Reviews for The Warlock and the Harpy
Blanchimont chapter 21 . 7/31
Nice, first time seeing Lelouch outsmarting Mao from the get go, though I worry how Mao would retaliate from this point, very likely it will involve both sisters.
dorisasuna chapter 20 . 7/9
The fight/conversation between Kallen and Suzaku may need some tidy up to lessen some confusion, i.e. "who says what" should be separated from "who does what".
Coment9 chapter 1 . 6/30
That ending it would’ve made the perfect time for the opening theme
DarthMaine chapter 19 . 6/29
wait, who has Shirley at gun point?
Tyrant Overlord Killidia chapter 18 . 6/12
Well, crud. Mao has arrived, but maybe he can be butchered earlier than canon, as in 'Lelouch geasses Mao to never speak again at the park' early.
Blanchimont chapter 18 . 6/11
Nice, though I worry about the response from the other 4 of the Kyoto 6, I really like that Ohgi stood up against Kirihara and bluntly comparing the efforts made from the 2 sides, hopefully when Lelouch is able to trust them more, letting them know he and Cornelia were Britannian royalties, they will still stick with them.

Also, I enjoyed that you are giving Suzuka more factors to consider about his and the Black knights actions, when more and more results shows that their methods are better than his, really hope he broke down and be swept away by the real winds of change, though it's more likely he will continue to the annoying rock in their boots.

Look forward to the next update.

P.S Starcraft exist in Britannia? What? Lelouch is likely to be Terran main then.
Fan-of-great-writeing chapter 17 . 5/28
Don’t sell yourself short, you found a unique and interesting view on this story. This is fascinating and an impressive look at the complexity’s behind Lelouch’s mind. The way you’ve described his mental deficiency’s means that instead of his actions cause if a slow descent in the madness, you’ve instead presented three distinct possibilities for his lack of risk and moral assessment. Either A Lelouch was always slightly unhinged Marking his psychopathy genetic, B he is still suffering from depression due to his mother’s death, or C during either the assassination of his mother or the ensuing war Lelouch suffered from some form of unattended brain injury that damaged certain areas of the brain that deals with those areas of the brain. Well done.
PATR10TJD chapter 17 . 5/28
I loved it. Very well done.
Wicked Erebus chapter 16 . 5/2
It took me a bit to realize this isn’t the Prepared Rebellion. I read way too many CG fanfics
Guest chapter 15 . 4/22
Why do I feel like Arthur has something going on?

And Cornelia might find something interesting if she keeps looking.
PATR10TJD chapter 15 . 4/21
I really like this story. Amazing job keep it up!
shadowwriter01 chapter 14 . 4/12
I have to make a point to Nonettes logic here.
Britannia had already invaded ten other countries before Japan and seven "more" afterwards.
Who in their right mind would would willingly sell recources used for weaponry to a land with a history of attacking others left and right? That is like selling ammunition to a Serial Killer and hope he wont shoot you at first chance.
They offered a fair deal? Yes - when Europe and China had them in a stand off. As soon as they got the upper hand against them, every "fair" trade would probably be over very quick.

Trying to put an Embargo on someone like that is not "unfair", it is just common sense.
We are doing the same in the real world with such countries.
Ironically the USA did the same with Imperialist Japan, which led to Pearl Harbor. And as far as I know, nobody sane sympathises with Japan here or consider them a victim of "unfair" policies..
yukkikage666 chapter 13 . 4/11
Honestly, the idea of getting both Eupie and Cornelia in to a relationship with Lulu is what drew me the this story
julioaviles239 chapter 13 . 4/10
I really want ser the next chapter
Guest chapter 13 . 4/5
Lelouch gets more support from his friends and allies, but the threat level escalated in return. Let's hope Rai can show up to distract her or something happens, because things are getting worrying.

Also, I still hope Suzaku goes to Ashford at some point, and him and Euphie hit it off. Sorry Rivalz, but they work better to me. Not saying Euphie can't have both, but few would write such a scenario.
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