Projection with Stars

Callum rested before the book Hastios had given him once more. His eyes. He flipped the pages, briefly reading the titles of them before he paused where he'd left off. This new page, titled Projection and the three types.

"Of all the Star Spells, none of them ever achieve the feats the Projection Spells do. The ability to cast a mystical body across the laws of space and time is one many would call powerful. But those who believe it to be the ultimate ability of magic, have not truly researched them."

"The Projection Spells may project the caster across space and time, but this mystical projection is not physical, and as a result, they are unable to interact with the world around them. While the projection allows them to communicate through many means, holding as word, casting a spell or even doing one of them many ever day tasks is impossible without a physical body present."

"As a result, and because of its large energy requirements, it is advised that mages in training avoid casting these spells till they've had time to build up their stamina and strength. One's mental ability is key to casting these spells with succuss, for the mental load required to project one's form across the stars is straining."

"Prolonged use of these spells can affect the caster in many ways. There are many different results that will affect the user, as Arcturus recorded in his book, The Power of the Stars. He listed around a dozen affects ranging from brain damage to a loss of one's connection to the Arcanum."

"Just as with every spell requiring the Stars, there is both an advantage and disadvantage. The advantage of these spells differs depending on which of the four is used. The disadvantage of each spell varies depending on the strength of the spell, and how long it's used for. Should one use the most powerful Projection spell for too long, they will suffer great pain as a result, often losing their connection to the Stars as a result alongside severe brain damage and many other harmful things."

"With an overview of these spells, we shall now explore the four, and what they each do, including the Ancient Draconic needed to cast the spell, the rune and how long a caster should hold them."

Callum frowned, rereading over what'd he had just read. It seemed as though, despite being the most powerful of the Arcanum's, the Stars were also the most dangerous to the caster if they relied upon it. Callum wondered if that was why the Startouch Elves were rarely ever seen, because others would call upon them to use their magic for war and other things, resulting in permeant damage to the caster.

It would explain why they were so rare, perhaps overuse of the spells had killed many of them, leading them to vanish, and only ever teach the Archmage how to use the spells. He could ponder upon those thoughts another time. Now, it was time to see these spells.

"The weakest of the four Projection Spells, Anima Prominens, works only over a short distance, the furthest this spell can reach is around palace of the Skywing ruler. A distance that isn't far, making it one perfect for home life. Due to the little energy, and the distance, the effects of this spell are little to worry, however, Arcturus advised that this spell not be overused."

"Coniunx Prominens is the second weakest of the spells. As it is tied to an anchor, like Anima Prominens, it is best suited for home life. The spell, allows one to project their mystical body to their partner, that being a wife or husband. It's energy tax is low and the effects minimal."

"I know many will be wondering why Coniunx Prominens is the second weakest, and not the weakest. That is due to the distance it can cover. It is able to be projected wherever the casters partner is. To put it plainly, it is possible to project one's mystical body to the other side of Xadia."

Callum blinked, glancing over it again. It wasn't difficult, it wasn't painful. The first two spells weren't so bad. But he suspected it was the next two that got many killed.

"Arvum Prominens, the second strongest of the spells, builds upon what Anima Prominens can do and enlarges the area of range from a small palace to the whole of Xadia. As a result, this spell is taxing and can at times, be fatal to ones' connection with the Star Arcanum. It is advised not to cast this spell, or Arcturus Prominens without support."

"The final of these spells, is Arcturus Prominens. This particular spell was created by legendary Archmage Arcturus during the days of the First Elves, and in his honour, the trigger used his name. This spell is the most powerful, and a fatal spell should one who is not prepared cast it."

"Arcturus Prominens is capable of projecting one's mystical body across the six Realms. Due to the taxing energy cost, and the dangerous side effects, it was only ever advised that the Archmage cast such a spell. But casters should be warned, other Realms have different laws regarding their space and time, and your projection may change greatly depending on the Realm you project to. To know more about the Realms and their natures, please refer to the chapter titled, The Realms and how to access them."

Callum closed the book, his mind buzzing with more questions then he could process. Each spell was great, and had its advantage, but much like the sight spells, they had a disadvantage. While the disadvantage with the projection spells was but a single disadvantage, its strength varied depending on the spell cast.

He wondered if these spells were the reason the Startouch Elves were so rare. It seemed as if the stars were a doubled edged blade, they give and take should one take little to no care. It offer power, but also gave pain.

The Saga is coming! I'm excited, who else is?