Reviews for All We Knew
Annazonie chapter 32 . 8/7
this will be where she gets preggo I bet... no protection and shes on an antibiotic
Flora Mile chapter 51 . 6/4
This story started out promising, but by the end... Bella’s attitude annoyed me to no end, her lack of respect for people’s feeling and her crying, I was about ready to drown her in her own tears.

I get she was abused, I get her insecurities, but at the end it became an excuse and that does not sit well with me. She needed professional help and the fact you missed it in this story... shows in Bella’s thought process and depth of character.

Don’t get me started on the screaming and swearing!

As I said, started out really well, it was about chapter 35 you lost me and I started skimming just to finish it!
Flora Mile chapter 38 . 6/3
It’s time for Bella to seek some help. This shit of her blowing up is getting ridiculous, every time someone does something for her she looses it!
BethMasenCullen chapter 51 . 5/17
This was beautiful!
debb lavoie chapter 51 . 3/9
My new favorite of your stories!
I love Bella' s journey of finding the courage to make a change. How she found her soulmate, beautiful.
Sassyvampmama chapter 51 . 2/21
Thank you for sharing this one with us.
QueenGB chapter 51 . 2/16
Yeah I love this story. Thank you!
QueenGB chapter 40 . 2/15
Come on! Okay I get it but come on!
QueenGB chapter 36 . 2/15
What is it about weddings that brings out the cray in women. I think it’s the pageantry of it all. It’s were we get that epic moment. It just makes people insane and they forget hey it’s about two people committed to each other. Way to stand up to Alice Bella girl.
QueenGB chapter 32 . 2/14
Mind blowing sex is certainly one way to fight a fever. And get preggers. ;-)
QueenGB chapter 31 . 2/14
God. I love this Edward so HARD! And I was wondering when Bella was going to right her relationship with Alice. Alice is blessed to have had a lovely life without loss or abuse but that doesn’t diminish her love and support of Bella. So glad they made amends. Everybody needs love and support. If you have it...relish it and nurture it.
QueenGB chapter 29 . 2/14
So is Edward going to tell his family his truth? Sometimes you just need an escape. Beautiful place Colorado.
QueenGB chapter 28 . 2/14
Jeeze this chapter had me balling with her confession to Carlisle and Esme. Who knew I needed a good cry. Thank you. Phew.
QueenGB chapter 24 . 2/14
It’s like Edward is the only one who actual asks her anything. Wear this. Work here. What Esme did was wrong while the intention was great! At least she now has something to keep her focused.
QueenGB chapter 22 . 2/14
Now this is when insane shopping Alice comes in handy. After a fire. Well done pix.
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