Reviews for Under the table Dealings
rewind gone nuts chapter 1 . 2/7
I really liked this chapter, and, honestly, you could have separated this one and made it the start of its own lemony Ranma/Nabiki fanfic, which frankly we don't have enough of in this day and age. There's just so much potential in this chapter's setup that, really, the current fic-structure actually seems like a waste of potential. In fact, the same could be applied to all four of this fic's chapters; this would have just been much more satisfying as a selection of four individual one-shots, thus giving each more potential to grow into the seed of a fanfic, than the somewhat awkward conglomeration that we ended up with. Each is great on its own, but taken as a whole, I find myself more mourning the fics that could have been than satisfied with the fic as a whole.
Van the Rogue Soul Drinker chapter 4 . 1/7
It was fun while it lasted, while I prefer Shampoo out of the fiancees, Uyko is still good. At least it was not Akane. Thought I would have liked to see Ranma with pregnant Nabiki and Kasumi or heck go more smutty. Ranma could really just bang any or all of the girls at his high school since most of the boys their drool over Akane, which I never understood the why. But enough of my droning, I will say for your first steps into smut was a great success. I hope you may do more smut or just Ranma stories in general, but what you decide to do I look forward to your next project.
PhantomDark chapter 4 . 12/25/2019
Nice chapter to finish it off. There aren't a lot of Ranma stories created lately plus Ukyo is my favorite girl out of all of them. Hope to see what other stories you end up creating. Happy Holidays to you.
Guest chapter 4 . 12/24/2019
Kind of disappointed it is not going longer... you could have included a few other possibilities... Sayuri, Nabiki's factors, the 'other' Tendo sisters (Natsumi/Kurumi) from the OAV's. Or had a couple other meetups with the existing three (Nabiki/Kasumi/Yuka), as was hinted. Oh well...
Innortal chapter 1 . 12/26/2019
Loved them all, great setup and building of the scene. Hope you can add more or even a 'few years later' chapter.
Yakomai95 chapter 4 . 12/24/2019
Thank you, this ending leaves relationships like a rope unwinding into freyed strands and uncertain directions through disentanled bonds. The timeline inbetween the stories shows that Nabiki is either good at hidding Saotome Jr. or isn't pregnant, Kasumi had a deprived sexual hunger that she thoroughly sated raw from what Ranma concluded is likely the union of the Saotome and Tendo family arts, and Yuka likely started on safty and emergency precautions after the first time. The reveal could end with Ranma disowned from the Saotome family dissolving the arranged marrige, this leaves a void in Akane's relationship that Ryouga would step up for, Kasumi announces her pregnancy in the middle of the 'storm' that is Akane, Soun, Genma, and possibly Nodoka that stops everyone in their tracks. Genma and Nodaka will support Kasumi. Sasuke spies an unwittingly sreads the info too Moose and Ryouga the later of which was mistaken for as Ranma. This gets to Shampoo and Grandmother Ghoul, she's out for blood or a baby. This leads to Ranma Kuonji to being recognised by the old letch proclaiming Ranma as a Journyman class martial artist and on the run from the Amazons.
Ariadne Venegas chapter 4 . 12/24/2019
Well he have two wives, because sure thing Kasumi will end up with child and she will need him, and they could be happy, Nabiki was more a fuckbuddy, she is not looking for marriage yet, so two wives and he is fulfilling the Arrangement. Also Ukyo has the problem that she was registered as male, so they totally can marry each other.
thomassmith69 chapter 4 . 12/24/2019
Please do a epilogue with all 4 giving both one after another or something.

Enjoyed this
PhantomDark chapter 3 . 11/29/2019
A nice chapter, I agree that Akane's friends are left out a lot mostly used for background and giving Yuka a chance to take center stage was nice. Hope to see more chapters of this, keep up the good work.
Harbinger Of Kaos chapter 3 . 12/1/2019
Not going to lie when I say I hope you do more than 4 chapters, but if that is your decision I guess we have to accept it for what it is...still I was hoping to see how you would handle some of the other ladies or even if you would do something with other characters like what you did here with Yuka.
Tanya von Degurechaff chapter 3 . 12/1/2019
it would be awesome if Ranma fkd EVERY female cast EXCEPT his fiancees.
talk about hilarious
Bountyhunter1977 chapter 3 . 11/30/2019
Keep this up he going have a few pregnant womanat the same time in his life. talk about Chaos
Ariadne Venegas chapter 3 . 11/29/2019
Kasumi! More!
Dumbledork chapter 3 . 11/29/2019
I had a lot of fun once again reading this.
AZant chapter 3 . 11/28/2019
If you plan to write more of these one shots I recommend doing one with Ranma and Hinako that is one that is overlooked as well.
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