Reviews for THE 49 B - THE HEART WON'T LIE
Harakan chapter 6 . 4/17
Great story didn't expect to Sarah get beat down but Chuck kill for her well its Paris all over again in a good way and even better Sarah see that is even after this same Chuck who she loves and knows. Great story see you in sequel.
Harakan chapter 5 . 4/17
Sarah as backup that would be nuclear...
Harakan chapter 4 . 4/17
Everything is put up in place time for Sarah send a message who is the "real handler" in Chuck life as a spy life. Meaning get lost from Sarah's turf!
Harakan chapter 3 . 4/16
The Burton's slash O'Connell female side are really stubborn bunch aren't they :). Sarah's "pout behavior" really can drive a man crazy to bad for her Chuck really have a choice on other hand love of his life making tough as nails on the other hand handler super bitch Forrest. but the bright side is male of this family are wiser (strange isn't it?) and finally her Papa put her on right trail. But the winner is as always Sarah's "mama bear" feelings when she heard what Chuck gone through and really would like to see "the talk" between Chuck handlers. And for the end i forgot to say in last chapter you really like to put senses and feelings between two on short and long distances between them just one of bounds what make them a great couple.
Harakan chapter 2 . 4/16
Poor Chuck except Carina every woman in his life put him a hard time these days Sarah was just cherry on a cake of last misshapen. Also wonder Casey why he go along to Chuck look for Sarah but you must admire guy for that. Forester why bother polluting the internet calling her names. And for last Sarah really? You supposed to love the guy not putting him down overall great chapter as always.
Harakan chapter 1 . 4/16
Nice cliffhanger for the end of the chapter overall its great nice to see Sarah and her grandfather good change of pace with Sarah's family to see someone new. At Chuck same all same all poor guy is thinking the she is cumming soon back but the Casey roll is important here guarding Chuck lady feelings. Forrester is a mystery doses she doing this because of her ambition or she is bitch by nature well lets continue reading.
ReaderNotAWriter85 chapter 6 . 2/18
Absolutely amazing story. I loved everything thing about it. Truly enjoyed this story. Thank you for sharing this with us.
PGHammer chapter 6 . 11/20/2019
Beckman's NOT stupid - remember, she came from NSA. (While she's based on a RL DIRNSA - and yes, I know who! - HE is not stupid, either. The DIRNSA that contributed to Beckman's background was the first DIRNSA to testify - publicly - before Congress.)
Tpsoftballdad chapter 6 . 11/8/2019
Great final chapter... loved that Chuck did what he had to to save Sarah and that the new couple got to spend time back in Colorado. Papa and the Colorado ranch are just really great additions to an AU Chuck world. Plus the ending engagement scene was just lovely. Looking forward to your sequel... excellent work. Thank you
mkays68 chapter 6 . 11/7/2019
Really great story! Loved the idea that Sarah had family to go to when she needed time to decompress.

Look forward to reading the sequel, and any others in this line you have in mind.
Tpsoftballdad chapter 4 . 11/7/2019
Great chapter... the horse ride, carving the tree and finally the two of them being able to be together was wonderful. Thank you
Tpsoftballdad chapter 1 . 11/5/2019
Great beginning and set up... love that Sarah has a family place and a grandpa... glad Chuck stands up to Forester in small ways and that Casey also wants Sarah back and now we have the letter... can’t wait to read more. Thank you so much
Guest chapter 6 . 10/5/2019
Great story thanks!
Tigertod chapter 6 . 10/4/2019
Excellent as I always say as long as you keep it about those 2 & only those 2 I will read any story about Charah!
charahkids chapter 6 . 10/5/2019
Stunningly beautiful! I love when Chuck proposes and Sarah becomes a giddy normal girl! :D

Update soon!
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