Barbara heard her cup of coffee shatter against the floor. It had been six years since she had last seen her son's face in person end even then it was unfamiliar to her still. His human features-though something about them different- were the last thing she expected when she answered her front door.

"Jim you're… but… is Arcadia not safe? Did something happen? Are you-"

Jim pulled her into a tight hug, cutting her off mid-interrogation. His lips curved into a smile.

"I'm home mom" he beamed, "and this time I'm staying."

She pulled away, looking up at him, her eyes searching his face. She found herself cupping his cheeks, wiping away a tear that escaped him.

"You've grown so much! You're taller than me already! how did you undo the spell? Goodness you're freezing! Come inside before you catch your death!"

He nodded, following her in and stepping over the broken mug, "Sorry I didn't call ahead… I'll clean that up for you."

The house was warm, the lights casting a golden glow over the photos on the wall. He ducked down and examined them, the familiarity comforting. He missed this. The sound of his footsteps were heavy against the worn wooden floors as he made his way into the kitchen.

"I'll take some coffee if there's any left."

She sipped hers and replied, "since when do you drink coffee? Claire didn't mention that."

He grew quiet for a moment as he poured his. After seeming to sort out his thoughts he glanced over, a hopeful expression on his face.

"She'd be awake at this time right? I.. I miss her so much."

He ran a hand through his messy hair, the blue toned strands seeming to defy gravity. Claire had come home to visit often but after coming home with a few stitches in her arm four years earlier she had stayed. Long distance was hard. More so when your boyfriend had no cell signal and was nocturnal.

Barbara glanced at the stove clock, nodding a little as she explained, "She never really fully adjusted to normal daylight hours. Maybe try giving her a call though. You might scare the poor girl to death if you go banging on her door at two in the morning."

He offered a lopsided smile and stuck his hand in his pocket, tracing the cool metal of his amulet.

"Was my thought process really that obvious? I'm used to being a little more… stone faced."

"With jokes like that you're lucky you got my genetics Jim." She smiled warmly, "go on. She misses you just as much as you miss her."

He pulled her into another tight hug before taking his mug and vanishing out the door. Barbara smiled softly, flicking on the back light before heading up to bed. She had a feeling that she would sleep tonight.

Jim sipped his coffee, noting the slightly burnt taste as he unlocked his phone and hit the call button. He smiled to himself, automatically associating the taste with being home from years of birthdays celebrated with overdone pancakes. The steps were cool against the backs of his legs as he waited to see if Claire would pick up.

The phone only had time to ring once before her voice came through the speaker, "Jim! You aren't underground right now? I mean obviously not since you called me but why not? Is everything okay?"

"I miss you."

She was quiet for a moment before replying, "you… sound different. Are you sick or..?"

The hopeful tone of her voice gave away her thought process without her having to put it into words.

Did the spell break? Can you come home?

He couldn't keep the smile out of his voice as he answered, "You know mum burns her coffee too. Gives it a really bitter aftertaste."

There was a clattering sound which he could only guess was her phone being dropped. He hummed softly, noting the difference in his voice as he waited for her response. Moments later his phone beeped and he glanced at the screen, sighing.

Call Disconnected

Claire puffed her cheeks. Of all the places she could have dropped her phone of course it had to be the sink. Maybe this was punishment for not doing the dishes earlier. Her feet were leading her out the door before she could even think twice about it, the idea of seeing Jim again seeming almost too good to be true. She had so many questions. How did he change back? When? Why didn't he phone ahead? Was there a reason he didn't tell her before? Did this mean he could move back or would being the Trollhunter get in the way of that?

She paused, a smile tugging at her lips. Was he still all limbs like when they first started dating? The idea that he might not be made her face flush as she started running. His house wasn't far but every second felt like an hour knowing he was waiting for her.

When his house came into view she slowed to a walk, her heart hammering against her ribcage. She pressed her hands to her cheeks, her fingers frigid. Maybe she should have brought a jacket.

Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear she raised a hand to knock and the door swung open. Her eyes widened a little. He most definitely was not a troll anymore. Her brain unfroze and she burst into tears, throwing her arms around his waist and burying her face in his chest.

Gods she missed this.

He automatically wrapped his arms around her, placing a kiss on the top of her head. This was all he needed. The late mornings trying to figure out how to reverse the spell, the long training sessions with the other trolls so they could handle most threats, everything was worth it for this one moment.

"I'm home."

She nodded her head, smiling a little, her hands gripping the back of his sweater.

He shivered, frowning at how cold her skin was before leading her far enough inside to close the door.

"Where's your jacket?"

She reached up to fiddle with a hairclip, admitting, "I forgot it. I was focused on getting to see you." She smiled up at him, her eyes a little red, "I missed you so much… Welcome home."

He felt his own eyes tear up.

She missed him. He was home.

Claire's eyes twinkled as she looked him over. He looked different than she had initially thought he would, no doubt from years of training and fighting. A small scar on his cheek caught her attention and she reached up, tracing its curved shape.

"Do you have other-"

He cut her off, turning around and pulling his shirt up to show the constellations of silver markings on his back.

"I didn't even notice them as a troll. Guess I should have been more careful in the training grounds."

"This one," her fingers traced a deep looking one that stretched from his shoulder to the small of his back, "that's not from training. That was the day you sent me to the hospital. The reason you sent me home."

"I couldn't risk losing you. You know that. It took us weeks to finally get rid of those things… all claws and teeth and limbs…"

She sighed a little. He was right.

"Are you gonna stop holding your shirt up…?"

He tugged it back down, turning to her and murmuring, "sorry yeah. So umm…" he rubbed the back of his neck, "four years is… a long time. Wow. I don't know where to start."

"Start by kissing me."

He blinked. Kissing her. Why hadn't he thought of that sooner? He smiled, cupping her face and leaning down. His lips landed on her forehead.

"I love you."

He kissed her nose and cheeks before finally stopping at her lips, the warmth of her breath turning his stomach to butterflies just like the first time. She closed the distance before he had a chance to.