Ok, the first chapter is the same as chapter 9 of Hand that Rocks the Cradle. I wasn't sure if I was going to make it into another story, but the necessity of writing the 2nd chapter made my mind up for me. So, here it is. Chapter 2 is up with this as well so no one feels cheated.

Believe it or not, this story came from watching PHV in Double Exposure. It is so different from CJ, I had to add a little bit of Sgt Fontain into CJ. Hope no one minds. IF you haven't seen the movie...it is horrible, but PHV is really good. Pretty much the only good part of the movie. :)

Reviews are necessary for life.

MH is not mine

All mistakes are.

Jessica Renier (Formerly CJ Parsons attorney at law) walked down the aisles of the superstore in Denver Colorado, checking her list as she went. It was a slow day. That was the reason that they had chosen this day for their shopping trip. She had an unconscious beauty about her. Growing up she had always been too tall, too thin, too girly, too tom boy, too uncoordinated, too flat chested, too smart, too stupid, too blasely, too emasculating, too this, too that, just too. All her life, she had been considered 'too' something, but she had never been considered too pretty. She didn't think of herself as ugly, she knew she wasn't. She had grown into her look. Just not sure what that look was. She wasn't the blue-eyed beauty of her friend Mandy, or the exotic olive-skinned beauty of Regina. She wasn't even the red headed fire cracker of Janet. She was…CJ. The green-eyed, wide mouth woman, with brown hair.

She never realized that was what people fell in love with. Her soulful green hazel eyes conveyed her moods and enchanted everyone to looked. Her wide mouth smiles would cheer up even the dourest day, and unbeknownst to her, luscious brown hair was the envy of every woman in the house.

Now that she was living with a house full of truly beautiful, smart, funny, wonderful women, she still didn't think she measured up in many ways, but she had found her place in that small world. Her and Matt seemed to be happy with her, so she guessed that was good enough. Since they had been together, he hadn't looked at another woman. She wondered sometimes if it was because of the forced seclusion, but then he would make love to her, and she would dismiss that though. When she had brought up her insecurities, he had taken it upon himself to make sure she knew how beautiful she was.

Today, her long brown hair was pulled back in a high ponytail, her make-up was light and simple. Her willowy frame had filled out with soft curves that made men and women alike stop in their tracks, not that she seemed to notice much to the amusement of the other Ranch members. Her generous smile put people at ease, never knowing the keen intelligence and rapier wit that lay behind the simple look she gave off. Today she was dressed in a comfortable pair of jeans and a bulky pale pink v neck sweater. She gave off a unconscious sexiness that beguiled people.

The huge diamond that glistened even in the poorly lit store and platinum rings on her left ring finger tended to discourage most from approaching her. For those who persisted, CJ, in her best southern drawl, would try and be polite, but usually ended up telling them were to go in such a way they actually asked directions.

Her husband had replaced the original ring on their first anniversary. He said he wanted to make sure that every man around knew that she was taken. He didn't want there to be any doubt that he had laid his claim. She had laughed because her gift was a positive pregnancy test. She had repeated the gift on their second, third, and fourth anniversaries.

This time he was getting one for his birthday next week.

She chuckled at the thought of his eyes bugging out. The twins were only born three months ago. Even with breast feeding, she still seems to get pregnant as soon as they are able to have sex. Houston loved to watch her breast feed. He would stroke the baby's head as the baby would suckle at her breasts. He had said that she had the perfect breasts for feeding babies and that every time he witnessed her feeding their children, he would fall in love with her even more. His sincerity shown in his eyes and had brought her to tears more than once.

With talk like that, how was she supposed to keep her hands off him. Luckily Houston liked it when she took charge. Now that they were free to express their feelings for each other, there didn't seem to be any limits to their creativity. She had expected some of the passion to die off, that things would settle down, but it seemed to just get better each time. Not even pregnancy slowed them down. They had even made love just before she went into labor with the twins. The six week wait to have sex was always filled with frustration, on both sides. A lot of touching and making out. A lot of foreplay, so when it was time, it was like the fourth of July. She was sure that was when the current 'Houston' was conceived.

The whole group had been having babies like crazy. Janet had offered birth control, but no one had taken her up on the offer very often, she had surprised her husband with two more children since they had moved to the Ranch. Regina had given Will a son, Jack and Mandy had increased their brood by three, with one on the way any time now. Even Uncle Roy had found love a third time with the much younger Erica and fathered another child with her, much to everyone's amazement.

The living arrangements had to be rearranged. Roy and Erica with their, now three boys, had moved to one of the three-bedroom cabins behind the main house. Will and Regina took the four-bedroom cabin with the baby, Henry, Emma.

With all the babies, Janet and Jacob had turned part of the downstairs into a birthing room. Water births seemed to be the most enjoyed, and as long as everything was going well with the pregnancy, no one saw any reason to change that. All of CJ children had been born in the warm waters of the birthing room. One of the up sides is that it was easy clean up.

When Janet had cleared her after her ribs had healed, Janet had said "Get going girl, you have a lot of catching up to do." With a knowing smirk.

After the twins were born, she had simply called her an 'over achiever.'

She had very easy pregnancies. All of the other women were disgusted with her. She had minimal morning sickness, never over gained any weight, the only thing that had frustrated her doctors was the short amount of time from the onset of labor to delivery. The longest had been this last time with the twins being six hours. She seemed to get pregnant as easily as she gave birth. Her friend, Janet, just sighed and said that some women were like that.

All the pregnancies had ended with girls. The last one a set of twins. She joked with her husband that he didn't have any male sperm. He just smiled and said he was fine with that.

"Mom!" Her oldest daughter, Jacey, ran up to her with a bunch of snack food in her arms.

"Jacey dear, none of those are on the list." She stated pointing to the family list in her hand that she knew good and well Jacey had a copy of the same list. The family list consisted of things they needed now, as well as setting up for winter. Taking care of over thirty people took a lot of planning, luckily there were many in their group that were good at it.

CJ's Culinary passions had just exploded since she had come to the Ranch. Because of this, there was always organic baby food on hand for the growing brood and everyone else had vast arrays of foods and desserts. That was why she didn't think that buying prepackaged desert and candies. She would much rather feed her family home cooked meals. There was always cookies, cakes, pies, fresh fruit, and other snacks. She had never thought that of herself as the homemaker type, but she was really loving it.

Jacey Renier had always thought it was funny that she had gotten a name that was so close to her own. When her and her parents had to join the Witness Protection program with a bunch of other people because her parents had uncovered a South American crime syndicate that trafficked in drugs and people. They had Judges, politicians, even border patrol and NIS agents. The corruption had gone so deep that it was decided that they group would stay in hiding indefinitely. There were still many that had not been caught roaming around. All of the adults had been put on TV as terrorist, but they were just being targeted by the syndicate, but the damage had been done. They had all disappeared to rural Montana for the last five years.

Jacey liked her name better than the one that had been given her at birth. She wished that they had called her Jacey instead of JoJo. All of the kids tended to take to their new names, the new babies didn't have to worry about remembering names. This was the first time that Jacey had been off the ranch in a long while. There was so much to do there, that no one seemed to care that they were all enclosed in their own little part of the world. Only times that they went of the huge property was when they needed supplies. Sometimes there would be a field trip for school, but everyone still needed to be careful. She knew better than anyone.

This time they were combining a shopping trip with taking her 'cousin' to college. She was entering the Airforce Academy. Her mother, her 'grandparents', Janet and Jacob, as well as Aunt Mandy and Uncle Jack had all graduated from the Academy. Even though she was adopted, like that actually mattered, she wanted had wanted to uphold the tradition. It was a good place for her to go since she could stay well hidden. That had been a major concern for Skinner and Smith, their WitSec agents. Aunt 'Janis' Janet, mom, and Aunt 'Gina' Regina had left the men at home with the babies and she and Henry were allowed to come to say goodbye to Emma.

Now they were getting some shopping done. "Why don't you go help your cousin with the movies and music." They had already hit the bookstores, and her aunt Gina was downloading all the Kindles with books that were going to be needed for class, and whatever else. Before they left in the plane, they would stop by the PO Box and collect the last three months of Mail and packages. They always had a lot, so they were allowed to take one of the vans and fill it up.

"Ok." Jacey said as she drove her cart over the movies.

"Stick to the list." 'Jessica' CJ said to her daughters retreating back. The poor girl did look exactly like her. Long and gangly, little to no coordination. What little she had come from daily Martial arts practice. Everyone at the Ranch had taken many self-defense classes. Each child was taught at a young age to respect weapons, and at the age of eight were taught how to use various weapons. All were given formal training as well as dirty fighting. They type of fighting used when you are fighting for your life. CJ knew that kind of fighting well.

CJ tended to be aware of her surroundings, and right now the hair was raising on the back of her neck. She hit her watch just as she felt the jab of the muzzle of a gun in her side.

"Leave your purse, your watch, and your phone." The voice hissed in her ear. By the weight of the gun in her side, she knew it was loaded, and she just knew that whoever was holding it hadn't picked her out at random. She did as she was told. The others were already alerted so she knew that they would take precautions to make sure that Henry and Jacey were out of the line of fire if things came to it.

When Jacey had heard the alert on Janet's phone, she went racing towards her mother. She had lost one mother already; she didn't want to lose another. Regina had caught her just before she rounded the corner of the last place she had seen her mom. When they peeked around, they saw something they never thought they would.

Darryl Pike started dragging CJ down the aisle towards the front of the store.