rin wish she had; it was money. Afterall, all the problems in the world can be solved with money, right?

Saber had joined up mostly due to the fact that she could not stray too far from Rin as the female magus was her primary source of prana that allowed her to materialize. Although it did help that Saber expressed a concern for Rin's safely and made it her job to make sure Rin was protected and that no harm would come to her while on the mission. Overall though, Rin had made sure to stick as close as she could to her partners as she knew Saber would make sure she out of harm's way as much as possible as well as Shirou, who was starting to scratch the layers of being a Servant himself based on the speed, power, and skill that he had shown lately. After projecting a few black keys, as well as materializing Excalibur with its blessing of mist, the two front-liners made short work of the surrounding undead that had quickly shown up after they had crash landed.

Their main objective now was to find the group of enforcers that had made their way onto the island in order to scout out what exactly was happening on the island. To do this, Shirou closed his eyes in concentration and took a deep breath through his nose. This allowed him to pinpoint where a decently large amount of prana was being expelled as well as a very dark presence that Shirou could only identify as a dead apostle ancestor, or something similar to one anyway.

After trekking across the green hills of the Caribbean island, the young group managed to find where the enforcers had camped out. They looked a little winded and fatigued, but that is only natural due to the large amount of dead bodies that surrounded their camp. After making some quick introductions and allowing some time to rest, the enforcers expressed their desire to end this as quickly as possible and to head on home. Shirou had told Rin earlier where he might have caught on to where the boss of the undead was around here, to which Rin showed an area where the big boss might be. It almost seemed a little too cliché as the only infrastructure in the area that Shirou had felt that dark energy, was an old, worn down church that looked like it could fall apart at any second. Both Saber and Shirou seemed a little on edge while they had taken their break with the enforcers, and if Rin knew one thing, it was to trust the instincts of the two highly adept swordsman.

While traveling through the night, under the cover of darkness, the group of enforcers and the terrific trio had made quick work of the blood slaves that haunted the ground of the island and quickly made their way to the old and abandoned church, in order to find the head apostle to stop the spread of the infection from spreading to larger landmasses and turning more innocent people into mindless slaves.

After a few hours of wading through the lifeless corpses and rivers of blood, with only a couple of little rests, the ragtag group of enforcers and magus slowly made their way to the center of the island where the church was as well as the feeling of corrupted and filthy mana was being emitted throughout the area. At this point Saber and Shirou looked as though they were to fight at the drop of a pin, and Rin could understand why. The overwhelming presence of death permeated through her bones, but she had already experienced that, thanks Berserker. No, what she felt was wrong, as in prana being used for very sinister devices, things that should be taboo and scorned from the world.

As they approached the front door of the church, both Shirou and Saber finally gave into their instincts and summoned their swords, Shirou with Kanshou and Bakuya and Saber with Excalibur, as their anxiety and paranoia for what was through the door caused Rin to take on an expression of surprise. She had never seen her two lovers this tense, even in the face of Gilgamesh, the corrupted grail, as well as Hercules. Saber and Shirou looked like they wanted to be anywhere but in front of that door at that moment, before finally, an enforcer decided to take things into his own hands and push open the chapel doors.

In an instant he was quickly stabbed cleanly through the middle of the forehead by an object that looked like a mix between a branch, a tentacle, and something you might find clogged in your drain.

"Holy Shit!" exclaimed one of the other enforcers nearby as he was in shock by what had just happened.

"Rin, get back!" both Shirou and Saber shouted at the same time, as they noticed more objects being quickly shot through the open door. More and more branches began to fly through the air in an attempt of stabbing anything that was alive.

Quickly, after the eldritch branch of horror had been stabbed through the poor man, the man started attacking the nearby enforcers with savagery not found in human beings.

"Shirou be careful, those branches might be directly connected to the dead apostle in charge around here."

Quickly Swinging Kanshou and Bakuya, the married blades who always return to each other, Shirou started cutting down all of the branches that had stemmed their way as well as any stray branches that happen to be nearby. Saber had followed suit and started cutting down any branches that got past Shirou and was determined to not let anything harm Rin. Rin on the other hand, was starting to channel her own prana reserves in order to lessen the burden on Saber and allowing her to perform at peak capacity as well as formulating a few spells that could be of use in a pinch if either of her lovers were overwhelmed by the branches. Slowly but surely, Shirou, looking like a whirlwind of blades as the married blades were gleaming against each other, was advancing into the church, whilst reducing any branch that came within his vicinity to a pile of splinters. Saber relaxed a little as the number of branches that were flying the group slowly came to a halt. After the branches claimed another of the enforcers life's, Shirou grimaced but pushed on through the doorway into the church.

Under the darkness of the church itself, he could vaguely make out a contorted shape that was further into the room. As the group of living humans and magus, slowly followed Shirou into the church, Saber brought her sword up again as the feeling that she had before suddenly disappeared, as if had not been there before. Shirou visibly twitched when that happened and narrowed his eyes to have a good look at what was causing all the mayhem on this island. A well-dressed man, whose flecks of gray hair in his beard and hair and showed that he looked like he was middle-aged. That wasn't counting the blood-red eyes, as well as the slightly pointed teeth that were visible in his surprisingly soft smile.

"Welcome to my humble abode, enforcers of the clock tower. You responded just as fast and as skillfully as I thought you would. Would you care for a few words before you lot mindlessly begin to attempt to slaughter me? I quite enjoy the company of people after all." the silver-tongued man stated when he became visible to everyone in the room.

Shirou, quietly eyeing the man, thought this is quite the strange encounter. Usually all apostles are more about feasting on humans, expanding their undead army and whatnot. But not this one. This one was genuinely interested in talking to the uninvited guests in his home or so he claimed. He did not even have a shred of bloodlust or killing intent which was the most surprising fact for Shirou. Rin and Saber stood behind him, both hiding expression of surprise on their faces with what they had just heard.

Before Shirou, or Rin for that matter, could get a word in, an enforcer who had been enchanting his fists with some type of runes that he had been continuously present since the fighting had started had launched himself at the calm and focused being that sat in his chair.

"Take your dialogue to hell with your body and soul, dead apostle!,'' was the last thing that he ever said, as right before his fist could make contact with the face of the apostle, branches, almost as if waiting for the most dramatic moment, pierced through the body of the impulsive fool 20 different ways before he finally hit the ground, soul lost from his body and clearly dead.

"Such a shame, I was hoping for a reasonable conversation." Commented the man, has the body was soon absorbed into the ground where it had fallen.


Shirou could hear the faint statement of slander over his right shoulder but decided not to comment as he kept his eyes on the main target of mission. Shirou decided to see what type of person this dead apostle turned out to be, and why he seemed so intent on making small talk with the people who had been tracking him down to kill him. So Shirou spoke up.

"Who are you? And why are you doing this exactly?"

Shirou asked without a hint of hesitation and with enough to steel to cause the other enforcers in room to flinch from his voice at his seriousness. Rin looked at Shirou incredulously before giving him a piece of her mind.

"Shirou!? What are you doing you oaf?! That is a dead apostle!" In the loudest whisper that you can imagine. Saber just slightly closed her eyes and sighed in resignation, before quickly setting back up into her defensive stance next to Rin.

"I just want to hear what he has to say, that's all. After all, he is taking the time to talk himself and not firing off those black branch things at us anymore. Why not a little bit of conversation?" Shirou quickly responded back.

All while this small exchange was going on the man just seemed content that someone had finally decided to have a decent conversation with him.

"Ahem," the man produced by coughing into his fist causing Shirou and Rin to swiftly turn back to the dead apostle in the room, "If I have your attention now, It is nice to finally meet someone who wishes to engage in conversation," his eyes narrowing, "Even if the one who asked does not believe he is human himself." The man said with a small smile.

This time, Rin, Saber and Shirou all went wide eyed at the implication of what he just said and quickly narrowed their own eyes.

"How does this man know of Shirou's abilities? Or maybe he doesn't know the specifics, but he can "feel" the amount of steel that is present in Shirou. Either way, if this apostle has senses as good as I believe, then I think we just walked into a whole heap of trouble." Rin thought, going over some possible hypotheses as to why Shirou's true nature had been revealed.

During this exchange, the other enforcers in room just sat back absorbing all the information that was being tossed around by the dead apostle.

"My name is Harper Langley Berrye, former head of the house Berrye, and former lord of botany at the clock tower," the man proclaimed, as he stood up and did a small bow before everyone in the room.

It was Rin's turn for her jaw to hit the floor as the man revealed his identity to everyone.

"A noble, as well as a former lord of the clock tower, this can't be good," she thought.

Questions began flanking her mind, why is there such a prestigious person in the middle of nowhere, why has this man turned into a dead apostle, what has he done to those trees and plants surrounding him? Someone this powerful would usually cause more harm than it was worth for him to be defeated, but instead approached this situation with grace and elegance that often associated with a noble.

"Just who is this man?!" Before Rin or Shirou could ask any questions about the strange man, he spoke himself.

"Before you ask any questions I would like to explain myself," with another small bow and smile he began to speak again, "Back when I used to teach at the clock tower, I think it would be correct in saying that I was one of the more well-liked professors in the clock tower. I just loved to see the smile on people's faces when they finally understood something, or the look of effort that one would give trying his absolute best in order to achieve something that he has strived for. I got along well with all of my students and did my best to enjoy the presence of the other lords, even if I did not like them. Not to mention a loving wife waiting for me at home every day when I returned from work. It was a happy time that I wish I could return to, just relaxing, teaching, and researching." The man said with his eyes closed and a deep sigh as if remembering like it was yesterday.

"So why, and more importantly how did someone like you become a dead apostle? You sound like you had life pretty figured out at that point, why did you decide to quit and give up everything that you had built up?"

This question came from Rin, as she could see how after a few years of relative safety in the clock tower had allowed her to have better focus and an ease of mind knowing that there weren't that many people who would come after her, both publicly and privately. This was mostly due to Rin being an apprentice of The Wizard Marshall, which would spell doom for anyone who interfered with anyone who was associated with him. Not to mention being the known lover of the Second Magus Killer. Being on the shit end of either of those was just asking for a death sentence.

Although her reputation would not calm her down when she would not hear from Shirou in over a week sometimes, but after that happened twice over some missions that Shirou got sent out on, Rin taught Shirou to anticipate a "light" punishment if they did not keep in contact. Needless to say, Shirou and Rin had put up with the pain of learning how to use the basics of a cell phone in order to stay connected with each other.

The man in the room looked at Rin for a second, switching his focus over to Shirou, as if finally understanding something, he blood-red eyes went back to Rin with a smirk on his lips. Shirou could hear the tick mark make itself present on Rin's forehead as he noticed the shit eating grin that was present on the man's face. After a few seconds of silence, Rin could not hold it in anymore.

"What are you smirking at old-timer?!" Rin exclaimed in a voice that was a mix between a yell and a growl.

"You, the blonde swordsman, and the multicolored hair boy in front of you are lovers, are you not?" The man commented, smirk never leaving his face.

"W-," Rin started before all anger subsided and turned into pure embarrassment as her face turned bright red, Saber on the other hand just looked down quietly and coughed softly once.

"W-Was it that easy to tell?" Rin said softly, while looking down, before Shirou and Saber, as well as the rest of the enforcers in the area, sweat dropped over the rapid change in personality. Shirou could not believe that the same girl that used to deny all feelings about anything, and put the "tsun" in tsundere, was now blushing like a middle school girl who just got asked out by her first crush.

"Yes, it is, to be honest. You keep taking glances at them throughout our conversation so far, not to mention they are currently in a stance to jump and cover you first rather than to close the distance between us. This reminds me a lot of how my late wife, and I used to act together. Although she would be the one to jump out and protect me at a moment's notice." A hearty laugh came from the aged man, as he remembered something enjoyable from his former life.

While laughing his eyes had slowly been lowering, remembering better times. Everyone in the room could feel how the atmosphere seemed to have dropped 20 degrees in the span of a few seconds at what the man had just said. Rin, needing answer decided to be the one to ask the million-dollar question.

"Forgive me for being blunt, but what happened to your wife?", Rin stated.

The man looked down, eyes closed and scrunched up together.

"My wife, Elizabeth, never knew exactly what I was. She was just a regular human who wanted to live her life out best way possible. I just so happen to meet her and could not convince myself to tell her the truth, I didn't want to burden her with knowledge of the dark side of this world and more importantly I wanted her to stay out of it. I think she knew I was into something dangerous but never brought up the subject. She was amazing, a saint of the kindness in my humble opinion, so much that once I found out that she could not have children, I could not convince myself to leave." He explained, as most of the magus in the room opened their eyes at the implication. Not being able to have children as a magus would basically mean you were throwing away all your research to be destroyed and your family crest ending with yourself, something unbelievable by any magus worth their mysteries.

"Thus, inevitably ending the dynasty of my family's magic crest, one that has over 300 years of research in it." He looked at the dull green crest as it shown on his left forearm. Rin could not fathom the man's train of thought. Was this woman so important to this man that he would give up 300 years of research just to be with her, effectively losing all status in the clock tower as well?

"My job as professor of the clock tower would occasionally require me to take on an expedition that would result in an increase in the budget of my research. I went on an expedition to explore a rather unmarked part of the Amazon rainforest that happened to be on top of a leyline. The objective of the mission was to see if any of the plants that were near one of the more purer leylines in the world, had adapted to the large quantities of mana being released from the earth, giving the plants the option to store the mana and use it as an energy source instead of the sun in order to grow.

The results were mildly successful as some plants had managed to grow their own pseudo magic circuit inside of their limbs, and even continue to grow after being removed from the soil." He looked up again, excited to be talking about some of the fascinating results of his research, before slowly lowering his head back down, depressed by his own thoughts.

"I had always tried to keep in contact with Elizabeth when I traveled out of the country, no matter what, just to make sure she was fine and to hear her beautiful voice. So, when I had not heard from her in a few days, I began to worry but I just waved it off, saying that she is just busy with work, not trusting my own instinct. After returning to England and reporting the results of the expedition and some of the samples that I had managed to bring with me, I finally made my way home to my loving wife." At this part the poor man could be seen with tears beginning to fall down his eyes, hands clenched white like he wanted to strangle the nearest object.

"When I would leave on these trips, I would ask the clock tower to have someone watching over the house just in case someone had decided to take drastic measures against me. She had been home alone, when the group of guardsmen that had been hired by the clock tower disabled the bounded field that I had set up around the house. Then they had broken down the front door and quickly made their way in. Elizabeth was quite a fighter, you see, and actually managed to kill one of the brutes before they finally pinned her down. Once I had managed to catch one after I returned, they confessed saying that they received an anonymous tip and a large amount of money, saying that if they killed the woman inside the house, they could have all the money that was presented up front as well as whatever they can find in the house. On top of that, the employer never said what to do with the woman beside her being dead." It was dead silent in the church as everyone had begun to piece together was exactly happened.

"Elizabeth had been raped 5 times over the course of 30 minutes before the men decided that they had enough of her and cut her into pieces and throw her all over the house, before ransacking the house and disappearing, from what I heard from a friend when they were discussing the case." Harper said, voice wavering with every word.

If they thought that the room had dropped in temperature before, this felt like the second coming of the ice age. Nobody in the room even attempted to talk, all while the man let out his emotions, with tears streaming down his face, before looking up with the unforgettable look of steel in his eyes. Shirou knew that exact look, he saw it every time that he looked in the mirror.

"I managed to find all of her in separate areas of the house and, slowly but surely, I sewed her back together using a bit of botany mage craft with very thin vines. After this I left for the clock tower in a rage of fury. I stormed directly to the headmaster of the clock tower to explain myself and to ask why this had happened not caring for anyone who got in my way. I only knew one person who had this type of power, money, and motivation to do this.

Emerson Edmund Fryee, another lord of the clock tower who had been making deals with lower standing families to raise their rank in the clock tower. We had never seen eye to eye on a lot of topics, but I never thought that he would have gone this far just to make me give up my position of lord of botany at the clock tower." Streams of tears were clearly evident now and were even more painful as nobody knew what to say and just silently stood, waiting for the broken to speak again. When he finally finished, he once again looked as though he was hardening his resolve.

"Obviously the man denied all claims of attempting this and was about to get away to, but before the clock tower could release him of all charges, one of the guardsman who had been present during that night claimed to see the same wristwatch on the cloaked man as Emerson had been wearing. After hearing this evidence, I could not control the rage inside of myself anymore, and I called forth my mysteries and allowed them to wreak havoc on the cruel man. Needless to say, that man is no longer with us. Unfortunately, killing a lord of the Clock Tower is illegal no matter how much they pain they have caused. Although due to some more evidence that was eventually found, convicting the dead man of the corruption, I was allowed to live but was quickly ejected from the clock tower, on top of losing my lord position. Before I left, I had managed to find the body of my wife and take her away from the clock tower."

At this point Rin was starting to feel anxious and wanting the man to finish up his story.

"As someone who has lost someone important to themselves as well, I know where you are coming from, but why and how did you become a dead apostle?" Rin commented tapping to foot to a slight rhythm.

"I could never forget the time that I spent with Elizabeth, not matter what I did. So, I chose to attempt to bring her back, no matter the cost." The last words heavily emphasized. Beat red eyes, cutting into Rin like one of Shirou's swords through her soul.

Rin took a few seconds to realize what he just said and looked back distastefully at the broken man after confirming in her head what exactly he said again. This she started laughing, but this wasn't laughter of joy or sadness, but of mocking.

"Ha, do you think it will be that easy to just recreate the third true magic, the Heaven's Feel?! Do you not know the attempts of that already? Here is a hint, the holy grail war." Rin said as she looked back the man in pity and disgust.

"That conflict was more than just a simple ritual, it was a matter of life and death, the moment you step onto the battlefield. Just staying alive was hard enough, but to learn that the grail was corrupt from the very start, put quite a damper on the whole, "wish-granting artifact."" This time it was Shirou who was the one to speak up and you could hear the regret and pain coming through his voice.

"Even so," Harper began again, "I could not look her in the eye, without telling her how sorry I am making it my duty to bring her back no matter what. In order to attempt to bring her back, I first needed more power and one of the easiest ways to do that is make sure that it is rather hard to kill yourself as well as just having enough power to meet my own goals. Using the blood of a dead apostle ancestor, I soaked some of the red liquid into my vines in allowed them to travel throughout my body to enhance and modify my body, into one of an apostle allowing the plants to become a rather large part of me and my soul." As soon as he said this, he could see an orange light slowly come down towards the floor and what was inside shocked everyone present.

"This is my wife Elizabeth, and the container that keeps her body well preserved. By allowing her body to keep its shape, if I manage to gather enough magic energy, then she would be able to experience life again." He said pointing to the bulb of orange liquid that looks like non-viscous honey.

"In order to bring her back I need enough prana to kickstart the process, if the holy grail could grant any wish with only the souls of seven heroic spirits, how many human souls do you think it would take in order to only bring one back?" Shirou took a deep swallow and looked like someone had just stabbed him in the back.

"That still does not make it right! Yes, what happened was unfortunate, but you need to move on and attempt to prevent things like," Shirou waved around the room and outside, "this! All the things you have done." Rin could tell Shirou was a little wound up and lightly put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

"It may not be right to you, but it is to me, no matter how many sacrifices I have to make in order to bring her back into my arms, I will do anything." Harper declared, his red eyes starting to glow brighter, sending out a pulse of power that would have caused the more weak-willed people to be trembling and falling to their knees.

"What if something happened to the little miss behind you, hm? Do you love her enough to prevent any harm from coming to her at the cost of the lives of others? Could you honestly say that you would give her life for the life of the many?" The dead apostle aggressively questioned, as if he wanted the answer to question himself.

Shirou knew this question was coming and he has had a long 8 years to think about it. By continuously putting himself before others in an attempt to save as many people as possible, as well as staying with Rin and Saber at the time, Shirou began to create a new ideology for himself. To save as many people as possible without having to endanger the lives of those that he cherishes. Over time, as his bond with his two lovers grew further, he made sure to start watching out for his own safety and life and not just throwing it away for someone that he hardly knows. He knew how torn Rin and Saber would be if he died and left them alone in the world. So he made damn sure to never bite off more than he could chew for the fear of leaving his comrades along in the world, not to mention if he did come back alive, he would be in for one hell of a lecture and some servant class "training" to make sure that he didn't do anything like that again.

Shirou believe himself to be a sword, but he was changing. Very subtly, but he was slowly changing. He was becoming someone again, human again. All of the emotions that were lost in the fire, Shirou was slowly gaining back what it means to be human. Of course, he would always attempt to save as many people in the world that he could, but he found some others that were just a little more important to him than everyone else in the world combined.

Rin had been the first to bring it up to Shirou, with Saber added that she saw more emotion passing through his features more than ever before. Shirou himself could not believe it but the first time that he subconsciously decided against going on a dead apostle ancestor hunt for the fear that he may not be able to return to the ones that meant the most to him.

"Once, I believed that it was my duty as a person striving to be a hero of justices to save everyone, no matter the circumstances that may lay out before me." Shirou said as he closed his eyes and concentrated on the words that he now lived by, with Rin and Saber standing behind him anxiously waiting for his answer, as he had never put into words what he now stood by to them.

"That boy did not understand the task that he was fighting for was an impossible one. One filled with an unimaginable amount of blood and strife that would never be fulfilled no matter how much power that he managed to muster. Only after meeting someone remarkably similar to myself did I understand what I was putting myself up to. Violence and death, and the incarnation of the question that you just asked. Sacrificing the one for the many in any case." Shirou prattled on as Rin and Saber both had a deep look of recollection, as they knew exactly who Shirou was referencing. The dead apostle in the room giving Shirou look of pondering before Shirou continued.

"It was at that moment where I began to change, shaping my soul back into something that I had once lost. After spending an extended amount of time with both Rin and Saber, they gave me a reason become one who would save his cherished ones above all others. It would not be an understatement in saying that they mean more than the world to me, which is quite literal. Yes, I would still continue to save as many people as I could with the power that I wielded even willing to give up my own life for those people. But if someone was threatening my loved ones, by the power that I have gained through sweat and blood, I will come down on them like an avenging angel and leave nothing in my wake." Shirou declared loud and for all to hear. The two behind him had never heard Shirou speak these lines in all the years of knowing him. The dead apostle behind him giving him a look of respect. But Shirou wasn't done there.

"But there is one key difference between you and me that I have recently realized shows even more love and dedication to my lovers than you show yours." Shirou said with a small smirk while the one who originally asked the question had a look of both questioning and rage. Rin and Saber just stared at Shirou with eyes of admiration.

"And what have you learned that puts your commitment above mine?! I sacrificed everything that I had and more in order for the small chance that I may or may not be able to hold my wife in my arms again!" Power extruded in large waves from the man, as he yelled out in rage. Shirou just steeled is resolution again, undeterred by the amount of pressure that the undead man in front of him was emitting.

"What I have learned is that in order to stay with those that I love for the longest time possible, I not only have to protect them, but I must take my own life into consideration as well to make sure that the future that we will have together will be long and fulfilling." Shirou said as he stared at the man down as he spoke again before he could retort, turning to look at Rin and Saber both.

"If they love me as much as I love them, then I know that they would hate to see me in pain and would want to protect me just as much I would want to protect them." He spoke softly, beholding at Rin and Saber as they just gave him a look of awe and admiration. He thought he could see a small tear forming in Rin's eye as she covered her mouth quickly, not allowing any sound to escape. Saber gazed at Shirou with flushed cheeks and a radiant smile as he had finally found something worth fighting for. Shirou took his eyes off his lovers and snapped them back to the man who had asked the difficult question in the first place.

"If you are willing to give up your life for your chosen loved ones, then you cannot say that you are really thinking about their feelings if you are making the decision to not strive to stay by their side with them. I wish I could have been there to save you in your time of need," he said with a grimace and a small bow towards the man, "But not being able to control your greed to see your wife again caused you to lose your humanity and murder countless innocent humans, which is something that I, as a person striving to save as many people in this world as possible, will not allow to pass!" He declared allowing prana to fill his circuits as he had said that needed to be said.

"Well then, I guess we will never see eye to eye," he said with a sigh, "Looks like negotiations have broken down."

The plants on his side of the church slowly became active again and stirred the massive amount of dark energy in the area before launching themselves at everyone present in the room.

"Shirou!" "Shirou!", two desperate shouts rang out as the two ladies watch their lover collapse after finishing off the dead apostle and the multitude of branches that were currently present in his body.

The fight had been a hectic one as the number of variables to keep track of during the fight had slowly been increasing as the fight went on. Branches filled with prana being the main problem as they had free range to pop out of anywhere they wanted and attack from any angle, combine that with enough prana to keep Berserker fed for a week, and an intellect that wasn't any less than Rin's, and you are in for a rough time no matter who you are.

Shirou had taken it upon himself to try and finish off the apostle on his own before any lives could be loss, giving a look at Saber before bounding off. Saber understanding his intention. Protect Rin, I leave her with you, had rang out clear as day through his amber eyes.

Before long, even with minor Noble Phantasms being spawned by Shirou, the old man refused to die. Rin, and by association Saber, were beginning to run low on mana and the branches seemed to only increase as time went on.

Rin had managed to solve how they might be able to defeat the dead apostle and through the gem connection between her and Shirou, she was able to convey that the dead apostle was receiving power through the vines that were connected to him through the earth.

In a last-ditch effort, with his own magic circuits starting to burn up to a very uncomfortable point, where they felt like molten steel poured onto his nerves directly. Shirou could only grit his teeth and push through the pain in order to create an opening where Saber and Rin could hopefully sever the thick vines that seemed to be sprouting from the old man's back.

By thrusting forward with Kanshou and Bakuya, he was able to break through the old man's mass of sentinel branches and quickly traced the final sword of the fight.

The sword that he barely managed to create in front of him was a shining vermillion sword, with scarlet flames slowly swirling off the sides every so often as the sword was a blaze with ardent flames. The name of this sword was Dyrnwyn, the generous and one of the 13 treasures of Briton. This sword had been used by the man known as Rhydderch Hael, a king in the early ages of the isle of Briton who ruled over the land of Alt Clut. The sword would always burn in the hand of the one who managed to pull it out of its sheath without being combusted in flames. When invoked, the sword bestows the full might of its flames to those it deems an enemy. Combined with the fighting prowess of Shirou, the flames were soon used to sever the connection between the dead apostle and whatever was supplying him increasing large amounts of prana.

Before Shirou could end the apostle's life by disintegrating everything that made up the main body, Shirou had been pierced by no less than 14 branches, all of which were in relatively important areas. Lungs, intestines, thighs, arms, stomach, and shoulders were all destroyed damaged. Due to the invocation of the Noble Phantasm, Shirou had been forced to stand still for far too long, allowing a serious blow to be dealt to the hero of justice.

Dauntlessly, Shirou had managed to break off the branches that were sticking out of him with help from Rin and Saber as they had seen the horrible state that he was left in and rushed over to him in order to make sure that he could survive the injuries that he currently had sustained.

Shirou had decided enough was enough and cleaved through what was remaining of the undead man, not before giving the man a very sad look that only conveyed the honest words of apology that did not meet the pain that the man in front of him had went through in the past and present just to achieve one goal, a goal that went against everything that Shirou should for and could not forgive.

The man just gave a sad smile to Shirou and the ladies behind him, before his eyes turned glassy and a small smile became present on his face as if he could see the face of his loved on before him. It was entirely possible.

Just as the last of the man disintegrated into nothing, Shirou could not hold himself up anymore as there were 14 massive holes in his body and promptly collapsed before his body started shutting down. Avalon had been working overtime to try and heal him as quickly as possible, but the foreign prana that was active from the branches was inhibiting the healing and Shirou was slowly starting to fade.

"Nooo, Shirou! Please you need to stay with us!" Rin pleaded, pushing a red jewel into one of the open holes in his chest in an attempt to close it up. It had started to work very slowly, but it wasn't fast enough, even the presence of Saber would not allow for the healing of Avalon to increase.

"Shirou, please, please don't leave us, we don't know what we would do without you." Saber just softly said into one of his limp arms.

Shirou at this point could hardly keep his eyes open let alone respond before his head hit the ground and he passed out.

"Shit!" Rin yelled through her tears, "If he passes out now, Alaya will soon be on her way to claim his soul whether he accepts her offer to be a counter guardian or not! We can't let that happen!"

Rin was quickly trying to wrap her head around any possibility that could possibly lead to a way out of this situation, but her hands were tied, there was no way she could save Shirou before Alaya would reach him. That's when she got a crazy idea, one that wasn't safe or tested by any means, and would most likely end with all 3 of them dead, but it was a risk that she was willing to take, as she would not give up being with either Shirou or Saber even if it mean her life. She would rather die than not be them anymore.

Slowly she materialized the fake gem sword that she and Shirou had worked on so long ago and access the over-flowing amount of prana that was present in the sword. The sword was a copy of the one that her master, Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg uses, and allowed for super large amount of prana to be stored inside to help with accessing the Kaleidoscope. Rin had been charging the dang thing with any excess prana that was available to her for the last 6 years.

In order to save Shirou, she needed to take Shirou to a place that was currently outside of Alaya's reach. Which meant bringing him to a parallel world where the spirit of humanity had yet to manifest or did not manifest at all. She had never tried to connect to Kaleidoscope on such a deep level to allow for dimensional travel before but after 6 years of gathering prana and constant experiments to slightly feel the pull of her parallel selves, she decided that it was now or never as this was the last chance that she had in order to save Shirou.

By accessing the latent power that was stored inside of her gem sword, space around her slowly began to warp as she started to connect to the Kaleidoscope. Saber who had been watching her the whole time had been giving her a questioning look, before it became one of anxiety.

"Rin what are you planning?" Saber said as the urgency in her voice was slowly making itself present.

"Well, I'm planning on transporting us three to another in order for us to make sure that Shirou doesn't get taken by Alaya before we are able to heal him. In order to do so I must connect with the operation of parallel worlds and make a gate way into the Boundary, where all worlds and realities are present at all times. Therefore, if I have enough power left I can force us into another world where we can make sure that Shirou isn't taking by Alaya and we can swiftly make sure that he doesn't die from the holes in his body as well as whatever is forcing Avalon to shut down." She explained with a look of strain on her face as she pushed even harder to allow access to the inner workings of the world.

"Oh, okay then, what does that mean for me then? I am internally connected to the throne of heroes and will be forced to become a counter guardian if I ever lose my bond with you. What will it mean if I change worlds? I don't want to be separated from you and Shirou." Saber said softly with a small blush and a sad look on her face. Rin couldn't help but smirk a little at her knight's stoic behavior doing a 180, but quickly changed back as she could finally feel the gateway opening to the Boundary.

"Well don't you worry, because there is not a second where I will give up on either one of you if I have anything to say about it." She said confidently, but internally she could feel her stores of prana quickly depleting themselves.

As the portal opened, a myriad of colors and complex shaped exploded out briefly causing both Saber and Rin to stare in wonder. Saber had seen beautiful and powerful magic before, she had been an acquaintance of Merlin after all (and only an acquaintance), but the shifting colors and motions of the Kaleidoscope were captivating to say the least.

The two women pick up Shirou by the shoulders to see that he was still bleeding profusely out of the rather large holes that were present on his body but breathing at least. After a little bit of struggling, the three of them managed to make it through the inter-dimensional portal of swirling colors.

"It looks just as much like an LSD trip as the last time I was here," Rin thought to herself, "or at least what I have heard it looks like."

Rin then focused and strained herself for what was supposed to happen next. Zelretch had always told her that if she ever managed to make it to the Boundary of Worlds on her own, she would only need imagine where she would want to go, and obliviously supply the necessary power in order to reach the world that she wanted to see. At this point, she was desperate enough to find any world that just didn't have as much influence from Alaya to make sure that Shirou could will his way through and resist her pull.

It wasn't until Rin noticed that the prana necessary to get to any new world was much higher than anything she had ever imagined. Internally, Rin was starting to curse herself for recklessly endangering her lovers. What if Shirou had managed to stay together long enough to resist Alaya's pull? What if she had managed to heal more of his wounds before he had lost function of his body? What if she was just a little bit more powerful to allow both of her lovers to come out of that whole situation unharmed? She began to doubt herself, feeling as though she failed both Shirou and Saber. Only Saber's look of confidence and respect toward Rin brought her out of her funk and started working her mind to think of a possibility that could get all three of them out safely. That was before an old, white bearded man suddenly appeared upside-down right in front of her face as their eyes were staring right into her own.

Rin did the only thing that she could do in that moment. She screamed her head off as Saber was suddenly ready to fight again, and the old man with eyes as red as rubies was just laughing his ass off at his student's surprise.

"What the fuck, Zelretch?!" Yelled Rin, in a surprising show of energy after how much energy she had already spent. Saber just eyed the old man suspiciously before dropping her guard a little bit at the mention of the name of the old man.

"Ha, it is always fun to mess with people!" He bellowed, loudly, "Your master feels an opening in the Kaleidoscope and decided to investigate only to see his poor student on her last limbs of power, her two lovers on the verge of death, and you expect me to just help her out. No, I need to make sure she can still handle some of the excitement of her master first. HAHAHA!" He exclaimed, putting both of his hands on his waist, puffing out his chest, and lifting his head to laugh towards the heavens.

Rin was usually one to retort with a large amount of animosity (not to mention forceful aggression), but the combination of her tiredness and unwillingness to deal with one of the most (if not the most) annoying living beings on the planet caused her to give the super-powered vampire in front of her a hateful glare that only those who have spited Rin in some way in the past would experience. The man in question only laughed at his disciple's antics before getting on to the real reason that he decided to intervene in his student's fate. His eyes turned serious.

"Rin the reason I am here is to confirm whether you really want leave this world for another. You know the consequences of this action. Leaving this world, you will give up everything that you have worked for until you can gather enough power to return, if you return at all. The parallel words are finnicky and may never even return to your own world again." The old man said solemnly.

"Of course, I am fine with it. It has been a few years since I realized that I wouldn't be happy living anywhere that doesn't have these two hard heads. They are quite literally one of the reasons that I want to live, they are more important to me than anyone else in the world, besides maybe Sakura. They are my family, and I don't know what I would do without them. I would throw down my life before I let someone take either of them from me, even if that someone is Alaya." She finished, looking quite pleased with herself.

"Rin…," Saber quietly commented over the confession of the female magus. As Rin looked over at Saber, she just gave her a shy look that said everything that needed to be conveyed. Soon after though she acquired a skeptical look on her face and turned towards Zelretch.

"Hold up, why are you asking me that?"

"Oh, I was just making sure that you were sure of your decision." He said with a mischievous grin before snapping his fingers.

A new portal opened up near where everyone was floating. It had a new color and pattern to it but was nothing out of the ordinary for where they were currently located.

"This wormhole right here will take you and your lovers to a world that meets all your requirements, and luckily, the influence of Alaya is very limited there. Just a little something from you to me." He said offhand.

"There is a twist, right?" Rin said deadpanned.

"Oh, how do you know me so well? Of course, there is a twist, and of course I am not going to tell you what it is but be sure to make it entertain for me as well. I have even negotiated with Ayala for Artoria's soul to be release from contract in that so that she may join you on your new journey so be grateful. HAHA! But let's just say that by releasing Artoria's soul from the throne of heroes there may be some…interesting consequences. Alright I think that is everything. Just make sure to be careful at night. Ok? Bye!" He said as he quickly vanished from the Boundary entirely.

Rin could only grit her teeth, take a deep breath, and try not to say anything as she most certainly had questions especially with respect to what might happen to Saber but that could wait for later. Shirou needed help desperately as he was beginning to lose the heat from his body and Rin wasn't up for seeing how long Shirou could survive with multiple gapping wounds in his body. Rin also did not know how long it would actually take to get to the new world that Zelretch opened up for her little posy.

"Alright, I do not trust him in the slightest, but we do not really have much of a choice at this moment," Rin sighed, her eyes looking at Saber that moved over to Shirou to show her just how serious his case has gotten. "I know you might be a little disturbed about what Zelretch just said but rest assured, I don't think there will be any negative consequences, mostly due to how your soul as a heroic spirit is only bound to me…" she said before looking over at Saber to see her face slowly losing color at the implication.

"Rin, nothing in this world or the next would ever let me doubt my trust in you, but having my entire existence tied only to your soul is a little…scary." Saber said sheepishly.

"Isn't that how everything worked for the last few years?" Rin said before beginning to enter the portal to the other world, "Like your entire form in only still around due to our contract, right?" Rin asked confused.

"Yes, currently anyway." Saber instantly confirmed, "I am just worried if you run out of prana to sustain my existence. I would probably not even exist anymore as I am not connected to the throne anymore. I was always comfortable with our arrangement mostly due to…well…how well all three of us get along. I knew that if I ever disappeared and returned to the throne for any reason, you and Shirou would do anything in order to bring me back, and it meant so much to me, to finally have people that can see me for who I am on the inside, not just what they see on the outside." Saber finished with a bit of spite. Rin could only stare at Saber before a grinning.

"Well, I love you too. And I am pretty sure sword-for-brains here is in the same boat and more after that display back in the church," Rin said and blushed as she remembered what the idiot had the nerve to say in front of all of those people. Saber could only look at Rin with a small blush and a quick glance at the unconscious man in front of her. That is when she noticed something starting to happen inside of the wormhole to the other world.

"Rin," Saber said with all seriousness, "I think I will be arriving in the other world a little later than you both."

Rin had a look of dire concern for a second, before closing her eyes in understanding about what was going on.

"The throne is attempting to send all info of you recorded in our world through the Kaleidoscope. A feat that not only takes an immense amount of power, but also more time than usual inter-world travel. Not only that, you are also a heroic spirit with a large connection to humanity, which means that it will take you a little bit more time for all of your body and soul to transfer between the worlds. I am right?" Rin said with light-hearted nonchalance that only a genius of her caliber could understand.

"Of course, Rin, I knew you would figure it out quickly." Saber said with a look of approval. "Even now I can feel all the part of my soul that were recorded in the throne slowly trickling into me. You should go on ahead without me, it seems that this make take a bit of time, and Shirou doesn't look like he will last any longer and it will only get harder for him once Avalon notices my lack of presence." She commented with seriousness. "Take care of him, Rin, as well as yourself, I would hate to see the people that I love in pain without me. Just have enough prana to keep me alive, please." Saber said as she realized that she might not pop into existing without Rin to anchor her down.

"Yes, yes, Your Highness. I will make sure the idiot survives and you will have more than enough prana to sustain yourself once you come into existence. Just look for me through our bond or just a large amount of prana that is radiating in general alright." Rin said a little sarcastically, before turning around to leave as she stopped before she entered the new world. "Just one more thing before I leave," she said with a smirk on her face, "This." She quietly said as she quickly took Sabers lips for herself before the blonde could do anything about it and could only float in space as she accepted her lover. Long overstaying her welcome, Rin quickly parted with Saber, a trail of saliva following their mouths, showing just how intimate that they had been before quickly taking off with an injured Shirou into the new world.

"R-R-Rin, that was u-unnecessary!" Saber could only shout as she watched her two lovers go through the portal to the new world, one laughing the entire way, the other looking like the body of a castaway.

As she was having fun making out with Saber, Rin knew just what she would need to do once she got into the new world. Make sure that Shirou was safe and all of his injuries were healed up. Thankfully, Zelretch had been the one to open the portal to the new world as she would have been the equivalent of a dried up well if she had tried to open another portal. She could only gasp when she finally made it through the other side with Shirou on her reinforced shoulder.

The first thing that surprised her was the fact that she popped out 20 feet in the air in the middle of a back alley in some god forsaken town which looked to be Japanese (Thank god) by the architecture and overall look of the town before she started plummeting to the ground.

The other thing that she was surprised at was the density of mana that was present in the air. It felt as though she was walking through a shake of honey, molasses, and super glue. Was there no spirit of the earth regulating the flow of mana throughout the world at all? It caused a brief bit of pain when she had to channel the massive amount of mana into herself in order to reinforce her legs further for what she knew was about to be a very messy fall.

Although both of her legs held up, Shirou on the other hand hit the ground hard. All of the emergency aid that she had conducted on him back in their world, was the only reason she could still hear his breathing right now, and with that hard impact he just took, she hoped that she didn't just open a whole new slew of problems that could complicate the process of healing her lover.

"Well at least the impact managed to rattle his brain a bit and wake him up," Rin thought to herself.

"Hello sleepy head, good to see that sleeping beauty finally decided to wake up." Rin told him sarcastically.

"Ugh…where are we? Is everyone ok? Where is Saber?" He asked with not a moment to lose as he tried to push himself up, before evidently noticing the gaping holes in his body and decided to lay back down on the cold ground after a rather stern look from Rin.

"Calm down everyone is fine, well to answer your questions will take a bit of time. I'll heal you up while you ask questions, ok?" Rin said.

"Ok, well then first off, why is the mana here so dense?" Shirou said visible confused by the large increase in such a small amount of mana that he was used to dealing with.

"Oh boy, you are going to start with that one, eh?" Rin sighed while beginning to work on the holes in Shirou's body. "Let's just start with, you shouldn't try to run off and get yourself killed after speaking like that, baka." Rin lightly joke at Shirou's discomfort in both the question and the healing that was currently being performed.

Little did they know, a dark figure had been present since the time when the two popped out of the wormhole and had been eagerly watching the two as they performed feats of wonder that were rather uncommon of people of this world.

The dark figure had then made up their mind with what to do with the two, new, interesting specimens.

And that's a wrap! How was it leave a comment please and thank you!