Here's a nice little 3,000 word oneshot I cooked up after watching too much Ranma and reading too many ero Doujinshi(at the same time I'm afraid). Figured I'd give this a shot because I couldn't find something similar on fanfiction, and the urge to write pure smut hit me hard today. Took about five hours to write and tweak. Inspiration for this work came from DanglingBits, who writes exceptional filth BTW. I highly recommend checking out his Spiderman Stories(cough, Only in Houston)

The wind howled outside, beating furiously against the wooden protective panels covering the thin plate glass windows, rattling them in their frames. They were worn by time and the suns powerful rays, having turned silver, but still held strong against even the worst of cyclones. This was no tropical storm however.

The hallway that lined much of the Tendo residence was darkened and deserted, providing an additional barrier between the elements and the tatami clad living room beyond the paper screen doors, glowing softly from the light on the other side.

"That's some storm, ey Ranma Baby?" a female voice asked the only other occupant of the room, both of them idly watching the Television in the corner.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah. Sure is, Nabiki." He agreed, focusing more of his limited attention towards his Host's middle daughter. "You think Akane's gonna be okay?"

The girl rolled her eyes, grabbing one of the holiday cookies her elder sister had laid out and nibbling on the corner.

"Relax, Ranma. I'm sure she's fine. Besides, one of Akane's friends lives close to the shopping center. She's probably staying over at her place to ride out the storm."

It was odd that there had been no warning about this blizzard from the weather service, and the speed and ferocity at which the system had moved in seemed unprecedented. It had been a sunny, if crisp, late fall morning.

"Yeah" he muttered, clearly distracted.

The two were sitting on a thick quilt Nabiki had pulled out from storage, meant to lessen the cold that seeped through the far to thin floor of the old house. While not uncomfortable, there was a definite chill to the air, even with the heater on, so the teens had sequestered themselves underneath the Kotatsu, trying to warm up from the hour long frenzy of chores Kasumi had heaped on them to prepare for what could only be called a Blizzard at this point.

Ranma had worked like a mad man pulling the rattling wood panels into place, and trying to button the place up even as the snow started to blow in.

The Pigtailed Martial artist could scarcely believe that the Tendo housemaker could instill such authority on him, not to mention Nabiki. He had no doubt that she could have even had the Old freak whistling to her tune right then.

Was it bad that he hoped the old man was lying in a ditch somewhere?

'Speak of the devil' he thought, as the eldest daughter pulled open the Shoji* screen one handed, expertly balancing a tray with steaming hot tea with the other.

"Oh my" she said in that sweet voice Kasumi was known for, suddenly aware of the noise from beyond the hall . "The wind has really started to pick up, hasn't it? I do hope Father and Mr. Saotome are all right."

Now it was Ranma's turn to roll his eyes. His old man was no doubt fine. Heck, if push comes to shove, he could just turn into his Panda form. The fur was inches thick, and dense to boot. Pop and Mr. Tendo had left for a Neighborhood meeting around noon, and were, in all likelihood still there.

So no, Ranma didn't worry overly much.

From the hall, the phone rang. Kasumi quickly rose, not even allowing Ranma to play the chivalrous card and get it in her stead.

The duo returned to their previous activity, watching a bespectacled reporter getting pelted by snow and sleet flying sideways, and shouting about the storm of the century.

Across the square table, Nabiki flopped back, landing on the soft, spongy fabric. It was like laying on an old fashioned futon, she thought with a smile. Something which she'd only ever done when sleeping over at her friends.

She supposed the Saotome's favored them a lot as well, having used the guest spreads for the better part of eighteen months now. Idle thoughts of her sneaking into Ranma's room to get a fresh set of photos wormed her way into her head.

University entrance exams were drawing closer, and she'd need to worry about tuition on top of maintaining the house. Considering Ranma was the focal point of much of Nerima's, and the Tendo house specifically, property damage, she quickly gave the thought a green light.

She'd charge Kuno extra for these, because the cold weather, once you shed the thick Duvet from Ranma, had an interesting effect on the Redheads anatomy.

Of course, there had been times when she'd snuck in, before she'd dipped his finger in cold water, and found herself looking at something entirely different bulging against his blue sleeping shorts. And that something just so happened to cause a similar effect on her, despite him being engaged to her sister.

Nabiki had to admit though, the guy was easy on the eyes. Freakishly strong, too, though not overly endowed with brain power. But he got by. And besides, shed rather date someone who was sweet and honest, rather than an intelligent snake like herself. Lesser chance of getting stabbed in the back.

With Kasumi still on the phone, and feeling a little mischievous, Nabiki uncurled her long, long legs, seeking out her target, intent on getting a quick rise out of him.

Propping herself up with her elbows, she observed Ranma's easygoing, if slightly concerned features twitch in surprise as her sock clad foot made contact with his leg.

Glancing over at her, he raised an eyebrow, but quickly returned to watch the news, likely brushing it off as an unintentional stretch.

Nabiki, undeterred, inched her petite foot further and further up his leg. When she passed his knee, he tore his eyes away from the screen once more, and narrowed them at her.

She halted her advance then, momentarily, simply rubbing the well defined muscle through his Chinese pants, trying, and failing miserably, to look innocent.

But instead of going off on her, as she'd thought, Ranma kept silent. The lack of outburst surprised her, but she was nothing if not persistent. She'd get him to squawk, sooner or later. The foot rose another inch, approaching dangerous territory, but the action paid dividends, as a faint blush crept across his face.

What she didn't expect was for a bare foot to shoot out, and rest on the inside of her own thigh. He regained some confidence then, as if to say, 'two can play that game.'

The game of chicken continued unabated, inch by agonizing inch, the TV and the storm momentarily forgotten, their eyes never breaking contact. When the screen door opened again, both nearly jumped. Thankfully, a tree branch banging against the side of the house covered their reactions nicely, and Kasumi was none the wiser.

"That was Akane." The older girl supplied. "She's spending the night at Sayuri's." Kasumi reseated herself, sipping at the tea in her cup, the liquid having cooled enough as to not burn her tongue.

"T-that's great." Ranma managed to choke out, as the offending foot pushed ahead, going in for the kill. Ranma, unwilling to lose, matched the action, and received an 'eep' from the other end of the table when his toes pushed a little further than he'd wanted too, now pressed firmly against Nabiki's…He turned crimson red, heart pounding in his chest.

Kasumi tilted her head in confusion, but was soon distracted by the Television.

Across the Kotatsu, Nabiki's chest was heaving, her own face flushed. He risked a glance towards her, and when their eyes met, she sprung into action. With more dexterity than he thought possible, she pulled at the sash of his pants using only her toes, managing to undo the butterfly knot, and pulled them down.

Now it was Ranma's turn to squeak, again causing Kasumi to direct her attention towards them.

"Are you all right, Ranma?" she asked, looking concerned. Your face is all red."

"Ahh, I'm fine. It's just like that from being out in the cold, is all. Should go away in a few minutes. Ha,ha,ha."

"Hmm, if you say so."

No longer under scrutiny, he began massaging the hot spot under his toes, managing to get a twitch out of the girl across from him, but not much more.

Meanwhile, she'd somehow managed to undo the button securing the front of his boxers. Needing no prompt, the soda can diameter sized chubby he'd been nursing for the last five minutes flopped free, and, upon impacting her foot, he could see her eyebrows rise in shock.

Despite being the one whose member was swaying in the breeze, so to speak, Ranma felt he had gained the advantage, based on those wide, doe like eyes, looking at him in…anticipation?

Needing no further prompt, he grasped the edge of the table with both hands as to better support himself, and quickly untucked his other leg, the big toe hooking around the waistband of her pants, before pulling, hard.

Nabiki gasped as he striped her, panties and all, from the waist down, without so much as lifting a finger. Again, the timing worked out favorably, as a spectacular wide angle shot of the greater Tokyo area was shown on the TV. Kasumi brought a hand to her mouth, watching, and not paying attention to the frisky business happening under the Kotatsu, assuming, incorrectly, that her younger sister was simply expressing her concern at the images coming from the tube. The entirety of the Kanto region was being rapidly covered in thick, heavy snow.

Ranma bit his lip hard enough to draw blood as she shed her socks, impossibly smooth bare feet now directly rubbing his quickly hardening cock with devastating precision.

'Shit. This situation was escalating by the second!' But he wouldn't back down from this challenge. To forfeit was to lose, and Saotome's didn't lose!

She spread her bare legs, allowing Ranma's rougher, more calloused toes access to her most precious place. Despite his lack of experience, he quickly located the hard bead perched atop her rapidly moistening entrance, and rubbed it in a circular pattern that made Nabiki supress a groan of pleasure. Her pace quickened, and it felt as though her toes would spontaneously combust, his prick felt that hot.

With reason flying out the window, and breathing raggedly, Ranma slipped further under the shallow table, and, upon disengaging himself from her, slid both legs around her bare ass, using his heels of his feet to pull her crotch against his. The sudden, but not unwelcome, contact made her see little stars.

Her heart pounded so hard, she was sure that Kasumi would be able to hear it from her side of the table. But no, she was still firmly distracted by the report on the TV. Her hot, wet juices quickly coated the length of his member, as she ground into him with nearly unrestrained fervor, trying to snuff the fire that was building inside her. Ranma's nails gouged out thin furrows of clear lacquer coating the wood.

Across from him, Nabiki's face was half hidden by the table top, most of her body under the fabric skirt of the Kotatsu.

Another, almost dismissive glance towards the eldest Tendo sister showed she was still enamoured with the TV, which was describing power outages across the various wards. Normally, such information would hold Nabiki's attention with ease, but the pulsing, hot slab of meat rubbing against her snatch was doing a marvelous job of distracting her.

Ranma, meanwhile, was rapidly approaching the point of no return, he realized through his lust addled mind. Win or lose, the consequences of his impending release would cause more trouble than he wished to draw to himself. One of his hands found its way under the cover, frantically tapping Nabiki's creamy, smooth skin in an effort to get her to slow down, lest he punch a hole through the underside of the table, because it was going to be a big one.

Nabiki, a mere seconds away from her own fireworks worthy finish, retained enough of her mental faculties to know that him blowing his load all over the underside of the Kotatsu was a spectacularly bad idea, and would get them busted the second the smell of spunk wafted out from underneath it.

She wasn't, however, coherent enough to think her next move all the way through, pulling back just far enough to wrap her dainty finger around his huge dick, and push it down enough to impale herself on it a moment later.

The eight plus inches of white hot meat pierced her in one smooth motion, until he bottomed out, his cock head none to gently squashing against her cervix entrance. Convulsing, she let out a muted gurgle, hips spasming uncontrollably.

On the other side, Ranma grunted, first shocked, but the animalistic mating instinct quickly taking over, pleased that he'd get to release in the right place. Within seconds he overshot the point of self-control, his body unable to hold back, electrical signals triggering the activation of certain muscles.

First a twitch, then a powerful pulse, and the first of many thick, viscous ropes of spunk shot forth, painting the inside of Nabiki Tendo's pussy pure white. Buried up to the hilt, with the tip none to gently kissing the pencil sized hole of the donut shaped muscle, much of it shot straight into her womb.

Unseen by both Kasumi and Ranma, Nabiki's eyes rolled into the back of her head, back arching instinctively, body moving against her will to better receive his seed.

'Oh my god.' Her mind turned as white as her womb, greedily gobbling up every shot of his cum. Her head flopped to the side, a line of drool escaping her slightly parted lips.

Her sweater had ridden up to just under her breasts, the nipples perched atop them hard enough to be visible through the knit fabric if one were to look, and her exposed belly touched the underside of the table, pressed flat against it while he continued to pump what felt like gallons of cum into her.

The climax sent tingles up and down her spine, arms and legs, and she managed to whisper two words before her body went limp, the orgasm intense enough to cause her to black out.

"Ranma Baby."

The combination of getting speared by something so large, and feeling the hot spunk in her still quivering womb, had temporarily shut down her higher brain functions.

Despite the less than ideal angle, Ranma managed to stay seated, if only just. The vice like grip around his cock hadn't let up. Instead, it pulsed, as though her body was trying to milk him of every drop of cum. He heard her feet impact the underside of the table, toes curled straight, jerking up and down as she climaxed.

He focused on a spot on ceiling, the round fluorescent light fixture to be exact, but his mind's eye was imagining Nabiki, under the table, spasming violently while she wrung his cock dry. The thought was enough to let loose a few more ropes, and she jerked one more time in response.

Releasing a breath he hadn't known he was holding, the Pigtailed Martial Artist closed his eyes. That had been intense. Slowly, his brain rebooted, and with it, reality descended down on him like a bag of hammers.

Oh god, he'd just creamed his future sister in law. Heck, it was Nabiki, for crying out Christmas! Never mind the fact that they hadn't used a condom. Oh man, he was so screwed.

Favoring action over thought, he groped around blindly for a few seconds, until finding her discarded clothes underneath the table, and quickly pulled her panties free from the sweat pants that should, for all intents and purposes, still be around her hips.

Feeling his dick soften, he pulled away, wincing when the head pulled out of her with a wet pop that was only somewhat muffled under the table. The action was enough for her to twitch again in post coital bliss. With a small wince, the bunched up cloth was stuffed into her gaping entrance, stretched wide by his member, effectively plugging her cum filled hole.

'Thank the maker Kasumi hadn't noticed', he thought, awkwardly pulling Nabiki fully under the table in order to put her pants back on her. The task complete, he made himself presentable and rose, trying to act natural.

Kasumi, attention drawn by the movement, observed idly as he stretched, back popping a few times.

"Hmm, looks like Nibiki chan fell asleep." He commented lazily, scratching his head. Acting had never been his forte, but somehow he managed to make it sound convincing, when in reality he'd fucked her into oblivion with nothing more than a single thrust. Inside, his subconscious was screaming 'WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?' over and over.

"Oh dear. Ranma, could you carry her up to her room?" Kasumi asked, her pretty face frowning in concern. "She shouldn't be sleeping down here. She'll catch a cold."

Ranma nodded, rounding the table and pulling the girl he'd just thoroughly soiled out by her armpits, the sweater pulling itself back down as he did so. Scooping her up, Ranma held her, bridal style, taking a second to just gaze at her angelic face. Cradling her like that, he felt another twitch from his groin, as if to say; 'you've already done it once. A few more times isn't going to hurt.' Well, that certainly was true.

"You know, she's onto something." He stated, referring to sleeping booty in his arms. With a fake yawn, he made for the door. "I think I'll have a nap too, if that's ok?"

"Of course Ranma. I'll be preparing dinner soon, so don't sleep too long, alright?"

He nodded, ears picking up on the way she'd said 'sleep'.

There won't be much sleeping happening in the next few hours, he thought, plastering on a smile that hopefully looked more innocent than Cheshire in nature.

Once the door closed, Kasumi let out a long sigh, her shoulders slumping lower.

'Those hormonal kids', she thought with a shake of the head, pulling her hand out from between her legs, fingers coming away sticky and clear.

'I better take a bath.' She thought, knowing she had the time before preparing the evening's meal. Those two wouldn't be coming down searching for dinner anytime soon.

Kotatsu* low table fitted with a fabric skirt, and a heater mounted to the underside of the table top.

Shoji* Paper screen door