Thanks to all that have stopped by, read and left reviews. This story has been fun to write and has been very popular and maybe one of my favourites to date. So please continue to enjoy my stories, let me know what you think or don't or ideas, or even storylines for future stories that I might want to write about. This is the last chapter and I hope it has been a fun ride to read as it was to write. Many many thanks. Mssupertigz

The 49 B

Chapter 6

Staring out of the plane as it taxied down the run way was the last image he saw of Colorado and his time with Sarah. It had been a whirl wind of emotions and progress with their relationship. And it all started with going to see Sarah when he didn't have a plan. But sitting back as the plane descended into the air he felt that it went pretty good. As the plane levelled out he looked out the window he knew that he had to go now, but felt that he left a part of him there with her. His biggest mission to date was to face the giant even if he was only like someone like David.

Chuck grabbed his bag and put his phone on and the only text he saw was from Casey texting him that he was waiting at the gate. Casey didn't want to take any chances of Fulcrum seeing Chuck alone for too long. Casey waited and figured that a disguise would work to keep him safe if only he could convince Chuck, but when Chuck walked out Casey, tossed that idea out. Chuck came walking wearing a plaid cowboy shirt, jeans and a not so bad looking beard. Despite his outer appearance, Casey saw that Chuck had changed, he seemed confident, content; to list a few words that came to mind. Chuck looked up. "Hey Casey."

"Chuck. Good to see you."

"Yeah you too."

"You okay?"

"Have you heard from Sarah?"

"No, nothing, you two didn't have a fight did you?"

"No, its just…."

Casey saw his shoulders drop when he talked about Sarah, more than usual. "Hey, chin up. You can call her when we get home."

Chuck nodded. Casey scanned the area and slipped Chuck quickly into the car. They drove back to Echo Park and Casey went in first. Chuck knew that they must have been snooping around the last few days, for Casey to go all Rambo upon entering his place."

"Where's Ellie, Devon?"

"They are at work. I have a detail at the hospital, just in case."

"You don't think, they'll go after them?"

"No, but they could convince you that they are? Then get you there and take you."

"So what do we do now?"

"We will head into Castle tomorrow, I have a install package in my car, stating that you were at the Ontario location meeting with management and helping with their renovations of their store."

"Sounds legit."

"It better."

"Get some sleep and I'll be right next door."

"We okay, I mean, am I ok?"

Casey walked over to Chuck. "I am right next door, and yes."

O'Connell Farm – hours earlier

Sarah walked back inside with Papa and he went to his room to have a nap. Sarah headed upstairs and a nap sounded like a good idea at least it would suck up some of her time instead of thinking about him. Sarah opened her door and smile as she saw his shirt laying over her pillow. She closed her door and sat down reaching for it, she brought it up and instinctively brought it up to her nose. She smiled and remembered him wearing it when they went to her spot. She laid back and held it close to her face and minutes later she too had fallen asleep.

Sarah didn't plan to sleep as long as she did, but she figured she needed it. Grabbing Chuck's shirt, she headed down stairs. She saw that Papa had made a light supper. "Hey kiddo wasn't sure if you would be hungry or not?"

Sarah sat down. "How you are doing Sammy?"

Sarah looked up. "Could be better."

"Yeah I can see that. So, you two worked things out."

Sarah pulled the collar up over her neck. "Yeah we did. We have some good talks and had a good time. I took him riding and took him to Montrose."

"Turning him into a cowboy?"

Sarah laughed. "He said he couldn't picture himself as a cowboy. But I think he liked it here."

Papa got up to bring Sarah's her when the phone rang. "You expecting a call?" Sarah shook her head, 'No one calls the land line anymore'. She said to herself.

Papa walked to the phone by the stairs. Picked up the receiver. "O'Connells' residence." Papa smiled when he recognized the voice.

"You made it home?"

Sarah sat up. "Yeah she's here. Miss her already."

Sarah was only getting half of the conversation but felt like the captain of the football team had just called. Papa stepped into the kitchen. "Sammy. It's Chuck." Sarah smiled. She felt like nervous school girl. Sarah took the phone from Papa and dragged it out to the porch. The phone cord was just long enough to stretch to the rocking chair on the porch. Plus, it would give them some privacy. Sarah sat down and put the receiver to her ear. "Hello."

"Hey babe. Miss me?"

"More than you know."

"Same here."

"What are you calling from?"

"Sat phone. Didn't want anyone else to know that I called you."

"Everything ok there?"

"Yeah. Casey figured that they were around here - he probably doesn't think I know that he has a detail outside watching the place and one at the hospital just in case."

"It's better to be safe Chuck."

"I know. So, what did you do today?"

"Had a nap."

"Wow intense and productive."

"It would have been if you were here."

"Yeah it would."

"So how was the flight?"

"Didn't take long, so I figured that I could come back out again and…."

Sarah didn't want to discourage him from coming back. She would be on board but now that he was back home, he had to stay there and finish this if they ever had a chance of being together again.

"It sounds like a great idea…"

"Well there's that but again."


"You'll call."

"I will."

"Don't miss me."

"Can't promise you that." As Sarah got quiet.

Chuck could hear the quietness. "Babe, Sarah."

"Yeah, don't freak out."

"I love you too."

"Well I better go and get some sleep here. Talk to you soon."

"Very soon I hope."

"Love you Sarah."

"You too Chuck."

Chuck flipped the Sat phone closed and sat on his bed staring at his walls. Sarah sat staring at the yard, and remembering a few days ago, he was standing there like a lost soul with the weight of the world on his shoulders. Sarah couldn't fathom how much she loved him. Now she had to use that love to get her through the next few days. Sarah shook herself out of her thoughts when Papa had warmed her plate and brought it out to her. He sat down in his stair.

"How is he?"


"You miss him."

"It's only been half a day, but yeah."

"So, you two?"


"What, he didn't say in so many words."

"You asked him."

"No, we talked, and he said when and if it happens he promises to take care of you."

Sarah had to admire Chuck for what he said.

"You threatened him?"

"No, I could tell that if any man did what he did for my granddaughter I had to respect him, and Chuck is one man that I would welcome to date my grand daughter."

"Thanks Papa."

"So was it a good idea for him to go back, sensing that his reasons other than your letter brought him out here."

Sarah couldn't tell him everything, so she chose her words carefully. "Chuck was safe here, but you can only keep one safe for so long when the rest of the world isn't, Chuck had to go back in order for me to come back."

"Fair enough, I hope you see him soon."

Sarah smiled and ate her meal, then enjoyed a cup of tea sitting on the porch with her Papa.

Next morning

Chuck sat up when he heard the complex being cleaned. He had just fallen asleep but when he looked at the clock, it was longer than he thought. He wanted to call Sarah, but he knew that the sooner they got to Castle the sooner she would be in his arms.

Chuck got ready and met Casey outside by his car. Casey was quiet and not his normal perky self. Casey pulled up to Castle, but then Casey backed up and drove a few blocks to a parkade. "Uh, Casey Castle is back there?"

"I know, we have a change of plans."

Casey grabbed a ticket and slipped into the parkade. Chuck saw in the distance three large suburban's and one stoic red head.

Chuck got out and walked with Casey. "General."

"Good morning Chuck, Major."

"Didn't expect to see you?"

"Me either but I wanted to talk to you both before you went into Castle."


"Casey called me, and I was surprised to say the least that the threat of Fulcrum is worst than I thought. I looked into why Sarah was let go and, they were very good at their explanations. And unfortunately, they have recruited some high CIA officials that gave them the opportunity to ween out this team. The 49B is real but it has not been active for some time. It was part of the old manifest of the CIA and with their record, that is what they are trying to do. And so far, they have recruited many loyal CIA agents but what gets me is when they started. I found out that most of them were either recruited around the time I started or were newly recruited like Jill and in Forrest's case she was fired for excessive handling of an Iraqi prisoner, but they failed to process her and because of that Fulcrum took her and created this lavish scheme to take down who they think has the Intersect and because Mauser was last seen with you guys."

Chuck knew why Mauser was missing and if Sarah didn't kill him…."

"Chuck, as I told Casey. They wanted to start with Sarah to get her out from being your handler, they had to be watching you two for awhile and figured that, where ever you went, she went with you or it was Casey. So, they start with her then move onto, taking Casey out. But because Casey is NSA, they would have a lot of explaining to do."

"And Mauser?"

"Yeah, they are still looking for him or looking for who took him out."

Chuck looked like a deer in headlights.

"Chuck, I know what Sarah did to protect you and what happened to Mauser."

"Y-o-u do?"

"Yes, she disclosed to me and I was okay with what she did. If she had put him behind bars, they would find out within hours that you were the only human Intersect and you would be locked up in a padded cell. At least we now know that Forrest if Fulcrum."

"What about Ned?"

"We are moving him as we speak, he is scheduled for a off sight dental appointment, so we are going to take him then."

"We think that Forrest knows he knows about me?"

"And, Chuck we will use that."

"If Forrest knows that Ned has the answers she needs, we can use that to trap her."

Beckman continued to tell Chuck and Casey her plans. They all agreed, and Chuck and Casey headed back to Castle.

Chuck walked down the stairs carrying all his Buy More install equipment and placing them on the table. He glanced over to the cell where he had been locked up days earlier. Casey came down with the final box. Instantly Forrest came out. Chuck couldn't describe the feelings he was feeling but the look she gave him explained hers.

"Chuck, Casey."


Chuck went back to his box, emptying it. Forrest walked the length of the table picking up a few of the items that Chuck would need for an install. Forrest then grabbed his install reports and saw that they were well documented. Chuck looked at them as well as, they would take some time to fill out and looking at the handwriting Casey did a good job.

"So how was Ontario?"

"A lot warmer than the other Ontario up in Canada."

"Did you get done what you asked to get done."

"Yeah, I think so, they aren't as busy as we are here but they figured an upgrade would help with sales."

"I see. When did you get back?"

"Chuck rolled in late afternoon." Casey walking and standing between Chuck and Forrest.

"Well I better get upstairs, my job starts in 20."

Casey grabbed as box. "I'll join you, unless we have work down here?"

"No, you two go and do what you need to do?"

Chuck turned on his heels. "Chuck?"

Chuck stopped shy of the stairs. "You have a moment?"

Casey turned to face her. "Alone?"

Chuck nodded to Casey and he went upstairs but waited on the other side of the door.

"You grew a beard?"

"Yeah, I forgot to take a razor and after a few days, I figured it looked pretty good. What can I do for you?"

"About the other day."

"No worries, if I did the same thing with Casey and Sarah, I would still be locked up."

"So, we're good."

"Yeah. I better go."

Chuck didn't wait for her to respond. He walked upstairs and met Casey.


"She's trying to be nice."

"Too nice?"

"How are we going to stop her from checking the Ontario store?"

"She might not go that far. She knows that we know that she's keeping something, and she thinks we have what she wants."

"So, we continue to…"

"Yeah, wait till she makes the next move after we take Ned."

Buy More – a few days later

Chuck sat at his desk, met with some customers and waited to hear from Casey. Chuck leaned back and caught the eyes of Jeff and Lester. The two minions walked towards the desk. "So, we hear that the red head wants to take the blonde out?"

Chuck looked at them. "What are you two on?"

Lester stepped closer. "Casey told us that the red head chased Sarah out."

Chuck looked at them. "Yeah, she doesn't take no for an answer."

"So where is the Sarah?"

"Don't know."

"You given up on her?"

"No, its just that If I say that I know where she is, old red will…"

"Of course. Play the part."

"Yeah, something like that."

"Good cause we couldn't see you with anyone else."

"Thanks guys."

"But Chuck if you want to keep the blonde, you might want to get rid of the beard. You see what it does to Morgan?"

Chuck laughed. "Get back to work or I'll sic old red on you."

Jeff and Lester bumped into each other then split.

Casey tapped on the desk. Chuck followed Casey to the home theatre. Closing the curtains and logging on Beckman popped up on the screen. "Gentleman, Ned has arrived at his Dentist appointment. Chuck and Casey watched on the screen the live feed as he was escorted into the Dentist office. Brought to a room, sedated and carried out the back door. The three then watched as a van approached the front and shot the security team waiting outside. Barging inside, they force the patrons and employees inside to hit the floor. The camera switched to Ned being tossed into a delivery truck and driven down the back alley. Inside the four individuals obviously not the true CIA team checked each of the rooms then walked to the last one where Ned was taken from. They pushed their way to the back of the office towards the alley, definitely ticked off. The van that they arrived in pulled up and they four jumped in and took off.

Beckman turned to face Casey and Chuck. "General can you play back the part when they enter the van again."

"Did you see something Chuck?"

"Not something, but someone?"

Chuck brought up the video and paused it, then enhanced it. Both Casey and Beckman stared.



"Well that changes things?"

"Wait what?"

"Chuck, we now know that Forrest is not on our side, so your life is the utmost our number one priority. She now knows that Ned was taken, she's coming after you, because she now knows that she was right. You are the only reason he was taken and that he is the last link to identifying who the Intersect is which happens to be you."

"General, we can still use this, we have to. We use him. Give Ned something that makes him remember that he knows about me and Mauser, then we get Forrest to come out and we take her too. Otherwise, our team will never be the same and I am not going into a padded cell."

"No ones asking you to."

"Well it looks like it from my point of view." Chuck's voice a bit fierce. Chuck looked at Casey for some advice or plan. Casey finally stepped forward. "I think that we can make this work for us. We have Ned, now."

"Yes." Beckman nodded

Casey looks at Beckman. "I think he's onto something General."

"I agree. Okay you too sit down and come up with a plan that allows us to use Ned but keeps your secret safe. In the end we must get Forrest and Sullivan behind bars."

Chuck smiled slightly. Chuck steps forwards again. "Exactly, see how we (twirling his finger back and forth) work together and if Sarah was here, see how well this team works together."

Beckman gave him a stern look, the look she gives him when she knows he's right but can't tell him that.

"Ok Chuck and Casey. You have a few hours to come up with something, by then Forrest and whoever else was with her would have regrouped. So, I want to be ready."

"Great!" Chuck grinning.

"Chuck you can't leave the Buy More. She'll won't come and get you in here, she won't make a scene with so many people. Plus, from the chatter I am hearing, your loyal co workers think that she is moving in on your relationship with Agent Walker."

Chuck nodded. "Casey can you stay for a second."


"Thank you Chuck."

"General." Leaving the home theatre room.

Chuck left and Casey waited till the room was quiet.

"Yes General, bring her back but don't tell Chuck. I know he went looking for her and found her which is impressive and to go through Carina who was on a mission of all things, is hard enough for us regular folks to find her, he found her."

"You're not going to continue with the 49B?"

"No, they seem to work well together, and I know that things have progressed, which I am not in favour off, professionally of course."

"Of course." Casey repeated.

"But they seem to want to make it work and she didn't have to keep him safe where she was, but she did."

"You know where she was?"

"I have a few places in mind but I do like that you guys have that one place where you can go to escape for awhile and where she is at now is her place and I am not going to take that away from her."

"Will do, and I will call her. Anything else General?"

"No, that's enough for all of us. I will keep my ears open here and see what I come up with and who else might be Fulcrum."

Chuck sat down in the staff lounge wanting to call Sarah with the news. He looked around and got an idea on how he could without Forrest finding out. He walked back out and down the aisle where they sell phones. He scanned the shelf looking for a burner or cheap phone, couldn't find what he was looking for, so he went to the back storage closet and rummaged through old boxes of old stock and finally he found one. He grabbed a phone card and walked back to the lounge. He was glad that the lounge didn't have camera in it. He tore open the box and inserted the battery and turned it on. It didn't have much battery, so he plugged it in. He redeemed the phone card and dialed the farm. It had been a few days and he missed hearing her voice. It rang busy. So, he waited a few minutes and tried again. He dialed again and it rang, his palms began to get sweat and his heart raced but in a good way. It rang and rang. A little bummed he put the phone down and looked a his watch. He had less than a few hours to come up with a plan. He grabbed his lap top and got a great idea.

Meanwhile, Casey sat down on the couch and dialed Sarah's number. It rang and after a few rings, he hung up but moments later, she called back. "Casey is everything okay? Chuck?"

"No everything is great actually, we have Ned and Chuck has a plan to get Forrest. But the reason I am calling is that…"

Sarah sat down on her bed and smiled. "Ok, great. I'll leave in the morning. Does Chuck know."

"No, Beckman wants him to focus but we can change that once you arrive. She also knows where you've been, and that Chuck found you, and that things have progressed between you two."

"We planned to tell you."

"Kind of figured that when Chuck came back looking like a cowboy, that things went okay."

"It did."

"You happy?"

"More than happy."

"Okay, then I am happy for you two as well."

"Thanks Casey."

"Let me know when you arrive?"

"Will do, I hear the other phone ringing."

"Okay, bye."


Sarah ran downstairs and grabbed the phone, but it stopped ringing. Papa came in. "Sorry I just stepped away."

"It's okay, if it is important. Who ever it was will call back."


"Papa I am heading back to LA in the morning."

"Good, I can go back to Denver with you and keep your car. Then you have an excuse to come back."

Sarah walked into his arms. "Nothing could stop me from coming back."

Chuck logged into the CIA main frame and clicked on Forrest's file looking for the time she decided to become Fulcrum. Chuck looked at her missions and found the one that got her fired. He then opened another file and searched Sullivan's name. His list was not as impressive as was Forrest, but he was as Chuck suspected. Someone with influence and he seemed to use his charm to get what he wanted and when it didn't work out the way he wanted he made sure others knew that. Chuck scanned his file and read that he started attending a group for those who were diagnosed with some form of PTS. Chuck then looked at other teams that he was on or set up. Chuck instantly flashed on one familiar name: Meadow Branch. Chuck then flashed on a few new names that showed an image like a pyramid that included sub groups within Fulrcum: Fornax, Corvus, The Ring, to list a few.

Chuck knew that what he flashed on is what Fulcrum wanted but why would his dad have this in the Intersect File and what was the Government planning to do with these groups?

Chuck knew that they had to be stopped. Chuck went back into Castles files from December and the day Ned arrived at the Buy More. He brought up the conversations he had with Ned and duplicated the audio. Chuck then cut and spliced Ned's voice into a new file. Chuck looked up and Casey walked in with a tray of coffee. "What do we have here?"

"I was thinking we use Ned's voice to get Forrest. If she hears his voice, she will come."

Casey sat down. "It could work, what are you going to have him say?"

"I have enough words to come up with a brief conversation but if she starts to ask something else, I may not have enough words to use?"

"We can make this work."

Chuck spent the night splicing and editing a dialogue. He finally crashed in the home theatre room. Casey found him. "Hey Chuck, its morning."

Chuck got up. "How did it go?"

Chuck rubbed his eyes then put his feet on the floor and opened the file and pressed play.

"Hey this is Ned. He's here. Chuck. They have me. The one that Mauser wanted. They said something about a Castle. Lots of computers and stuff. They went upstairs come and get me. I think Mauser is dead. I feel sick. Did they drug me. They must have to remember."

Casey looked at Chuck. "I think it will work, hopefully she asks the right questions."

Chuck went to get cleaned up. Casey grabbed Chuck's lap top and they planned to do this once Sarah had arrived. Chuck walked out with his coffee and started his shift.

Chuck looked at his cell and saw that Casey texted and wanted him down in Castle in an hour. Chuck replied.

Casey drove to the airport and brought Sarah in. Sneaking her inside Sarah was glad to be back. She wanted to see Chuck, but she wanted Casey to fill her in.

"Chuck made an audio when Ned's arrived at the Buy More last December. He then spliced the conversations he had with him and created a conversation we think he might have with Forrest. We will call her and hopefully she'll believe that it is Ned and come here. We will then go after Sullivan. Beckman is getting that team ready and when Forrest leaves the sub station, they will go in."

"Sounds like it will work?"

"It better, we can't afford to lose, Chuck."

"We won't lose. This has been going on too long."

Just then Casey and Sarah heard the doors open upstairs. Sarah looked up and ached to hold him. Chuck rounded the stairwell and when he came low enough to see all of Castle, he stopped when he saw Sarah.

Casey coughed but the two didn't hear. "I'll leave you two for a bit."

Sarah looked at Casey then her eyes went back to Chuck. Chuck hurried down the stairs into her arms. Sarah quickly held him and when they kissed, the world seemed to pause.

Chuck kissed her and held her and kept her lips close to his. It had been now five days since they saw each other and all that they felt for each other was now showing in their kisses and hugs.

Casey came back and coughed and this time they heard him. "You two done?"

Sarah removed herself from his embrace but held his hand in hers. "Yes Casey, sorry."

Sarah looked at Chuck. "I'm not sorry."

Casey grunted a smile.

"Okay, so the plan is we call Forrest, play the conversation, and hope that she believes that she is talking to the actual Ned. Then when she arrives here, we grab her."

The three looked at each other, all hoping that this plan would be it. Chuck sat down and hooked up the phone to the computer and brought the dialogue up on the screen. Sarah dialed her number and they waited. It rang and the voice cautiously answered. "Hello Forrest."

"Hey this is Ned."


"He's here."


"Chuck." (Chuck quickly moved some of the words around) The one that Mauser wanted."



"Where are you?"

"They said something about a Castle. Lots of computers and stuff in here."

"Where are they now?"

"They went upstairs, come and get me."

"I think Mauser is dead."

"Did they say that?"

Chuck looked at Casey and Sarah. He had not planned on that question being asked. Chuck quickly moved some words and added new ones to somehow answer her.

"Ned? Did they say that?"

A slight pause. "I think the blonde killed him to protect Chuck."

"That makes sense."

"I feel sick. And I remembered some stuff."

"They must have given you something. Ok, I'll be there as soon as I can. Go hide in case they come back."

Chuck typed away and moved some words into the bar and pressed enter.

"Okay, hurry."

Forrest hung up and at the same time Sarah disconnected their phone.

Chuck sat back then looked at Sarah and Casey.

"I hope it works." Casey walked over to the armory and grabbed a few guns, then he called Beckman. Returning he gave Sarah a gun.

The three waited as Chuck and Sarah sat near the table holding hands. Casey turned on the parking lot feed and saw Forrest drive up but she wasn't alone. Two cars drove up and three men from the one car went over to the Buy More and the other four came walking with Forrest. Sarah looked at Chuck. "I know go and hide." Sarah kissed him softly. Chuck grabbed his lap top and slipped in behind the armory where Casey had put in a locked room. Chuck walked inside and closed the door but watched the events unfold and kept the Ned's voice active in case Forrest said something.

Forrest came in from the Orange Orange and pulled out her gun. Walking down the stairs. Sarah and Casey watched from their hiding spots. Casey cocked his gun and got it ready. Forrest walked into the main part of Castle. Whispering "Ned?"

No answer. She called again and this time she heard a faint voice coming from the back. She pointed to two of the men to head down the hallway. Casey slipped around the back and took care of the men dragging their bodies out of view. Forrest and the others walked with her. Chuck watched then threw out a few words as they were coming close to where Sarah was hiding. "Forrest."

Forrest stopped. "Where are you Ned?"

"Some small room?"

Forrest wasn't very familiar with how Castle was built so she walked down and through a few doors coming to a smaller hallway where she saw what looked like holding cells. Sarah came up from behind and tried to take out the two men, but they turned on her. Sarah threw some hard punches and dropped kicked the one man and fired her gun on the other. The gun shot rang through Castle. Forrest knew that she was trapped. Sarah walked through coming up behind Forrest. "So, you took out my men?"

"With help." Sarah threw back at her.

"I am surprised to see you down here." As Forrest turned around. "Why, did you think that a fake claim like this 49B would keep me away."

"For some time, it did."

"So, I'm guessing that Ned isn't here?"

"You're not as dumb as you look."

Sarah kept her gun on her. "So where is Chuck?"

"Safe, safe from you and Fulcrum."

"So, you know who we are?"

"Yes, and we are going to bring you down."

"Are you? I don't think that we need to use guns, lets see what you're made of." Forrest put her gun on the floor and Sarah followed. Kicking them away Forrest charged Sarah, getting a good punch in. Sarah dazed, shook it off and spun and kicked Forrest in the stomach. When Forrest bent down Sarah threw a quick left punch right across her right cheek . Forrest fell to the floor. Sarah stepped back but Forrest caught her leg. Sarah fell on her back as Forrest climbed on her and whaled several punches, drawing blood. Then Forrest's slight height difference helped her hold her hands on her neck. Chuck looked from the room he was in and not seeing Casey, he stepped out.

Sarah rammed her fist onto her forearms forcing Forrest to bend her arms. Which allowed Sarah to get some air, but Forrest continued to hold her neck and slam her head into the floor. Chuck ran through and tackled Forrest off of Sarah. Sarah leaned onto her side coughing for air. Chuck got up, and his plan never to hit a girl was tossed out of the window and he didn't even need to flash. Forrest swung and hit Chuck dead on, but Chuck closed his fist and through a punch knocking her to the floor. Forrest hit the wall hard and slid to a slumping stop. Chuck turned and grabbed Sarah. Forrest opened her eyes and saw Casey walk in and also saw her gun. She grabbed her gun and shot at Casey hitting him in the arm. Then she got up and aimed her gun at Sarah. Chuck fell back and saw the other gun. Forrest aimed her gun. Chuck saw Casey not moving and a gun pointed at the woman he loved. Sarah stared at the guns barrel as Forrest placed her finger on the trigger. "This is for Mauser. Don't think that because he is dead that Chuck's secret is still a secret. Once your out of the picture, and Casey is well, he hasn't moved Chuck will come with me and what he knows will help Fulcrum prosper into what it was intended to become all along."

"Go ahead, Chuck will never lower himself into being what you have forced yourself to believe. Fulcrum will never be what the CIA is. And Chuck's secret will stay a secret."

"You and who's army."

Chuck stood up. "Mine."

Chuck pulled the trigger and Forrest stared him down. Then saw the blood from where the bullet had entered. Forrest looked at Sarah as the colour was coming back to her face. Sarah moved her legs as Forrest fall. Chuck put the in behind his lower back and walked over to Sarah picking her up. He held her close as Sarah looked down at the body. Chuck and Sarah heard Casey and ran over. Casey got up and three walked out. Chuck grabbed a chair and Casey sat down. Sarah looked at the gun shot. It had gone straight through. Sarah grabbed the first aid kit and wrapped up his shoulder in a heavy bandage and a tensor. Then she called it in, and Casey was taken to a CIA hospital. CIA cleaners arrived and took the bodies out and cleaned up.

Sarah watched Chuck as he stared at the gun that he used to shoot and kill Forrest. Sarah walked up to him and placed her hand on his back and took the gun from him. "You okay?"

Chuck looked up. "Does it get easier?"

"In time. They stood there not sure what to say or do.

They walked out back to the main area of Castle. "Thanks for saving me again."

"It seems to be becoming a habit, which I don't mind."

Sarah sat down and kissed his cheek.

"Now what?"

"We wait and see, debrief and hope that Fulcrum has lost some of its power."

Hours later

Casey returned, refusing to stay for observation. Sarah and Chuck got word that Beckman was going to arrive in person, so they couldn't go home. Chuck got some more ice for Sarah's neck and some aspirin just in case. She smiled and made him sit down beside her.

It was already late the next day when Beckman came down into Castle and the cleaners were just leaving. Beckman put her briefcase down. Looking at her team, she was proud of them and wanted to be quick.

"Team I want to thank you for what you did tonight. Casey how are you feeling?"

"Fine General just a scratch."


"Agent Walker?"

"I'm good."

"And Chuck." Chuck looked up.

"I know what you did was a tough choice to make and to follow through on, but not only did you save Sarah's life but yours as well."

"Thank you General."

"Now team, we raided the sub station and found a few Fulcrum agents, but Sullivan escaped some how once our team arrived. They figured that there was an old tunnel that he went through and when they followed it, it led them to the plaza."

"So, he's still out there, and he knows Chuck's secret."

"Yes, Sarah and we feel that he'll come back once the heat is off and he'll try and come to you through a different avenue, maybe come through your sister, or your future brother in law? If he was able to develop a team like we found there, so there's nothing stopping him from doing it again. But they did find a list of CIA officials and agents that are or were going to be considered for Fulcrum and we also found that Fulcrum is just the tip of the iceberg."

Beckman passed the list around. Chuck looked at the list first. "General I flashed on these names and I also flashed on two others Fornax and Corvus."

"I will look into them when I get back. Sarah, Casey do you recognize any of these names?"

Sarah looked at the list. "Aiden Quinn, I do. He was in recruiting when I was in training. Graham introduced us like five years ago. You think he's Fulrcum?"

"Not Fulcrum but maybe one of the others."

Sarah continued to look at the list. "Merriweather? Shaw, Daniel Shaw?"

"Don't know much about him. He just popped up out of nowhere and seems to have a lot of pull."

"Would he be a concern General?"

"Not sure Casey, now that Fulcrum has lost its strength others like the Ring might pull up the slack."

"So, no matter who is on this list they can and will be a threat."

"Yes Chuck, so it is important now that our missions and anything else we do is for the best interest of your safety."

"So, what are you saying General?"

Beckman looked at the team. The three didn't care for the silence. And a quiet red headed General wasn't a good thing.

"Because of Forrest's' involvement with the asset and her knowledge of the team, Chuck and the Intersect, and even though she didn't have confirmation that Chuck was the human Intersect, we need to agree that they know."

"Yes General."

"But after these last few weeks and how you continued to work as a team even when you didn't have to and Chuck going off grid to find you. Which took some impressive spying and hacking."

Chuck lowered his head.

"I feel that the team doesn't need to change."

Sarah and Chuck held hands which caught Beckman's eyes.

"As for you two, I am not condoning your relationship but professionally I am a bit concerned as to what my superiors would say, but I am going out on a limb here and telling them I don't care. I happy for you."

"But General, how did you know?"

"Chuck, you may think that I don't know what goes on down here or what goes on out on your missions, but I can tell that you and Agent Walker have a unique co dependence on each other and there are only a few partners within the agency that have that quality and can still do their jobs. I was alerted that someone fitting your description met with agent Miller while she was on a mission, then for some reason the CIA jet was rerouted to Telluride Colorado? So, I checked and only a few of my agents would go there or had roots there. The first one was a retired agent name Judd and the second was a woman named Sammy O'Connell."

Sarah diverted her eyes and Chuck bit his lower lip.

"So, you see Chuck, I knew that you went looking for her and again I commend you for that. I'm not going to fix what's not broken and if you two break up, well….."

Sarah looked at Chuck and reached for his hand again. "That won't happen General, I promise."

Chuck looked at her and for that second, he fell in love with her all over again.

"Well that's settle. Chuck, I want you to take the Major home and I'll expect a full report from you with in the next few days."

Chuck nodded. "Agent Walker I would like you to stay."

Chuck looked at her, hoping that she was coming home with him. Sarah held onto Chuck's hand as long as she could before the distance was to great. Chuck helped Casey upstairs. Casey reached into his pockets and tossed his keys at Chuck. "You do anything other than drive her home, I'll make sure you won't spend any quality time with Walker for a long time."

Chuck swallowed hard. "Yeah, right, okay."

Chuck helped Casey and ran around and got inside and tried to adjust the mirrors but got a dirty look from Casey. Chuck lowered his head as he tried to look through the rear-view mirror. Finding the lights, he buckled up and put it into reverse and pulled out of his parking spot and headed back to the apartments.

Chuck walked downstairs after making sure Casey was comfortable. He left a light on and slipped out the door. Entering his place, it was dark and quiet. He was glad that Ellie and Devon were gone but it was missing someone. Chuck stepped into the shower and looked at his hands as they started to shake. He closed them hoping that it would help lessen the shaking. Images of aiming the gun and firing popped in and out of his thoughts. Seeing Sarah being strangled, killed him. 'I did what I had to do.' He repeated to himself. He let the spray of the hot water cascade down his body. Then he heard her voice soften the noise besides the noise of the Intersect in his head. 'You saved me.'

Chuck shut the water off and grabbed a towel. He ran one towel through his hair, and he stared at the man in the mirror. He looked at his razor and reached for it.

Changing he slid into his bed, it felt good to be in his own bed. He rolled over and closed his eyes but heard a knock at the door. He looked through the window and didn't see a light at Casey's on other than the one he left, so it couldn't be him. Walking to the door, he opened it carefully and looked up. "Hi."


"I figured that I would try the door this time."

Chuck reached for her suitcase and opened the door so she could come in. "I didn't know where to go. I gave up my room at the hotel." Chuck closed the door and put her suitcase by the window.

"I didn't know if you were a sleep yet?" Chuck turned and pulled her into his arms and kissed her. Sarah lost herself in his arms and kissed him back. Chuck pulled back to get some air as Sarah dragged her finger down his cheek. "You trimmed your beard?"

"I was debating whether to get rid of it."

"I'm glad you didn't."

Chuck picked her up and walked face to face to his room, as they continued to kiss their way there. Chuck stopped shy of his bed and helped her out of her jacket tossing it somewhere. He slipped her shirt off and his eyes caught her neck. By now it was shades of blue and purple. He removed her jean as Sarah slipped out of them. Sarah sat on the bed and pushed herself into the middle. Chuck placed one knee on the bed as Sarah extended her arms bringing him close to her. Chuck kissed her stomach then her chest, then placed warm kisses on her neck. He pressed his lips ever so softly over her neck, giving some places more pressure than others. He slid his hand up her leg and settled his right hand just under her upper hip. Chuck removed her bra with some flick of his fingers that impressed her. Sarah reached the hem of his shirt pulling it over his head. She ran her fingers over his stubble and held his face in her hands.

"I love you, and thanks for saving me. I know that you went against what you stood for, but I…."

Chuck placed his finger on her lips. "Not now."

Chuck leaned in and looked at her as a tear rolled down her face. Chuck removed their last bit of barrier clothing, as they became one. Chuck wiped her tears away as they moved together, forgetting the last few hours. To know that they were allowed to be together and for that moment they, Chuck, was safe.

Chuck continued to make love to Sarah and as previous times was it perfect.

Chuck felt Sarah move and grab his sweat shirt that hung on the chair. Chuck grabbed his boxers and followed her. Wiping his eyes, he followed her into the kitchen and found her opening the fridge. "You hungry?"

"Oh, sorry I didn't want to wake you."

Chuck looked at her as his sweat shirt looked a bit big on her but oh so sexy. "Chuck I'm up here?"

Chuck laughed. "I know, its just you look pretty hot in my sweat shirt."

"Do I?"

Chuck snuck a kiss as Sarah turned to look in the fridge. There wasn't much in there, but she found some milk and looked in the cupboard for some cereal. She found some fruit loops. Chuck grabbed some bowls and sat down on the floor next to Sarah. Sarah sat down crossing her legs at her ankles, Chuck sat next to her. He held the bowls as she poured the cereal in them then poured some milk. Chuck leaned up and opened the drawer pulling two spoons out, closing the drawer he gave one to Sarah. Sarah dug her spoon into the cereal and crunched on the spoonful. They enjoyed their cereal as Sarah leaned against Chuck chest.

"I thought that Beckman wanted you to stay.?"

"She did, but I think it was also a test to see what we would do, how we would act."

"Did we pass?"

"Yeah. She wanted me to look into Sullivan when we get back."

"Get back?"

"Yeah, I was going to tell you before we, you know."

"Yeah that was more important."

"She is letting us take some more time off. Because Fulcrum knows where Castle is, she wants to get rid of anything Castle related."

"Their destroying Castle."

"Yeah, all of it?"

"What about the Buy More?"

"Big Mike will be getting notice in the morning that the Buy More will be moving to a new location. He will be told that corporate will be moving the Buy More to a newly developed commercial property a few blocks away. And that all store property will be moved to the new building once it is completed. So, all employees will have some time off till they can move into the new building. Castle will be built underneath that with a whole new set up. Beckman felt that because Fulcrum was able to fool us, we need to be prepared for other threats before they arise. She fears that they might already be planning and plotting their next move."

"Wow, didn't think that it would lead to this?"

"So, the Orange Orange is no longer?"

"The building will also be demolished and rebuilt into some commercial property. I will take some day job, I suggested maybe a barrister?"

"Coffee works for me."

Sarah got up and slipped the bowls into the sink and put the milk back. Chuck got up and put the cereal back. Sarah opened another cupboard. "You still hungry?"

Sarah stood on her tippy toes looking into the cupboards. Chuck stepped in behind her. She felt his closeness. Chuck opened his hand and ran it down her legs then she stopped them as they slid upwards taking his sweat shirt with them. Sarah leaned back into him as he kissed her neck. Sarah turned around and hopped into his arms and straddle his waist.


"Don't you want…"

Sarah slammed the cupboard door closed on their way out. They crashed onto the mattress as Sarah slid the sweat shirt off. Chuck grazed her skin with his lips and slipped in between her legs. It didn't take long to start up again.

Mid morning

Sarah opened her eyes and felt Chuck's arm around her. She looked up and though his chin was resting on her head, she felt that it was a perfect way to wake up. Chuck rolled onto his back taking her with him. She knew this move and that he was awake but not completely. She liked this time when, she could do anything and he would obliged. She slid her leg upwards, getting his attention, his hold on her shifted. Sarah, then dragged her fingers over his chest hairs, down his abs and up around his bare neck. She watched his eyes as they fluttered. She continued and repeated her ministrations. "You know, you could just ask instead or tormenting me with this."

Sarah smiled, then moved on top of him covering his body with hers. "Well good morning to you."

"Morning." As she kissed him.

Chuck grabbed her hips and swung her legs around him as he sat up. "Well, Mr Bartowski."

"Shall we?"

Sarah smiled. Chuck smiled then kissed her hard. It was fast, intense and passionate.

Week later

Chuck rolled over holding his head. Sarah walked in. "Here take these."

Chuck sat up and leaned on his elbow."

"I told you not to play cards with Papa."

"Well it wouldn't be so bad if alcohol wasn't apart of his rules."

Chuck popped a few aspirin and flushed them down with water. Then laid back down. "How come your so spry."

"I learned when to stop long time ago."

"I bet he's still sleeping."

Sarah shook her head. "No, he's in the barn."

"Well we better…."

Sarah pushed him back down. "He knew that you wouldn't be much help today. Tomorrow he said."

Chuck chuckled then reached for Sarah's hand. Rubbing it with his thumb. "You know what helps a headache they say is, some sort of physical activity."

"Oh really, yeah. I heard Ellie tell Devon that."

"You are right, it does produce endorphins, which help open up the blood vessels in the brain."

"But I don't necessarily have to do all the work?"

"What are you saying?"

"Wanna play doctor?"

Sarah got up and moved onto the bed and straddle Chuck's legs. Chuck looked at her. Shocked that she actually was going through with it. Sarah lowered her self and slowly unbuttoned her shirt, teasing Chuck by covering up then exposing her skin. Chuck watched as she went for her jeans then leaned on her knees and slipped her jeans off below her knees then pulled them off. Chuck looked at her and forgot about how bad his head was feeling. Sarah slipped her bra off and pulled the covers down. She liked what she saw, which made her job easier. Slipping under the sheet, they became one. Sarah took the reigns and for a moment Chuck wished that he hadn't suggested the thought. Chuck closed his eyes as things picked up. Chuck rolled Sarah onto her back and slowed things down, just the way she liked it. They spent the next few hours exploring and enjoying their time together.

Sarah placed her feet on the cold floor. "Do you have to go?"

"Chuck my Papa is going to give me a hard-enough time as it is."

"You can tell him that we fell asleep?"

"Chuck, we made love not once but…."

"Well he doesn't need to know that."

"How's the head?"

"Better. Thanks."

"Thank you."

Sarah leaned over and kissed him then grabbed her clothes and got dressed. Chuck rolled onto his back. He heard Sarah leave the house and walk over to the barn.

Chuck looked at the clock, it read 8:30. He got up and showered and grabbed his jeans and a t shirt and put his boots on. Grabbing a coffee, he headed out to the barn. Walking in, he saw Mable being looked at. "What's wrong with Mable?"

"Nothing Charles, its great news."

The vet pulled his examination sleeves off and turned to face Papa. "We have a baby."

Sarah cheered. Looking over at Rex who stood looking at all the commotion. "Good boy, Rex."

"When about Doc?"

"Looks like she''ll deliver in late summer early fall."

"Thanks Doc."

"Who's this?"

"Doc this is Sammy's boyfriend Charles."



Chuck shook his hand.

"Where are you from?"


"Awe you poor thing."

The four laughed. "Yeah well we are slowly turning him into a farm boy. He survived card night."

The Doc looked at Chuck. "Good for you. I would expect you to be laying low today? You must be able to hold your liquor."

Sarah and Chuck looked at each other. 'If you only knew what changed that?'

"I'll be by in a month to check on her."

Papa walked the Doc to his truck. Chuck and Sarah stayed and rubbed down Rex and Mable. They saddled the horses after helping Papa. And rode the horses for awhile. Coming back, they had lunch and took their last swim in the swimming hole till next summer.

A month later

Chuck stared out as the night sky as it turned to day light and the snow continued to fall. He hadn't seen that much snow ever in his life. They planned to head back to LA as Castle was coming along but because the airport had shut down in Denver, they postponed their trip. Casey was going to video chat and show them how the new Castle was coming along. Last word was that the Buy More could be opening sooner than they expected it to be. Morgan and the other minions were eager to get back and see the new place. Casey told Chuck he needed a list of computers or equipment he might want to have. Chuck quickly sent a list and hoped that this call would let him know if he was getting what he asked for.

Chuck waited as he heard Sarah coming down the stairs wearing a pair of Chuck sweats and an oversized wool sweater. Her hair was in a messy bun and Chuck was amazed that she could pull off any look and still look so sexy. He walked into the kitchen and kissed her good morning. "I thought that you were coming back to bed?"

"I was but I started watching the snow fall and the next thing I knew it was light out."

"Haven't seen much snow before?"

"No, I think we went skiing up north when I was a teenager but not like this. Is Rex and Mable okay?"

"Yeah, I left some extra feed and they both have blankets on. It's not that cold really not like it is further north."

"So what do you do to keep from going crazy."

Chuck sat down as Sarah came back and sat on his lap.

"He read books, play chess."

"Oh, the exciting stuff."

"We can also do other stuff and not be interrupted."

"Yeah I wasn't too happy that Papa caught us in the barn. Not my finest moment."

"Well it was mine. Those hands."

Sarah put her mug down on the table and took Chuck's hand in hers. "These hands."


"There just hands."

"No there more than that. For years, they held me up, picked me up, made me feel safe when my hand where in yours. They protected me and they continue to protect me. These hands have been through a lot and they are as strong as the first day I met you."

Sarah brought them to her lips.

Chuck caressed her cheek and the next kiss, was soft and gentle and welcoming. Chuck got up and took her hand and walked over to couch. Chuck sat down and brought Sarah down on his lap. She faced him.

"Sarah, these last few months have been beyond what I could ever dreamed them to be like. Nor would I want to change them. The first time I came here, I didn't have a plan and I promised that if I ever came back here, I would have a plan."


"I don't have one and that's okay, because we seem to do okay with out them, but there is one thing that I do want to see where it goes. Chuck reached into his pocket and slid his finger into it. Pulling it out he brought his hand and place his hand on hers. Sarah saw the ring, then looked up. "I do have a plan for this, but I figured that I would ask someone that you admire and care about before I went any further. He asked me if I had a ring and I said no, cause I didn't plan on doing this. So, he walked to his room and came back with a little blue velvet box and inside was this ring. He said that is was his late wife's, your Grandma's engagement ring and wedding ring. He said that his wife's wish, was that when Sammy got married, she could have these rings. So, Papa felt that when I asked him for his blessings, these rings made sense." Chuck looked at Sarah's hand then her face. "Sammy aka Sarah O'Connell Walker would you do me honours of becoming Mrs. Bartowski?"

Chuck slid her Grandmother's ring off his pinkie and held it between his thumb and index finger. Sarah looked at the ring and instantly teared up. She nodded and looked at him. Chuck smiled while trying not to cry himself. He slid the ring onto her finger. It was a perfect fit. Sarah wrapped her arms around his head and kissed him. "So, is that a yes?" In between kisses. "Yes, yes yes."

Chuck held her close as they celebrated.

Meanwhile in the kitchen Chuck's computer rang and on the screen was a screen shot of Casey's face.

Thank you for reading and I hoped that you have enjoyed this story. Please let me know what you thought of it. Until the next story.
