
"Have I told you that you look beautiful?" Edward asked. I looked at him through the mirror, a warm blush spreading over my cheeks.

"Once or twice over the years." I smiled, letting my eyes travel down the length of his body. He looked devastatingly handsome in his black tuxedo. His auburn hair had somehow been tamed. Though to be honest, I preferred it in disarray, the way it was meant to be.

Edward walked up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Are you nervous?"

"Terrified," I murmured. "There are going to be a lot of people watching me."

"Yes, there will be, but only because you've inspired them." His lips traveled along the crook of my neck. "I'm so proud of you."

"You are?" I whispered, covering his hands with mine.

He nodded, brushing his lips across my ear. "You're amazing and I love you more every day."

I turned in his arms, wrapping my arms around his neck. "I love you, too."

Leaning up on my toes, I pressed my lips against his, melting into his embrace. Edward moaned, his arms tightening around me. His fingers trailed along my bare back, the dress I wore left nothing to the imagination. My skin pebbled under his touch, yearning for more. Time hadn't curved the craving I felt for him, nor his for me.

Edward pulled his lips from mine, taking a ragged breath. "Come on, love," he whispered, brushing his thumb across my cheek. "It's time to go."

With the simple nod, I grabbed my handbag off the counter in front of me and hooked my arm in with his. Edward and I walked out of our hotel room, heading down the hallway to the elevator. My legs shook, my nerves dancing like butterflies flittering in the sunlight. Tonight was one of the biggest nights in my life. Five years had changed everything we thought we knew.

There was a time when the idea of stepping out of my comfort zone and putting myself in the spotlight would have had me cowering in fear. While I still found myself fighting off the urge to hide behind my family, to let them fight my battles for me, I'd finally been able to heal from the abuse I'd suffered at the hands of my first husband. Mike might have beaten me down, but with Edward's help, I'd managed to claw my way through the pain and make something of myself. Of course without him, I wouldn't be the woman I was right now. I owed him everything.

Jarring to a stop, the elevator doors slid open, startling me. Edward unwound his arm from mine, only to move his hand to the small of my back. His reassuring touch was all I needed to be able to step out, resisting the urge to fidget with the front of my silk, black dress. Normally, I was more of a jeans and t-shirt kind of woman, but those wouldn't fly tonight.

"Mommy." I smiled, looking toward the lounge where my five year old daughter, Elizabeth Renee, or Beth as we called her, was sitting with Esme.

She jumped to her feet and took off running toward me, her red satin dress flying past her. Her long auburn hair had been curled, the front pinned up out of her face. By the time she was two feet from me, she'd launched herself into my arms, wrapping her little legs around me. Her green eyes sparkled, shimmering brighter than the stars above.

Beth gasped. "You look so pretty, Mommy. Like one of those princesses in my books."

"Thank you, my darling," I murmured, shifting her onto my hip. I nuzzled her cheek with my nose. Freckles sprinkled her cheeks and nose, just one more part she'd inherited from Edward. "You look gorgeous. Did Nana curl your hair?"

She nodded, picking up the diamond pendent that rested on my chest. "She said we had to look our best for you tonight because you're getting a special award."

"She's right, but you look beautiful no matter what you're wearing."

"Oh, I know." Beth shrugged her shoulders and jumped out of my arms, landing gracefully next to me. She definitely didn't inherit that from me. She grabbed my hand. "Come on, Mommy."

"Okay, okay," I giggled.

Beth led me and Edward over to where the rest of our family waited for us. The most important person stood in front of Esme, tugging nervously on his red tie. Slipping my hand out of my daughters, I knelt in front of my son, making placing my hands on his shoulders. Lucas Charles, or Luke, was definitely his mother's son. He had the same dark, brown hair and eyes as me. Where his twin sister was loud and full of life, Luke was more subdued, content to live his life in the shadows. Often, I worried that he'd always shy away from attention, letting Beth overshadow him. Somehow, he'd find his way in the world, finding himself in the process.

"You look very handsome, love," I murmured, bringing my hand up to his chin.

He bit his lip, a habit he'd picked up from me, as he looked me in the eye. "I don't like the tie. It chokes me."

"Yeah, I don't really like these shoes," I whispered, knowing that everyone could hear me, "but you know, my flip flops wouldn't really go with this dress, would they?" Luke laughed and shook his head. "Oh, well, guess I'm stuck in these heels."

"It's a tough life, Momma," he grumbled.

I smiled. "That it is, love."

Standing up, I took a deep breath, turning toward everyone else. Esme stood next to Luke, a beautiful smile covering her lips. Over the last few years, our relationship had only gotten stronger. She'd truly become the mother that I needed. While she'd never take Renee's place in my heart, Esme had been there when I found myself trying to balance taking care of newborn twins, the sudden success of my book, and finally letting go of the hold that Mike had over me.

Esme reached out and grabbed my hand, pulling me into her arms. "Oh, Bella, you look beautiful."

"Thank you," I whispered, the words coming out in a tremor, "for everything."

Brushing her lips across my cheek, she released me without a word. There wasn't anything she could say that she hadn't told me a hundred times before. Shifting my attention over to Carlisle, I smiled once again. Where Esme had fought tooth and nail for me to let her in, he'd been patient with me, giving me the time I needed to heal, to grieve the life I'd been thrust into unwillingly. He hadn't tried to be anything more than a friend. That meant more to me than anything.

Turning toward Alice and Jasper, I nearly rolled my eyes at how excited she was. Jasper had his hands on her shoulders, trying to calm her down. It wouldn't work, but it didn't matter, either. Alice never hid who she was, or how much she loved every person around her. Though some found her ways to be annoying or overbearing, it was the only way she knew to show how much she loved us, how much she needed to take care of her. She was nurturer by nature and I'd never fault her for that. Not again.

Alice smirked. "I told you that dress would look fabulous on you."

"You did," I admitted, pushing my hair behind my ear. "Much better than my homecoming dress, anyway."

"Only you would bring that up," she giggled, grabbing my hand.

"You look beautiful, Bells," Jasper said, leaning his head against Alice's. He was never very open about himself, but he needed this family more than people realized. He'd do anything to make his wife happy. I respected the way he loved her, the way he never held her back and let her shine. They were soul mates, pure and simple.

"Thanks, Jas." Before I say anything else, Emmett had me in one of his bear hugs. "Em, I need to breathe."

"Oh, sorry," he mumbled, releasing me. "You look nice."

"Um, thanks," I laughed, shaking my head.

He stepped back, slipping his arm around Rose, who stood with both her hands on her bulging belly. Almost five months along with their first child, she'd never been happier. Reaching out for her hands, I blinked back my tears. She giggled and took my hands, letting me pull her into my arms. If Rose hadn't been the one to pull my case, to be the one who sat next to my bed when I woke up in the hospital, I wouldn't be here, that much I knew. Putting me in my car and sending me home had saved my life, and in the process, brought her the man who loved her. Emmett never let a day go by that he didn't tell her that he needed her just the way she was.

"Love you, Rose," I whispered.

"Love you, too, Bella," she whimpered, her hormones getting the best of her. At least, that's the story we'd tell for now. She giggled, placing our joined hands on her belly. "I think she's a little excited, too."

"Oh, wow," I gasped, feeling my new niece squirming. "Still not sharing her name?"

"Nope," she replied, smirking. "Seems fair, you know considering that you kept Beth and Luke a secret from us."

"Whatever," I scoffed, releasing her hand.

My father cleared his throat, drawing my attention to him. He stood a couple feet from Rose, looking uncomfortable in his dark suit. The night I came driving up to his house had been one of the hardest moments of my life. The shame and guilt I felt for pushing him away and hiding what I'd been living through, nearly destroyed me, and him. However, Charlie fought for me, proving again and again that he loved me. The harder I pushed, the tighter his arms held me, nestling me against his chest, reminding me that regardless of what had been hammered into me by those forceful fists, I was worth it.

"Daddy," I whispered, reaching out and placing my hand on his chest.

"You look so much like your momma," he murmured, covering my hand with his. "She'd be so proud of you right now. You know that, don't you?"

I nodded, struggling to keep the tears from falling. "I can feel her here with us. Probably scowling over how mushy we're being."

Charlie laughed, bringing his hand up and wiping the tears from his eyes. "Sounds about right." He shook his head. "Woman of the Year, huh?"

"Yeah, I don't really get it, either, but what can I do, right?"

"Nobody deserves this more than you, honey." Charlie brought his hand up, cupping my face. "I've never been prouder of you than I am right now."

"Thanks, Daddy," I whispered, sliding into his arms and hugging him. "I love you."

"I love you, too." He kissed my forehead. "Now, let's get going. The sooner you get your award, the faster I can get this goddamn suit off."

I laughed, knowing that he was only complaining as a way of taking the focus off of me. Taking a deep breath, I turned back to my husband. He held out his hand, a cheeky smile on his lips. A dark blush crept up, causing him to moan. Only Edward could make a moan sexy as hell. I slid my fingers across his palm, weaving them in between his. Spinning me into his arms, he placed a chaste kiss on my lips, before leading the way toward the front doors.

Esme, Carlisle, and Charlie wrangled Beth and Luke into the backseat of their car with my father sliding in next to them. Rose and Emmett rode with Alice and Jasper, leaving Edward and I to climb into my car. With a smirk, I gripped the steering wheel of my Audie R8. After five years, I still preferred to drive my own car.

"Okay, baby," he started, making a show of putting his seatbelt on extra tight. "See if you can get us there on one piece."

Rolling my eyes, I started my car. "I'll do what I can."

Half an hour, and one wrong turn, later, I pulled my car up in front of the Austin Convention Center. The valet rushed around, opening the door for me. With a smile, I climbed out, dropping the keys in his waiting hand and hoping he wouldn't wreck my car. I met Edward under the red eave, slipping my arm in with his. Our family filed in behind us, excitement rolling off of all of them. We headed inside, collectively holding our breaths.

"Mrs. Cullen?" asked a tall, thin woman with dark, curly red hair and dark gray-blue eyes. She reached out for my hand, covering my fingers with hers. "It's an honor to meet you."

"You too, um…." I trailed off having not gotten her name.

"Oh, my goodness, I am such an idiot," she grumbled. "I'm Maggie O'Neal. We spoke over the phone a few times."

"Oh, of course." I smiled. "It's lovely to meet you. I have to be honest; I thought you'd be older."

"I get that a lot," she giggled. "My mother was the founder of this organization. She passed away last year and I took over. Her work was too important to let fall apart."

"I'm sorry about your mother. How have you been doing?" I asked, bringing my other hand up and covering both of ours.

"It's been hard," she admitted. "My mother went through a lot for me. She and I were incredibly close. I miss her a lot."

"I understand," I murmured.

Maggie slipped her hand out from under mine, trying to wipe away her tears discreetly. "Well, I will show you and your guest to your table." She turned and headed into the large banquet room.

Behind us, Beth gasped, "Oh, Mommy, it's so pretty."

"It is, my darling," I agreed.

The large room was filled with dozens of round tables. Each one had a white table cloth with blue and white floral center pieces in the middle. Half a dozen taper candles sat on each table, flickering like sunlight. There had to be at least two hundred, if not more, people milling around. As Maggie led us around the tables toward the front, everyone looked at us, clutching onto the arm of the person next to them, and whispering to each other. Edward slipped his hand out of mine, placing it on the small of my back. Once again, his touch was all I needed to relax.

"I can't tell you how thrilled we are that you're here. Your book was incredible." Maggie stopped at a table in the front, just to the left of the stage. Turning toward me, she brought her hand up, placing it over her heart. "You gave my mother the courage to leave my step-father. He wasn't a nice man, but she figured she'd never find anyone who would love her, or me. After she read All We Knew, she packed us each a bag and we left, finding a spot at a women's shelter. He came after her, but two homeless men were able to hold him back until the police could get there. She pressed charges and he ended up serving time in jail. We never heard from him again. She managed to find a cheap apartment and a job at a local diner. We didn't have much, but we had each other, which was enough for both of us."

"She sounds like an incredibly strong woman for being able to leave," I murmured.

"She was my hero," Maggie replied, blinking back her tears. "Anyway, here are your seats. We should be starting in a few minutes. Thank you again for coming. We're all just so thrilled to have you here."

Maggie left us alone, heading up onto the stage. Taking what felt like the hundredth deep breath of the night, I turned toward Edward. He smiled, before leaning in and brushing a kiss across my lips. "I love you."

"As I love you," I whispered.

We took our seats. Edward sat to my right while Beth and Luke took the two seats to my left. Charlie sat on the other side of Luke with Esme and Carlisle next to him. Rose, Emmett, Alice, and Jasper settled at the table next to ours. I picked up the program lying in front of me. We'd eat first, and then they'd present me with my award, before opening up the dance floor. Edward tapped me in the shoulder, causing me to look up. I gasped when I found Angela, Ben, Kate, Garrett, Lauren, and Tyler coming our way. Scrambling to me feet, I met them halfway, somehow managing to get all of them in my arms.

"What are you doing here?" I demanded.

"What in the hell do you think we are doing here?" Kate scoffed. "As soon as Edward called and told us about this, we booked our flights, bought our tickets, and got all pretty."

"Yeah, Bella, like we'd miss out on you being honored as Woman of the Year," Tyler added.

"But, why didn't you tell me?" I couldn't believe they'd actually come here for me.

"We wanted to surprise you," Lauren said, like it was completely obvious. "From the look on your face, I'd say we did."

"Yeah, you did," I laughed. "Thank you. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you all being here."

"We wouldn't be anywhere else." Garrett dug a card from the inside of his jacket. "This is from everyone at school; all the teachers and students from Pre-K all the way through the High School. We're so proud of you, Bella."

Taking it from him, I shook my head, my tears threatening to fall once again. "Wow, thank you."

"Don't thank me. We're just so proud of you." He leaned in and kissed my cheek. "Congratulations honey."

Garrett led Kate over to their table, sitting next to Rose and Emmett. Lauren and Tyler followed, leaving me alone with Angela and Ben. Five years later and they still weren't married, and as far as I knew, had no plans to change that little detail. Over the last few years, they'd really proven to be good friends to both Edward and I. Angela worked hard to get my book into the hands of my readers. She credited my success with my words, but I disagreed. She'd given me the opportunity to get my words out there, gave me a safe place to put them.

And Ben, well, he was there, ready to give me an encouraging smile. Over the years, he'd shared with me his work with men and women who found themselves in the same hell I'd been thrust into. He had a better understanding than most over how hard it was to move on, to let go of the pain and fear. He never pushed for more than he knew I was comfortable sharing, something I appreciated more than he'd ever know.

"I thought you had a big meeting in New York." I scowled, crossing my arms in front of me.

"Like we'd miss the biggest night in your life," Angela scoffed. "I made a few phone calls. Now, I have to catch a flight at six in the morning, but the sleep deprivation will totally be worth being able to see you get what you deserve."

"You didn't need to do that for me," I mumbled, feeling my cheeks turn pink. "I understood."

"I know you did, but, sweetie, I wanted to be here." She took my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

Ben leaned forward, kissing my cheek. "You look beautiful, Bella."

My blush deepened. "Thank you, Ben."

Ben and Angela took the two seats next to Alice and Jasper. I settled back next to Edward, who was beaming with pride. The man would never truly understand how much I loved him, how much I needed him. He often said that I saved him, but the truth was we'd saved each other from a life of loneliness.

Maggie stepped up behind the podium, drawing everyone's attention up to her. Once everyone was settled, she said, "Welcome to the third annual Woman of the Years Banquet for The Texas Women's Society. I feel honored to be standing here in place of my mother. Her greatest wish was that one day; we'd be able to celebrate who we were. I feel like tonight is the start of that process for many of us. Please enjoy our meal and thank you for being here as we honor one of the most inspirational women I've ever had the privileged of meeting."

For the next hour, we chatted amongst ourselves, enjoying our dinner, and the atmosphere around us. Several women came over to me, asking for autographs on my book, or declaring how much I'd inspired them to make tough changes in their lives. I wasn't sure how to respond to them, so instead I told them thank you for being strong enough to make those choices for themselves. Because while my words may have ignited a fire inside of them, they ultimately saved themselves from whatever situation they were in.

Once all our empty dishes had been collected, Maggie made her way back up onto the stage. Beth and Luke were starting to get restless, though Charlie was doing everything he could to keep them entertained. Sometimes, he acted like a bigger child than they did. Clearing her throat, Maggie placed both her hands on the podium. The room suddenly became eerily silent, and I felt my stomach twisting from my nerves.

"Five years ago, a book hit the market that changed the way women everywhere saw themselves, and their lives. For most women, it might have been just a sad story of a woman who found herself living a life she'd never intended, but for many of us, or our mothers, Isabella Swan's book, All We Knew, was much more than just a story. We found ourselves in her; the horrors she disclosed, and gave us hope that one day we'd find our way out. It's an honor to present our Woman of the Year award to Isabella Swan."

Standing up, I blushed as everyone around us scrambled to their feet, clapping and cheering for me. I placed my hand on Edward's cheek before leaning up and kissing him. Without his support, I would have never sent Angela my book. He was my hero.

Taking another deep breath, I joined Maggie on the stage, hugging her before accepting the crystal plague. My name was etched in gold lettering, along with the date. Placing it on the podium, I looked over the men and woman before me, blushing as they continued to clap for me. After several minutes, they sat back down, focusing all their attention on me.

"People often ask about the inspiration behind All We Knew," I started, a wry smile slipping over my lips. "There's never an easy response to that question. Instead, I tell them everything encouraged it. The times when I found myself begging for help, pleading for the pain to stop, and afraid of when I found myself starting over, unable to trust who I'd become." Shifting my eyes over, I met Edward's, blushing from the intensity flowing off of him.

He watched me with a proud smile, one he saved just for me. "The journey wasn't easy, or pleasant, but with the help of my husband, my father, and the rest of our family, I was able to find myself. My dreams for the future lay in my children and the hope that they'll never know the same pain and fear that I did, but if they do, that they'll be strong enough to leave, to get help, and find the love they deserve."

I picked up the small, crystal plaque, running my fingers of the gold lettering. Taking a deep breath, I looked back up, my attention settling on my family. "I don't deserve this award, my family does. They were the ones who held me when I cried, listened to me screaming. They never gave up that one day I wouldn't blame myself for the years of abuse I endured at the hands of someone who claimed they loved me. They encouraged me to find my way in this world, to never stop fighting, and ultimately to take a chance and get my story out there. Again, thank you."

Stepping back from the podium, I clutched the plaque to my chest and walked off the small stage. The men and women around me were on their feet, clapping for me. However, my focus was on my husband, my children; the people who meant everything to me. Edward reached out, slipping his arms around me and pulling me into his embrace. In an instant his mouth had found mine, he claimed my heart and soul, just as he had done from the moment I saw him standing on the sandy beach.

"You're did fantastic," he whispered, barely pulling his lips from mine. "I am so proud of you, baby."

"I love you," I murmured, placing my hands on his chest.

"Daddy, Daddy," Beth cheered, wedging herself between Edward and I. "They turned on the music!"

Edward chuckled before kissing me again. He turned toward our daughter, offering her his hand. "Let's go, baby girl."

Beth grabbed his hand, letting him led her out onto the dance floor. He spun her, causing her to giggle. Edward and Beth had always had a closeness that rivaled my relationship with Charlie. He cherished her, always making sure that she knew just how much he loved her. Shifting my attention to Luke, I smiled. He stood next to my father, one arm wrapped around his leg.

Holding my hand out to my son, I said, "Let's show Daddy and Beth how it's done, little man."

"Okay," he laughed, taking hold of mine.

Hitching up my dress so I wouldn't step on it, I let him take the lead as we walked out into the dance floor. Luke and I fell in step next to Edward and Beth. His tiny hands curved around mine, shifting his feet from side to side. Beth and Luke's laughter carried over the music, their smiles shone brighter than the moon and the stars.

The moment the song was over, they took off running through the crowd around us, finding their places next to our parents again. Edward slipped his arms around my waist, bringing his lips down to the side of my neck. I moaned, pressing my body against his.

"Dance with me," he whispered, his breath tickling my skin.

Without giving me a chance to reply, his slid his hands to my waist, spinning me around to face him. I gasped, dropping my hands onto his chest. Edward pressed his forehead against mine as we started moving our hips. Nothing else mattered in this moment. Not the years I'd found myself locked in a hell that I never thought I'd escape from, or fear I felt when I suddenly found myself free. Edward saved me, even if he'd never see it that way. He was my hero, my prince charming, and I'd never let him go.

Leaning closer, I pressed up on my toes until my lips were just outside his ear. He shivered, his fingers digging into my tender flesh. "Have I ever told you that you're an amazing father?"

"Once or twice," he murmured.

"How do you think Beth and Luke will react to a new baby?" I whispered.

Edward froze for half a second before he pulled back just enough to look me in the eyes, a twinkle in his. "A baby? We're having a new baby?"

With tears building in my eyes, I nodded. Before I could say anything, however, Edward crushed his mouth onto mine, his hands sliding around my body. Holding me against him, he deepened our kiss, our tongues dancing together. We were happy, we were perfect. That's all we knew and all we needed to know.