I can't do anything right. I confirmed my thoughts on Aono and that Akashiya was the problem. If she would let him go, everybody would be happy. Even I could have a shot at being happy.

I fucked it all up. I threatened her, hoping to intimidate her into agreeing Aono's safety was more important than her stupid crush. Since her powers are sealed, I figured I could scare her if she was alone. But they came back so fast. I don't think they even gave me five minutes.

I grossly underestimated the witch girl's emotional stability. I felt so wretched as she cried at me, swearing she would kill me if I ever came close to any of her friends again. I can't provoke her again. For all my thoughts of dying, I can't make that little girl kill me. It feels like I would be killing her, and I don't want that.

I don't know if I should come to school anymore. There's nothing left for me. It's all my fault. I should just disappear.