Chapter 1: The Day the Demons were Born

August 10th, 2010 A.T.B., Japan, Mt. Fuji

On the outskirts of the Kururugi Shrine, three children, two boys and one girl, were running through the surrounding forest when they encountered a steep hill. The two boys, one with brown hair and green eyes, the other with black hair and violet eyes, easily climb the hill. However, the girl, with long pink hair and bluish violet eyes, was having difficulty climbing the hill. The two boys reached down and helped her up the hill when they heard a sound coming from the distance. The three turned towards the source of the sound, and two of them were shocked, while one of the boys looked infuriated. In the distance they could see dozens of jets and dropships, all bearing the symbol of the Holy Britannian Empire.

"Suzaku, Euphie.", the black haired boy exclaimed, snapping the two from their stupor.

"Lelouch?", the girl, Euphie, replied.

"Get back to the Shrine, now!"

And with that statement, the two boys jumped down the hill, with Euphie slid down, and the three sprinted towards the Kururugi Shrine, as the Second Pacific War began.

September 13th, Western Japan Coastline

'One month!' Lelouch thought as he watched the sunset, not wishing to see the ruined landscape surrounding him, 'It took a month for Britannia to crush Japan.' He looked around, seeing Suzaku next to him, looking depressed, most likely due to his father's death. Behind him, behind an armored vehicle, he could see Euphie tending to a girl with sandy brown hair in a wheelchair. 'At least we got my Nunnally out before the bombs reached the shrine.' Fury began to fill his heart at the thought of the Britannians murdering his sisters, just as they had murdered his mother.

"I swear, Suzaku." Lelouch said as he stood up, "For what they've done, I will destroy Britannia!"

Near the front of the vehicle, two people, one a Japanese man with black hair and grey eyes, and a Britannian woman with dark pink hair and indigo eyes, could hear Lelouch proclamation. While the man had a look of concern, the woman had one of fear.

"Your opinion, Cornelia?" The man said, though Cornelia could taste the venom in the way he said her name.

"Todoh," Cornelia replied, a look of determination replacing her face.

What she said that day would change the course of the world.

August 15th, 2017 A.T.B., Area 11, Tokyo Settlement

In one of the many skyscrapers towering around the Tokyo Settlement, two men were engaged in a game of chess, one a nobleman, and the other a local shop owner. At this moment a door to the room opened, revealing two Britannian students.

The nobleman smirked, "Did you substitute arrive."

"Oh, thank God, I'm saved." The shop owner exclaimed as moved towards the boys. "Are things going well at school?"

"What, school boys?" The nobleman said, pleasantly shocked that the 'help' the shop owner called for were just children in his eyes. He observed that one of them had light black hair and violet eyes, while the other had blue hair and grey eyes. He smirked, believing that this will be even easier than before.

"Oh, a nobleman." The black haired boy replied with a slight smirk on his face.

"I envy you kids. You have so much time on your hands. Time for regret. What's your name, boy."

"Lelouch. Lamperouge."

The blue haired boy moved passed him to see how bad of a situation the shop owner was in the game.

"Whoa," he exclaimed, "wait a minute buddy. Even you can't win this one, it's impossible."

Even with his friend's statement, Lelouch wasn't fazed. "Rival, when would we have to leave to make our next class?"

"About 20 minutes if we bust our hump. 15 if we want to avoid your cousin's wrath."

"I'll need nine minutes," Lelouch replied as he took a seat, then turned to the shop owner "and about what we discussed yesterday?"

"Understood, sir. We can discuss it later."

"Nine minutes?" The nobleman scoffed, 'This kid's too confident for his own good.' "You only have 20 seconds per move." Once again, Lelouch was unfazed, and simply picked up the King piece.

"It will be enough."

"Huh, you start with the king?" The nobleman then gave a roaring laugh, not noticing the sweet smile on Lelouch that gave everyone else in the room a shiver down their backs.

Ashford Acadamy

"Where is Lelouch."

"I think he went off with Rival."

It was near mid-day at Ashford Academy, and several students were having lunch outside. One had rose red hair and bluish violet eyes, another had orange hair and green eyes. A third had dark green hair and indigo eyes, and finally, a fourth had blonde hair and dark blue eyes.

"What is it this time, Euphie. Poker?" The blond girl asked the redhead.

"As if you don't know already, Milly." Euphie happily replied, earning a smirk from the girl.

"What are you insinuating, Euphie?" The green haired girl meekly asked.

"Only that," The orange haired girl replied sternly, "because he's her boyfriend, Nina, Lulu gives a little of his winnings to Milly. Don't they know they're on the student council, so I~we need them to help us. I swear, if he put that much energy into his school work, he'd be at the top of class.

Milly, having noticed her friend's wording, then gave a smile that'd make Cheshire proud, "Are you saying that you don't approve of his gambling, or that you're upset that he doesn't give anything for you, Shirley?"

Shirley's face went tomato red at Milly's response. "You shouldn't say such things, Madam President." She mumbled as Euphie and Milly then proceeded to giggle at their friend's conundrum when they felt a coldness. Immediately, Milly, Shirley and Nina went stiff as a board.

"Is that who I feel." Nina stated more than asked, as she already knew the answer.

"Did I hear correctly," A female voice called out from behind Nina, and the four girls turned to see a woman with pitch black hair with purple highlights, draped in a black and purple outfit. (Think Villetta Nu's military outfit, but minus the cap and the purple and black are flipped) Her indigo eyes seemed to bury deep into each of their souls. "Is my cousin gambling again!"

"Cornelia," Euphie replied, not looking even the slightest afraid, unlike her fellow council members, "We don't know where he is, and besides, it's not like we could stop him. You know how he is when he sets his mind on something."

Cornelia then sighed as she began rubbing her forehead, "Euphie Levett, we both know why I need him to stop gambling. Not only is it improper for him to be gambling, but it makes me, as head of Ashford Security, look bad if I can't keep an eye on a student who repeatedly does something considered a 'dangerous activity' as the school board would say."

Though, in truth, they both knew the real reason they wanted him to stop. 'The less that Lulu is outside Ashford, the less likely Clovis will have a chance to spotting him. It was fine for the first few years, but Lelouch's gambling this past year has made more than a few close calls.'

Just as Cornelia was about to demand that Milly tell her where Lelouch and Rival were, her phone rang. When she picked it up, she saw that it was Rivalz that was the caller. 'This can't be right. Rivalz would never call me,' Her eyebrows shot up at the realization, 'Unless there was a serious problem!'. She immediately answered, "Rivalz Cardemonde, where ARE you!"

"Okay, don't be mad...but we may have a problem with Lelouch."

"Did whatever nobleman you gambled with get mad an~"

"No, but it may involve the military,"

"Explain, NOW." Cornelia venomously replied, already moving towards the Secruity Section, intending to bail her brother out this mess. Though her voice held fury, her mind was currently having a panic attack.

Highway of the Tokyo Settlement

'Well, this is just fan-Fucking-tastic.' That was the first thought Lelouch had as the truck he was in swerved in an attempt to dodge some bullets. 'Here I am, trying to help some people who crashed their truck, and next thing I know, I'm being pursed in a terrorist hijacked truck, all while having a Glasgow knightmare, as well as a strange device, most likely some form of explosive or chemical bomb next to me. If the military or the terrorist don't kill me, Cornelia surely will.' At that moment he heard the door to the front open. He hid behind the gas capsule as a woman with spiky red hair passed by.

"Kallen, why don't we just use it here?" A man's voice said over the radio the woman had.

"Because that would lead to a bloodbath!" Kallen replied as she entered the knightmare frame at the back of the truck.

'Kallen? Wait, Kallen Stadtfeld. Looks like Cornelia's suspicions were correct.'

After a minute or so, the truck made a sharp left turn into a tunnel.

'Based on the echo effect, we've entered a tunnel. And since truck is bumping, it means we're on rough terrain. We're heading towards one of the Ghettos.'

Ashford Academy Security Center

'Damnit, damnit, damnit, damnit,' Was all Cornelia could think as she entered the Security Center for Ashford. Technically, it didn't need one as the original security was already enough, but Ruben insisted, more as a way for Cornelia to have a purpose at Ashford. She entered her personal quarters and grabbed her personal rifle, a modified E.U. SA160A4 assault rifle. With both being compactible, and useful at all ranges, it was the perfect weapon for her, when combined with her ride. She then replaced her school security outfit to a jet black body suit, complete with kevlar on the legs and chest. She grabbed to arm braces, and after flicking her wrist, a blade came out of one of them. Special design from Ruben's research division. 'I'm coming, little bronther.' After taking an short flight of stair to the underground parking lot, she went to her personal bike, a blue Ducati Panigale V4 R, imported from Italy. She had it modified with a special compartment on the side so she could put her rifle there. After removing both the stock and the scope, she placed the now three-pieced rifle into the compartment, sealed it up, then pressed a button on one of the handle bars. Slowly, the color change to jet black, as well as removing the Ashford Academy logo. 'Gotta love R&D.' Cornelia then mounted her bike, put on her helmet, and sped outta the lot, using her helmet's on board GPS to locate Lelouch, as well as plot the quickest route to him. 'Of all the places, why did it have to be there!'

Shinjuku Ghetto, 1 Hour Later

Cornelia had entered Shinjuku for a simple smash-and-grab, but then things spiraled out of control shortly after she entered. Originally, the military seemed to be searching for something, most likely whatever the terrorists stole. However, she then saw that the Britannians were slaughtering everyone on sight. 'Clovis, what the hell are you so afraid of that you'd murder the entire ghetto?'

"HE MUSTN'T DIE" Cornelia heard a gunshot from a nearby building. When she checked her GPS, it showed that Lelouch's phone was in that building. She bolted towards the building, which appeared to be an abandoned warehouse, and, when she looked through one of the many holes around the warehouse, her worse fears were about to be realized. Lelouch, in the open, in front of a team of Royal Guards, and all of them had their weapons raised at him.

"Hmph," The leader of the Royal Guards said as he kept his pistol aimed at Lelouch, "are orders were to bring the girl back alive, if possible. Oh well, nothing can be done about it now. We'll tell our superiors that the Royal Guard found the terrorist hideout and killed them all. Regrettably, the female hostage had already been tortured to death. What do you think, school boy?"

Cornelia nearly began shooting right then and there, but knew she had to get into a better position. She slowly began moving to another hole near a side door. When she neared the hole, she placed a barrel extension on the rifle, then rested the barrel across the hole.

'Okay, if I take out the leader, then the confusion might divert their attention long enough for Lelouch to escape. It might get me killed, but it doesn't. I'm not about to bre~'

"Tell me," Lelouch interupted Cornelia's thoughts as he rose from one of the corpses, a girl with long green hair, "how should a Britannian who detests his own country live his life?"

'Lelouch, I don't know what you're doing, but keep their focus on you until I fire.' Cornelia then aimed her rifle at the nearest Royal Guard. At her position, she could kill 3, maybe 4 of them before they even realised what was happening.

"Are you some kind of radical?" The captain replied, but then his smirk disappeared, replaced with one of concern. This confused Cornelia, as she couldn't see the front side of Lelouch, so she had no idea what he was doing. All she knew was that he had his hand to his face.

"What's wrong? Why not shoot? After all, your opponent is only a school boy. Or have you finally realized, that the only ones who should kill," Cornelia saw Lelouch's move away from his face, "are those who are prepared to be killed!"

The captain's arm began shaking, as fear began to consume him. "What's happening here?"

"I, Lelouch vi Britannia, command you. Now all of you... DIE."

Cornelia was about ready to open fire regardless, due to Lelouch saying his true name, but stopped when he ordered them to die. 'They aren't fanatics, there's no way they would~' She then heard the captain giggling madly.

"Happily, your highness." He said as he put a gun to his neck, as did all the other Royal Guards did the same.


"FIRE!" Then, in unison, every Royal Guard shot themselves in the head, killing them all instantly.

'!' Cornelia was speechless. Whatever Lelouch had done, it was enough to make them kill themselves without hesitation. She needed answers, and Lelouch was the only witness to what had just occurred.

Lelouch held a devilish smirk as he saw the dead Royal Guards. Finally, he had the power to kickstart his revenge.

"Well then, shall we begin."

"Lelouch," Lelouch's eyes widened as he heard the voice of his older sister. He turned and saw her near an open side door. The look on her face told him she saw what he just did, and it terrified her. "What the hell did you just do?"